Why NOPE will be a NO for some and a KNOW for others

Why NOPE will be a NO for some and a KNOW for others
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Why NOPE will be a NO for some and a KNOW for others

Nov 20 2022 | 00:07:39

Episode November 20, 2022 00:07:39

Show Notes

This movie is a trip, Jordan Peele's movies feel like elongated Twilight Zone episodes. Though there is something to be appreciated about that, it also creates a complexity that can be difficult for some to grasp. 

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I will cast abominable filth at you make you vile and make you a spectacle - Nahum 3:6, firefly ghost beethoven commodore Virgil lucky, Otis haywood Sr, Otis haywood Jr, oj haywood, Bonnie Clayton,  antlers holst, haywood Hollywood horses, emerald haywood,  eadweard muybridge, Alistair E Haywood,  Asian kid from kid sheriff, Ricky park, lil jupe, amber park, gordy's home incident,  Gordy's home,  first exploding fist bump, 6 minutes 13 seconds of havoc,  Darrell Hammond as Tom,  Ana Gasteyer as Phyllis,  Cheri Oteri as Mary jo Elliot,  Scott wolf as the host, Chris Kattan as Gordy, Jean jacket, fry's, Rebecca Diaz, angel torres, Agua dulce, Jupiter's claim, star lasso experience, Vasquez rocks, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Wow. And welcome back. I am so excited to be talking to you about another movie that I actually just watched that I'm bringing to you fresh off the press. Oh, not really fresh off the press, but <laugh> because I haven't actually written anything on this yet other than just the intro. The intro to this that I just was writing up, and this is on the podcast, it's not on movie deputy.com, but it's like this movie is a trip. Jordan Peel's movies feel like an elongated Twilight Zone episode. And though there's something to be appreciated about that, it also creates a complexity that's difficult for some to grasp. And honestly, the way nope is laid out in the way it plays out, it's definitely gonna be limiting for its own audiences on that. This is honestly one of the ones of his, it's been the most, it's been the hardest to follow as a critic. Speaker 0 00:00:50 And I actually watched this and believe it or not, I watched it a second time because I wasn't sure if maybe I just wasn't grasping it the first time through. And so I decided to, to do it once to where I'm taking all my notes and everything, but then I'm going back through and doing this again. There is a complexity to this. It's going to limit its audience. I'm definitely curious what, what you're gonna think of the review of what I thought of the movie at least. And the reason I watched it through the second time was just because, like I said, I wasn't sure if I was grasping it because I was so busy taking notes and so I didn't take any notes the second time. But even with that, it's like, okay, I maybe got a little bit more of the story but not enough to connect the dots. Speaker 0 00:01:34 Now the reason I'm going going into a little bit more of that detail there is I, I actually only gave this a four out of 10 on the movie Deputy Scale that is right at the watchable but forgettable stage just because this one, like I said, it's out there now. Some of these other movies, they've gotten a lot better scores on Deputy, but just a four Outta 10, it is watchable, but it's definitely forgettable at the same time cuz it's not, there's nothing in this that necessarily stands out as something that you're gonna wanna remember when you're done with the movie. Now mind you, that's not gonna apply to everybody. I'm sure there are gonna be people out there that think this is a great movie and love it and who knows, for some people this might even be their favorite movie, but just for me it just didn't hit any of those points to even get up a little bit higher than that. Speaker 0 00:02:21 But the basic point of the movie is it's a family owned business called Hollywood Horses and they've been in the game for a long time of providing horses to movies and being the animal handlers, just kind of everything that goes along with that. And the two of two main family members that are in charge are OJ and Emerald. Now, I'm not talking about juice and gems, these are actually just two people in the movie, but I know I'm corny with the way that they, it kind of plays out with them is they're just kind of struggling to kinda keep their name in Hollywood and they kind of touch on a few historical Speaker 1 00:02:58 Facts that I haven't Googled them to look it up to see if they're actually accurate. But I'm as, I'm just gonna go with the assumption that they are something about the thing of the first black person shown on a horse in a movie was a clip that was two seconds long. It doesn't reference the movie, didn't reference any of that stuff. And it's just kind of those odd just kind of ideas that was put in there that you don't really know why it's there. And so, but you just kind of keep moving past that. But as OJ and his dad were getting home and they were outside, there's something that starts firing towards the house and firing at them. And his dad takes a lot of shots and unfortunately doesn't survive. Now mind you, that sounds like it might be a spoiler, but believe, no, that's really not a spoiler. Speaker 1 00:03:43 It's just like a small, it's just a tidbit of the movie. And as this kind of plays out, Otis is trying to get his dad to get help. And the only things that his dad is saying on this trip are the, some of the horse's names. Now I bring this up because it's kind of, it's kind of an important key point because as they're going into town, he's mentioning these horses' names and he is just reading 'em just randomly off. He's talking about ghosts and Beethoven and Commodor and Virgil and Lucky, but he doesn't mention Jean jacket and jean jacket. It'll come, it'll be a little bit further on in the movie before he didn't hear the name of that horse and you're like, okay, why is he listing the horses? Well, the movie is broken up into chapters and each chapter is the name of one of these horses. Speaker 1 00:04:29 Now with that, it's not going down necessarily different things or enough to necessarily, uh, to the story and kind of take it to a next level with each of these. And it's not like any of these chapters actually focus on the horse that the, the chapter is named after. So I just didn't understand that and I don't, if I'm not getting it, feel free to reach out to me on social media hashtag movie deputy or message me privately if you understand that reference and where I'm just not getting it yet, please fill me in. It's like I'm more than welcome for information if you know more than I do on that. And then as it just kind of plays out. But there's, the whole thing is they're trying to figure out where these shots came from in the first place. I mean there was no like shooter around, there was nothing. Speaker 1 00:05:13 And so they decide to try to set up surveillance cameras. So they go in and get a bunch of high tech surveillance equipment and everything for the ranch. And as they're getting it all set up with the help of one of the employees, they're just starting to notice that there's something really unusual. They're trying to get these to focus on. It's a cloud, but it's not a cloud. I can't go into too much detail on that without giving it away. And that would be a major spoiler. So I'm definitely not doing that. But there's something special about the cloud now, is it alive? Is it earthly, is it extraterrestrial or is it something a lot more sinister? Like I said, I'm not giving that away cuz that would completely ruin it. And honestly it's that intrigue of what this thing is, is what kind of carries the story through. Speaker 1 00:06:05 Now I know that doesn't really explain a whole lot, but it's that mystery is the only thing that the story has going for it. And when it finally does explain what this thing is, it just, I don't know, it's just missing something. Like I said, that's why I had to be quite as harsh on it as I was. It's like it's not gonna be a movie for everybody. Definitely not a movie for younger ears. There are f bombs throughout and there are, um, racial comments and things like that. It's, it's a very, this movie would be very triggering for some, um, not for, there's gonna be some of some people that are triggered, some people who aren't. It's, it's not a movie for the average everyday movie goer. If you're a fan of Jordan Peele and you like his other movies, I'd suggest checking this out just based on that. Speaker 1 00:06:55 If this is one that you're maybe wanting to check out but you don't wanna waste the money at the theater, wait until it's on Red Box or video on demand or who knows, maybe even Netflix or Peacock or something like that will have this up in a few months because it, there just wasn't enough to it. And like I said, that's why it got the score that it got just a four out of 10. I hope that, um, you enjoyed me kind of describing this. If this is one you've been wanting to see, I hope I did not discourage you too much, but if it's one you were hoping to see and had high hopes for, I'm hoping I at least save you a few dollars. So until our next review comes up, which will be soon, I can't wait to talk to you guys again. Please like and subscribe for more and I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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