A Christmas Story Christmas is the NOSTALGIA that you didn't know you needed... (2022)

A Christmas Story Christmas is the NOSTALGIA that you didn't know you needed... (2022)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
A Christmas Story Christmas is the NOSTALGIA that you didn't know you needed... (2022)

Nov 20 2022 | 00:08:53

Episode November 20, 2022 00:08:53

Show Notes

A Christmas Story is one of the most iconic Christmas movies of all time. Many have wondered what happened to Ralphie and his family as they grew up. Here we get to see this up close and personal. 

This is also my first "Podcast only" review... It's a bit bumpy at times but I promise you that I'll get better. Please like and subscribe so you catch the latest and greatest from yours truly. 

Transcript (has not been proof read):

Hey everybody. I know it's been a little bit of a bit here. I actually would've had a bunch of episodes up last week, not making any excuses for it, but I went to upload them and my computer decided to blue screen of death on me. Fortunately, I was able to interrupt it before it completely went berserk, or I don't know if it was a complete blue screen of death, but basically, um, my computer reverted to an auto automatic other version of itself, an older version of it. It was just a couple days old, so I lost actually five episodes that I was recording for you. So that is totally my bad. And so this is actually gonna be something brand new for me as well. On those other episodes, I was turning reviews that are on movie deputy.com and to this new podcast format. So I was reading to you what I had originally written and then adding in some bits and pieces of what I really thought about the movie that I don't really necessarily express in the 300 words or less reviews. But, um, on this tonight, I am actually going to be reviewing a movie that I just watched today. And I have not written any review. The only thing that I have down are the notes that I took during the movie. If you're not familiar with that, I kind of talk a little bit that about that on another one of my just movie Deputy Channel posts that I turn my phone the lowest brightness level and I, I'll sit on the one end far to the side so I'm not disturbing anybody. And I take notes of just little poignant things that are kind of important in the movie than some different things that people might Google or yay Yahoo or Bing or whatever chat, uh, chat. I can't talk search engine that you're using. Sorry, my brain is going .
But today I actually watched a new movie called a Christmas Story Christmas. Now we're approaching the holiday season and as many of us, uh, probably the vast majority of my audience or the vast majority of Americans have probably seen a Christmas story, the whole thing with Ralphie and the Red Rider Bebb Gun, and you'll shoot your eye out Kid and all that. Kinda the nostalgia that comes with that. And honestly, I was not sure what to expect. I I am already a subscriber on HBO Max. It is important to mention that this movie is available exclusively on HBO Max. I am sorry for all of you that don't have it, but there are usually a free trial thing to do if you wanna sign up with it. And then if you wanna stay with them, I mean that's great, but if not, it's like you could probably at least use that free trial.
I don't know what any codes would be off that. And I don't have any actually movie deputy codes for HBO Max and no, I'm not trying to be a commercial for HBO Max in the least. But this one is one of those ones that you want to go to that ti go to that effort to get h bmx even briefly so you can watch this because this one is the nostalgia that you did not know that you needed . This one hits you all in the fields like the original one took place like many years, many years back. And this one, this one is set in the year 1983. So we just see Ralph V and he's all grown up down. He has a wife and two kids of his own and it, he's some, ugh, how don't really do this without giving us spoiler. You know how I do, you know how I am, I hate spoilers, but something happens in to Ralph to Ralph's family that he has to go home for Christmas and that's kind of, kind of disrupt all the plans that he had with his own family, but it's gonna do so much more cuz when he goes back home, it's the first time he's been home and it doesn't really say how long, but you can just tell it's been a long time and you see all of his old friends and surprisingly they're, I think they were all the original cast members from a Christmas story that are all grown up and it kind of goes back a little bit with time and it shows you the who they were then and who they are now.
It just kind of like jumps back into these poignant moments in a Christmas story and just really ties it into this movie here. But in this one, Ralphie isn't hoping for his red writer, BB Gun Ralphie is filling the, filling the shoes of like how his dad was in the first one, how his dad was putting everything he had into Christmas, not just for himself but for his kids and his family and everything. That Christmas was a big deal and that's how Ralphie is now. But because of what happened getting into that Christmas spirit's a little bit harder to do this year and he's also charged with kind of doing some other stuff and some other roles and things like that playing out. And then he even finds himself in trouble with the law at one point. And it's because of that it, like I said, it ties into the main movie.
You'll laugh, you'll cry on this one. I did go ahead and give this quite a good score with Movie Deputy. I gave a Christmas story, Christmas a 7.5 out of 10, definitely memorable. There are a few curse words, but nothing, nothing over the top by any means. And there, surprisingly, and thankfully there was no F bombs. So I think the one, I think there's a, um, one of a reference of a son of a bleep. And if just, I think there's a few other little ones as well, but not enough that it would discourage some of the viewers. Like I said, if you're not an HBO Max Subscriber sign up for a free trial or whatever. This one, like I said, this is one that you're gonna want to watch. If you've ever been a fan of the original Christmas story movie there, there's some special magic that's going on here and the magic of Christmas and okay, a lot of movies really tie into that and get the whole blah blah, blah yackety. It's the same old spiel. No, this one's . This one is surprisingly not. This is the same old spiel that you'll get on, okay, I'm not knocking 'em at all, but Hallmark movies where basically before the movie even starts playing, you know how it's gonna play out. And this one though, you think you might know how it's gonna play out. It doesn't necessarily play out in the way you might think, but this is one that you're definitely going to gonna want to check out and I am so glad I took the risk and decided to watch this cuz my first thought was, okay, whenever they do movies like this, they end up overly cheesy and just almost painful. I can't think of any right off the top of my head, but I know that I've seen other ones. It's just like, what did they do that for? And this one I'm so glad of why, why they did what they did with this and the message that it portrays and everything that comes through in this story. Like I just sounded like a broken record here. But yeah, this is one that you're gonna wanna check out. Also in the text part of the review, you, if you are curious, um, in the, if you actually click on like the little icon, whether you're on Spotify, iTunes, whichever platform you're on, oh, by the way, please like and subscribe because I go into a lot of stuff with the movies and I'm trying so hard not to do spoilers because I absolutely hate spoilers and this is my very first time doing a review purely with only my notes from the movie and nothing, I didn't transcribe any review prior to starting this. This is just me, raw, real and just bringing it to you. Uh, the original Christmas story movie and this one are both based on the book and God We Trust and all others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd. If that is a book that you want to check out, I do have a link to that in the, the text part of, of this podcast. So you'll definitely wanna check that out if you're, if you enjoy reading, I don't, I never read the books. I can't tell you how close or anything that it references off of that. And I know I'm getting a little wordy here. I try to keep these round to five, six minutes and I'm coming up on nine, so please accept my apologies. But this is one, like I said, I just couldn't wait to talk to you about this one. That's just, it just reaches in and it grabs a hold of you and a way that I definitely didn't expect. The first one's corny and silly on a classic, you'll, you're def if you've loved that one, you're definitely gonna love this one too. And I hope you check it out.


cereal with orange juice, red line trains,  dalfie publishing,  Neptune's oblivion, Ralph Wesley Parker, sandy Parker, the Midwest souffle,  Hohman Indiana, Ralphie Parker, when snow falls adventure calls,  holiday feast the season of giving,  a Parker family Christmas,  winter day,  yuletide cheer, tuna olive beans blueberry casserole,  ketchup mayonnaise casserole,  Delbert Bumpus, mark Parker,  Julie Parker, sparklypoof, flicks tavern, Slag heaps, Larry Novak, attics are museums of indifference,  randy Parker, a fistful of snowballs, higbees, flexible flyer f23 yankee clipper, radiator for a 66 Plymouth, junior kissel, the knight cap, triple dog dare,  scut farkus affair, how do you sum up the life of 1 man into a paragraph,  behind every nothin there's always a something, it's the thought that counts, my old man, extra photos in credits, for dex my old man, 

Based on the book: in god we trust all others pay cash by Jean shepherd

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hey everybody. I know it's been a little bit of a bit here. I actually would've had a bunch of episodes up last week, not making any excuses for it, but I went to upload them and my computer decided to blue screen of death on me. Fortunately, I was able to interrupt it before it completely went berserk, or I don't know if it was a complete blue screen of death, but basically, um, my computer reverted to an auto automatic other version of itself, an older version of it. It was just a couple days old, so I lost actually five episodes that I was recording for you. So that is totally my bad. And so this is actually gonna be something brand new for me as well. On those other episodes, I was turning reviews that are on movie deputy.com and to this new podcast format. So I was reading to you what I had originally written and then adding in some bits and pieces of what I really thought about the movie that I don't really necessarily express in the 300 words or less reviews. Speaker 0 00:01:01 But, um, on this tonight, I am actually going to be reviewing a movie that I just watched today. And I have not written any review. The only thing that I have down are the notes that I took during the movie. If you're not familiar with that, I kind of talk a little bit that about that on another one of my just movie Deputy Channel posts that I turn my phone the lowest brightness level and I, I'll sit on the one end far to the side so I'm not disturbing anybody. And I take notes of just little poignant things that are kind of important in the movie than some different things that people might Google or yay Yahoo or Bing or whatever chat, uh, chat. I can't talk search engine that you're using. Sorry, my brain is going <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:01:50 But today I actually watched a new movie called a Christmas Story Christmas. Now we're approaching the holiday season and as many of us, uh, probably the vast majority of my audience or the vast majority of Americans have probably seen a Christmas story, the whole thing with Ralphie and the Red Rider Bebb Gun, and you'll shoot your eye out Kid <laugh> and all that. Kinda the nostalgia that comes with that. And honestly, I was not sure what to expect. I I am already a subscriber on HBO Max. It is important to mention that this movie is available exclusively on HBO Max. I am sorry for all of you that don't have it, but there are usually a free trial thing to do if you wanna sign up with it. And then if you wanna stay with them, I mean that's great, but if not, it's like you could probably at least use that free trial. Speaker 0 00:02:49 I don't know what any codes would be off that. And I don't have any actually movie deputy codes for HBO Max and no, I'm not trying to be a commercial for HBO Max in the least. But this one is one of those ones that you want to go to that ti go to that effort to get h bmx even briefly so you can watch this because this one is the nostalgia that you did not know that you needed <laugh>. This one hits you all in the fields like the original one took place like many years, many years back. And this one, this one is set in the year 1983. So we just see Ralph V and he's all grown up down. He has a wife and two kids of his own and it, he's some, ugh, how don't really do this without giving us spoiler. You know how I do, you know how I am, I hate spoilers, but something happens in to Ralph to Ralph's family that he has to go home for Christmas and that's kind of, kind of disrupt all the plans that he had with his own family, but it's gonna do so much more cuz when he goes back home, it's the first time he's been home and it doesn't really say how long, but you can just tell it's been a long time and you see all of his old friends and surprisingly they're, I think they were all the original cast members from a Christmas story that are all grown up and it kind of goes back a little bit with time and it shows you the who they were then and who they are now. Speaker 0 00:04:19 It just kind of like jumps back into these poignant moments in a Christmas story and just really ties it into this movie here. But in this one, Ralphie isn't hoping for his red writer, BB Gun Ralphie is filling the, filling the shoes of like how his dad was in the first one, how his dad was putting everything he had into Christmas, not just for himself but for his kids and his family and everything. That Christmas was a big deal and that's how Ralphie is now. But because of what happened getting into that Christmas spirit's a little bit harder to do this year and he's also charged with kind of doing some other stuff and some other roles and things like that playing out. And then he even finds himself in trouble with the law at one point. And it's because of that it, like I said, it ties into the main movie. Speaker 0 00:05:15 You'll laugh, you'll cry on this one. I did go ahead and give this quite a good score with Movie Deputy. I gave a Christmas story, Christmas a 7.5 out of 10, definitely memorable. There are a few curse words, but nothing, nothing over the top by any means. And there, surprisingly, and thankfully there was no F bombs. So I think the one, I think there's a, um, one of a reference of a son of a bleep. And if just, I think there's a few other little ones as well, but not enough that it would discourage some of the viewers. Like I said, if you're not an HBO Max Speaker 1 00:05:57 Subscriber sign up for a free trial or whatever. This one, like I said, this is one that you're gonna want to watch. If you've ever been a fan of the original Christmas story movie there, there's some special magic that's going on here and the magic of Christmas and okay, a lot of movies really tie into that and get the whole blah blah, blah yackety. It's the same old spiel. No, this one's <laugh>. This one is surprisingly not. This is the same old spiel that you'll get on, okay, I'm not knocking 'em at all, but Hallmark movies where basically before the movie even starts playing, you know how it's gonna play out. And this one though, you think you might know how it's gonna play out. It doesn't necessarily play out in the way you might think, but this is one that you're definitely going to gonna want to check out. Speaker 1 00:06:45 And I am so glad I took the risk and decided to watch this cuz my first thought was, okay, whenever they do movies like this, they end up overly cheesy and just almost painful. I can't think of any right off the top of my head, but I know that I've seen other ones. It's just like, what did they do that for? And this one I'm so glad of why, why they did what they did with this and the message that it portrays and everything that comes through in this story. Like I just sounded like a broken record here. But yeah, this is one that you're gonna wanna check out. Also in the text part of the review, you, if you are curious, um, in the, if you actually click on like the little icon, whether you're on Spotify, iTunes, whichever platform you're on, oh, by the way, please like and subscribe because I go into a lot of stuff with the movies and I'm trying so hard not to do spoilers because I absolutely hate spoilers. Speaker 1 00:07:40 And this is my very first time doing a review purely with only my notes from the movie and nothing, I didn't transcribe any review prior to starting this. This is just me, raw, real and just bringing it to you. Uh, the original Christmas story movie and this one are both based on the book and God We Trust and all others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd. If that is a book that you want to check out, I do have a link to that in the, the text part of, of this podcast. So you'll definitely wanna check that out if you're, if you enjoy reading, I don't, I never read the books. I can't tell you how close or anything that it references off of that. And I know I'm getting a little wordy here. I try to keep these round to five, six minutes and I'm coming up on nine, so please accept my apologies. But this is one, like I said, I just couldn't wait to talk to you about this one. That's just, it just reaches in and it grabs a hold of you and a way that I definitely didn't expect. The first one's corny and silly on a classic, you'll, you're def if you've loved that one, you're definitely gonna love this one too. And I hope you check it out.

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