God's Not Dead 2 (2016)

God's Not Dead 2 (2016)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
God's Not Dead 2 (2016)

Jul 13 2023 | 00:10:50

Episode July 13, 2023 00:10:50

Show Notes

God's Not Dead challenged you to defend your faith. This goes a step further and challenges how strong really is and how firm of a stance you'll take to defend it. That being said, this isn't a strictly theological movie and should be shared far and wide. Maybe this podcast might help.

Original Review:

The separation of church and state seems as if it should be absolute. The reality to the situation is that the line is in fact blurred in places. We are allowed to accept quotes from historians as factual history but when it comes to quotes from any theological sources, there is always question as to the validity of them based purely off of their views. Why are non-theological sources seen as more credible than theological ones... This story delves into that and more. Here we see a teacher that did nothing more than answer a student's question. Purely by doing so, her entire career and life as she has known it is in jeopardy. This story challenges the boundaries that we currently think of when we think of the separation of church and state. In doing so, it is not meant to change or influence any particular belief system but instead it is meant to change the ideology of education as we see it. Education is supposed to be diversified, as long as that doesn't involve anything that cross that dreaded PC (politically correct) boundary. How have we gotten to this point in society where we are willing to accept one truth but not another. Who sets the standards? Why do we accept those standards as the standards that society itself is based upon. Here we are presented with something that challenges many ideas that are faced today. Some agree that some ideas need to be challenged and others are probably happy with the status quo. Today it is this, but what about when it has an effect on something or someone you care about... What then? Watch this and ask yourself that same question... Your answer may surprise you.


Hello everybody, and once again, welcome back. This is your friendly deputy, your favorite deputy I hope from Movie Deputy Podcasts, and I am excited to bring you the second movie in the God's Not Dead Series. Now, I got a little bit of flack after the last one. I'm not actually bringing you the physical movie, I'm bringing you the movie review from the movie. God's Not Dead too. So these aren't actually the full movies themselves. These are the reviews of the movies. As you've heard yesterday, I was pretty harsh on the first God's Not Dead movie and I feel it was justifiable. Now what? God's Not Dead too. I, I wasn't as excited coming into it because I was like, okay, are they gonna do the same thing? What's gonna happen with it? Are they gonna push it too far, not take it far enough? There were so many questions I had coming into this and I try my best to leave my expectations at the door when I go to see a movie, but I'm human.  We all have those things that we are like, okay, should I be coming into it with high expectations, low expectations, or should I try to come into it neutral? And I really do try to come into it neutral, but that doesn't always work. Now, in this one this, it goes a completely different direction than the one we saw last time. It still deals with education, but on a different level. This one is actually a story about homeschooling. Now, a lot of people have very strong feelings when it comes to homeschooling. My son went to public school for kindergarten through fifth grade. He entered sixth grade, but because of some things that were going on in the school, I pulled him out and I homeschooled him for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. And then he went back to school for high school. And honestly, he was leaps and bounds ahead of his classmates for a while, but it, he caught up to it and I'm so glad I did it the way that I did it because he still got the full immersion of public school.  I've helped him kind of get through over a hump that he was having a hard time with. Ultimately, it ended up benefiting his education because he learned critical thinking, common sense, things like that, that aren't necessarily taught in public schools. I mean, he's almost 30 years old now, so this is a little while ago. But as, as we can see in, even now, the education system with time is only getting worse. And unfortunately, I don't see it getting any better in the near future. But, so a lot of people even years ago switched to homeschooling because they wanted to have a lot more say in the information that their children were learning. There is, there's always been some level of, forgive the term propaganda in public schools. Even, even when I was a child. I mean, there was stuff that was taught that was like seriously . And instead of being encouraged to be a critical thinker and to think differently and actually challenge these ideas and look into them, we were basically browbeaten to say, this is, this is how it is, this is how it is. And it's like that we don't learn a lot that way. We learn more with exploration and,  And and being inquisitive, things like that. So I'm gonna go ahead and jump into this with the review that was on movie deputy.com on this. So we'll go from there. The separation of church and state seems as if it should be absolute. The reality to the situation is that the line is in fact blurred in places. We are allowed to accept quotes from historians as factual history, but when it comes to quotes from any theological sources, there is always question to the validity of them pure based off of their views. Why are non theological sources seen as more credible than theological ones? This story delves into that and more. Here we see a teacher that did nothing more than answer a student's question purely by doing so her entire career and life as she has known it is in jeopardy. The story challenges the boundaries that we currently think of when we think of the separation of church and state.  In doing so, it does not mean to change or influence any particular belief system, but instead it is meant to change the ideology of the education as we see it. Education is supposed to be diversified as long as that does not involve anything that crosses the dreaded politically correct boundary. How have we gotten to this point in society where we are willing to accept one truth but not another who sets these standards? Why do we accept those standards as the standards that society itself is based upon? Here we are presented with something that challenges many ideas that are faced today. Some agree that some ideas need to be challenged and others are probably happy with the status quo. Today. It is this, but what about is, what about when it has an effect on something or someone you care about? What? Then watch this and ask yourself that same question.  Your answer may surprise you. Now you're probably thinking you read that with a lot of inflection, a lot of passion. Well, guess what? There, there was a lot of passion meant when I was writing this out. I just remember being very fired up on writing this, this movie even made my top 10 list of 2016. And you may be thinking, okay, if you gave the first God's Not Dead movie a four, how did this one get on your top 10 list? It's because it takes the idea in an entirely different direction than, like I said, the first one. They both deal with education, but here, like it is just discussing in the review itself the theological sources that we consider as factual from one side, from one thing and not the other. It's like, how, how does that work? So it's truly, it's not just faith on trial, it's education on trial.  It's the whole bit. And there's some really powerful quotes in this movie. One of them is, it's a very, oh, it's a common quote. I've heard other people say it, and I don't know exactly where it originated. I probably maybe should have researched that a little bit, but I didn't. But it says, I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God. Now, like I said, I've heard that saying many times over the years, and honestly until I saw this movie, I, I mean I, I understood the grasp. I I can't talk, I grasped the, the weight of the quote. But it wasn't until this movie that you feel that you completely feel that high storms, sorry, as I apol always apologize for my kiddies in the background. They will always have a part in my life and then my podcast, cuz they are my little, they're my little posse members and they help mommy and , they keep me company.  But I mean, get back to the movie on this. It's like I said, it is just there. There's a, there's a message here that just gets so beat down because people automatically assume that those of faith are one way. And mind you, there are those people out there, but that I don't do, I will say it here and I'll say it now, it does not represent the whole, I mean there are those types of people out there, but it is not the whole as I'm at the most part, to the most part, I can't talk tonight, I apologize. Some of, some people of faith are some of the sweetest, nicest people I've ever met, but I've also met people who are the most judgmental and awful people I've ever met in my life. And you're like, wait, that sounds very contradictory for the ones that do it, right?  For the ones that approach the world with love, not in this whole love, the whole like wokeness. And we have to accept everybody and accept, accept everything for the way it is. That's not how the world works, right? Is right and wrong is wrong. And it's not until people's like really stay stand up and make a stand that we're gonna see any change even happen. And in this one, the person stands up to take a stand. And in doing so, just it ends up me tearing up her whole life. It ends up tearing up her family, not mind, her family doesn't break apart, but it's like there's clear alliances of who's on her side and who's not. And even in the community, it's such, there's just so much to it and it really points out almost on a different level how broken our education system is. And this movie came out in 2016. Here we are in 2023. And all I can think of as I'm reminiscing about this movie is okay, if that was where the education system is now, and this is where we are today, where are we gonna be seven years from now? I, I cannot even fathom how much further it's gonna go if we've gone this far from 2016 to now to get where we're at now and then going from here forward. One of the most powerful lines in this movie, and I had to  Honestly go back and refresh my notes to find it. It says, they were hoping to make an example of you and instead you became an inspiration. That is just, that is this movie in a, in a heartbeat. I mean, it is just, this movie was meant to make an example out of, or the, the, the courses have tried to make an example out of this teacher and out of this family and instead they became an inspiration for people pretty much anywhere. It is . It's a very powerful story that truly indicates that, that that, that it is, it's not the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, it's the nail that sticks up that gets hammered down. And that message can be taken in both a positive and a negative light depending on how you look at that. So it is kind of a unique perspective on that.  But this one, I actually did give an eight on the movie Deputy Scale. So an eight out of 10. This one I also is the only of the, it's the, again, can't Talk, it's the only God's Not Dead movie that I gave an innocent rating to out of all four movies, this is the only one that was rated innocent. So say for 12 and below. But if, like I said, if you've ever been curious about these movies and you wanna check 'em out, if you've ever wanted to share these movies with someone that was maybe hesitant on, okay, it's like I don't wanna have the whole God thing shut down my throat for the whole movie. Let 'em listen to this podcast, share this with them and maybe this might help open their eyes and maybe create that little bit of curiosity. And maybe with the First Gods Not Dead podcast too, these movies are very much aimed at the theological community, but they would do so much more if they could draw in people from the non theological communities as well. And they have the power to do that. They, it just takes the right person to point 'em in that direction. So I am so excited to be able to talk to you about these movies and stay tuned for tomorrow for God to not Dead Light in the Darkness. Bye-bye.


abigail duhon, agnostic, amy ryan, andres hudson, angela sherrill merriott, ann cogswell, apex news, arnold john popa iii, bailiff, bart corbin, bart erbin, benjamin a onyango, benton public schools, brad heller, brent holt, brock clyburn, brooke thawley, cameron taylor, candyce hinkle, cara alvey, carey scott, catherine thawley, chanley painter, chuck king, cold case christianity, convoy of hope, corey koteras, county clerk, crazy cat lady, d matt jordan, david a r white, don e willis, duck dynasty, duncan phillips, dustin prince, eamonn mccrystal, elizabeth healy, ephesians 6, ernie hudson, establishment clause, evelyns espresso, fashionista as jenn gotzen, female juror, for russell in loving memory, forensic statement analysis, frazzled, fred dalton thompson, free exercise clause, gared luteman, gary habermas, gary newton, gerd ludemann, gianna simone, god is good all the time and all the time god is good, gods not dead 2, gods not dead to, gods not dead too, gods not dead two, grace wesley, grand canyon university arena, greg fallon, hadleigh university, harold cronk, hayley orrantia, home of the panthers, hostile witness, i would rather stand with god and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by god, im not afraid of telling the truth im only afraid of not being allowed to tell it, in loving memory brock eidsness, injunctive relief, j warner wallace, james mainard oconnell, james warner wallace, jeff frankenstein, jenn gotzon, jesse metcalfe, jesse wang, jessica, jesus as a historic figure, jim warner wallace as jim warner wallace, jody davis, john stiritz, jon lindstrom, judge robert stennis, judge timothy stennis, jury forman, kayla esmond, kimberly scott, kristina strava, latiera golliday, lauren hall, lauren harper, lee strobel, love you better, love you first, male journalist, mallory hardin brooks, man myth messiah, maria canals barrera, mario luna, mark whitman johnson, marlene, martin luther king krighsu school, martin yip, mary faulkner, melissa joan hart, michael tait, mike huckabee, mindy van kuren, mrs rizzo, natalie canerday, nearer my god to thee, nicole a randall, nicole randall, norma, paige martin reynolds, pamela panetta, pastor dave, pastor david hill office, pat boone, paul kwo, peter kane, pharmacist as paige reynolds, prayer is a powerful thing, pre emptive challenge, preaching not teaching, principal kinney, prospective juror, ray wise, rice broocks, richard thawley, robin givens, ron clemens, ruth kinney phd, ryk st vincent, sadie robertson, salvation army lady as candice blackard hinkle, senior pastor as fred thompson, separation of church and state, shawn c smith, silence is the enemy of truth i will make jesus known, thehumanright, simon boyle, spencer kane hess, stacey mcbryde valley, standing with god, star mccann, sunny barista, susan stone as mallory brooks, taylor eaves, taylor quick, taylor robirts, terri whitehurst, thats the thing about atheism it doesnt take away the pain it takes away the hope, the fold botanas tacos, the nail that sticks up gets hammered down, the pressure that were feeling today will mean persecution tomorrow, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, the teacher is always really quiet during the test, they were hoping to make an example of you instead you became an inspiration, thomas jefferson, tom endler, tommy blaze, travis mccoy, trisha lafache, unintended eyewitness support statement, v p of teachers union, verda davenport, vivian norman, walk by faith, walter wesley, what duo you call a teacher with no students unemployed ecstatic retired, what is really on trial here, who do you say that i am, will musser, you are the christ the son of the living god

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody, and once again, welcome back. This is your friendly deputy, your favorite deputy I hope from Movie Deputy Podcasts, and I am excited to bring you the second movie in the God's Not Dead Series. Now, I got a little bit of flack after the last one. I'm not actually bringing you the physical movie, I'm bringing you the movie review from the movie. God's Not Dead too. So these aren't actually the full movies themselves. These are the reviews of the movies. As you've heard yesterday, I was pretty harsh on the first God's Not Dead movie and I feel it was justifiable. Now what? God's Not Dead too. I, I wasn't as excited coming into it because I was like, okay, are they gonna do the same thing? What's gonna happen with it? Are they gonna push it too far, not take it far enough? There were so many questions I had coming into this and I try my best to leave my expectations at the door when I go to see a movie, but I'm human. Speaker 0 00:00:52 We all have those things that we are like, okay, should I be coming into it with high expectations, low expectations, or should I try to come into it neutral? And I really do try to come into it neutral, but that doesn't always work. Now, in this one this, it goes a completely different direction than the one we saw last time. It still deals with education, but on a different level. This one is actually a story about homeschooling. Now, a lot of people have very strong feelings when it comes to homeschooling. My son went to public school for kindergarten through fifth grade. He entered sixth grade, but because of some things that were going on in the school, I pulled him out and I homeschooled him for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. And then he went back to school for high school. And honestly, he was leaps and bounds ahead of his classmates for a while, but it, he caught up to it and I'm so glad I did it the way that I did it because he still got the full immersion of public school. Speaker 0 00:01:51 I've helped him kind of get through over a hump that he was having a hard time with. Ultimately, it ended up benefiting his education because he learned critical thinking, common sense, things like that, that aren't necessarily taught in public schools. I mean, he's almost 30 years old now, so this is a little while ago. But as, as we can see in, even now, the education system with time is only getting worse. And unfortunately I don't see it getting any better in the near future. But, so a lot of people even years ago switched to homeschooling because they wanted to have a lot more say in the information that their children were learning. There is, there's always been some level of, forgive the term propaganda in public schools. Even, even when I was a child. I mean, there was stuff that was taught that was like seriously <laugh>. And instead of being encouraged to be a critical thinker and to think differently and actually challenge these ideas and look into them, we were basically browbeat to say, this is, this is how it is, this is how it is. And it's like that we don't learn a lot that way. We learn more with exploration and, Speaker 1 00:03:00 And and being inquisitive, things like that. So I'm gonna go ahead and jump into this with the review that was on movie deputy.com on this. So we'll go from there. The separation of church and state seems as if it should be absolute. The reality to the situation is that the line is in fact blurred in places. We are allowed to accept quotes from historians as factual history, but when it comes to quotes from any theological sources, there is always question to the validity of them pure based off of their views. Why are non theological sources seen as more credible than theological ones? This story delves into that and more. Here we see a teacher that did nothing more than answer a student's question purely by doing so her entire career and life as she has known it is in jeopardy. The story challenges the boundaries that we currently think of when we think of the separation of church and state. Speaker 1 00:03:59 In doing so, it does not mean to change or influence any particular belief system, but instead it is meant to change the ideology of the education as we see it. Education is supposed to be diversified as long as that does not involve anything that crosses the dreaded politically correct boundary. How have we gotten to this point in society where we are willing to accept one truth but not another who sets these standards? Why do we accept those standards as the standards that society itself is based upon? Here we are presented with something that challenges many ideas that are faced today. Some agree that some ideas need to be challenged and others are probably happy with the status quo. Today. It is this, but what about is, what about when it has an effect on something or someone you care about? What? Then watch this and ask yourself that same question. Speaker 1 00:04:53 Your answer may surprise you. Now you're probably thinking you read that with a lot of inflection, a lot of passion. Well, guess what? There, there was a lot of passion meant when I was writing this out. I just remember being very fired up on writing this, this movie even made my top 10 list of 2016. And you may be thinking, okay, if you gave the first God's Not Dead movie a four, how did this one get on your top 10 list? It's because it takes the idea in an entirely different direction than, like I said, the first one. They both deal with education, but here, like it is just discussing in the review itself the theological sources that we consider as factual from one side, from one thing and not the other. It's like, how, how does that work? So it's truly, it's not just faith on trial, it's education on trial. Speaker 1 00:05:43 It's the whole bit. And there's some really powerful quotes in this movie. One of them is, it's a very, oh, it's a common quote. I've heard other people say it, and I don't know exactly where it originated. I probably maybe should have researched that a little bit, but I didn't. But it says, I would rather stand with God and be judged by the world than stand with the world and be judged by God. Now, like I said, I've heard that saying many times over the years, and honestly until I saw this movie, I, I mean I, I understood the grasp. I I can't talk, I grasped the, the weight of the quote. But it wasn't until this movie that you feel that you completely feel that high storms, sorry, as I apol always apologize for my kiddies in the background. They will always have a part in my life and then my podcast, cuz they are my little, they're my little posse members and they help mommy and <laugh>, they keep me company. Speaker 1 00:06:39 But I mean, get back to the movie on this. It's like I said, it is just there. There's a, there's a message here that just gets so beat down because people automatically assume that those of faith are one way. And mind you, there are those people out there, but that I don't do, I will say it here and I'll say it now, it does not represent the whole, I mean there are those types of people out there, but it is not the whole as I'm at the most part, to the most part, I can't talk tonight, I apologize. Some of, some people of faith are some of the sweetest, nicest people I've ever met, but I've also met people who are the most judgmental and awful people I've ever met in my life. And you're like, wait, that sounds very contradictory for the ones that do it, right? Speaker 1 00:07:29 For the ones that approach the world with love, not in this whole love, the whole like wokeness. And we have to accept everybody and accept, accept everything for the way it is. That's not how the world works, right? Is right and wrong is wrong. And it's not until people's like really stay stand up and make a stand that we're gonna see any change even happen. And in this one, the person stands up to take a stand. And in doing so, just it ends up me tearing up her whole life. It ends up tearing up her family, not mind, her family doesn't break apart, but it's like there's clear alliances of who's on her side and who's not. And even in the community, it's such, there's just so much to it and it really points out almost on a different level how broken our education system is. And this movie came out in 2016. Here we are in 2023. And all I can think of as I'm reminiscing about this movie is okay, if that was where the education system is now, and this is where we are today, where are we gonna be seven years from now? I, I cannot even fathom how much further it's gonna go if we've gone this far from 2016 to now to get where we're at now and then going from here forward. One of the most powerful lines in this movie, and I had to Speaker 2 00:08:54 Honestly go back and refresh my notes to find it. It says, they were hoping to make an example of you and instead you became an inspiration. That is just, that is this movie in a, in a heartbeat. I mean, it is just, this movie was meant to make an example out of, or the, the, the courses have tried to make an example out of this teacher and out of this family and instead they became an inspiration for people pretty much anywhere. It is <laugh>. It's a very powerful story that truly indicates that, that that, that it is, it's not the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, it's the nail that sticks up that gets hammered down. And that message can be taken in both a positive and a negative light depending on how you look at that. So it is kind of a unique perspective on that. Speaker 2 00:09:43 But this one, I actually did give an eight on the movie Deputy Scale. So an eight out of 10. This one I also is the only of the, it's the, again, can't Talk, it's the only God's Not Dead movie that I gave an innocent rating to out of all four movies, this is the only one that was rated innocent. So say for 12 and below. But if, like I said, if you've ever been curious about these movies and you wanna check 'em out, if you've ever wanted to share these movies with someone that was maybe hesitant on, okay, it's like I don't wanna have the whole God thing shut down my throat for the whole movie. Let 'em listen to this podcast, share this with them and maybe this might help open their eyes and maybe create that little bit of curiosity. And maybe with the First Gods Not Dead podcast too, these movies are very much aimed at the theological community, but they would do so much more if they could draw in people from the non theological communities as well. And they have the power to do that. They, it just takes the right person to point 'em in that direction. So I am so excited to be able to talk to you about these movies and stay tuned for tomorrow for God to not Dead Light in the Darkness. Bye-bye.

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