Death on the Nile (2022)

Death on the Nile (2022)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Death on the Nile (2022)

Sep 19 2023 | 00:06:49

Episode September 19, 2023 00:06:49

Show Notes

Poirot is back... What starts as a simple vacation becomes much more when there is murder afoot. Will Poirot figure it out in time? What do you think?

Original Review:

This is it


Yser Bridge Belgium, find your nerve, Katherine poirot, are you with case no I am with hunger,  dirty dancing,  simon Doyle, Jackie Doyle,  baedakers Egypt,  why would you fly a kite on the pyramid because no one ever has, first cataract hotel,  money is the alienated essence, married for love and got money by chance,  I could have punched the sun,  it's love it's not a game played fair,  love that fierce doesn't vanish,  Karnak, when you have money no one is ever really your friend,  tragedy is easy cost I imagine somebody in love then I imagine, Rosalie Audubon, tube of carmine red, not every live ends in misery,  I've had a handful of husbands each one a handful,  linnet ridgeway, it's alright he's a bloodhound let him sniff, her father got rich by making rich people poor, the bowers building,  she is more than fit she is a find,  Jacqueline debelfour, Patrick Doyle,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Welcome back to Movie Deputy Podcasts where we interrogate movies for their full plot and content. Hopefully leaving you with a curiosity that can only be satisfied by actually watching these movies, or at least with the majority of them and the ones that honestly aren't worth that curiosity. I hope that I am providing you with enough information about these stories to help you discern which ones you actually want to waste your time and effort, and in the cases of the ones that are still in theaters, you're hard earned money on. So today we are going to be talking about another Poro movie. This one, it was Death is Death on the Nile. It came out in 2022, so just last year. But this one, I'm gonna burst your bubble a little bit right off the bat. You know, if you love this movie, great. If you have not seen this movie, hopefully this will help a little bit. Speaker 0 00:00:59 I actually gave Death on the Nile an innocent rating just like I did Murder on the Orient Express, just because there's not a lot, or not really any inappropriate anything in this story. Again, there's a little bit of language, but not enough to give this a full on guilty rating with death on the Nile. I don't know if you caught my episode of the new one of, uh, A Haunting in Venice. Sorry, my brain completely blanked on the title on that one for a second. So what happens after a couple days and all these movies and I'm talking about in my brain, kind of goes Tilt <laugh>, but with that one, you, you probably caught the whole thing that, well, there was these other two movies of four rows recently and one of them I actually really enjoyed and one of them I didn't. And if you caught yesterday's yesterday's episode, you know that I definitely enjoyed the original murder on the Orient Express or the new original. Speaker 0 00:01:54 I know that movie's been redone many, many times and I still need to do those other versions as well. But with Death on the Nile, like I said, I'm gonna burst a few bubbles here because I only gave death on the Nile a 4.25 out of 10 on the deputy scale. This one, honestly, I had to sit down and rewatch last night because I could not remember enough of the story to even sit down here and talk to you about this. So that tells me I gave it a pretty accurate rating when anything in the fours is watchable, but forgettable and <laugh>, like I said, there was literally nothing in this one that stood out to me except just the whole fact that it was entirely predictable. I mean, 10 minutes into this movie, okay, 15, if I'm being generous, you've, you've got, you can figure it out if you're paying attention to the details at all. This one is okay that it's like you kept, you kept waiting for the twist and you keep waiting for the twist and then the twist never happens. It never comes. So like I said, it's one of those ones that you kind of figure it out and then you're just watching it slowly Speaker 1 00:02:58 Play out. So it's like, I don't even know what to even compare that to. It's <laugh>. It's just, it's not, not the level of painful by any means. And if you like murder mysteries that aren't necessarily a bunch of a mystery, you might actually like this one, but in this one you've probably seen the cast list and everything for this one is star studded and I don't judge movies based on that and that really upsets Hollywood a lot, especially when I don't give movies any consideration for their cast. But my whole thing is if if the studio wants more consideration for a movie, make a better movie. I mean come on. So yeah, this one, like I said, it did only get a 4.25 out of 10, which is pretty dismal <laugh> unfortunately. I mean it's still watchable technically his four is watchable but forgettable and in this one I said the cast, it's obviously Poro is there and he hasn't meeting some people he hasn't seen in a long time. Speaker 1 00:03:55 Some old friends, well along this way he realizes that one of his friends is on uh, another marriage. She's been married multiple times. She was just, I think one of the quotes in this one I got was making some notes last night. She, she married for love and got money by Chance <laugh>. So, and that love is not really a game played fair. And then she's like, I've had a handful of husbands, each one is a handful, but she kind of quickly proves herself to be the Black widow. Now I'm not gonna give away which character this is because that would just be too obvious. You know me, no spoilers ever, nothing even close. But as this plays out and like I said, it's easy to figure out who the murderer is, even based on what I'm sitting here telling you, trust me, I'm not giving anything away of who the murderer is because even though it's obvious, it's not as obvious as it seems until you're watching it. Speaker 1 00:04:47 And like I said, once your brain starts to figure it out and then you're like okay, it can't be that obvious. And unfortunately, like I said, it really is. But like <laugh> this one, they're just touch, there's so many cliches in this one and not even like the good cliches that leave you smiling, but just the stuff that's like, oh my word. I mean it's not quite full on woke, but they definitely twisted this story a lot more than they have with some of the other Agatha Christi stories and they got some jabs in to just, this is just, like I said, I couldn't even remember enough about it just off of my original watch to sit here and talk about it. And I re-watched it last night and my brain's already just kind of going, trying to think back to specific parts in this movie to talk to you about. And honestly, I'm not gonna really keep you much longer. It's, it's a riverboat. He's trying to solve the case by the end of the riverboat because one of them ends up dead. Obviously the case gets solved everybody, some of them go away happy other one, one goes away in chains. This it kind of leads that this would be one of Pearl's last. And obviously we know with the new one Haunting in Venice that that brought him out of retirement. Speaker 2 00:05:56 So will we see more? Not sure at this point, but hopefully we don't see any more like this one. I <laugh>, hope you bear with me 'cause I can guarantee I have a lot more movies coming up that are way better than this one and honestly we're gonna get to some that are even worse. I mean I have the deputy scale for a reason and I have had scores even worse than this one many times, but I'm not gonna focus on that anymore. For now. Please come back tomorrow and of course on Thursday for our Thirsty Thursdays where we are carrying on the sauce series. So if you are thirsty for blood and gore and puzzles, then that is definitely gonna be a show that you will not wanna miss. And of course we'll have all of our upcoming movies episodes and everything like that coming up later this week as well. So be sure to like subscribe and share and I'll be back soon. Bye-bye.

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