On A Wing and A Prayer (2023)

On A Wing and A Prayer (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
On A Wing and A Prayer (2023)

Aug 17 2023 | 00:06:09

Episode August 17, 2023 00:06:09

Show Notes

A family tragedy leads to a real life, life or death situation. How will they handle it? That's what we're here to find out. 

Original Review:

This is it


Lebanon airport,  Y1709Z flight 2866, based on a true story, Cessna 898, nfs Naples flight school, jeff white, Doug white,  Terri white, Bailey white,  crutch it, Maggie white,  girls melt their daddy's hearts forever,  when the fire's hot don't waste the log,  dan favio, Kay Williams,  church of hope,  kari Sorenson,  Donna brayley, live atc net, Joe cabuk, n559dw, Cessna 172, king air 200, bill Jones, Ellis Ross, Lisa Grimm cardell, pilatus, mky m79, Brian Norton, radio 132.07, prayer, let go, flight 800 explodes off long Island,  crash of private plane outside of west Hartford kills 6, James Phillips,  Jessica Jones,  edie millie and presley, Brian Norton,  Ashley Harrison, in memory of col Joe Grice cabuk Jr loving husband to Marsha cabuk, bonuses in credits, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me the Deputy of movie deputy podcast. Who knows, am I your favorite? Am I funny? That's for you to decide, but ultimately I'm having fun and I hope you are too. Today I am bringing to you the review on a movie called On a Wing and a Prayer. This is actually based on a true story and though it sounds like a bit of a sad movie a little bit, and maybe it is in in its own way, but it does something that very few other kind of movies do. It takes a true story and it doesn't really over Hollywood eyes it, which is so rare, and there's telling a story and then there's telling a story. This one I actually, oh, um, let me explain this a little bit. First here, I actually gave this movie a six out of 10 on the movie Deputy Scale, which, you know, is usually means it's a pretty good movie, but at the same time, personally my score would be a bit lower than that. Speaker 0 00:00:56 Personally, I'd maybe be in the upper force, but staying toward the deputy scale, I'm giving it a more, I'm getting, giving it a better rating because as I judge movies based on the deputy scale, it deserves a higher rating than what I personally thought of it. Because like I said, there's telling a movie and then there's telling a movie. And this one, okay, I appreciate when Hollywood doesn't over like, ah, do it all silly. But at the same time, I don't wanna watch it as if it's actually happening in real life when there's not much going on. It's, this is, this is a movie you definitely don't wanna watch late at night because you may have a hard time staying awake. Now it's not that boring, don't get me wrong. It's not a boring movie in any way, shape or form. And like I said, it is based on a true story. Speaker 0 00:01:37 It's just the telling of it is maybe a little bit slower than what you might expect. But in this one, the white family experiences a loss in their family and they go, so they go to the funeral while they have an opportunity through a friend of theirs that's a pilot to fly home altogether during this flight, the pilot dies. Don't worry, that's not a spoiler. Even that's the trailers and everything on this. So that wasn't a spoiler. But then on, so on the way home, this family's never flown before. They're also having another crisis on board, which don't worry, I won't tell you what that is because that would be a spoiler and you don't ever have to worry about those from me. But this other crisis on board kind of makes things even more harrowing. And so here's this family who has no clue how to fly. Speaker 0 00:02:21 I mean, the dad's had a few lessons, but not enough to fly something like this. So they find themselves completely overwhelmed. There's actually a local ham operator who actually gets involved and that's, I can't really say a whole lot more than that without giving more away. So I don't wanna go too deep into that, but it, it all, it all plays a part into it. And ultimately, you know, movies like this, you, you can, I don't even have to tell you how the ending goes because you know, these ones usually all have a insert the word ending <laugh>. I don't wanna say it out loud 'cause that'll even almost feel like a spoiler. But movies like this always Speaker 1 00:02:58 Have basically a happy ending. It's just not necessarily the happy ending that you might expect from a story such as this. At the end of it, it does say in memory of Colonel Joe Christ Kabeck Jr. Loving husband to Marsha Kabak. Again, I probably completely butchered those names, and if I did, I apologize. And he made me think, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. She's barely told us anything about the movie. Well, that's kind of the whole thing with this movie is there wasn't a lot to tell. There's just, there's the, the sense of urgency a little bit in this story there. The, the sense of family is really strong in this movie and that that's probably what comes across the most. It's one that people have asked me when I thought of it and I'm like, Hmm, do you kind of like these types of stories where they're a little bit more slower but they have a good message to them? Speaker 1 00:03:49 Or do you want something with more oomph to it? I mean, that's really kind of where I'm at with this. You may be wondering, okay, did she give this a guilty or an innocent rating? Yes, I I'm getting around to that too. Don't worry, I didn't forget, but I, I actually did give this an innocent rating. There's nothing in this that would just be inappropriate for a younger audience, but at the same time, there's nothing in this that's going to appeal to a younger audience either. Like I said, it makes it a little bit hard and you're like, but you gave it a six. Why did you give it a six? Well, I gave it a six because it really is a good story and there's not a lot of con conti continuity errors in it. There's, there's a, there's a few minor things, but honestly, unless you're paying super close attention to the details, you wouldn't pick up on them. Speaker 1 00:04:33 So, and, and it references even a couple other things that have actually happened in real life along the way. And like I said, I appreciate that they didn't over Hollywood Isaac it, but maybe they just didn't carry the story enough. I, I don't know, I, I feel that they represented the family well in this story. It's just, this probably should have been a made for TV movie rather than a theatrical type release for something like this. Ultimately, you don't. If you love this movie, great, I hope you do. And if and if you're into flying and harrowing adventures with the, or a little bit light on the adventure side of it, you might like this one too. This one is a little bit of a religious movie. So I do wanna kind of give the caveat on that one just a little bit. It's not like over like in your face is religious, like where it's just total bible thumper. Speaker 1 00:05:21 But like I said, it does have a religious tone to the story. If you do decide to watch this one, there are some bonus scenes in the credits that almost make this movie sitting through to watch it. They just kind of add more to the story and add a little bit of humor to it as well. So like I said, if you are into those types of movies, you will definitely enjoy this one. If not, this is one that you won't mind sitting out because honestly it is what it is. So sorry to be less than dramatic, but I am looking forward to our shows this weekend as we're gonna be talking about the new ones. Yay, I'm excited, <laugh>. And of course we have our upcoming movie show that went live today, so be sure to check that out and I look forward to talking to you all again soon. Thanks. Bye-bye.

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