Trump Card - The Event and the Movie

Trump Card - The Event and the Movie
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Trump Card - The Event and the Movie

Jan 16 2023 | 00:16:23

Episode January 16, 2023 00:16:23

Show Notes

Those who simply read the review below got the gist of the movie. This goes deeper. I challenge you to check this out and truly take this to heart. There is a powerful message here and it is for everyone. 

Existence is futile, that’s what some people actually believe. That individual existence is no longer necessary and that we should only exist in a single mindset. No, I’m not talking about Star Trek. I’m talking about the loss of our freedoms.

Little by little, our freedoms have been whittled away by those who are intent on the idea of democratic socialism. There are unfortunately many that agree with that mindset, after seeing some other countries around the world thrive under that doctrine. Well, that’s what Dinesh debunks. Every time there’s a crime against our freedoms, we may not be the victims but we are victimized. Any time we willingly give up our freedoms under the guise of the greater good we are contributing to the problem.

That mindset has led to a free for all mentality. FREE being the keyword. It’s not just what you see being reported, it’s beyond that. It actually goes much further than we realize with funds from around the world (foreign and domestic) perpetuating the problem by funding the groups and the media that assist the movements to dismantle our founding values. Abraham Lincoln took a strong stance all those years ago.

We have someone else taking a strong stance again. As we sit on the precipice of another civil war, it’s that leadership that stands on the side of traditional American values that we need. He finds himself at war with America while trying to save America. Does this sound like a nightmare? Are you willing to wake up? Words will get lost without action, action means nothing without conviction. Take these words and take a stand. This is by far the single most powerful documentary you’ll ever experience. Don’t let it pass you by.

Yes, I'm opinionated... Yes, I take a stance. I'm proud of the America that I grew up with, I'm proud of the America that is worth fighting to take back. Will you join me on this fight?


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:01 Hey everybody, I'm back. You may have wondered, it's like, oh my word, where is she gone? What's going with our reviews? And you know, here I'm here. I'm gonna be getting back into it. I am not gonna make excuses. I've been struggling a lot lately with a lot of different things and stuff like that. And I am realizing that I need to come back and focus more on deputy and <laugh> the things that truly bring me joy in life. And one of those things, of course, is movie Deputy <laugh>. If you can't tell, I absolutely love my job. I love doing this, I love everything about it. Or, okay, I almost everything about it because let's be honest, we, there's always something, even in the things that we love the most, that we're just like, ah, but I am actually gonna be here reviewing a movie with you that I've really been wanting to do for a while and I've been dragging my feet. Speaker 0 00:00:56 Because honestly, cuz I was worried about the hate from it and I need to stop worrying about that. I had an opportunity to do something back in October of 2020. And this opportunity was absolutely incredible. I am a little bit biased as I am a huge fan of Danes Deza. I was initially introduced to him with his movie America. Imagine the World Without Her. He has, I believe, seven movies that he's done now. Yes, he, his first one was Michael Moore Hates America, which I actually haven't reviewed that one yet. Then America, imagine the World Without Her. That is the first one of his movies that I saw. And honestly, if you, if you've never heard him, if you've never seen him, if you've never anything, this is one that you need to check out. It is from a fair and balanced perspective, unlike anything that has really been done up to that point. Speaker 0 00:02:00 And it's just the first part of it, if you are a conservative and will make you wonder what the bleep, I don't plan on bleeping myself, so I just am going to insert the word bleep. But then his movie after that was 2016 Obama's America, that's another one I have not reviewed yet. I need to get these done. Then after that, he had Death of a Nation. That one, of course, you could find the review on movie, as is the one with America Imagines World without Her. Then After Death of a Nation, he did Hillary's America. The Secret History of the Democratic Party, again, these are very informative movies. They're some might call 'em controversial. I'm hesitant to use that word because it's information that people weren't even aware of. That's not taught, it's not presented it. Of course the media doesn't share any of this stuff with us or anything like that. Speaker 0 00:02:55 But the opportunity that I'm talking about was the next movie that he did after Hillary's America, and the movie was called Trump Card. Now, as you can imagine, the movie is centered around Donald Trump, but that's not what the movie is solely about. Now, that may be a little bit confusing to you, but this movie of course, I mean, during the height of the pandemic, you, yeah, um, I have to be careful. My wording is like, I don't want my episodes pulled on that <laugh>, but on this one it really delves deep into some issues, I guess would be a good way of putting it. And my review, I'll be honest, I on this one, I gave it an 8.75 out of 10 on the deputy scale. Now, if you're at all familiar with the deputy scale, you'll, you know, how picky and how selective and how harsh I can be. Speaker 0 00:03:50 So an 8.75 out of 10 critically is why it didn't get a higher score. I mean, there's just a few spots in the movie that maybe could have been maybe a little bit different. But the information definitely not so much at the time that I had rated this, I rated this of his movies, my favorite of the movies that he had done. And after rewatching this one multiple times, re rewatching there, the one, the one I keep referencing, America, imagine the World Without Her. I've rewatched that one too. And I'll be honest, that one, I love Trump card, don't get me wrong, I love Trump card, but America Imagine the World Without Her is by far my favorite. And that one, I initially gave an 8.5 out of 10 on the deputy scale, but I'm go may have to re may have to revise that score and stuff a little bit because personally and critically it was maybe just a teeny tiny bit better than Trump card. Speaker 0 00:04:51 But Trump card, I mean, it is one of the quotes I used in my review was this is by far the single most powerful documentary you'll ever experience that I definitely stand by. It's this entire documentary does not shake you to your core. Maybe you need to recalculate where your core sits as a whole of when it comes to being an American, because being a true American, it means being a patriot. I don't care what side you're on. I mean, yeah, one side does lean more towards that than the other. But to have a lo love of country, I mean the imagine the world on nine 12, sorry, that was my phone. I forgot to put it on silence. But the world of nine 12, the world where people were proud of America, the people were pe the America where people flew their flags and where we believed in what this was as a country and that we needed to come together and fight for our freedoms and fight for our beliefs and fight for what's important. Speaker 0 00:05:54 And yes, I'm passionate about this as more people should be, and you may be wondering what this big event thing is that I'm talking about in October of 2020. But this event that I'm talking about was possible thanks to Decision Media and because of the whole Thanks Pandemic and all of that, Trump card was initially set to release to theaters, but because theaters started shutting down and everything, Trump card was released only to D V D on October 9th, 2020. Now, it did not open in any public theaters anywhere worldwide, and it just, there wasn't just not an opportunity for that. And I wanted to take the opportunity and I reached out to Decision Media and I called in a few peop called Made, made a few phone calls to some people I know in the industry. And with their graciousness and ev just everything kind of falling into place and them knowing where my heart truly was with all of this movie Deputy held the only public theatrical screening of Trump card on October 9th, 2020 on the day it opened, it was held at a theater here in Lincoln, Nebraska on that day. Speaker 0 00:07:16 And it was such an opportunity to be behold. I mean, we had, uh, as full of a house as we could have, we had to abide by the theater's social distancing policy and some other things that were going on with that. But we, uh, we followed all of their guidelines and regulations. But like I said, thanks Touse Media, um, and their, like I said, their graciousness, their hospitality and like I said, them knowing where my heart truly was on this, they let movie Deputy do the only public screening of this in the world. There have been a few other private screenings done, but this was the only public one done theatrically, one actually done in a movie theater that was a public event. And the, it was just, it was a very emotional event. There was a lot of different factors that, I won't go into all the details as you can imagine. Speaker 0 00:08:11 There was some pushback and there were some other issues with that. My husband and I did get a chance, uh, Charlotte before this to actually meet Danes DeSouza, which was an absolute awesome opportunity and thank, and we were able to thank him for letting us do this. And it was just an experience that, I mean, I will remember as long as I'm alive, it's, it was just one of those defining moments as a movie critic that will live with me for the rest of my life. And I was so excited after watching this because even though I'd gotten the disc for the theater a few days ahead of time, I didn't watch it ahead of time. I waited until I waited with everybody else to watch it, to watch till I could take my notes and everything. And I was so excited to do so. Speaker 0 00:09:05 And when I got home, I sat down and I wrote the review. And when I wrote this review, just everything that was in me at the moment and this, and just the experience of this all and all of the emotions, I cannot put into words what this means. No, it just, I don't know how, how to put it better than to literally just read you the review that I wrote. And if you are curious and just wanna grab a snippet or something of this, I am going to be including the original review in the text part of the podcast. So if you wanna copy paste that and share this, feel free. If you want more information on this movie, you can check, check out Trump card, the I'm not sure if that website's still active. I probably should have checked that. But this one, my actual review, or mo I shouldn't say movie deputies, actually actual review helps if I can talk, is existence is futile. Speaker 0 00:10:06 That's what some people actually believe that individual existence is no longer necessary and that we should only exist in a single mindset. No, I'm not talking about Star Trek. I'm talking about the loss of our freedoms. Little by little, our freedoms have been whittled away by those who are intent on the idea of democratic socialism. There are unfortunately many that agree with the mindset after seeing some other countries around the world thrive under that doctrine. Well, at least that's, that's what toes debunks. Every time there's a crime against our freedoms, we may not be the victims, but we're victimized anytime that we willingly give up our freedoms under the guise of a greater good, we are contributing to the problem. Like it or not, it's the truth or that, I mean, I'm inserting my own stuff a little bit here as I'm reading this, but Speaker 1 00:11:03 I have to kind of insert a that like, like it or not, that's it's facts. The mi this mindset has led to a free fraud mentality, free being the key word. It's not just what you see being reported. It's beyond that. And it actually goes much further than we realize with funds from around the world. Foreign and domestic perpetuating the problem by funding the groups and the media that assist the movements to dismantle our founding values. Abraham Lincoln took a strong stance all those years ago. We have someone else that's willing to take a strong stance again and did so as we sit literally on the precipice of another civil war. And no, I don't think that's an exaggeration. It's that leadership that stands on the side of traditional American values that we need. He finds himself at War with America while trying to save America. Speaker 1 00:12:07 Does this sound like a nightmare? Are you willing to wake up? Words will get lost without action. Action means nothing without conviction. Take these words and take a stand. This is by far the single most powerful documentary that you will ever experience. Don't let it pass you by. Now, you may hear that I'm getting more than a little animated and emotional as I'm even reading my own review, but like I said, it's like I said in my quote here, that action is nothing without conviction. I know where my conviction stands, I know what the founding fathers meant. I had a teacher years ago that for a long time we were not on, I did not see the things that he was trying to teach me the way he, that he was trying to teach me. He made sure to educate all of us in his class in a way that we were informed and that we were informed and enough in a way that we could truly make up our own minds. Speaker 1 00:13:27 But it was only having all of the information that we were able to do that it wasn't the media's version of the information, it wasn't the political party's version of the information. It was everything. And it was overwhelming and it was maddening and it was frustrating and it was incredible. <laugh>, I know that sounds so backwards and so messed up, but it's things like that that help me appreciate things like this and movies like this. Now, being a critic, I'm, I run into the good, the bad and the ugly, literally it's like I've seen one, I've seen movies that made me wanna bleach my eyeballs. And of course, let me as a ref, as a disclaimer, this I'm, that statement was not literal as a disclaimer, please do not do that. That is, it's just basically like a figure of speech. So do not do that at all. Speaker 1 00:14:27 But that's ba it's a comment that I've used when I've left movies that were bad enough that it just felt like literally it scarred my eyeballs that bad. And there have been ones like this and ones like some other just really incredible movies that I have reviewed while doing movie, and I'm sure there's gonna be many more exceptional ones to come. But this is one of those. And if you haven't had the chance to check it out, please do. I hope that, I mean, this will do something in your brain, in your heart, in your mind, in yeah, your brain, your mind does the same thing. I know, but like I said, there's just something about these movies, something about Danes de Sue's movies. They Phyllis on the information that we didn't even know we needed. That may sound a little contrite, but it's, it's the truth. Speaker 1 00:15:19 It's like some of this information we didn't even know that we needed. And yet, here it is now since Trump card, he, he has done another movie called 2000 Mules. And I'm trying to remember if I have re I think reviewed that one. I'll have to go back to the website and actually check. But like I said, out of all of the movies that he's done, they've all been powerful in their own ways. But America, imagine the world without her and Trump card are definite, must seize. If you have ever loved America or if you have ever been proud of America, or if you have family or friends who have ever served, whether they've come home or whether they haven't, I mean, past, present, future, like they sac they sacrificed so that we can have the freedoms that so many of us take for granted. Please don't take them for granted. America is worth fighting for. And I, for one, I am gonna keep fighting. Thank you.

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