Napoleon (2023)

Napoleon (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Napoleon (2023)

Nov 26 2023 | 00:07:55

Episode November 26, 2023 00:07:55

Show Notes

Napoleon, a name that many will recognize. This is supposed to be his story but it is far from history. Should you embark on this tale... Follow along and decide for yourself.


People are driven by misery into revolution and brought back by revolution to misery,  napoleon Bonaparte,  guillotine,  terror is nothing more than justice,  Paul barras, Lucian Bonaparte, the reign of terror,  the survivors ball,  if you look down you'll see a surprise once you see it you'll always want it, Bonaparte tear stained letters to his cheating wife, Armand de Caulaincourt, charles de tallyrand, Corsican thug, tsar Alexander I, austerlitz, infs infantry sighted,  ims imminent,  chateau del matmaison, treaty of tilsit, borodino, elba, boneys old bird caught out of the nest again, Arthur Wellesley, bellerophon, Hudson Lowe, st Helena Island, Marengo, waterloo, final words france army Josephine,  for Lulu,

Transcript can be found below

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