The First Omen (2024)

The First Omen (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The First Omen (2024)

Apr 05 2024 | 00:10:52

Episode April 05, 2024 00:10:52

Show Notes

Those familiar with the story might find some of the happenings to be predictable, those that aren't as familiar will find themselves facing the unknown.


Father Gabriel,  Margaret Diano, sister silva, sister Angelica, Carlita shianna, carlita skianna, Pittsfield Massachusetts,  cardinal Lawrence,  I am a butterfly and I must fly,  sister Romano,  the bad room,  the miracle of life can be a messy business,  it's all for you,  Carlita scianna,  secularism,  June 6th 06:00 a.m., scv 307, Damien, 

Transcript can be found below

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Good morning and welcome back to another episode of movie deputy Reviews, where we are interrogating movies for their plot and content, bringing you the best information that we possibly can to help you make an informed decision on whether or not these movies are for you. Today we are going to be talking about a very controversial movie. And this one, I'm sure if you are a horror fan, you will find a lot of things to like and maybe a few to dislike and vice versa. [00:00:33] But I am wondering if you're even guessing which one I'm gonna be talking about. Hmm. [00:00:38] If you're familiar with the ones opening up this weekend, then you. It's not gonna come as a shock to you that I am talking about the first Omen. Now, I don't know if you've ever watched any of the other Omen movies. If you haven't, this is kind of like a prequel to the rest of the Omen movies. And you may be wondering, okay, is it guilty or innocent? I'm like, seriously, do you really need to ask me that question on this movie? Of course it's gonna have a guilty rating. [00:01:06] But I don't worry. I never give spoilers, but I have to go ahead and just put this right out there right now. And I'm gonna let you know. I'm not gonna tell you the score until I get towards the end. [00:01:18] But when this one was over, there was, I think, four or five people in the theater besides myself. So it definitely was nowhere close to full. But as they were leaving, I asked them what they thought of it because I just like asking random people what they think of movies as well. So I'm not just judging it based on my own views. And I got two different quotes. And one of the quotes was said by two people. So first one, the first gentleman said it was strange. And let's just say that's an understatement. [00:01:53] And the next one was, it wasn't scary. And then the other gal said it wasn't scary at all. [00:02:02] So that kind of gives you any idea of maybe what to expect with this. I kept waiting for the jump scares. I kept waiting for the gotchas. I kept waiting for something to shock me. And, okay, it's like, I really get a kick out of horror movies. I enjoy watching them. They don't freak me out. [00:02:23] I know I'm weird on that, but these are just random people I'm talking to. And they're like. And the one girl was like, she goes, I, she goes, I jump at movies at the worst times. And she goes, it's the littlest things that can make me jump. And there was nothing in this movie that made her jump. Now, don't necessarily take that completely as a bad thing. I mean, if you are looking for a. Let's say you're a fan of, like, the omen franchise of, like, where they have gone with the omen movies, like I said, you're gonna appreciate the story that's here, and I want to go into that just a little bit. And, of course, you know me. No spoilers on that at all. But in this one, Margaret finally arrives in Italy, and she's there, and she's going. She's getting ready to say her vows and become a nun and just do all of that stuff. But she has a little bit of schooling left to do, and so she's met there by somebody that knows her very well. [00:03:21] And upon arriving, she quickly understands of how the classrooms are handled and how the girls are raised. And this is an all girls home where a lot of, like, unwed mothers and stuff like that are helped. And then they raise the children from birth to 18. But only the girls. Only the girls. So that's what this is. But she quickly realizes that. Come on, guys. Can we not do? I've got all three of my boys in here again with me today, and they are being mischievous, as usual. [00:03:53] But back to the story of all of the young girls that they have at this convent of sorts. It. There's one in particular that gets Margaret's attention, and her name is Carlita. And why does Carlita get her attention? That is kind of up for a little bit of debate. Hold on. I've got to rescue one of my kitties. Here. Come here, Quinn. Come here, Quincy. You're gonna fall, baby. Come here. [00:04:20] Quincy, honey, you can't stand on it. You're gonna fall. [00:04:25] Sorry. He's up on one of my shelves, and he's trying to get down in a not so safe way. So. But back to the story. Like I said, carlita catches her interest, and. But she can't quite figure out why. And as she begins to. As it begins to unfold of what exactly is going on with Carlita. Sorry. I've got a rescue. Quincy, here. [00:04:47] Come here, Quinn. Come here. You cannot be up there. No, you cannot be up on the shelf. No, he's freaking out because I had to grab him from up high, and I couldn't get the best grip on him. But he's safely down now. [00:05:03] But what's going on with Carlita? Well, as it's kind of unfolding. She appears to have these dark visions and these visions of something just really horrible, and then something happens with one of the sisters that's just really kind of messy, and it's just how this all unfolds. And you're maybe wondering, okay, how are Margaret and Carlita linked to the whole story of the omen? [00:05:26] Well, that's kind of the whole thing with this entire story is that the miracle of life can be a very messy business. And that's even a line in the movie. [00:05:38] But the. [00:05:40] Okay, before I go into this much further, I want to elaborate and more explain. If you are Catholic, if you are a devout Catholic, if you are somebody who is very tight with your religion and your beliefs on God, and you have your own ideas and very staunch your beliefs of what the Antichrist is, this movie might shake you up a little bit. I don't think any of the people that were there with me tonight were Catholic or really staunch in their faith, and I am definitely not Catholic. So there are some things in here that. Okay, let's put it this way. If movies like the Witch bothered you, this one's gonna bother you. It's not done by the same studios or the same story or anything along those same lines. But if you are very staunch in your faith and specifically for Catholicism, this movie is gonna bug you, and not necessarily in a good way. And was saying that I also needed to touch on the things for people with health issues. There are flashing lights throughout this and different scenes in this movie. And then there are also, if you are sensitive to spiders or have a severe form of racknephobia, I do not recommend this movie because there's a couple scenes that, okay, I'm afraid of spiders, but I can watch them on the big screen because obviously, I know they're not going to get me if they're on the movie. But I know people who have such a devout fear of them that they can't even look at pictures of them without, like, the whole panic thing setting in. So that's another thing to touch on here. But back to Margaret and Carlita. What this movie believes is that you have the secularists sex. [00:07:24] I can't say the word. You have the people who are staunch belief that they have a staunch belief in God, and then you have the people who have a lot of doubts about things about God. And they believe that the only way to bring people back to God is to give them something to fear to make them run back to God. And don't worry that I mean, that's kind of goes along the lines of a lot of different religions things on that. So don't worry. That's not even a spoiler for the movie. But in this one, this is where these certain people are involving Margaret and Carlita in a way that they are going. That something about these girls is going to be something that helps to bring back and to create that fear to people, to create a thing where people run back to God. [00:08:12] And it's like it's done in a very unusual way and done in a kind of a weird way. And honestly, there are some scenes in the movie that are outright gory there. I mean, just not enough that would. I mean, like, make you sick or anything like that, but definitely enough to make you cringe. Like, ugh, forgive the sound effects, but I mean, there were just some things that's ugh type thing. And mind you, it wasn't that it was funny at all. The story was very almost disjointed. You felt like you were watching a movie. You didn't feel like you were watching this unfold. [00:08:49] It was clunky. It was a little bit all over the place. [00:08:54] It does. Or the way that the story wraps up at the end of the movie, the way that it does, it leads that there could be more to this story. [00:09:06] I don't know if there will be. Based on just how this one was done, it'd be interesting to see if they take it down a different path than what we've seen with the other omen movies in the past. [00:09:20] They kind of seem to be going in a little bit of a new direction with some of that. And I'll admit it's got my curiosity to at least see where that would go. But you're probably wondering the score I'm giving this one. Now, if you're at all familiar with the deputy system, you know what basically our score system is. If not, you can easily find it on the about [email protected]. That is still on there. But the score I am actually giving the first Ullman is a scathing 3.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. Now, for on the whole deputy scale, a four is watchable but forgettable. There's definitely a few scenes in this movie that will make you go, huh? [00:10:04] And. But there's. It's not so much forgettable, but a three on the deputy scale is, if you really must watch this, wait for it to come out on DVD and Blu ray, because I just cannot justify recommending you go spend 15 $17 a ticket, plus concessions and all that other stuff. To see a movie like this in the theater, it's like this. If this is one that you really want to check out, then like I said, wait and see it when it comes out on digital Blu ray, however you want to watch it. [00:10:36] But I hope that at least helps a little bit. Again, I am giving this a guilty rating and this score is just a 3.75 out of ten, so be sure to come back tomorrow as we are going to be talking about one that has a lot more promise to it. Until then, bye.

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