Barbie (2023)

Barbie (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Barbie (2023)

Jul 26 2023 | 00:11:25

Episode July 26, 2023 00:11:25

Show Notes

This movie is not about the Barbie that you grew up with. This Barbie is all grown up and is aimed at a literal "adult" audience. 

Original Review:

This is it



Pink pretty intelligent never sad Kool, Barbie land, plutocracy, beach off, you every think about dying / I don't know why I just said that / I'm just dying to dance,  every night is girls night, flat feet,  id like to see what kind of nude blob he hiding under those jeans,  Barbieland, real world,  dream car boat rocket bicycle van snowmobile roller blades,  I do not have a vagina and he does not have a penis,  century city center,  misogyny,  Davy Crockett junior high school,  home of the frontiersmen, Mattel, full body cellulite Barbie,  whisper me, Aaron Dinkins, Sasha, sexualized capitalism,  why men rule literally,  men wars,  patriarchy, 4q49967 lifeguard truck, the origins of the patriarchy by godfrey hogarth, the original stereotypical Barbie, I'm a man with no power does that make me a woman,  I always find I think best at kitchen tables,  irrepressible thoughts of death Barbie,  women hate women and men hate women,  ken is totally superflous, podcast hosted by 2 wise trees,  horses are just men extenders, don't question it just roll with it, Ken's mojo dojo casa house, ken movie,  brewsky beer me, Ken land, kenland, ken TV, literally and figuratively watch me,  every night is boys night,  celebrate disco bellbottoms, pretty paisley palazzo pants,  depression Barbie,  I'm like you now ugly and unwanted,  ken radio, all of nsync Alan, kendom, you have to try even if you can't make it perfect you can make it better,  The fork in my soup is this,  sugar daddy ken, earring ken, growing up Skipper, Barbie video girl,  I'm not good enough for anything,  white savior Barbie,  kendom land, kendomland, john Cena mermaid,  ken on ken violence, kendom saloon, I only exist within the warmth of your gaze,  ordinary Barbie,  I am kenough, self ephazing Barbie,  ideas live forever, 30eb058, Barbara handler, Barbara millicent rogers, what was I made for Billie eilish,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. I am excited to talk to you today about one of the two biggest movies that opened this weekend. You've probably heard by now somewhere on media, social media, maybe from a friend or coworker. Loved one about the term Heimer. Now, as you've probably heard me talk about yesterday, uh, that's a term I absolutely hate, why they chose this weekend to open two such polar opposite movies. One is pure fantasy, the other one is face mostly in facts that happened in that at that timeframe. And of course, one is more fun and one is more serious. If you're wondering which one we're gonna talk about today, we are actually starting with Barbie. Now, Margot Robbie was cast in this role and she honestly does a pretty good job. But even Ryan Gosling as Ken, it's like his characters usually have a little bit more depth, but it's a Barbie movie. Speaker 0 00:00:56 So you know, Ken's not gonna have a whole lot of depth to his character. Just, I mean, it's just how it is in the whole Barbie world. I mean, you have all these different Barbies, you've got Astronaut Barbie, and you've got Chef Barbie and you've got pretty much, if you can imagine that there's a Barbie for it. And this movie even takes that further than it needs to go and have about to get on that touch on that here in just a second. But in this movie, Ken is just Ken and all the Kens are just Ken. So there's nothing special. And then depending on how much you followed Barbie, and I'll be honest, I didn't a whole lot. So I've had to research this a bit. I was not a Barbie fan as a little girl, I was weird. I was kinda a tomboy. Speaker 0 00:01:33 I wanted Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels and GI Joes. I had Heman Shera, all the masters of the universe stuff. I had the Castle Gray skull. Like, so I was not the typical Barbie girl by any means, but I still, it's like I had friends that had Barbies and I went to their house. It's like I had play just so I, I knew how to play with Barbies and everything, which I just, I didn't, I wasn't that interested in them. But I was kind of interested to see where they were gonna go with this movie and the direction that they went with this. Okay, it's a Barbie movie. There's been all these Barbie cartoon movies. And so I'm thinking, okay, they're gonna maybe just talk about a Barbie doll coming to life and just kinda showing her life. That's kind of, that plays out and it's gonna be sweet and innocent. Speaker 0 00:02:13 And I was seeing they had rated at PG 13 after watching this movie. I'm wondering if it should have been rated R just because of some of the topics that they touch on in this movie are just so inappropriate. Uh, this is one of those ones, I'm gonna say the score till the end. So I, but I will say I did give this a guilty writing, very guilty writing on this one. 'cause this is not, this is not a Barbie movie that you would want to take your kids to. This movie is aimed at like the little girls that are all grown up that were around when Barbie first came out, like back in the 1950s. So grown adults that have been kind of obsessed with Barbie their whole lives might enjoy this. I think it was mainly aimed at like the college age crowd of more of the partiers and just, did they have to put politics in a Barbie movie? Speaker 0 00:02:59 Now, I'm not talking about right wing or laughter wing or anything like that, but it's just the whole, the whole plutocracy and the patriarchy and the whole women hate women and men hate women and just kind of all of this stuff that is disparaging to women. And it's like Barbie is supposed to, I'm, I'm doing air quotes here. I know you can't see me, but supposed to be like an inspiration to little girl so they can be anything. And so why are we reducing them down to just this? And at the same time, just making Barbie's like they can do anything. And like Ken's are basically nothing. This movie sets, I mean, true feminism back 50 years. I mean this is just, it's not about men or women being everything and men being nothing, or men trying to control women or, yeah, okay. There's, there's always gonna be jerks out there. Speaker 0 00:03:52 It doesn't matter where you go or what you do. And in both sexes, I'm sorry, men are maybe more controlling and mean in that way, but women are much more conniving, backstabbing, sneaky. And I could go into some other words here, but I'm trying to keep my podcast pg so <laugh>, I don't wanna jump too much into that and then end up regretting that afterwards. But like I said, I did give this a guilty, I wish I could say very guilty rating 'cause I just had the guiltiness, so there's not really very guilty. But in this one, Barbie wakes up in her dream house and she's kind of focused on the color pink. 'cause you know, that's Barbie's favorite color, which I mean, that's kind of a funny thing too. I think it was Sherwin Williams actually ran out of Barbie pink because it was such a high demand of it for this set that they actually ran out, which I think was kind of funny. Speaker 0 00:04:43 I think it was one of the major paint companies, but that was like, um, kinda a whole other thing on that. But like, you know, Barbie pink. But so she brings up the pink stands for pretty intelligent, never Sad and cool. And of course she lives in Barbie land in her Malibu dream house, like little girl's playing with her Barbies, when she comes from, when she goes, when she wakes up and she jumps outta bed, she goes from the second store of Story of her house and she jumps all the way to the ground and lands gracefully. It's Barbie, I don't know about you, but it's like the, when I did play with Barbie, that's kind of what we did is we didn't walk down the stairs, we just kind of jumped off the house. <laugh> not that I'm encouraging anybody to jump off their house, no, this is, this is pure fantasy. Speaker 0 00:05:22 This was a movie. So, no, but the, one of the first things that we see with Ken is they're on the beach. And now listen very carefully to what I'm saying, the Kens are having an argument over who can beach each other off. So they're having a beach off. Now that is meant, and the entire and entirely the double entendre meaning of that I'm not being in the actual, actual Word beach. So re remember I'm saying the actual Word beach, but when this is happening in the movie, it does not sound like that's, they're saying that word. And I can remember my, this Speaker 1 00:05:56 Is like in that first five minutes of the movie approximately, I didn't, it wasn't like keeping a timer, but it's early on. But I'm just as like, my mouth was like, huh, this is a Barbie movie. What in the world are they doing? And then you quickly realize that Barbie is obsessed with death. Now I, again, I'm just as like Barbie, what it's like kids movies. No <laugh>. And so she ends up trying to connect to like a real girl in the real world and she ends up trying to go to the real world. And once she gets to the real world, it's all this misogynistic, patriarchal, everything against women. And it's just, it's kind of funny how she gets to and from the real world because when she goes from Barbie land to the real world, she takes her dream car, a boat, a rocket, a bicycle, a van, a snowmobile, the roller blades. Speaker 1 00:06:45 And then in order to get back to Barbie land, she has to do the roller blades, snowmobile the van, the bicycle, the rocket, the boat, and back to the dream car. And so that, I don't know what <laugh> it is just kind of like all the vehicles that she's ever had and kind of going back and forth. So that's kind of funny. But I just love, one of the things I do love with this one is when they're in the real world embargo, Robbie's even done this in her real life and kind of a promotion of this, but they're wearing basically human sized Barbie clothes. And she bargo Robbie in real life has like, had designers like completely custom made dresses for her that are reminiscent of actual Barbie dresses. And it has just been really fun to see that. And that's why I was really hoping that this movie was gonna go more, that innocent kind of thing with that. Speaker 1 00:07:29 And there's a lot, there's like, there's a lot of different lines in this movie that really go off the deep end with things that they're referenced, adult things that they're referencing all throughout this movie, Barbie agrees that she's a stereotypical Barbie. And like I said, we see a lot of the other Barbies, we see all the other Barbies, or not, maybe not all of them, but many of the other like big Barbies or like just weird Barbies that have come out over time. And in this movie there is also is a weird Barbie and she's kind of the Barbie that if you grew up playing with Barbies and you chopped all of her hair off and you drew all over her with markers, that that would be the weird Barbie that doesn't really fit in and everybody hates her. Just like I said, it's just a weird vibe to the whole movie. Speaker 1 00:08:13 Well, when Barbie goes to the dream world, Ken kind of take, or Barbie goes to the real world, not the dream world, sorry, tongue tie on there. But Ken takes over the Malibu dream house and all the Kens take over Barbie land and doing, so all the Barbies just become these mindless, I don't even know how to even, like, they're just all, their only interest is Ken and they have no interest in anything else. So it's just a big line in the movie that can't even even touches on that is in the real world, somebody says, I'm a man with no power. Does that make me a woman? And again, I'm just as like, why in the world, what in the world are they doing? And I think one of the most important messages that, that I, that was even in this movie, is that ideas live forever and ideas like this are going to live forever. Speaker 1 00:09:01 And it's just, like I said, they take Barbie way further than she ever needs to like even consider going in this one. It's really kind of a big thing about depression Barbie. And even that takes it like way too far. I'll let you figure that out. If, if and when you ever decide to see this movie. Now mind you, there's a lot of people that love this movie. I'm seeing a lot of praise and I'm also seeing people that are going like, what in the world did I just watch? This was not what I was expecting. Honestly, when I saw this in the theater, I'd probably say a third of the people literally got up and walked out when I was there. They just could not believe what they were seeing on screen. So this movie really has polar opposites on its viewership. There are the people that are going to see this and they're loving it. Speaker 1 00:09:45 And then there are the people that are going to see this that are literally going W T F. And I'm in the second camp, both personally and professionally, the deputy scale, the score that I gave, this one should not come as a surprise on a personal level. I, I'm probably around the ones which I don't get. I've only ever given a few movies that even with evaluating everything on with the deputy scale, I only gave Barbie a 3.0 out of 10. Now 3.0 is, if you must see it, wait for D v d Blu-Ray of instant video. This movie is not worth paying the extra money to go see it in the theaters. It's definitely not worth it, especially if you're going into this expecting an innocent kid's movie because that's definitely not what you get here in any way, shape, or form. So I really hope that this may be helped, especially if this is a movie that you are considering. Speaker 1 00:10:37 Definitely, like I said, not safe for kids by any means that just some of the topics that they're touching on in here are just carried way too far and a lot of the little subtle things that are going on in the movie. And shame on Mattel, seriously, shame on Mattel for this and I'm probably gonna get some hate on that. I don't, so be it. I mean, I'm just here, like I said, I bring movies from a different perspective. You, you don't have to like it. I, I hope you do, but you don't have to. But, so I hope that this helped. Tomorrow we are going to be talking about Oppenheimer and I'm interested to bring that to you, especially since it's from an entirely different perspective. I kinda like how movies just can go from literally one extreme to the other, and this is one of those instances. So until then, bye-bye.

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