Poor Things (2023) (Content Warning)

Poor Things (2023) (Content Warning)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Poor Things (2023) (Content Warning)

Mar 15 2024 | 00:11:13

Episode March 15, 2024 00:11:13

Show Notes

Very rarely am I left speechless by a film, but this one surely did it. It took a bit to gain my composure so that i could bring this to you and present it to you the only way I know how. 


VMax mccandles, duck dog, brain injury, just dead ones for Bella, rooster that barks, pug chicken, goose goat, they pushed the boundaries of what was known and they paid the price, inhalation of toxic grass seeds, he was a man of unconventional mind, suicide, belch bubble, Bella Baxter, Duncan wedderburn, they love me tight, Godwin Baxter, kiss me and set me forth, pig chicken, shuck chuck and bubble, Emma stone naked, Victoria blessington, Harry astley, felicity Baxter, goethe, don't accept the lie of religion socialism capitalism, hope is smashable realism is not, protect yourself with the truth, prostitution, furious jump, it is only the way it is until we discover the new way it is,  toinette, chicken dog, swiney, bell whore, I will feel good for a second but feel worse for longer, always carve with compassion, Alfred blessington, dear Alfie, love of cruelty, marriage is a constant challenge, female castration,

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] Good morning and welcome back to another episode of movie deputy Reviews, where I have been getting a lot of specific requests for a movie that was talked about at the Academy Awards thing the other night. And it was a one that I had not seen yet, so I decided to sit back and watch it. [00:00:18] Let's just say I was not prepared for the movie that I watched. To say that this one got a guilty rating is an understatement. This movie was rated r. God bless you, Stormy. One of my kitties just sneezed, but this one was rated R. And God bless you, Stormy. Two in a row. But this movie easily could have been rated X. I mean, if I had wanted to watch an adult film, there's certainly other directions I would have gone in other than this one. And I'm looking back and I'm thinking, okay, did she do well as an actress? [00:01:01] Yeah, the part was very believable. But how do you jump into a role like this without there being just something sticking with you? [00:01:12] As you notice, I haven't mentioned the name of the title of the movie yet. I haven't forgotten. I'm doing this kind of intentionally, and I'm kind of going into this one a little bit differently than I normally would approach it. [00:01:22] But other movies that have been done in similar fashions but completely different stories have completely scarred their actors and actresses permanently. Like their whole personalities and the way that they approach movies and even the way that they decide to do what movies to participate in has changed. But this particular actress has not stated any of those things, at least not publicly yet. [00:01:50] And you may be wondering what actress I'm referring to. Again, I normally don't focus on the technical stuff of the films, and I'm still not focusing on that. It's just the direction that this story goes in is so disturbing on so many levels. And I normally don't do this, but I went to IMDb and I just looked up to see what it had on there. And on IMDb, people have rated this movie an 8.1. [00:02:15] I'm going to be right up front and honest on the movie deputy scale, this movie got a much lower score than that. [00:02:28] It was not horrible, unwatchable, which would have been a one. [00:02:33] It borderlined the painful, confusing. It wasn't confusing, but it was at times painful. [00:02:41] And then like a three on the deputy scale is just, if you really must see it, wait for it to come out on instant video, blu ray, et cetera, et cetera. And this one is that it's out on instant video now. That's actually where I watched this at. [00:02:55] And I'm so glad that I didn't have to pay to see this in the theater like everybody else. And I'm honestly glad the studio didn't send me the screener of this one, because I'm just like, wow. [00:03:06] Now, as for the movies that did better the other night, it's like I absolutely loved two, or more than two. There's been three movies that really stood out in 2023 for me, and that was killers of the Flower Moon, Oppenheimer and Ghostbusters afterlife. Those would probably be my top three of the year. [00:03:28] So this one was not even on my radar, honestly, I had heard of this one, but I'd never even bothered really looking it up or looking up a lot of details and stuff about it. And boy, am I glad I didn't. I really am. So you're probably wondering what I gave this one on the deputy scale. Now, like I said, I'm going to be going into a little bit of the why here in just a minute. Just bear with me. But this movie, I only gave it a 2.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. Notice I still have not mentioned the title of the movie. Well, the title of this movie is very deceptive for what the movie is. The title of the movie is simply titled poor things. And this actress that I'm referring to again is Emma Stone. Now, this movie seemed kind of like a Frankenstein type story. I think I touched on this one back in my upcoming movies shows. I think I touched on it just because it very much resembled like a Frankenstein esque type movie. No, nothing. Even this. And again, you know me, no spoilers. So I'm not going to give anything away in this movie, but it deals with some very harsh topics. It deals with a lot of nudity. It is very hyper sexualized. The amount of sexualized content in this movie, not just references to it, but I mean, graphics, sexual acts are taking place in this movie, and the amount of nudity and the amount of just whoa. That you do not expect to see from a film such as this. It's like, if I wanted to watch an adult movie again, I would have looked up something like that. But this is not. [00:05:14] You're not prepared for what you see here. Were there a few highlights in the movie? Yes, there were. There are some comical moments in this story, but you can't get past the content. [00:05:29] And it's not only the content. It deals with suicide, it deals with sexual abuse. It deals with physical abuse. It deals with narcissism. It deals with so many things that are going on here, and it talks about eunuchs, and it talks about women being property, and it talks about all these different things and prostitution. [00:05:55] If you think I'm being overly harsh, it's like I'm barely even scratching the surface on this one. So if you saw this and you enjoy this, great. But if you've got the presence of mind that this kind of story should not belong on the big screen, that this is one of those movies that should be bought and wrapped in a brown paper bag and taken home to watch type thing, literally, I'm not even using that as a. I'm completely serious on that. Did she deserve best actress? I mean, she played the part very well. [00:06:34] She plays a woman who experiences something. I can't tell you exactly what that something is because that's a pretty big spoiler, but she experiences something, and so she has to basically begin life over again. And she has to learn how to do things and has to learn what's appropriate and what's not appropriate and how to behave and how not to behave. [00:06:58] So she's just experiencing all this stuff for the first time. Except she quickly learns that not only can she find satisfaction with others, but self satisfaction kind of. [00:07:15] I'll also let you fill in the blank on that one. I'm not going to go into any more detail on that. But let's just say that it's overly graphic throughout the movie in multiple ways. It's just. [00:07:32] And then to add insult to injury, towards the end of this movie, it's not retarded. Kind of towards the end, it's like the last third of the movie, there are indirect references to Epstein. And if you know the name, you know all of the rumors and things like that with Hollywood and things like that, and you really have to be paying attention to catch that. But it's so blatantly obvious. I don't know how you couldn't. [00:08:04] I don't know if there's a point to this movie. I really don't. It does, in a way, have a satisfactory ending. I would not say a happy ending. [00:08:18] The story concludes itself. [00:08:22] Does it do so in a manner that justifies the content to get there? No. [00:08:32] But like I said, if you watch this and you really enjoyed it, so be it. Great. But if you have not seen this yet, and I'm not even going to say you're approved if you don't watch this one. [00:08:48] For anybody in polite society that does not want to watch something that is more than a soft core, but less than a hardcore. So it's kind of in the middle on that, just barely. It could technically ride the lines of each, but I mean, it is so overly graphic in everything that it presents and it's violent and it's difficult to watch. I did make it through the whole thing. I am proud to say that I have never not finished a movie as good or bad as they were. At least not since I started Deputy I haven't. [00:09:32] But for those who have a curiosity stemming from the Academy Awards that they wanted to go and check this one out, I hope that this will at least be a content information. [00:09:52] I'm struggling for the words on this one. Like I said, very few times have I left absolutely speechless after watching a movie. This was one of those times. I watched this one and the credits got finished and I'm just sitting there just staring at my TV going, what did I just watch? [00:10:09] I'm not trying to be overly dramatic and I'm not trying to be anything with that. I'm just like, holy. [00:10:17] Can't even say the word that I said because it's like I don't want to have to bleep myself on my program here. But let's just say like I said, this one got a 2.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. Remind you, if you are not familiar, a two is painful, confusing and a three is, if you must see it, wait for instant video, Blu ray, et cetera. But I hope that this will at least help somebody. [00:10:45] You might agree with me, you might disagree with me. I always welcome the feedback and of course, you know how to find me on social media. Movie deputy and of course, [email protected]. Again, I am trying my best not to remind you to do the things to do if you want to always get the latest and greatest movie deputy content. [00:11:04] But stay tuned. I will be back tomorrow with another one for you that hopefully will be better than this. So until then, bye.

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