God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness (2018)

God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness (2018)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
God's Not Dead: A Light in Darkness (2018)

Jul 14 2023 | 00:09:14

Episode July 14, 2023 00:09:14

Show Notes

When a pastor loses his church, he struggles with what to do. When the loss goes beyond that, he finds himself lost. What will happen? You've gotta watch it and see. 

Original Review:

Religion, faith, spirituality... what is it behind them all that keeps people together? Is it a building? Is it a book? Or is it something more. In this 3rd installment in the God's Not Dead series, we see Pastor Dave fighting to save his church. A church that is special to him for many reasons. When he experiences a horrific tragedy, he finds himself drifting away from faith. Losing everything is causing him to lose himself. In this crisis, he continues to fight and enlists the help of someone that has sentimental ties to this as well. The fight continues and things even get dirty, even bringing into play current issues plaguing society. All of this animosity continues until one side hits a breaking point. Sometimes it takes being broken to be able to see the light. Who will win this heated battle? Don't think that answer is as cut and dry as it may seem. Winners aren't always winners and losers aren't always losers. This is clearly the most relatable of all of the God's Not Dead movies but it's also very difficult at times, making it hard to watch and controversial. Some of the content is not for younger viewers but there is information that will touch many that watch it. Just come prepared that this won't be what you expect. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? You decide!



@lionsdentalk Lion's den, #GodsNotDead, Adam Richertson, always god is good and god is good always, always had a weakness for bad boys - m :), bonus scene, candle = peace hope unity and love, curious George has no tail, Dana loesch live, david-hill, eat doe's place / for goodness steaks, evolution is not my myth, family mourns local pastor, God / he uses all things for his good, God's not dead app, Gods not dead 3, Gods not dead three, grapevine news, hadleigh-university, harbor house, home of harbor house bring a friend, hope springs, how do we actually know that our values and beliefs are any more valid than anyone else's, it's a sign of the times isn't it / everybody's yelling nobody's listening, it's good to ask difficult questions, it's kinda my signature move invite a girl over and get punched in the face it works every time, Jude mbaye, karc 4, katv 7, kcrp 15, keaton young, kit Kat has no hyphen, law office / Pearce Hill / Esq, Mandy Stevens, meg's kitchen, Nathaniel mbaye, Negan Alexander, newsboys off stage, on fire by John Renaissance, pas 704, Pearce we'll be praying for you everyday love mom & dad, saline memorial, social justice attorney, st James church, st jude's church, Steve Bergen - how about we keep the church and get rid of you, the human right by Robert broocks, the Mandela effect, the whole world knows what the church is against but it's getting harder and harder to know what it's for, Thomas Elsworth, Truth is a person / a person of Jesus / the one truth, truth isn't about convenience, uncertainty led to the pursuit of truth, we cannot respond to hate with more hate, weeping may lady through the night but joy comes in the morning and the morning always comes, wherever you are I'm still here, without grace as our goal we're just fighting

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts bringing you the third movie in the God's Not Dead series. This one is actually called God's Not Dead, A Light In the Darkness. And it's really incredible if you think about it, because darkness, no matter how dark it is, cannot snap out light. And I think that's a big message that's gonna come across in this movie today. If you are curious about the score, I'm gonna let you know what the score is, but at the same time, don't judge too much based on the score. Cause there's a lot of things that went into it on the movie Deputy Scale. I did only give this movie a 4.5 out of 10 and you're like, wait a minute. Four being watchable, but forgettable, <laugh> and like. And then five is just a lot of flaws and stuff like that. Speaker 0 00:00:43 I'm not gonna go too much into that. I've got a lot of stuff that explains that on movie deputy.com and on my welcome to movie Deputy podcasts. One of these times I'll sit there and go back through the review system one of these days just to kinda help people understand the scores. Like I said, this one, there's a reason that it only got that score. And then this is also rated guilty on my guilty and innocent ratings, meaning that it is safe for 13 and above. And again, I'm gonna get into that here in just a second with you on why I did end up giving it the guilty rating, some of the content and everything. But before I jump in with all of that, I want to go ahead and read you the original 300 word less 300 words or less review that was is on movie deputy.com. Speaker 0 00:01:24 And here we go. Religion, faith, spirituality, what is it behind them? What is it behind them all that keeps people together? Is it a building, is it a book or is it something more? In this third installment in the God's Not Dead series, we see Pastor Dave fighting to save his church, a church that is special to him for many reasons. When he experiences a horrific tragedy, he finds himself drifting away from faith, losing everything is causing him to lose himself. In this crisis, he continues to fight and enlist the help of someone that has sentimental ties to this as well. The fight continues and things even get dirty. Even bringing into plague current issues plaguing society, all of this animosity continues until one side hits a breaking point. Sometimes it takes being broken to be able to see the light. Who will win this heated battle? Speaker 0 00:02:19 Don't think the answer is as cut and dry as it may seem. Winners aren't always winners and losers aren't always losers. This is clearly the most relatable of all of the Gods Not dead movies, but it is also very difficult to watch at times, making it hard to watch and controversial. Some of the content is not for younger viewers, but there is information that will touch many that watch it just come prepared that this won't be what you expect. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? You decide. Now, as you can see, I try to almost get kind of deep in my reviews as I'm going back through and reading some of the reviews I'm doing this whole switch over to the podcast format. I'm realizing how philosophical a lot of my reviews sound and that was never intentional. But I guess that's just how it's coming across. Speaker 0 00:03:08 This movie really goes places where you would not expect one of the God's not dead movies to go to. It really touches on the whole thing. The with uh, just basically this controversy to say the church. They are in a big university town and the church is surrounded by university property. So when something happens to the church, the university wants their property back and it kind of becomes a legal battle. And you've got the people fighting the save the church and you've got the people on the university fighting cuz they want the church's land and kind of how that all plays out. And there's a lot of really relatable quotes in this one. I'm just gonna kind of work a couple of those into my review here. But one of the major ones, and it still applies today, this movie came out in 2018, but one of the quotes is it's a sign of the times, isn't it? Speaker 0 00:03:54 That everybody's yelling and nobody's listening. It's like, how true is that? Even today? It's like there's just nobody actually like fighting the good fight and they're, they're, they're everybody's fighting and nobody's listening. And then another one of the questions that this asks, and this is gonna make people really uncomfortable, but um, I'm not afraid of making you uncomfortable. As I've said before, if you don't like what I'm saying, turn it off. And if you do, guess what? I'm gonna keep coming back <laugh>. But it says, how do we know that our values and beliefs are any more valid than anyone else's? Like I said, that quote right there is gonna make people uncomfortable and it addresses that in multiple ways throughout this movie. But it's really good to ask those difficult questions. And it's really good to delve deeper into a lot of the information that honestly we're afraid to ask. Speaker 0 00:04:45 A lot of people are like, oh, well you can't question that. It's just the way it is. No, it's like it's a good thing to have questions, it's a good thing to have the difficult questions. And as a ch as basically people that are people where their church is their second home, the entire world knows what the church is against, but it's harder and harder to know what it's for. Now again, that's one of those difficult things cuz a lot of people are gonna say, okay, it's for God, it's for Jesus, it's for all of these other things, for all of these teachings. But is is that it? Is that, is that the extent of it? Is it not for the people? Is it not to help people? Is it not to do these other things? And at the same time, we don't need to take it to the point of the, there's things in this movie that are a slippery slope that have kinda led to where we are nowadays. Speaker 0 00:05:37 I for one drive past churches here in my own town and they have these, uh, rainbow flags and all these other flags up and all these other flags that incorporate other things in the rainbow flags and just the whole inclusivity. And mind you, I don't have any problem with inclusivity. It's like a, if people wanna live their lives and do what they wanna do, that's good, that's great. I'm fine with treating everybody as equals, but I will not put one group of people above another and I will not recognize all of these mental illnesses as, I don't, can't really think of a way to put it better than that, with least not without getting my show pulled, but I'm sure you know what I'm referring to on that. It's really true that without Grace is our goal, we're just fighting. It's like, but what are we fighting for? Speaker 0 00:06:28 Do we know? Do you know? I know I don't, not not in the least completely. Now you're maybe wondering, it's okay. Why is she admitting that? Because none of us have the answers. A lot of people are like, just open the book. That's the answers. No, not for all of us. I mean, it's not, it's not that cut and dry. There's so much to this. Personally, I probably would've actually given this movie closer to a seven based on my personal opinion of it. But with all of the characteristics I had to do with Movie Deputy and everything I look at and use to, to score it, it just, I couldn't. I just, I couldn't. I think it's because that it dares to go where these other movies haven't, and I'm not trying to punish her for doing so, but it does affect the score that it gives. Speaker 0 00:07:18 I mean, this movie even goes so far as to address things that in our modern day society that we know is the Mandela effects. And some people are like, okay, what, what does that have to do with the religious movie <laugh>? I can understand that too. And I'm like, huh? It's like, okay, but how they work it in it al almost makes sense. It's just just shy of I think achieving what they were trying to achieve with it. Now this is also one of those movies that if you sit through it through to the end, there actually is another bonus scene in the credits and it kind of leads into the fourth and final God's Not Dead Ma Vira, I don't know if it's the last one that they've made, but it's up to this date. It's the last one that we have. And that bonus scene in the credits is definitely one that you'll wanna stick around for if you decide to watch this movie. Speaker 0 00:08:05 I am hope that this is maybe giving you a little bit more insight into if this is one that you wanna check out or not. If so, you're welcome and if not, I hope that you can relate with some of the other movies that we talk about on this. Again, tomorrow will be God's Not Dead, we The People. And that will be the last movie in our God's Not Dead series. And then we are actually going to jump in with I some other types of movies. I've been focusing on the trafficking movies and I'm focusing on these movies. I don't just focus on religious movies. And as you can tell, I don't give my reviews from a religious perspective and that has lost me some listeners. But I'm, you know what? I'm fine with that because I, that's not how I want to review movies. I am a constitutional conservative. I have my beliefs that I follow and stay true to myself with on that, but Speaker 1 00:08:54 I don't want that to be what I'm leading with with my reviews. If anything, I review them more from the conservative standpoint, but it's like, I don't ever want to come across as like reviewing them purely from a religious standpoint because that's not what I wanna do with Movie Deputy and that's not who I wanna be. But overall, I hope this has helped and until tomorrow, talk to you later. Bye.

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