Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Back and better than ever. Welcome back to another episode of Movie Debut Reviews where we are. We are on our day two of three of our Sonic Movie reviews, and today we are talking about sonic the Hedgehog 2. Now, were you ever a fan of Sonic back in the day, back in the days of Sega? Or were you more of a crash bandage coupe kind of person? Or were you more into the sports games or the racing games? Or maybe you weren't a gamer at all. You just saw this weird blue hedgehog on all these advertisements speeding around, picking up all these rings, and you had no clue what you were looking at. Well, either way, regardless of who you were or what you were doing and you were on that stuff, these movies are fun. You don't have to be a gamer, you don't have to be a kid or anything to. To love these and to love the nostalgia of these and to kind of love just the storytelling that's going on in front of you. So again, I'm giving sonic the Hedgehog 2 an innocent rating. These movies are cute, they're, they're fun, they're off the wall, and they're just maybe not quite what you expect.
[00:01:08] And this one is no exception to that with Sonic 2. If you made it all the way through Sonic the first Sonic movie, don't worry, you know me, no spoilers. But this one starts at a very funny place. This one starts in a Portobello purgatory. Now, if you're curious what I mean by that, it's one of those movies that you're going to have to find out, see, but it's one of those ones that you'll be glad that you did. You just got to kind of jump into it with jump in both feet first and just kind of ride it as you're going. Make sure you're going down this giant slide and you're just kind of along for the ride. And that's kind of what these movies do, is you're just on a ride and there's stuff to enjoy. You're gonna laugh, and there's some heartfelt moments and stuff in here too, but it's. It's a lot of fun, but in a kind of a weird, wacky, silly sort of way.
[00:02:00] And of course, you get a little bit of the family drama dynamic. You get a little bit of the cartoony type dynamic, even though these are not really. It's more of a. It's kind of like when they did the Scooby Doo live action movie where Scooby Doo was. I mean, Obviously was not an actual Great Dane doing the acting, but interacting with the human characters. That's kind of what they did with Sonic here. And I've gotten a few messages just since yesterday's review and stuff on this or day before yesterday, because the people saw the thing on YouTube first or listened to it on YouTube first. And yes, I'm still trying to work on the whole video thing. So I'm still working on that. I haven't given up on that. But people are like, wait a minute. You kind of left out the whole. A whole part of the dynamic here. And the thing is, like I said, no spoilers with this, but they're people wanted me to address the thing. When this movie was first in development, the first movie, the initial Sonic that was just put out there, was so offensive to Sonic lovers that they had to completely change the whole thing because they had the eye. The biggest thing was the eyes were wrong. Now, if you're curious what I mean, you can look up the stuff online and it just looks. So they tried to make him look too human. And he's a hedgehog. He's not supposed to look human.
[00:03:17] So there was such an uproar online about that that the game makers went back in and made changes to it and that a lot of the Sonic fans were like, yay.
[00:03:27] They think. Because, I mean, that took just the conjoined effort of all of these fans got together and said, no, if you release that, nobody's going to go watch it. And that really was basically what it came down to. It's like they had to fix it or else. And thankfully that they did. And thankfully they followed that through with what they did with Knuckles and Tails, along with Sonic, with this. And so I'm glad that so many people spoke up and said something. And shame on me, admittedly, for not addressing that in the last review, but I did want to touch on that, since I had quite a few messages about that now. I did on this one again, I wrote one of my new little blurb things that I was talking about doing for these reviews. So I kind of want to share that with you a little bit. And then I'll kind of go into a little bit more of the review and of course, I'll review the score along the ways as I go here as well. But in this one, Sonic is finally home. Like when we saw him last time, we saw how he was. He didn't really fit in. He lived in this cave and didn't really fit in with anybody. Well, now he has a home. And he has a family all of his own with Tom and Maddie. The only problem is, though, he's still being hunted. Hunted by who? Well, that may seem obvious, but it's just not quite what it seems. He's got multiple enemies, and the only way to stop them is to go on full on Super Sonic. Or should I say Super Saiyan? I can't talk Super Saiyan. And Dragon Ball fans will understand that reference. But no worries, no spoilers there. Now, for people that are not fans of Dragon Ball, it's a character that absorbs all of the energies from all the Dragon Balls that they collect, and it's a completely different cartoon. It has nothing to do with Sonic, but it turns him into this really powerful character. Well, there's, like I said, no spoiler to Sonic, but there's something going on with Sonic that he kind of does something and becomes something else, at least temporarily so. But Dragon Ball fans will thoroughly understand that reference.
[00:05:34] But we get to see many more characters from the Hedgehog universe. Like I mentioned Knuckles and I mentioned Tails, and some there's kind of they're friends, but they're maybe not friends so much. It's frenemies, I guess you could say, because they. They have a enemy in common and they also have a goal in common, but they are mortal enemies to begin with. So we get to kind of see how that story evolves as well. So there's kind of multiple stories going along here at the same time. Even though. Even with that, though it doesn't get confusing, which is nice. Now, this story definitely reaches beyond itself with the all these other references going on, and it references multiple popular. Other popular films. There's just little references throughout this movie, little Easter egg throughout this movie that reference other movies. So be prepared to go, oh, that came from this. And oh, that came from that. Oh, I recognize that that's from this other movie that you're gonna be doing that throughout this movie. If you are any sort of a movie buff whatsoever. I know I got caught doing that and I got to talking to people and just randomly about this movie, because this one came out back in 2022 and I just was randomly chatting with some friends of mine and they're like, you know, yeah, I did catch that reference of where this happens or where this happens. And don't worry, I'm not going to spoil these scenes for you. You're gon to figure that out for yourself. But like I said, it's a lot of fun. And as this concludes, we know we get A bonus scene in the credits and we see get another bonus scene post credits in this as well that we know this story is far from over. And of course since Sonic 3 just came out, you know where it kind of continues from there. So like I said, this one is really. It's safe for all ages. There's just a lot of fun stuff going on. There's some scenes with some flashy lights and stuff that may be sensitive to some people.
[00:07:24] Nothing that would be like overly over the top for any type of content to be concerned with. Guys, what are you getting into?
[00:07:35] Sorry, I've got Kitty's making a noise in the other room that I don't know what they're getting into, but it sounds like they're getting into stuff that they're not supposed to. But hence being a cat mom that just kind of goes along with the territory. You guys need to just run on your one fast cat. We all save mommy some sanity.
[00:07:52] And I hope that you guys are enjoying this new format. The fact that everything is going live on YouTube a day ahead of when it's going live over here on Spotify and Apple Music and Google Podcasts and Amazon Podcasts. But like I said, if you want the latest and greatest. If you want the first access to all of these reviews, make sure to head over to our YouTube channel. It's easy to find. It's just under Movie Deputy and Hit the like and subscribe. And of course turn on your notifications so you get the notifications as soon as that these reviews go live. Live. And you're probably wondering what score I did end up being. Sonic 2. I don't want to jump completely over that, which I almost just did. I'm kind of some days. But Sonic 2 did get a 6 out of 10 on the Deputy scale. So these movies are nothing that's going to be like award winning or anything like that, but they're fun and they're memorable. So I'm hoping that you're having fun with this as well. And I will be back soon. Bye.