Ordinary Angels (2024)

Ordinary Angels (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Ordinary Angels (2024)

Mar 16 2024 | 00:10:01

Episode March 16, 2024 00:10:01

Show Notes

Sometimes we find ourselves in difficult situations, not because of anything that we have done but because of the circumstances of life. That is this story in a nutshell, the unexpected people that come into our lives at the most unexpected times. 


Kevin Downes, pastor Dave stone,  Sharon Stevens,  Ed Schmitt, life's about saying yes and then figuring out how,  kingdom story company,  Jon Gunn, go wildcats,  Michelle Schmitt, Michelle Edward Yoda Schmitt Jr, find a reason to be here that's bigger than you are, rock river beer,  Theresa Schmitt, biliary atresia,  shear elegance hair salon,  the belly song, Barbara Schmitt,  the Fleetwood, Edward Schmitt,  top roofers, what did Theresa's hat say? Ed remember I'll forever love you and you'll forever be wrong about the wildcats Theresa, Derek Stevens,  Albert Evans,  Janine wenzel, wpvk, her wings were ready but our hearts were not,  3-omwd, whas, Ashley Schmitt,  Michelle Schmitt cobble, in loving memory of Katrina Downes,

337 address louisville

Unsung hero sneak peek

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello and welcome back to another episode of movie deputy podcast reviews. Movie deputy reviews and podcast format. I know what I'm talking about. It is way too early. Please forgive me. I promise we are talking about a better film today than the one that we talked about yesterday. Again, my apologies, but I do promise to bring you a little bit of everything, and I promise to interrogate them for their plot and their content. [00:00:26] And yesterday was a perfect example of that. And honestly, today is, too. But today is a much happier note on that. Today we are going to be talking about a movie called Ordinary Angels. You may not have heard of it, and if not, that's fine. It didn't get a lot of big fanfare and stuff when it came out. It had a few big names in it, but it was not a large budget film and it wasn't a major studio film. So it didn't get quite the hype that a lot of the other movies get. But I do want to say, for as innocent as the title sounds, this movie does have a guilty rating. I will get into the why on that, but you're going to have to wait a little bit for the score. Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think it might be. You don't want to make you wait as a bad score, but I just like mixing it up. So hashtag movie deputy. [00:01:17] Feel free to comment on any of that on social media. Just remember to do the hashtag. That's why I always like doing that. But this one is a very special movie for a lot of different reasons. [00:01:31] We all go through challenges in life, and sometimes we can handle it on our own and sometimes we can't. But a lot of the times when we can't, we don't know to ask for help, or we just feel like we can't ask for help or we wouldn't even know where to begin. And that's kind of where this story is, is somebody who is completely falling apart in their own life, trying to find something to give their life meaning. And in the whole retrospect, that ends up completely changing somebody else's life. There's a line in the movie that says, find a reason to be here that's bigger than you are. And that sounds simple. [00:02:12] And there's a lot of people out there with depression, anxiety, different mental things that they struggle with. That that is sometimes a very hard ask of finding a reason to be here that's bigger than you are. [00:02:26] And I see these things on social media every now and then. It's like there's this one post. [00:02:34] It's like. Like the post, if you are only here because somebody loves you. [00:02:40] Now, there's multiple things for that. I struggle with a lot of mental health issues myself. I deal with depression, anxiety, and PTSD and self worth. A lot of that stems from my upbringing. I'm not going to go into a whole lot of detail on that, but I don't want to use the term struggle because it's not necessarily a past term, but I struggle a lot with self worth. And just because I'm on the shows here talking about movies and stuff like that, that doesn't necessarily get any easier. [00:03:16] And it's so hard to separate my own personal feelings from stories like this when I'm watching them because I can relate with so many of the things that are going on in stories such as this and other movies that I watch. And I have to separate that out because that's one of the reasons that I created the deputy scale for the movie ratings that I use. And sometimes it's really hard to stay true to that deputy scale because there are times when I want to give a movie either a great review or an awful review or a great score or an awful score based on my personal life experiences. But I separate that out, and I'm like, okay, who is this targeted towards? Who is the. [00:04:02] Why is this movie being made and what's the reason behind it? Well, this story, when I went to see this in the theaters, I got to see, like, a little bit of an extended version thing of this, and I not only got to see the directors and the producers talking about why they did this movie, and it's actually based on a true story, but I also got to see a sneak peek of the movie unsung hero, which is made by the same studio that's coming out later in the year. And you may be wondering, okay, why are you mentioning that? It's like, well, because these movies tie together because they ultimately surround the matriarch and the family. [00:04:44] But one has a happy ending, the other one, not so much. This one is the not so much one. Don't worry. No spoilers. [00:04:55] Here. We have this family, and it's a husband and wife, and they're two girls, and the wife is fighting a rare liver disease, and unfortunately, she loses her battle to that. Well, in the struggle of all of that, they realize that their youngest daughter has the same liver disease and without a liver transplant, she will not survive. And, yes, that sounds absolutely heartbreaking. [00:05:20] After the wife dies, the dad is just trying to keep it together. He is working day in, day out, just trying to do everything. And he is underwater with all these medical bills, and he has these bills that he could pay on them for a lifetime. And this deal wouldn't be paid off from just the ones from his wife dying. And now he's facing having to come up with the money to cover his daughter's liver transplant. And then it's the whole thing. If they can find a liver in time and she's not crucial enough to be high up on, the sicker you are, the higher the ranking and how soon you are to get a transplant. And with her ranking and stuff, and the thing, it looks like she's about two years out, but she doesn't have two years. [00:06:09] It is so heart wrenching on that. And I don't know if you are or not. If you are not, please consider becoming an organ donor. Organ donation saves so many lives. And this is a story that really pushes that, and it's for an important reason. [00:06:30] This dad, like I said, he's underwater. And the grandmother is helping out, and the girls are just. They're trying to get through losing their mom and trying to get through their being sick and trying to get through the holidays and just everything that's going on. [00:06:43] And this one local gal that's a hairdresser, her own life is falling apart. She has a very distant relationship with her own child. [00:06:51] She's an alcoholic. Her life is just spiraling out of control. [00:06:56] But I'm coming back to that line. Find a reason to be here that's bigger than you are. Well, she decided to step up and do something to help this family. And in doing so, she became lifelong friends with this whole family. Now, you may think that there's going to be a romance story here in all of this. And don't worry, it's not a spoiler to tell you that this does not end in romance. This story is simply the story of this family and of this little girl and just how this whole thing plays out. And, of course, it's Hollywood, and so they exaggerate some things in the story, but this thing is just very true to the whole thing of that this story is bigger than they are, and this whole community is bigger than they are. And this hairdresser, and she does things that you would never think of, does things that nobody would ever think of. But in doing so, she not only changes this family's life, but she changes her own. So if you are in the mood for an uplifting, upbeat movie that has a lot of content warnings. It deals with death, it deals with just some very difficult situations with abuse. It deals with alcohol abuse. It deals with alcoholism. It deals with just so many different levels of addiction. And I'm trying to think how to word this, so forgive me on that. [00:08:34] I don't overly edit my shows and everything, so I'm just real here, but I can't really say what I want to say because it would be technically a spoiler. So I'm just going to kind of leave it at that. [00:08:46] This one is just wow on so many levels. Now, you may be wondering what I did for the score on this one. Well, I might actually surprise you a little bit just because of some of the content in this one and the fact that it's not a movie for everybody. And this is the type of movie that I'm sure there will be people even triggered by this one. But on the deputy scale of staying true to that, I gave ordinary angels a 6.5 out of ten on the deputy scale. So if you have seen this one, feel free to use the hashtag movie deputy and tag me. Let me know what you think, or write me an email, tag me on social media however you want to reach out to me, or feel free to do it with the contact me page. It's still up on moviedepd.com. Wow. I haven't done anything with that site forever except for check messages. [00:09:36] But I am so glad I was able to bring you a much happier movie today than the one we discussed yesterday. [00:09:42] And I will be back soon. And don't worry, I didn't forget that kung fu panda four just came out. I have seen it, but I need to review kung fu pandas one, two, and three. I've seen all of them, but I have not reviewed them. So don't worry, I have not forgotten. So if you're waiting for that one, just stay tuned. I'll be back soon. Bye.

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