The Bikeriders (2024)

The Bikeriders (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Bikeriders (2024)

Jun 23 2024 | 00:08:42

Episode June 23, 2024 00:08:42

Show Notes

The life of bike gangs is one that takes on a life of itself, there's the family outside of the gang and then the gang is a family in and of itself. Where do you draw the line? Find out


Watson lock, Harley Davidson,  motorcycle, vandals Chicago,  Benjamin cross,  these hits don't belong nowhere else so they belong together, obscenity and motorcycles go hand in hand,  Indian,  c m mockbee Co, he's a pinko, shitty Pete, Gary rogues, 2a623, is be funny if it wasn't so tragic,  lakeside inn bar,  rmc x renegades, brucey and Gayle, Benny and Kathy,  NBC nothing but chrome,  stoplight bar,  fists or knives,  1%ers, 38u 338, the end of the Golden age of motorcycles,  wahoo and quirky, funny sonny,  zipco, cockroach motorcycle cop, Danny lyon,

Kathy interview

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:01] I'm back. And no, we're not talking about Poltergeist. I know it's weird for me to bring you a movie on a Sunday, but since I didn't get one to you Friday and Saturday, I'm gonna do Saturday and Sunday instead. And I know that I have been having a lot of people really wanting and waiting to see the review that I gave to bike riders. Now, I don't know what your experience expecting out of this movie, but I will say that this movie probably exceeded my expectations going into it. I tried not to have expectations going into a movie such as this, but sometimes that's a difficult ask. [00:00:47] Now, if you are a classic fan like the original Easy Rider, you go back to just the biker gangs living on the streets, hanging out with their buddies, realizing that that is a family in and of itself, and writing clubs that are still that way today. It's just. It takes on a life of its own. And unfortunately, that life often involves a lot of similar behavior to like, mafia type situations. Just in the whole, once you're in, you're in. And the only way out is to die, literally. [00:01:31] And then how to get in is usually there's an initiation or some type of that. And this movie is very raw in that presentation. There is no holding back on the language or the violence. It is not overly gory, but there. There are some bloody scenes that people should be aware of. If you are a lover of living the rife, love the rife, the life on the road on two wheels, this is going to be a movie for you. If you have ever been that person, this is going to be a movie for you. If you just love motorcycles in general, but don't like all of the violence and stuff that goes along with movies such as this, this may not be the movie for you because they don't focus a lot on the bikes in this movie. This movie is not about the motorcycles. It's about the people. Hence the name being the bike riders. Instead of calling it something like the bikes, I mean, just kind of obvious. I mean, they're on Harleys and Hondas and Indians. And you just kind of see how this is all coming together. And you see the misfits and the ragamuffins and the people that just don't seem to want to fit in in the rest of society. And those that tried to fit in and still don't fit in, but yet they always can fit in in these situations. [00:02:57] Now, this movie does have a guilty rating. I mean, that kind of goes without saying, with the blood and gore and just the violence and kind of everything that goes along with this, it doesn't officially say so anywhere in the movie, but I have a very strong inkling that this is somehow referencing the Hells Angels in a lot of the stuff that it does in the references in this movie. [00:03:27] And it says, these guys don't belong nowhere else, do they belong together? And that, I mean, that is just so true for here. [00:03:35] And when they kind of do the things that they're doing on screen, it feels like you're watching it now. [00:03:44] There. Here's where I have to break down. And it's something that kind of takes apart from the movie just a little bit. [00:03:51] This story is told from an interviewer's perspective. [00:03:57] The story, the the main idea of this story is a journalist that is talking to, I'm not 100% sure if she's a wife or a girlfriend, like the leader of the Vandals. And that's the, that's the gang in the motorcycle gang that's in the movie. [00:04:17] And he's talking to her about all these different things that the vandals have been involved with and the highs and the lows, the good stories and the bad. [00:04:24] And then you see it cut to the scenes where everything's happening, so it's more memories and then things that obviously, that she wasn't aware of that is touching on, that are somehow tied to the things that she remembers. And it kind of shows that, too. [00:04:39] And that, in a way, almost takes away from some of the story. It almost takes away from the heart of it. But at the same time, it's relatable because these people had loved ones that, I mean, they tried so desperately to help their loved ones who were in these situations or in these groups of people that maybe were not the most ideal, or maybe just that they wanted more to fit in with their family members and their loved ones. And it kind of says in the movie that obscenity and motorcycles go hand in hand. And I really think there is some truth to that. [00:05:25] And then there was a quote in the movie here that actually said it, and it just made me smile. Now, mind you, theres a couple jump scares in the movie. Nothing like horror type scary, but some things that you don't necessarily expect. You're like, oh, oh, wow, when that happens. And it's just like, oh, okay. But there was something that kind of stuck out with me. And, okay, I am a fan of classic cars. Like, I was, I grew up a gearhead, and there was a line in the movie that had the letter that is mentioned that, like, the network NBC. And I'm thinking, okay, how they're gonna reference the tv network. No. Had nothing to do with the tv network, because NBC has a new meaning. Nothing but chrome. It's like, I like that. So whenever I see vehicles now, and this actually just happened, I was downtown last night, and I saw a classic Chevy down there just decked out in Chrome. And I went up to the guy, and I'm like, nice. He's like, you like? I'm like, yeah, yeah, me like y. [00:06:30] And I'm like, nice, NBC. And he'd never heard of that before. And I think that's because it's something in the movie. But I'm like, nothing but chrome. And he goes, I'm stealing that. I'm like, well, I stole it from a movie. So there you go. [00:06:44] So it's just kind of a funny thing that kind of goes hand in hand on that. [00:06:50] And it is kind of funny that the vandals identify as being the one percenters in this movie. And that might rub a couple people the wrong way, but it's not meant in the way that you think, because in their version of the one percenters are the people. Like I said, they don't fit anywhere else, so they fit in with each other. So it's a different take on that. [00:07:12] So you may be wondering, score wise, where I'm at on this. This one, I'm actually gonna probably surprise you a little bit. I gave this probably a higher rating than you are probably thinking. [00:07:22] I am giving bike riders a 6.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. Sorry about that. [00:07:30] And yes, you heard that right. It's a 6.75. It's a good story. It keeps your attention, and it really tells a story of people. It's not over hollywoodized, it's not over dramatized it. This movie is almost one that could have been made for 30, 40 years ago, and it's done so really well. Are there some errors in the movie? Absolutely. But if you are paying attention to the story, some, at least some of them are easy to overlook. I couldn't let it slip through without knocking the score a little bit for some of that stuff. But story wise, it stands up. So if you are a fan of motorcycles and you don't mind the obscenity and some of the violence and stuff that goes along with it, be sure to check this out. If not, that's going to be completely up to you as well. But I hope this has at least helped you make up your mind if this is one that you want to experience or not. I for one, like I said, if you are into that stuff, I would recommend it. But if you are sensitive to violence and obscenity, then this might not be the one for you, but for everybody else, I think they'll have some fun. So, until next time. Bye.

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