Argylle (2024)

Argylle (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Argylle (2024)

Mar 18 2024 | 00:09:10

Episode March 18, 2024 00:09:10

Show Notes

This had all the makings of a cinematic wonder... Does it make you wonder why you watched it or does it make you wonder what's more to come? Let's find out. 


How I wish you were here to capture my heart and not just capture me agent argyyle, ellie Conway,  if you can't find the time make the time, Alfie the cat, fort Morgan,  Elle Conway, the greater the spy the bigger the lie,  bear hug o'clock,  Aiden wild, director ritter, the Ritter, clementine gun, bacoonan, mount tahat,  Albert memorial,  Albert saxa Coburg, 25 Coburg st, human skull is shockingly brittle,  regret for time wasted is wasting more time,  Elizabeth Conway,  Barry Conway, Alfred Soloman, Rachel kylle, agent r kylle, Lai Massey, Margaret vogler, elly Conway, sakira, saba al-badr, box_2131, let the Lamb roar, vascular corridor,  new Aquarius, the kings man,  let the beauty of what you love be what you do / in memory of Brad Allen, book one the movie coming soon,  

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[00:00:00] Hello once again and welcome back to this amazing Monday morning. I'm trying my best to make the most of this day as yesterday was a bit kind of tough and it's been tough for the last 29 years so it's not gonna pretty much get any better. I mean, they say time heals all wounds, but when you lose a child, those wounds never heal. [00:00:25] I won't go into a whole lot of detail, but my oldest son will be 30 next month in April and my youngest son would have been 29 yesterday. [00:00:38] I've told myself I would not cry this morning and I'm going to do my best not to do so. So I chose to bring to you a movie today that is a little bit unconventional. You may have seen it advertised a lot and let's just say this movie is not going to be the last that we see of these characters. Now, does that mean it's good or bad in what we see here? That's going to be completely subjective. When I first saw this movie, I'm like, okay, maybe mid sixes, low sixes. Then I watched it again and I'm like, I know it's the same movie I watched the first time, but I'm like, what in the world did I see in this movie? And so I'm like. I'm thinking. I'm thinking, okay, yeah, definitely a three. Definitely a three. So I watched it a third time and now I'm kind of in the middle and I'm like, okay, break down. Look at the deputy scale. Look at each of the numbers individually. Watchable but forgettable. No, this movie definitely is not forgettable. [00:01:44] Does it have a good story with some flaws? [00:01:49] Kind of. [00:01:52] Is it a good story? Memorable? [00:01:57] Memorable maybe. Good story, no. [00:02:01] So right in that five category is where it's a decent story but significant flaws. That's kind of where we're at. So before I even tell you the title of the movie that we are going to be talking about, it does have a guilty rating, but it is the movie argyle. And with Argyle I gave Argyle a 5.25 out of ten on the deputy scale. Like I said when I first watched it, I'm like, okay, that was fun to watch, but there were so many errors, so many mistakes that are just. There's stuff that a lot of people doesn't probably even notice on an everyday basis. But when I watch movies, I cannot help it. I just kind of get caught up in that. But you may be thinking, okay, well, just tell me what the movie's about. Now I'm going to pretend like you've never even seen a trailer for this movie because who knows? Maybe you haven't. Argyle is about a mystery writer, and she's a cat mom. And Alfie the cat is like one of the biggest stars of this movie, at least to me. She know me, crazy cat mom. But Alfie is just an absolute sweetheart. And if I could reach through this big screen and grab him and just give him all sorts of cuddles and snuggles, I absolutely would. He is absolutely adorable. And he plays a pretty key role throughout the movie. So that's one of the reasons I'm making that kind of a big point there. [00:03:24] But with this, we see Ellie Conway, and she's a mystery writer, and she's having fun writing these books. But what she doesn't realize is what she's writing in the books is happening in real life. It's just pure coincidence that she's basically copying what her version of Agent Argyle is, is what this other secret agent. And somehow she's able to predict everything happening in this guy's life. And so before she knows it, she finds herself kind of in this international espionage situation. [00:03:59] And people are trying to stop her from writing because they think the writing is creating the spy or the spy is creating the writer. It's a little bit kind of confusing, but she always has her family and stuff to come back on, to lean back on. And this is going to sound like a weird quote and kind of thing, is what it says. The greater the spy, the bigger the lie. Now, think back to every spy movie you've ever seen. [00:04:29] That line really fits. And so who is really the spy here? Is ancient Argyle the spy? Or is Ellie Conway the spy? There's some twists in this movie that you definitely don't see coming. And when some of them are revealed to show that sometimes the people that you think they are aren't who they think they aren't who you think they are and vice versa. But how this kind of plays out just. It's fun. It's silly. It's stupid. It is. It's absolutely stupid at times. But you're watching Ellie try to escape all of these things. And of course, we see Henry Cavill and he reinvented Superman. I mean, nobody was Superman like Christopher Reeves was Superman. But Henry Cavill came pretty close. It's like he was a very good version of Superman. [00:05:23] But here, this character that he is embodying in this movie, I don't know, it just kind of leaves your brain kind of going, what in the world is going on. There are so many different parts of the story that are kind of becoming interconnected, and this is like the preview of the story. So this movie is almost like a one giant preview of what's to come in the credits. It actually says book one, the movie coming soon, because in these books that she's writing, there's book one, two, three. There's five books in all. And so I think there's going to be more movies to come. I can't say that for sure, as I haven't spoken with the producers and everything of this yet, but I don't know if that's going to be a good thing or a bad thing. [00:06:20] I'm honestly not sure. I'm torn, but like I said, I just couldn't go. Like I said, I was kind of a little bit higher on it in the beginning and then watched it again, and then I was like, way on the low end. But it's like, this movie is far from forgettable, and it's silly and it's goofy. And if you're a fan of cats, if you're a fan of just the nonsensical picture James Bond mixed with Mr. Bean, now, that's probably a very weird, unusual, satirical comparison, but there's just something to this that makes you want to keep coming back and watch it again. [00:07:08] Now, is that a good thing or a bad thing? That's going to completely depend on you. The movie creators did make it a point to put a memory of in the credits on this, and they put it with a quote. It says, let the beauty of what you love be what you do now that so conceptualizes everything you see that's happening in this movie. Because obviously, the people that wrote this, the people that brought this to life, they obviously love what they do. In order to bring this to you, did they pay half attention to what was going on around them during the filming? [00:07:48] That's debatable. But with that quote comes the in memory of Brad Allen. Do I know who Brad Allen is? Nope. Do you? Maybe I'm not. [00:07:59] Oh, pardon me. Sorry. I'm getting a little dry here. [00:08:03] But, yeah, this. It's like I said, it's fun. Am I hoping that they do the whole, like, book one, the movie coming soon? [00:08:13] Yes, kind of. I want to see where this goes. Could it get better? Absolutely. Can it get worse? [00:08:21] Obviously, but I just can't quite picture how. Now, like I said, this one is not a serious take movie at all. This is a Netflix and chill type movie. This is one of those ones that you just kick back and watch. If you don't want to think about the movie, if you just want one of those mind numbing, comedy action, strange mystery type stories, you might like this. If not, definitely not. But I hope that this has helped you. If this is one you've been wanting to see again. Pardon me. Sorry, I really need to get something to drink, but I'm going to wrap this up and I will be back soon, so have fun. And I hope this helped you guys a little bit. Bye.

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