The Whale (2022)

The Whale (2022)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Whale (2022)

Jul 16 2023 | 00:07:51

Episode July 16, 2023 00:07:51

Show Notes

Brendan Fraser as you've never seen him before. Though I'm as happy as the next person that he's back, I truly wish he had had the opportunity to come back for something different. This was beyond disappointing. 



For Charlotte and Abe, oakley University,  gay porn in background,  being in debt is better than being dead,  new life church, Doug and Cindy, Charlie sarsfield, Ellie sarsfield, Mary sarsfield, New life cult, people are assholes, drug use,  Alan grant, Liz Grant,  there will be a grease fire in hell when he starts to burn, graphic descriptions of gay love,  I don't think I believe anyone can save anyone, suicide reference,  special thanks to the obesity action coalition for their guidance and support, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Well hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your friendly deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts bringing to you another very strictly interrogated movie that I have had a bunch of requests for. So I thought I would get around to bringing it to you guys. I've, ugh, I've really kind of been putting the brakes on this one cuz it's like I, I know I'm gonna get a lot of flack for it and that's not the reason I've been putting the brakes on it. But this one was just, if you've already seen it, I'm sorry if you haven't, this might help. But me growing up and raising my kiddos, I, I love, always loved Brenton Frazier. I mean, he was the mommy, he was George of the jungle. He was like all these great characters. And bef, before we get too much into this review, we're actually gonna be talking about the movie at the Whale and it was Brenton Frazier's kind of returned to acting after a long hiatus and a lot of different reasons for that. Speaker 0 00:00:56 But before I even start to get into this, I want to say that this movie definitely has a guilty writing. If I had very guilty, I would be, it would be very guilty. And just because the topics that I'm gonna be discussing during this episode, I would recommend not having littles around. This is definitely not going to be a review that is say for little ears, I should say. Uh, there's not gonna be a lot of cursing and stuff, just the topics of what's gonna be addressed in the movie. And so that's, it's gonna make this one difficult to say the least. Yes, stormy, I know you do. You probably won't like it either. I got both of my boys in here with me tonight, so I got Pitero and Stormy and so you might hear them on occasion just to let you guys know in advance. Speaker 0 00:01:38 But like I said, if you wanna take a few minutes and pause the show and take care of the littles or if you just wanna resume this one a little bit later in the day or maybe just put your earphone in or your ear P EarPods or how whatever you're listening on, I would say headphones, but that rarely dates me so <laugh>. But I wanna jump in now. As I said, I would give this one a very guilty rating if I could, but this one did only get a 2.25 on the movie Deputy scale. And you're probably thinking, wow, after just giving the highest score of her career to the movie Sound of Freedom the other day and now she's giving this one just a two and a quarter. Yeah, this one is, is it's not the worst. The thing I've ever seen. I mean, I've seen movies where I literally wanted to walk out of the theater and like gouge my eyes out. Speaker 0 00:02:29 Not literally, of course, but I've seen other ones that were just like, could not wait for it to be over. And this was kind of more of one of those. And look, I'm just gonna kind of jump into it. And this one are the main character, which is Brendan Frazier. He, he plays a gay character that he left his wife and daughter to have a relationship with one of his students, he was an instructor and in this movie he's still an instructor and he teaches via like Zoom meetings and things like that to his students. So they have no idea Speaker 1 00:02:58 Who he is or what he looks like or anything like that. But his relationship with this student of his kind of went kind of far and ultimately depression ended up getting kind of to his, to his lover and he committed suicide. So that left Brett the, I'm trying to remember Brandon Frazier's name, his character's name in the movie and I should have probably looked that up, but it's been a little bit since I watched this. So I do sincerely apologize on that. So yeah, that's just not helping me a whole lot on that. I'm sorry, I'm actually looking it up here real quick for you. So I do apologize, Charlie. Charlie is this guy the character's name in this movie. Like I said, I should have had that ready to go. So again, I apologize on that. But yeah, like I said, it just throughout the movie we are seeing very graphic gay things that he's watching and we are seeing other references to his gay relationship. Speaker 1 00:03:52 And one day the a guy from the church that his lover had been a member of was trying to come to the house and try to help Charlie maybe try to find his way. And it come turns out that the church that his lover was a member of and that this kid that is kind of a member of is a cult. And so that kind of complicates things in a whole other way. And one thing that's really important to note in here, if you have not seen any of the previews or know nothing about this movie is Charlie is way beyond morbidly obese. Like not able to get up and down off of his couch without help, not able to even base basically maintain basic hygiene. And he has somebody that comes into the home and helps him. And that's really the only interaction he has because he doesn't have a relationship with his wife or his daughter or divorced and doesn't, I mean, there's just nothing to his relationships outside of the one that he had had with his student when you know how that went. Speaker 1 00:04:51 And then just the relationship that he kind of builds based on this character coming in. Well, in all of this, there's a member for of his life that kind of comes back into his life. For this, it's kind of for all the wrong reasons, like I said, I, I don't give spoilers. I know I've been giving a lot away at this movie already, and but don't worry, there's nothing like spoiler related. But this person that comes back into his life is doing it for very selfish reasons. There's not really a happy ending to a story like this. There's just, this movie is just full of angst, but not like the whole teenage angst. It's just, it's always wanting to to do more. And I have to say Brendan Frazier did play this character really well, but of all play, but of all type of so characters, for him to come back as this, just, this movie is just very inappropriate for anybody who is not a a basically a consenting adult. I would not recommend this movie for anybody, even in their teens. It's like, I'd say 25 plus. If I had Speaker 2 00:05:56 To recommend an age though, honestly I don't, I got, I cannot recommend this movie at all if, if I could just say just blatantly stay away. I mean, and if that makes you wanna see it more, great. If not so be it. But yeah, this one is <laugh>. I, I'd say a waste of film. I mean, I don't understand the reason why a story like this, such as this is even told there in the, in the credits and in the beginning of the movie, it, at the very beginning, it does say for Charlotte and Abe, but never describes who Charlotte Abe are anywhere in the credits and this, and then at the end of the credits it does say special things to the obesity coalition for their guidance and support because they really guided a lot of how this character, how Charlie is, and how being so extraordinarily morbidly obese can have an effect on someone's life. Speaker 2 00:06:51 That's probably the only part of this story that's even worth like being a story. But the rest of it just kind of gets lost in translation a little bit. Not that anything is translated, it's not like anything's in a different language. But yeah, this one is beyond difficult and I don't really have much to say beyond that. It's like I said, it's one that I want that I've had a lot of requests for. I've had over 20 requests to review this movie and I've just been putting it off because it's the subject matter and just how it's presented and just that you do not expect what you see on the screen until it's like this staring it in the face. It's like, hello, I wasn't expecting that. But I hope this can help you and may I help you make up. I hope this, I can't talk today for some reason. I hope this will help you either way, whether it's positively or negatively on that, that's up to you. But I can guarantee our next one that we're gonna talk about tomorrow will be a little bit more fun. Till then, bye-bye.

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