Come Play (2020)

Come Play (2020)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Come Play (2020)

Nov 15 2023 | 00:09:25

Episode November 15, 2023 00:09:25

Show Notes

An unconventional story addressing a touchy subject matter. 

Original Review:

A deep story that deals with autism and friendship in an entirely different way. Autism by itself is difficult to understand, for those that have it, as well as their loved ones. They want to communicate and yet are not always able to in the way that most understand. Oliver uses smartphones and tablets to communicate. These devices have given him the freedom that he was so desperate for.

Something else that he was desperate for was a friend, he used to have some friends but after an incident, they didn't play together anymore. Soon, Oliver would meet a new friend via his devices. Oliver saw a lot of himself in his new friend and wanted to help him. Little did he know that Larry wanted much more than to be Oliver's friend. Larry wanted Oliver to be his only friend. A friendship that would last forever.

When Larry's true intentions were revealed, Oliver's parents would do anything and everything necessary to protect him. The more they tried to protect him from Larry, the more persistent Larry became. This friendship would become a fight for what they hold most dear. What will happen to Oliver? What will happen to Larry? Are you really ready to learn the truth?


Misunderstood Monsters a children's story

This is Larry,
Larry never gets to play pretend,
He gets mad fun of because he is different,
Larry just wants a friend,

He's tall and pale and thin and tries to hide his face,
He isn't from the world you know,
Larry comes from another place,
Larry watches through your windows,
Which connect his realm to yours,

He needs you to know his whole story to turn those windows into doors,
Larry has looked through the glass and found you staring back,
He understands your loneliness,
A true friend is what you lack,

Will you be Larry's friend,
He promises to protect you from monsters and from men,
Once you take Larry's hand you'll never be alone again,
When he crawls into your world he'll quickly take a friend,

For Larry will only have a little time,
Before he flickers off again,
Larry will not stop until he has a new friend,

If someone dares get in his way,
They'll surely face their end,

If you feel broken sad or odd,
Larry likes you even so,
When your hand meets his,
Larry can never let go,

The end


A true friend is what you lack, autism, based on a short film by Jacob chase, Before he flickers off again, dr robyn, For Larry will only have a little time, He gets mad fun of because he is different, He isn't from the world you know, He needs you to know his whole story to turn those windows into doors, He promises to protect you from monsters and from men, He understands your loneliness, he will follow you until you finish the story, He's tall and pale and thin and tries to hide his face, I am Larry, I just want to be your friend, If someone dares get in his way, If you feel broken sad or odd, Larry can never let go, Larry comes from another place, Larry has looked through the glass and found you staring back, Larry just wants a friend, Larry likes you even so, Larry made of loneliness, Larry never gets to play pretend, Larry watches through your windows, Larry will not stop until he has a new friend, Misunderstood Monsters a children's story, Misunderstood Monsters full story, misunderstood monsters Larry, moaner boner, Mr calarco, not hurt take, Oliver, Once you take Larry's hand you'll never be alone again, people very lonely all that loneliness in world made Larry, physical empath, Sarah and Marty, say goodbye to Oliver, spongebob squarepants, stimming, They'll surely face their end, This is Larry, When he crawls into your world he'll quickly take a friend, When your hand meets his, Which connect his realm to yours, Will you be Larry's friend, world only look at screens not each other, your parents want you to be normal

Transcription can be found below

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello, everybody, and welcome back. It is once again me, your favorite and friendly deputy of movie deputy podcasts, bringing to you the story of a game. Now, don't worry, I haven't forgotten that I still need to fill out my thirsty Thursday saw series that I need to get back to so to finish wrapping up the final two movies in that series. But today we are going to be talking about a movie that came out in 2020 called Come Play. Now, don't worry if you haven't heard of it. It was kind of a smaller, independent title. But this title, though, it was made by a smaller, independent studio, you would never get that feel from the movie. I want to say right up front that this movie got a guilty rating. Like, definitely guilty. It is a full on, I wouldn't say horror movie. I wouldn't even really say thriller movie. It's just one of those ones that the suspense has you on the edge of your seat throughout the whole movie. So the fact that it kind of appears that it is aimed at kids, and there's even a children's story that is part of this movie. But the thing is, it's a children's story that's not a children's story. The children's story is actually titled Misunderstood Monsters, a children's Story. And I'm actually going to be reading to you from that as well because I went through this movie bit by bit, and though it only shows bits and pieces of this book throughout the movie, if you pay really close attention, you can get all the text, but it takes a very eagle eye. And to the best of my knowledge, this book is not even in print. So that's kind of an important point to touch on on that. So this may be your only place to find that movie. I can't say that, definitely, but I do believe that I am one of the only places that actually has the full text of that book that appears in the movie. That is. But I want to share with you the original review that was on, and you're probably wondering what I gave it on the score wise. Well, I'm going to make you wait till the end to find that out. And you're thinking, okay, she gave it a really crappy score. If she's waiting till the end, you're just going to have to wait and find out. But like I said, this does have a guilty rating. Like I said, it's called come play. The story is about autism, but in a different way than you might expect, as I myself am on the spectrum. I wanted to check this movie out, and this one exceeded my expectations in a lot of ways, and in some ways, it fell short on others. So let me share with you that original review, and then we'll talk about the movie a little bit more. The original review reads as a deep story that deals with autism and friendship in an entirely different way. Autism by itself is difficult to understand. For those that have it, as well as their loved ones, they want to communicate and yet are not always able to find the way that most people would understand. [00:03:09] Oliver uses smartphones and tablets to communicate. These devices have given him a freedom that he was so desperate for. Something else that he was desperate for was a friend. He used to have some friends, but after an incident, they didn't play together anymore. Soon, Oliver would meet a new friend via his devices. [00:03:30] Oliver saw a lot of himself and his new friend and wanted to help him. Little did he know that his new friend Larry, wanted so much more than just to be Oliver's friend. Larry wanted to be Oliver's only friend, a friendship that would last forever. [00:03:48] When Larry's true intentions were revealed, Oliver's parents would do anything and everything necessary to protect him. The more that they tried to protect him from Larry, the more persistent Larry became. This friendship would become a fight for what they hold most dear. What will happen to Oliver? [00:04:08] What will happen to Larry? Are you ready to learn the truth? [00:04:13] Like I said, this story really goes deeper than what you might expect and goes full on creep Factor. So as you can imagine, Larry is not as innocent as he seems. You know me, no spoilers ever. Not never ever. But the book that Oliver is able to connect through Larry with is this book called Misunderstood Monsters, a children's story. And I'm actually going to read that to you now. Like I said, I went through the movie bit by bit and got the full text of this story. [00:04:45] It was definitely worth it because the story kind of tells a story all of its own and kind of gives you a little bit more insight into the movie. And it will also give you a little bit more insight into whether or not you want to watch the movie. Because like I said, this isn't full on horror. It's not even full on thriller. It's just one of those suspenseful movies that you're just like, whoa. [00:05:06] If you enjoyed movies like a quiet place or stories like that, you might really enjoy a story such as this. But like I said, it was a smaller movie, smaller studio, so it didn't get the fanfare that a lot of the bigger titles get, but it definitely deserves some appreciation. [00:05:24] Now, before I read you this story, I want to share with you that I did give. Come play a 6.5 out of ten on the movie deputy scale. Like I said, I was going to surprise you a little bit with the score that I gave. And you're like, okay, well, why did you make us wait for that? Well, it's because I wanted to share with you the review that I had written. And then I wanted to share with you that in between when I read this story to you. So hang on. This is going to be a little bit of a ride in this story. [00:05:54] This is Larry. Larry never gets to play pretend. [00:06:00] He gets mad fun because he is different. [00:06:04] Larry just wants a friend. [00:06:08] He's tall and pale and thin and tries to hide his face. [00:06:14] He isn't from the world you know. Larry comes from another place. [00:06:21] Larry watches through the windows which connect his realm to yours. [00:06:29] He needs you to know his whole story. To turn those windows into doors. [00:06:37] Larry has looked through the glass and found you staring back. [00:06:43] He understands your loneliness. A true friend is what you lack. [00:06:50] Will you be Larry's friend? He promises to protect you from monsters and from men once you take Larry's hand, you'll never be alone again when he crawls into your world, he'll quickly take a friend, for Larry will only have a little time before he flickers off again. [00:07:18] Larry will not stop until he has a new friend. [00:07:24] If someone dares get in his way, they'll surely face their end. [00:07:30] If you feel broken, sad or odd, Larry likes you. Even so, when your hand meets his, Larry can never let go. [00:07:44] The end. [00:07:46] Like I said, that took a little bit of doing to get the full text of that storybook that is in this movie. But as you can also tell, that there is something a lot more ominous about Larry and Oliver's friendship than what there initially seems to be. So, like I said, if you like those more intense type stories, intense movies, this might be one for you. If not, this will definitely be one to avoid. I could see maybe this even giving some people nightmares who are really sensitive to things like that. But I just try to help you be as prepared as possible. Because like I said, this is one of those ones that was just kind of a hidden piece that a lot of people had never even heard of. But that's one of the things I do, is I try to review the A list, B list and no list. And this definitely was a no list movie because the people in this basically had never been heard of or seen before, but the story has something to it. Will this be for you? That's something only you can decide. But I hope that if you do like stories such as this, you'll give this a chance. [00:08:59] As always, please, like subscribe and share this, because you never know who this content might be able to be able to reach out to. And who knows, maybe they'll be Larry's friend. [00:09:11] Is there somebody you really want to get rid of? And you want to give them to Larry? Who knows? [00:09:17] I know I have a twisted sense of humor, but that's just me. So until next time, I can't wait to talk to you again soon. Bye.

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