Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Jul 04 2023 | 00:06:25

Episode July 04, 2023 00:06:25

Show Notes

Your favorite archeologist is back and it's not what you'd expect. This story actually takes place before Raiders, but the direction it goes leaves you wondering what were they thinking.



Shanghai 1935, nurhachi, Willie Scott, first emperor of Manchu Dynasty, wu han, Lao che, club obi wan, pan American,  we're not sinking we're crashing,  sajnu, pankot palace, Delhi, dark light,  suwamu, sivalinga, siva, shorty,  three levels of the universe,  ranjit, sankara, Indiana Jones,  Henry Jones Jr, sankara stones, fortune and glory,  giant vampire bats, 1929 5AT trimotor fancy of flight,  sanskrit, legend of sankara,  Mount kalisa, chattar lal, maharaja of pankot, captain blumburtt, 11th poona rifles,  zalim Singh, mutiny of 1857, time of Clive, thuggee, thuggery, surprise,  kali, Mola ram, I could have been your greatest adventure,  fulcrum release lever,  black sleep of the kali ma,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again your favorite deputy of movie Deputy podcast, bringing to you the movie reviews to try to help you decide what you should see, what you shouldn't, and just kind of help you be prepared for what's out there and what what's come out in the past and what's gonna be coming out in the future. Sorry, I'm just kind of all over the place today. A little bit scatterbrained. And if you listened to yesterday's episode, you know, we told you about Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark. It's the first of the Indiana Jones movies. Today we're actually gonna be talking about Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Now this one <laugh>, before I even get into this one any further, uh, the first Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark gave it a seven outta 10 on the deputy scale. Speaker 0 00:00:44 This one got a four and a half. Now that seems like quite a drastic change in score and maybe even a little bit of a different change in tone in the movie. And what's a little bit confusing, and I'm not sure why they did it, I actually have a, a theory on why they did it, but I'm getting into that here in a minute. This, the Temple of Doom is actually set a year before Raiders of the Lost Ark. I mean, it is chronologically wise because in the beginning of radars it shows us that it's 1936 in the beginning of Temple. It tells us that it's sh in Shanghai, 1935. And so we're like going, Hmm, that seems a little bit off on that. But also the way it kind of opens up with the way we kind of were introduced to Indy were the very first scenes that we see are him in the middle of the jungle and like looking for these archeological relics and everything like that because he is an archeologist. Speaker 0 00:01:34 And this one we are open to something that belongs more in a musical. It's like a dancing scene and a nightclub singing and these people dancing and formal wear, and you're like, what in the world? My theory, like I said, it's just purely my theory on this as I'm guessing the first one probably kind of bombed with the female audience. I mean, the first one wasn't really a typical date movie, and they're trying to make this one more of the, like the romancey just kind of more the relatable little bit more action, maybe a little bit more suspense kind of in all of that stuff. And the whole scheme of things, they kind of lose their way. And this one, Indiana Jones is, he's basically sent to try to find the, these, the, the light stones or whatever. I try, I'm trying to remember what they're called. Speaker 0 00:02:22 I can't remember what they're called. But basically they're the stones that bring these tribe uh, these na these natives and everything like that. They're, they're life and they're light. The Sankara stones have to, they're called the Sankara stones and sorry about that. My brain just blanked for a second. <laugh>. But, and his love interest changes in this one too. This is the only one that we see. This particular blonde love interest in this one. And she is annoying. That's probably about the nicest way I could put it. She's just plain annoying. And we also get to meet his new little Asian friend, uh, sorry. Like I said, my brain's a little Speaker 1 00:02:58 Bit weird, but in this one it goes really dark as Andy kinda gets closer to this tribe. And this tribe is one where they basically sacrifice people and drop 'em in this metal cage into magma below the earth. It's just this, this whole sacrificial thing. And then there's these just really kind of off the wall. Like she chase scenes that just feel disjointed. And then even before that, there's a thing where they're jumping out of the plane and it's this joke that, I mean I've seen the joke retold on Family Guy and a lot of other cartoons and TV series, but as they're jumping out of the plane and the, and the earlier scene in the movie, she's like, we're not sinking, we're crashing. Sorry, my brain. Just like I, I had the thought in my head and then I went to say it and I'm like, tilt <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:03:46 But that's one thing with me. I'm gonna just be bringing you just me. I'm not gonna add it out all of the stuff. It's like sometimes I'm very poised and can get through these without going <laugh>. Other times not so much and today is one of those other ones, not so much. Yeah, with Temple of Doom, it, it's an important part of the Indiana Jones series to understand the story. And I understand that technically they were trying to get away from the whole Nazi thing with the whole thing so that they were trying to do, it was like, okay, what else do archeologists do except to go after like war type treasure or religious religious treasure. And they went in this direction, but at the same time you're kind of going, why did they even bother doing this again, because of the content and everything that's in this one. Speaker 1 00:04:33 I did give this one a guilty rating on the whole innocent guilty things on Movie Deputy. Even on a personal level, I would probably give this guilty rating just because some of the scenes are a little intense on some of the things that, some of the things that they have to at least pretend that they're eating. It's like, I would not advise eating before you watch this movie cuz some of the scenes, they'll make your stomach churn <laugh>. I mean, there's some of the foods and everything that they're introduced to that they have to eat that just make me wanna hurl. I mean, okay, if I was starving, yes, I would eat this stuff. And I understand it's in a part of the world where their cuisine is different than it is here in America, but still some of the things that they're served just as like, ew <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:05:13 And that's probably the nicest I could be on that is just going, Ew. But um, like I said there, there's a few interesting action scenes. There's the thing that they are writing the old mine card that's kind of interesting, which of course it would never actually happen like that, but it's Hollywood, so what do you expect? And there's some interesting stuff with like a row bridge and things like that. Uh, again, not gonna give away too much of the story. Ultimately, let's just say the nd succeeds in his task and helps bring peace to this community. But let's just hope with the next couple Indiana Jones movies that they kinda get back on track. I can just say there's gotta be enough people that loved Raiders, Raiders of the Lost Ark, that even with, as awful as Temple, temple of Doom, Speaker 2 00:05:57 Is that they wanted to maybe stick around and go, Hey, let's, let's take this another step further. Let's give this one more shot. And I'm so glad that they did, and that's actually what we're gonna be talking about with you tomorrow, is Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, which is the next movie in the series. So I hope you come back for that. If you like what you're hearing, please like and subscribe for more, and I can't wait to talk to you about more of these movies and help bring you the latest and greatest information until later. Bye.

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