What Happens Later (2023)

What Happens Later (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
What Happens Later (2023)

Nov 12 2023 | 00:12:56

Episode November 12, 2023 00:12:56

Show Notes

Two long lost star-crossed lovers come across one another in the middle of nowhere during a snowstorm in a connecting airport. They are going opposite of one another and in that they find that their lives have more ties to the past then they want to realize. Though it does have a happy ending, it's not what you might expect. 


Fall in love with love again,  romcon movie, ktrf 12, w Davis,  Willamena Davis,  William Davis,  are you in a trip or in a journey,  trip is to reach a destination,  journey is to reach a goal,  I feel like I've been in my 50s since I was in my 20s, anticipatory anxiety,  a dog who represents themselves has a bitch for a client,  tension is good for business,  everything is pending,  if you do what you always do you get what you always get, trust the poets not the politicians, endure the stangling and submit to the face,  1127 pass code, Beth Ann Davis, 4 steps of sacrament of reconciliation,  bill Davis,  willa Davis, Rick and roll was rhythm not algorithm, rose Davis, hands free heart open,  bomb cyclone,  altitude Cafe, dining at altitude,  if you ever want to be certain you aren't the center of someone's universe date a musician,  lonestar consumer polling, stand by bar, the grand hotel,  time will tell, gate 10 flight 394 to Boston,  don't lose heart, bad bye badbye, only connect, if you talk about something is a dream,  I'd you schedule it its a possibility, of you envision it it's a reality,  the world will break your heart,  Maggie Davis,  just try,  for nora, based on shooting star by Stephen Dietz, Hal Leggett airport voice,  northwest Arkansas national airport,  terminal 4 movie, 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Wow. And welcome back. It is once again me, your favorite and friendly deputy of movie deputy podcasts, Formerlyofmoviedepity.com Bringing to you the latest and greatest straight talk movie reviews, preparing you for the content, the target audience, just kind of all of the stuff that gets mixed up along the way. And in doing so, I have a lot of followers and gain a lot of followers and subscribers and people that like. But I also get a lot of the hate too, which of course I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing if I did not expect to hear the hate as well. But as you can imagine, some of it can be pretty vile, and I'm kind of expecting it maybe a little bit on this movie too. So I hope that you thoroughly enjoyed yesterday's surprise of doing two movies in one day. But I thought since they were so intertwined together. And then my food poisoning thing from Friday, which just knocked me out of the game. [00:01:04] Like I said, if you've ever had food poisoning, I do not ever recommend it. It is so not worth it. That is not a memory that I will quickly forget. [00:01:17] Just thinking about that just gives me the EEBGB's. [00:01:22] Makes my stomach churn just thinking about it. Oh, pardon me, I'm not even going to edit that out because you know what? We all yawn. We all get tired and stuff, and sometimes we all just have to get up just a little bit too early. And guess what? I do it to myself because it's like I own my own company, I work for myself, but sometimes my boss can be a real hard ass. [00:01:45] I hope you could appreciate the humor in that. [00:01:49] That's probably about the worst curse word you'll ever hear me say here on Deputy. As a case, I use the H word as well, but I try to leave all of the major ones out. So if that offends you, I hope not. But I'm just. Me. Too bad, so sad. But the movie we're going to be talking about today is what happens later. Now, I don't know if you've seen the previous for this, it's kind of a lower budget type story, but it is a story. There's mainly two actors in the entire movie, and then, like an airport voice, the two actors are David Duchovny and Meg Ryan. Now, I don't know why I kept expecting this in the movie, but it's like I just somehow wanted him to work into the script. The truth is out there. I don't know, just of course you know why, but it's like I have a really hard time picturing him in anything else but, like, the X Files and Meg Ryan. It's like I'm used to seeing her in the weird rom.com comedy things and just the stuff that's a little bit off the wall and just kind of a little silly, but stuff that has some meaning to it. And honestly, this kind of fulfills that, too. I will touch on the fact that I am going to give this a guilty rating right up front, but I'm going to make you wait till the end to give you the score. Now, mind you. And this is one of those times that that does not mean it's a bad thing, but there's just a lot to unpack about this movie. In this movie, one of them is flying from Austin to Boston, and the other one is flying from Boston to Austin. Now, I swear they did this just to try to create a tongue. [00:03:31] You know, if anybody wants to create any funny videos on Facebook, on what was formerly Twitter, now known as X, on TikTok, on Snapchat, on any of that, if you want to do a whole Boston, Austin, Austin Boston type Weird, funny parody type thing and hashtag movie deputy, I would love to see those. And who knows, I might even reshare some of those on our own social media. So feel free to have fun with that. But be sure to hashtag movie Deputy if you decide you want to have fun with that tongue Twister. [00:04:03] I don't know if you will or not, but you never know. [00:04:07] And then they cross paths and like this little airport in the middle of nowhere. [00:04:15] Okay, right up front. This is not going to be a movie for your cup. For the college age kids. This is a movie for the more mature audience. I'd probably say low 30s on up. [00:04:28] It's just not the type of story that would really appeal to younger audiences that, well, it's got a little bit more dry humor and stuff like that to it. And then also, one of the reasons I'm making you wait till the end to give you the score is if you've ever traveled by error, if you pay attention to continuity things or things that are just wrong or things that are not even close to being accurate, there are just different things in the background of this movie that's going on during the movie, including that announcer over the airport, the voice you hear, and it's so far off from what would happen in a real airport. So you can't take it seriously. I couldn't take it seriously. There were probably about half of the audience that got up and walked out during this movie, a lot of them were the younger crowd. That's another reason why I touch on maybe the target audience for this one. And it's just like I said, it's got a little bit more of the dry humor. But these two people, like the one traveling from Boston to Austin, the other Austin to Boston, they both have their reasons for traveling, and those come out in this, but they have a history together, a very complicated romance history. [00:05:44] And like I said, some of the subject lines that are touched on definitely are why this has a guilty rating, definitely not appropriate for the youngest of ears on that. But they reconnect and it's like, okay, why did they split in the first place? And they touch on those reasons, and then they touch on things that they still have in common today. And so it kind of brings them together again, and it almost gives them hope that maybe there could be something again. And so they maybe try to just follow that and see where it leads them a little bit. But it's funny. This actually tries very hard to be a rom.com, and it's trying so hard to be a rOm.com that there's even one point in the movie that in this airport terminal, there's a poster for a movie called ROm.com that's actually the title for this movie poster. And it's trying so hard to be a rom.com that it has to put this in your face. It's like, hey, I'm a rom.com. Pay attention to me. But it does so in such a cheesy way. It's almost like a laughable moment. It's not even a serious point of the movie. And as goofy as this story is, there are some definite amazing quotes for different parts of this movie. And there's just some stuff that sticks with you. It's like if you talk about something, it's a dream. If you schedule it, it's a possibility. And if you envision it, it's a reality. [00:07:17] And one of the big things that this touches on is that the world will break your heart. [00:07:23] It's just there's so many things. And there is some stuff that touches on some woke stuff here. And they touch on a lot of the stuff that's both right and wrong with society. And in doing so, they touch on a lot of the stuff that Hollywood cares about that the rest of the world just kind of, I don't know. I don't want to say that doesn't care about it because I know there's a whole portion of the audience that does, but there's also a whole portion of people that just kind of go, oh, come on. Now. You've listened to me enough to know that I'm probably on that, oh, come on. Side of the table. [00:08:01] So this is just. [00:08:05] I don't know. I'm trying to think how to word it. And they use a lot of these different quotes from other inspirational people and things like that in the movie. But like I said, some of the just overwhelming errors that are going on in this story just cannot be taken seriously. I mean, it's just so over the top. It's hard to take this story seriously. But if you can look past that, there is something to this story. [00:08:34] Now, at one point in the story, it talks about the fact that he's always wanted to have a motorcycle, but he couldn't get past all the paralyzed, the statistics on being paralyzed from a motorcycle accident, so he never got one. But he said his favorite thing in the world is a leaf blower. [00:08:52] And she just kind of looks at me, she's like, a leaf blower. And he's like, yeah, basically, you rake up this big pile of leaves in your yard, and then you take the leaf blower and you just put it right in this pile of leaves and you blow, and it's just controlled chaos. [00:09:09] And then you spend all the time gathering the leaves up again, and you do it again. And it just brought so much joy to him when he was telling this story. [00:09:17] And basically, it's like, okay, do you want the chaos that you control or the chaos that you can't control? So are you a leaf blower guy or a gal? Or are you a motorcycle guy or gal? [00:09:33] It's like, do you identify with the controlled chaos or the uncontrolled chaos? [00:09:38] There's so much of that that's just relatable to life, and there's so many parts of the story that are relatable to life. I wish they hadn't worked. A little bit of that woke stuff into it, but it's Hollywood. I just wish they would stop being so Holly weird. I know that's not original from me, but it so fits. And there's just some other continuity stuff that just drives me just bonkers with this story. [00:10:07] And one of the biggest things that got to me a little bit with this is they never officially say where they're at, but if you look up some details, you realize that this entire movie was filmed in an Arkansas airport, and the snowstorm and everything that's going on mighty. They can get snow in Arkansas, but the radar channel thing on the TV that's reporting this weather, well, I got the call letters and stuff for the station on one of the shots of the scenes, and it's a station out of Minnesota. I'm like, okay, at least try a little harder there. Come on. And then when the storm is over and the next day, and then the planter can go and leave and don't worry, no spoilers here. You know me, no spoilers. There's no snow. It's like, how do you have a snowstorm that is so horrible that it shuts the airport completely down and the next morning there's no snow? [00:11:03] I mean, these are like major errors that it's like if you do decide to watch this, be sure and catch that, because that's just one of those, like what? Come on. [00:11:12] Just why? [00:11:16] You're probably wondering what I gave it on the score list. And like I said, I've been holding off on that till I got to the end because like I said, there were all these different errors. And, I mean, there's no way this could have been taking place if these two were actually flying these different places and connecting through this airport in the middle of nowhere. [00:11:36] And just the things that happened in the airport, they just. No, it's like my husband and I travel quite a bit, and yet just, no, I just could not get past some of that. And, yes, so that did impact my score a little bit because I take all of that into account. I don't just focus on the Hollywood gobblygook. I look at the story. I look at how well it's told. I look at, okay, how believable is it? Or if it's even supposed to be believable or not. And how relatable is it? What's the target audience? That's the stuff I look at. So you're probably wondering what I gave this. Well, I only gave what happens later a 5.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. And mind you, that does not mean it's bad in any way, shape or form. It really was a decent story, but there were significant flaws that I just could not overlook. If you are a fan of David Duchovny or Meg Ryan, you will probably find something in this movie to enjoy. It's a very simple story with a very complex undertone, so it will definitely have its audience, but at the same time, it's going to have a very limited audience. So I hope that helped you out a little bit. And I can't wait to come back to you soon and tell you about even more movies. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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