Wish (2023)

Wish (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Wish (2023)

Nov 25 2023 | 00:08:23

Episode November 25, 2023 00:08:23

Show Notes

Wishes give us the hope that what we wish might someday come true... This isn't that story. The way wishes are addressed here, it could be hard to hold on to that hope

Should you embark on this adventure, and stick around til the end of the credits, there's something special that almost makes this worth watching. 


Valentino, City of Rosas, magnifico, you forget won't regret, Dalia, asha, saba, simon o'donahue,  the stars are there to guide us to inspire us,  Elena, Esteban,  Sonya osman, that's it ladies your wings can't fly but your voices can, Amaya, through the heart we understand the world, obsidian oil, bonus scene after credits, 

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello once again and welcome back, as we are going to be delving into another great movie that opened this weekend, or some people think it's great, some people not so great. If you're wondering who I am, I am your favorite and friendly deputy of movie deputy podcasts, bringing to you the in depth interrogations of movies like you're not gonna really find anywhere else. And I delve deep into these sometimes. And sometimes I wonder, is this, am I too much? Am I not enough? Am I a little bit in between, between all of that and wow. It's like decent. Sometimes the movies surprise me and sometimes they just wow me, but not okay. Sometimes I get the good wow, and other times I'm just wow. Like, what in the world did they do? You're probably wondering the movies that I'm going to be talking about for today and tomorrow, yes, I will have a review that is going live tomorrow, on Sunday. But the two movies that we are going to be talking about are wish and Napoleon. And we're actually going to start with wish. If you have seen any of the previews online, it looks like this cute little movie where this girl wishes to the star as a star, comes down and kind of helps fulfill wishes. And then, of course, there's a talking goat and some other little creatures there to help her along the way and of course, the kingdom that she lives in. But okay, as you know me, no spoilers, but I'm going to be getting into this movie here a little bit more depth. But it's only fair to let you know that I, I really struggled with this movie because I naturally want to give it an innocent rating, and it does deserve an innocent rating. But at the same time, the youngest of audiences might have a hard time with this because when I went to the theater and saw this, like everybody else, I was sitting in there and there were some really intense scenes in this movie the kids found quite upsetting. I'm sorry. It's entirely too early to be up talking about movies, but that's what I'm here for. [00:02:07] But there were some really intense scenes that got to be a little bit much for some of the youngest viewers in there when I was watching this and the parents had to get up and leave just because the scenes were a little bit intense. Now I feel it necessary to bring up that there are a lot of Easter eggs in this movie. You may be wondering what I'm talking about with that. The Easter eggs, it's like, if you don't know the Easter egg, it's something that references another movie. And there is references to Peter Pan, there's references to Bambi, there is references to Snow white, even going so far as to say mirror, mirror. And instead of the whole magic mirror, I know that's the whole Mandela effect thing. But in this movie, they do say mirror, mirror. There's also a reference to just the Disney Channel logo, and there's other references to black cauldron, sword in the stone. There's different pieces that touch on a lot of other Disney movies in this one. And the way they do so is really, it seems really kind of innocent. But at the same time, if you look deeper into what they're really saying in this movie, this is a movie that should not be aimed at kids. Now, Disney knows that they have had so many flops lately. I mean, you have onward, you have strange world, you have all these other movies that have come out in the last, basically year that have been just flops. And I was really hoping that wish was going to break that stereotype. But watching just even the trailers, I was so disheartened, because for a Disney Pixar movie, this one looks cheap. It looks like the cheap animation of, like, what you'd see on a tv movie or a tv animated series or something along those lines. It does not feel like you're watching a Disney movie. And in this one, Asha is getting ready to celebrate her grandfather's 100th birthday. And so she goes to this person in charge of the wishes, which is Magnifico. And why is he in charge of the wishes? I can't really give that away because that would be a spoiler. So I'm not going to do that to you. But he, he guards all the wishes of guard is maybe not the right word. He keeps all the wishes. And one of the things is when you give your wish to him, you forget it. And with forgetting it, you don't regret it. So it's like you forget, you won't regret. It's kind of this whole thing is going on with that. But what is he really taking from the people by taking these wishes? And what is he gaining by keeping these wishes? And, I mean, how does this all tie in together there? Like I said, this, there are some much darker things here. The movie gave me very much the feel of, like, the original care bear movie, the one that came out in the mid eighties and kind of the evil sorcerer and stuff in that just kind of that whole feel of that, that part of that movie, it's. That's very much what this one feels like, I don't know if that helps you at all or hurts, but this one, it just really. I don't know. It's not the light hearted, fun, sweet movie that you would expect. And the way that it addresses some of these issues is almost uncomfortable. And I don't mean uncomfortable. And, like, the one of the things that I say is if it's uncomfortable, but it's necessary that it's worth kind of sitting through that stuff. But on this, it's like, save your money. It's like, if you really want to see this, wait till it's out on Disney, and even then, watch it with your kids, because there are a lot of comments in this about that freedom is dangerous and that, I mean, keeping on to your wishes and having that hope and dreaming for something is. They want you to almost think of that as a negative, and that just is like, whoa. Not like this. It's one of those, like, woes that just looks like, whoa. It's like, did I really hear that right? And I don't want to believe I heard that right, but I'm sitting there watching it. I'm like, I did hear that right. It's like, what in the world? So, like I said, I begrudgingly give this a. An innocent rating, but I'm just really. I just really want to, like, bring home the point that do not let your children just sit down and watch this without you, because there are going to be some things that need to be explained that aren't necessarily explained a whole lot in this one. And even some of the references to the older Disney movies, it's like, younger kids are not going to understand that. And it may seem confusing to some, and I don't want it. I don't want any of my reviews to ever come across as confusing. So you're probably thinking, okay, the way she's talking about this movie is probably not going to get a great score. Well, you are correct, because this is just one of those ones that, as hard as I was trying to, it's like staying strictly true to the deputy scale. [00:07:07] This. [00:07:08] The score that I gave to wish is only a 4.25 out of ten. Now, a four is watchable but forgettable. A five is decent story. Significant flaws. And the flaws that I mark with this one are almost the flaws that make each one of us unique. It's the flaws that. It's criticizing things that make people individuals. It's criticizing. It's me criticizing the fact that this story wants everybody to be the same. And that's just not how it works. And okay, there, I don't want to say it's a happy ending because of course, I don't give the spoilers and stuff on that either. But the ending isn't what you expect, but it still does not make up for the rest of what's going on with the story. So whether or not you decide to take this adventure with this movie at the theater or not, that is completely up to you. But at least I tried to help prepare you as much as possible in the meantime. So I will be back tomorrow to talk about Napoleon. You know what to do if you don't want to miss any of the latest and greatest movie. Deputy content and I will be back tomorrow and talk to you soon. Bye.

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