It Ends With Us (2024)

It Ends With Us (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
It Ends With Us (2024)

Sep 19 2024 | 00:09:50

Episode September 19, 2024 00:09:50

Show Notes

Take a complicated love story, add in an old flame, and a flower shop... what do you get? A story about a difficult topic. Are you prepared? 


Plethora Maine, one of the most beautiful things I've never written, Andrew bloom,  Jenny bloom,  lily bloom,  Cumberland County, Ryle Kincade,  lily blossom bloom, naked truths aren't always pretty, naked truth,  sexy and disturbing,  I'm an unreliable narrator,  your enthusiasms contagious, Maya & maxim, Alyssa and Marshall, Alyssa Kincade,  lb lily bloom's, hot chocolate cookies,  Boston grace hospital,  everything's betsy in Boston, Emerson Kincade,  anyone but him,  the thirsty baker,  Colleen hoover, atlas Corrigan, 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello once again and welcome back to another episode of movie deputy reviews, where you get the one, the only movie deputy, which is me. If you hadn't figured that out by now, if you are a. [00:00:14] I can't talk today. If this is your first time here, welcome. If you are a return listener, I am so glad you're back. Today we are gonna be embarking on. This is one of the ones that I was talking about earlier that I'm gonna be pre recording. So unfortunately, I'm not gonna have the new episodes up this weekend. But I promise I won't get them up. But I'm just gonna be recording some shows on some other movies that have been coming out recently. Just so that, I mean, I have plenty of shows for you guys, just in case. These are movies that you want to check out. The one that we are going to be talking about today is going to be very triggering for some audiences and older generations would be upsetting this. There's definitely some nuances and just kind of the whole subject of this movie is it kind of crosses a boundary, but it's one that is almost necessary. Now, some of the stars in this movie have been very controversial because of things that have happened outside of the movie. And with movie deputy, we look at the movie, I try not to focus on their lives outside of like, what's going on and how things have kind of related back to all that. I interrogate the movie for its plot and its content and I look in depth at the pieces of this. And that's not always an easy thing to do. It just really, sometimes it's just really hard to kind of separate the two ideas from each other. But this one addresses something that is so important because it such a thing that is part of so many people's everyday lives, whether it's as severe as this or it's worse or it's mild. [00:02:03] What I'm talking about is domestic abuse, spousal abuse. And if you haven't already figured out, I'm talking about the movie, it ends with us. Now, I always like to let people know I never, ever, ever, never read the books. So don't. Or if you want to, I mean, I can't stop you, but I never read the book. So if you're going to complain that my review has nothing to do with the comparison of it to the book and blah, blah, blah and yackity schmackity, I'm probably going to disappoint you because I never ever read the books. I just look at the movies and there's some people that, that really upsets, and it gets under their skin and their nerves, and they're just kind of going, oh, my goodness. I don't believe that you didn't address this well. I don't read the books. I don't know how the story is different. I can only judge it based on what's on screen. Now, what is portrayed on screen, like I said, is going to be very upsetting for some people because it's, it's a, it starts as a love story that really goes really, horribly bad. [00:03:05] And these people meet, they fall in love. I'm not going to give away any of the details on that, but she, her name is Lily Bloom and she owns a flower shop, so don't worry. That's not a spoiler. You can see that even in the trailers. And she falls in love with this doctor. Their lives seem to be going great. Spur the moment. They get married and they learn that they're expecting. [00:03:29] Well, in between kind of all of this, there's red flags in his behavior, huge red flags in his behavior, because there's, there's kind of something that she has where she has feelings for somebody from her past that has kind of come back into her life. And there's just a lot of jealousy, just a lot of narcissistic type behavior. Just like I said, a lot of red flags that I hope people are able to recognize just by watching this, because it takes just one person to break the cycle of abuse in the family. As a survivor of abuse of multiple forms, I broke the cycle myself. And it's a very difficult thing to do because I had to walk away. [00:04:13] I'm not talking like the political walk away, but I literally had to walk away from basically my entire family because they basically condoned a lot of the behavior of the people that had been nasty and horrible to me, and I had to just walk away. So my family consists of my husband, my son, my sister, and a few close friends. And I should put a clarification in there. My sister, we have been friends for almost 30 years. We are not biologically related, but we are so close, we might as well be sisters. We are so similar, it sits uncanny sometimes. I swear we were biologically related, but I know we're not. But walking away and having the strength to stand up to something like this and having the strength to get away from it is so difficult to do. And when that decision is made here, it doesn't necessarily go well. And that's as it is in life as well. And so it's, it's, it's a hard watch. It really is. It's a very hard watch. It's emotional. It's jarring. It's, it's, enter the main, the main story itself is entertaining, but when you start recognizing, like said, the red flags and stuff that are going on in their behavior, you're like. [00:05:33] Or it's just kind of puts that knot in your gut and you get, you feel like your stomach's in your throat and you just almost feel like you're on the verge of either anger or crying and you're watching this happen on the screen. And like I said, it's very, it's going to invoke a lot of emotion. So if you couldn't already tell, I'm giving this movie a guilty reading. This is definitely not a movie for younger eyes. And not that they would necessarily understand what's going on here anyways, but there's just the topics that are touched on are, they're, a lot of people are going to have a hard time sitting through this. I myself teared up when watching this. So you may be wondering, okay, with the score and this one, I really had to step aside from myself. I mean, I have, oh, I've mentioned it before and something, if you're brand new here, you're not familiar with that, but there's some movies I really have a hard time separating out what the movie deputy rating should be from what I think it should be rated. Because sometimes I want to go with my gut and judge the rating based on that instead of on the movie deputy rating scale that I created. And this is one of those ones that I'm like, okay, here's the score. I want to give it and then I can't. [00:06:50] Because if I'm saying that's one of the things I always say true to movie deputy, even when it doesn't necessarily coincide with my own thought processes and mind you, okay, I am movie deputy. I'm not saying I'm bipolar or anything like that, but I set a very specific guideline of my scores. And so I have to follow that even when it's difficult to do. So. Hi. But Quincy, sorry, wrong kitty just saw the tail. [00:07:16] If you didn't already know, I'm a crazy cat lady. My seven indoor kitties. Yes, I have seven. Keep me quite entertained. And I, my one fast cat wheels help with that sanity tremendously. So if you have hyperkitties, you need to check them out. But back to the movie on that. Sorry. [00:07:36] But like I said, this one, it's just one of those ones. [00:07:40] A lot of people are probably familiar with the book. Like I said, I never read the books. Hi, Quincy. [00:07:46] But this one is, like I said, it's a difficult watch. I can't recommend it. It's necessarily good date movie or anything like that. Now, like I said, personally, being a survivor of abuse, I hate using the term victim. I know it's a common word, but I don't like the term victim because that's just showing that you're, at least in my brain, I think I'm still a victim, whereas I'm a survivor because I was able to get away from that and learn and, like, change how I live my life because of what I went through. So I think of myself as a survivor on that. [00:08:19] But back to the score. As you already know, I gave it a guilty rating score wise. I, part of me really wanted to be like low fives. [00:08:29] I don't want to like this. Another part of me was like, okay, maybe sevens. It's watchable, it's definitely memorable, but the plot has some questionable content. But I'm like, but how do I reconcile, I mean, the different things? Because naturally I'm going lower because I found the movie upsetting. [00:08:49] Movie deputy wise, I'm going higher. But at the same time, I have to recognize that there are quite a few errors in the movie. And that's one of the things I also look at when my scoring system. [00:09:00] So all that taken into consideration, I ended up at just a basic 6.0 out of ten on the deputy scale. So six out of ten. [00:09:10] Like I said, part of me wanted to go higher. A lot of me really wanted to go lower. But staying true to the deputy scale at a six is pretty accurate for the movie itself. [00:09:20] So I'm gonna have some more reviews up for you in the next upcoming days, so be sure to hit those buttons so you always get notified when the latest and greatest movie deputy content goes live. [00:09:32] I hope that this movie review and that this movie is not too upsetting. If this is one you want to check out, I think it's available on some streaming services now, but I hope this can at least help somebody. And I will be back soon. Bye.

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