Free Guy (2021)

Free Guy (2021)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Free Guy (2021)

Nov 14 2023 | 00:07:02

Episode November 14, 2023 00:07:02

Show Notes

Imagine being real but not having a reality, that's where Guy finds himself. Come along on his adventure to find what is really real. 

Original Review:

Everything is awesome. Guy lives a simple life, he has everything he needs and wants... That is until he decides that there must be more. Why the sudden change of heart? As with most stories, it's a girl. He sees her and knows that there is something different about her, from that moment on, he knows that he needs more. When he finally is able to see what the world really is around him, he struggles with the idea that his reality isn't reality at all. The girl (molotovgirl) is in search of something that was taken from her. She will need help to get to it and Guy is the only one who can help her. The more time that she spends with Guy, she realizes that there's much more to him than 1's and 0's. That realization will open up a world of possibilities. She'll have to reach out to her friends in the real world to make sense of this. Will she be able to find what she's looking for before it's too late or will their work be lost forever? This story is far from original as it's a mashup of The Lego Movie, Ready Player One, and the Truman Show. It definitely has content for all audiences but is best for those 8 and up. Some of the language might be a bit much for younger audiences but that's at your discretion. If you're wanting something fun for all, this might be what you're looking for. As it's tech-centered, that may limit some of its audience but the story still widens the reach. Simply put, just come expecting something fun and you won't be disappointed.


016a71, 52422, 7 jxn, Albuquerque boiled turkey, antwan, arcade fire, b3yonce, balance $187.03, banana cream sandwich, bank pin 1111, blue shirt guy, buddy the cop, captain khakis, catch phrase as a catch phrase is a pretty cool catch phrase, Christophe beck, devil may care attitude, digital walkout, dirt squirrel, don't have a good day have a great day, dude, enjoy your lifetime supply of virginity, even if I'm not real this moment is, fcsp, fctv, Free city, free city 2 carnage, free city phrnom goes viral, free life, galactic black hole of frozen shit, game over boxers, game over underwear, God mode, he's just a npc waste that mother, he's just resting in pieces that man is dead, hit man's beach, holy fudge, I don't have a burning desire to see your mom's basement,, is that a glock in your pocket no its 2 glocks, its like losing my virginity but in my mouth, its like my tongue had a baby with the sunrise, its-go-time, Jaho coffee and tea, Jesus washed my tongue, jump shoe, life doesn't have to be something that just happens to us, life-itself, loot shooter, maxnomic, medium coffee cream 2 sugars, millie rusk, Missy batista, molotovgirl, mouser and keys, n166si, npc leveling up crazy fast, npc non player character, pokimane, portal gun, revenjamin buttons, so you know what time it is its crime o'clock, some things matter more than numbers, soonami studios, stash house, sugar o's cereal, sunglasses people / heroes, there are 3 things I love in life Kicking ass Tbd 3rd thing here, this store is a scam, Walter keys mckey, we don't have to be spectators in our own lives, you seem adjective

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Why, hello, everyone, and welcome back. It is once again me, your favorite and friendly deputy of movie deputy podcasts, bringing to you yet another deep focus into a movie that is anything but deep. We are going to be talking about a movie from 2021 today. It's a Ryan Reynolds movie. No, it's not Deadpool, but it is a story called Free Guy. Now, if that title kind of just makes you wonder, then at least we're on the right track, because that's kind of what I was wondering, too, before I watched this for the first time. This story kind of comes across as a little bit of a mashup of the LeGo Movie Ready player One and the Truman Show. And I'll touch on that a little bit again in the original review that I had posted originally on that is now being transferred and switched over into the new podcast format. And I'm having so much fun doing these and bringing these to you. Had some technical issues yesterday, so I apologize about that. Not the food poisoning anymore, so that's good. But sometimes just when you're a one person show and you have a tech issue, you just kind of have to roll with it. Just do your best. And that's what I was trying to do, what I am trying to do, and just kind of go in from there. Now you're probably wondering, okay, but what did you give Free Guy on the deputy scale? And this one, it may surprise you a little bit, free guy got a seven out of ten on the deputy scale. You're like, okay, but was it innocent or guilty? Okay, this movie does have an MPAA rating of PG 13, but I ranked this movie as innocent. Now that may come as a surprise to some of you. I don't always agree with where the MPAA rating puts a movie, and the reason that it got the PG 13 to me was not enough of a reason to give it a guilty rating. So if you are wanting to find something fun to watch with your little bit older kids, I'm not talking like teens or anything, tweens might understand this maybe a little bit. For that, I would probably recommend this for ages eight and up, just because some of the references younger kids are not going to get. Because in this one guy that's actually the character's name is Guy, he lives in a video game. He is part of a simulation, but he doesn't realize that he's in a simulation. He thinks he's just living a normal life. Sounds familiar. Hence the Truman show. But it just kind of goes along with all of that and how this all plays out. And ultimately he ends up connecting with somebody in the outside world, somebody in the real world. And like I said, how this all plays out, it's fun. It's just downright fun is probably a good way to put it. Do you need to be a tech geek to enjoy this movie? No, but honestly, it helps. I mean, I hate to be that blunt, but yeah, it does kind of help to be a tech geek because this isn't about like binary and actually computer code and coding and all of that stuff, but to understand what's going on, you might need to understand a little bit of the code. And then there's a twist to this as it gets towards the end. And of course, you know me, no spoilers ever. [00:03:16] But this twist is just. I'm hoping that this is not where they're going to leave the story. [00:03:22] With a story such as this, they could go so many different directions from here. So I have not heard anything about a sequel for two years post this movie now, and there has not been any hint or word about a sequel. And I'm hoping that they don't just leave us in the lurch with a story such as this because this has so much promise to be something more. And as you can see, I gave it a pretty good score on the deputy scale. But you're probably wondering, okay, just share with us your original review and let us make up our own minds. That's what I'm getting to. [00:03:54] You're going to laugh a little bit at the beginning of this. I know I did. At least if you've ever seen the Lego Movie, you're going to appreciate the opening line of my review. Like I said, this was the one that had originally been posted on [00:04:07] Everything is awesome. Guy lives a simple life and he has everything he needs and wants. ThAt is, until he decides that there must be more. [00:04:19] Why the sudden change of heart? As with most stories, it's a girl. He sees her and he knows that there is something different about her from that moment on. He knows that he needs more. When he finally is able to see what the world really is around him, he struggles with the idea that his reality isn't reality at all. The girl using the online name of Molotov Girl is in search of something that was taken from her. She will need help to get to it, and Guy is the only one who can help her. The more time that she spends with Guy, she realizes that there's more to him than just ones. And zeros. That realization will open up a world of possibilities. She'll have to reach out to her friends in the real world to make sense of this. Will she be able to find what she's looking for before it's too late? Or will their work be lost forever? This story is far from original, as it's a mashup of the Lego Movie Ready Player One and the Truman Show. It definitely has content for all audiences, but is probably best for those eight and up. Some of the language might be a bit much for younger audiences, but that's definitely at your discretion. If you're wanting something fun for all, this might be what you're looking for as it's text centered. That may limit some of its audience, but the story still widens the reach. Simply put, just come expecting something fun and you won't be disappointed. I think that kind of sums it up in a nutshell. Like I said, it's just one of those ones that just has something extra to it. So if this is a movie that you've ever considered and you just haven't gotten around to yet, check it out. If you like just silly, fun movies, check it out. If you just want a nonsense laugh, check it out. But in the meantime, please, like share and subscribe. Who knows, maybe one of your friends might even if this might not be the movie for you, this might be the story for one of them. You never know. It's like the whole seven degrees of separation we're all connected to other people with. I guess they say that there's like seven degrees of separation or less between everybody on the planet. So I wonder who yours could be, how it'll all tie back to movie deputy. You never know. So I hope you enjoyed this. I hope you're having as much fun as I am, and I cannot wait to talk to you again soon. Come back tomorrow for another great in depth movie review from the movie deputy herself. Bye.

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