God's Not Dead (2014)

God's Not Dead (2014)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
God's Not Dead (2014)

Jul 12 2023 | 00:07:21

Episode July 12, 2023 00:07:21

Show Notes

A professor challenges all of his students to question their resolution of faith. It dares to do the unthinkable and in doing so challenges many stereotypes. 

Original Review:

I see both sides of the argument in "God's not dead". I think that Josh (Shane Harper) presented his facts in an open and clear way. Though in a class of approximately 80 students (given by him in the movie)... It is difficult to believe that he was the lone one who refused to write "God's not dead" and sign the paper. The other storylines in the movie, I felt were a distraction. The boy from PRC (Peoples Republic of China) and the Muslim girl didn't give enough of their stories to understand. What happened to the professor was a very unsatisfactory ending, it happened so abruptly that we weren't able to hear in his own words what he was going to share with the woman he loved. The Duck Dynasty portion seemed detached and almost unrelated to the movie, the only connection was the reporter. Her (the reporter) story was also very anticlimactic. Even after she saw the band, we were left hanging as to where her heart was. I enjoyed the movie but I was disappointed at the same time. If the movie had stayed more focused on Josh/Professor with the pastor's story included... I feel it would have been a more conclusive story.


Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy from movie Deputy Podcasts bringing to you that God's Not Dead Review. There's actually gonna be four movies in this series that we're gonna cover over the next four days. So obviously today, tomorrow, and the next couple days after that. So we're gonna be good to go. Before we get started in this one, I want you to go ahead and if you have a chance, pause this and go check out the podcast on our, just our Plain Movie Deputy channel about controversies and the creation of Movie Deputy because we're actually gonna, God's Not Dead was actually a pivotal movie in the creation of Movie Deputy. With that podcast, you will actually hear my first, uh, quote unquote or unquote review that I put on Facebook of the This God's Not Dead movie. Now I'm going to be reading you my original 300 words or last review that I had on movie deputy.com, or technically I still have, but will soon be had on that.  But you'll, you might think that they sound almost the same, but listen carefully because they truly are different on the two reviews on that. It really kind of shows how much I've grown and everything like that as a critic and even my score level. My original first Facebook post that I wrote, the God's Not Dead Review on, I actually cave it. This was before I'd created my rating system or anything like that. And so I gave the original God's Not Dead a one thumbs up cause I couldn't give it a two thumbs up by any means and there was no such thing as a no thumbs up. And I actually, on a personal level, I only gave it a two. So even back then, I kind of calculated based on a 10 point system or 10 star system, I personally gave the movie a two professionally as movie deputy.  Once I created a deputy and created my ranking system that I still use to this day, I gave it a four out of 10. Now you'll kind of understand why won't I get a little bit more into this. It's basically about a story or here, let me just get into the, what I wrote on my review. Like I said on the website first, I see both sides of the argument and God's Not Dead. I think that Josh played by Shane Harper presented his facts in an open and clear way. Though in a class of approximately 80 students given by him in the movie, it is difficult to believe that he was the lone one who refused to write God's Not Dead and Sign the paper. The other storylines in the movie I felt were a distraction. The boy from the people of Republic of China and the Muslim girl didn't give enough of their stories to fully understand what happened to the professor was a very unsatisfactory ending. It happened so abruptly that we weren't able to hear in his own words what he was going to share with the woman he loved. The Duck Dynasty portion seemed detached and almost unrelated to the movie. The only connection was the reporter. The reporter story was also very anti climactic. Even after she saw the band at  The end end, we were left hanging as to where her heart was. I enjoyed the movie, but I was disappointed at the same time. If the movie had stayed more focused on Josh and the professor with the pastor story included, I feel it would've been a more conclusive story. Now hear, reading my review on the website and hearing it from my words with the emphasis in different parts, I don't know if that's gonna change that for anybody. I kind of hope so because you don't hear emphasis when you're reading something. At least I haven't figured out how to . Some people might be able to, but my brain kinda goes that sometimes when I'm trying to figure that out and I am, no, I'm going to take a lot of criticism on this as well. Cause people are like, okay, well what gives you the right to comment on such a movie like this?  There were, I've fronted so many people that this is their favorite movie of all time and I ask them why. And I get this look of just like, what do you mean? Why didn't you see the movie? Didn't you understand the topic? I'm like, yeah. They're like, oh, well you must be on the left. Uh, no. I try to explain to people I'm a constitutional conservative. I am, I was agnostic. I became a Christian. My, I, I would, I would kind honestly kind of consider myself an agnostic Christian to be completely honest. And that, no, that's not a contradiction if you really think about it. So my beliefs don't necessarily align with any mainstream religion or anything along those lines. Um, I'm not gonna go too deep into that because I don't want to offend certain people. Not that I'm worried about, I mean anything like that.  As you could tell, the movie is not at all woke at all, which is so nice. Uh, a lot of the pure flicks movies like this one don't go off the deep end as much as Hollywood has, which is such a nice and refreshing change. But at the same time, it's like going maybe too far in the other direction for a very strong Christ-centered community. These movies are great and these really, these movies really are inspirational and I would even dare to say incredible, but for anybody outside of that group of individuals, people are gonna feel alienated by movies like this one. So they're never going to see them and they're never going to experience them because they're expecting them to be a certain way before they even give 'em a chance. This one, i it because of the fact that it look goes, it looks at it from both sides.  I wish that this one had a wider audience because the way it approaches it and in the, just the context of everything in the story, even with the distractions, it's an important story to tell and it's important why Josh took a stance on the fact that he wouldn't write that down to sign the paper. And it's important why the professor pushed it as well. And you may be Wonder Storm, are you okay? Sorry, one of my kitties in here. I got two of the boys in here with me at the moment. But like I said,  each part of this story of at least the main parts of the story are important. The other parts that were a distraction, I mean this movie probably could have been an hour or less and still told the same story. It just felt like there was a lot of filler that was unnecessary. But overall, like I said, it was a really good movie. I did give this a guilty rating on the Deputy gu that's more for like, that was a loud motorcycle going by. Sorry about that. But , like I said, I did give this a guilty rating. You may be wondering why, but it's because of some of the subject matter that's addressed here. It's maybe not appropriate for the youngest of audiences, but overall, like I said, I do recommend it even with the low score of four. If you haven't looked at the rating system recently or if you haven't listened to the welcome to Movie Deputy podcast recently, a score of a four means watchable.  But forgettable though this movie was, is not particularly forgettable. It still technically falls within that line just because there's so much going on that distracts from the original story, which is why I ended up where I ended up on the score. But I hope this has helped you a little bit. Like I said, feel free to check out our new show over on our movie Deputy Channel called Controversies and the creation of Movie Deputy for a little bit more insight into this. But stay tuned for tomorrow for God's Not Dead Too, and I look forward to talking to you then. Bye-bye.


amy ryan, ayisha, benjamin ochieng, cassidy gifford, corie roberston, cory oliver, david-a-r-white, dean-cain, gods-not-dead, hadeel-sittu, harold-cronk, jim-gleason, kara, kevin-sorbo, korie-robertson, marc-shelley, marco-khan, martin-yip, mina, misrab, paul-kwo, paul-kwo-along-with-newsboys-and-willie, peter-chen, professor-radisson, shane harper, trisha-lafache, willie-robertson

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy from movie Deputy Podcasts bringing to you that God's Not Dead Review. There's actually gonna be four movies in this series that we're gonna cover over the next four days. So obviously today, tomorrow, and the next couple days after that. So we're gonna be good to go. Before we get started in this one, I want you to go ahead and if you have a chance, pause this and go check out the podcast on our, just our Plain Movie Deputy channel about controversies and the creation of Movie Deputy because we're actually gonna, God's Not Dead was actually a pivotal movie in the creation of Movie Deputy. With that podcast, you will actually hear my first, uh, quote unquote or unquote review that I put on Facebook of the This God's Not Dead movie. Now I'm going to be reading you my original 300 words or last review that I had on movie deputy.com, or technically I still have, but will soon be had on that. Speaker 0 00:01:02 But you'll, you might think that they sound almost the same, but listen carefully because they truly are different on the two reviews on that. It really kind of shows how much I've grown and everything like that as a critic and even my score level. My original first Facebook post that I wrote, the God's Not Dead Review on, I actually cave it. This was before I'd created my rating system or anything like that. And so I gave the original God's Not Dead a one thumbs up cause I couldn't give it a two thumbs up by any means and there was no such thing as a no thumbs up. And I actually, on a personal level, I only gave it a two. So even back then, I kind of calculated based on a 10 point system or 10 star system, I personally gave the movie a two professionally as movie deputy. Speaker 0 00:01:46 Once I created a deputy and created my ranking system that I still use to this day, I gave it a four out of 10. Now you'll kind of understand why won't I get a little bit more into this. It's basically about a story or here, let me just get into the, what I wrote on my review. Like I said on the website first, I see both sides of the argument and God's Not Dead. I think that Josh played by Shane Harper presented his facts in an open and clear way. Though in a class of approximately 80 students given by him in the movie, it is difficult to believe that he was the lone one who refused to write God's Not Dead and Sign the paper. The other storylines in the movie I felt were a distraction. The boy from the people of Republic of China and the Muslim girl didn't give enough of their stories to fully understand what happened to the professor was a very unsatisfactory ending. It happened so abruptly that we weren't able to hear in his own words what he was going to share with the woman he loved. The Duck Dynasty portion seemed detached and almost unrelated to the movie. The only connection was the reporter. The reporter story was also very anti climactic. Even after she saw the band at Speaker 1 00:02:58 The end end, we were left hanging as to where her heart was. I enjoyed the movie, but I was disappointed at the same time. If the movie had stayed more focused on Josh and the professor with the pastor story included, I feel it would've been a more conclusive story. Now hear, reading my review on the website and hearing it from my words with the emphasis in different parts, I don't know if that's gonna change that for anybody. I kind of hope so because you don't hear emphasis when you're reading something. At least I haven't figured out how to <laugh>. Some people might be able to, but my brain kinda goes that sometimes when I'm trying to figure that out and I am, no, I'm going to take a lot of criticism on this as well. Cause people are like, okay, well what gives you the right to comment on such a movie like this? Speaker 1 00:03:41 There were, I've fronted so many people that this is their favorite movie of all time and I ask them why. And I get this look of just like, what do you mean? Why didn't you see the movie? Didn't you understand the topic? I'm like, yeah. They're like, oh, well you must be on the left. Uh, no. I try to explain to people I'm a constitutional conservative. I am, I was agnostic. I became a Christian. My, I, I would, I would kind honestly kind of consider myself an agnostic Christian to be completely honest. And that, no, that's not a contradiction if you really think about it. So my beliefs don't necessarily align with any mainstream religion or anything along those lines. Um, I'm not gonna go too deep into that because I don't want to offend certain people. Not that I'm worried about, I mean anything like that. Speaker 1 00:04:34 As you could tell, the movie is not at all woke at all, which is so nice. Uh, a lot of the pure flicks movies like this one don't go off the deep end as much as Hollywood has, which is such a nice and refreshing change. But at the same time, it's like going maybe too far in the other direction for a very strong Christ-centered community. These movies are great and these really, these movies really are inspirational and I would even dare to say incredible, but for anybody outside of that group of individuals, people are gonna feel alienated by movies like this one. So they're never going to see them and they're never going to experience them because they're expecting them to be a certain way before they even give 'em a chance. This one, i it because of the fact that it look goes, it looks at it from both sides. Speaker 1 00:05:25 I wish that this one had a wider audience because the way it approaches it and in the, just the context of everything in the story, even with the distractions, it's an important story to tell and it's important why Josh took a stance on the fact that he wouldn't write that down to sign the paper. And it's important why the professor pushed it as well. And you may be Wonder Storm, are you okay? Sorry, one of my kitties in here. I got two of the boys in here with me at the moment. But like I said, Speaker 2 00:05:57 Each part of this story of at least the main parts of the story are important. The other parts that were a distraction, I mean this movie probably could have been an hour or less and still told the same story. It just felt like there was a lot of filler that was unnecessary. But overall, like I said, it was a really good movie. I did give this a guilty rating on the Deputy gu that's more for like, that was a loud motorcycle going by. Sorry about that. But <laugh>, like I said, I did give this a guilty rating. You may be wondering why, but it's because of some of the subject matter that's addressed here. It's maybe not appropriate for the youngest of audiences, but overall, like I said, I do recommend it even with the low score of four. If you haven't looked at the rating system recently or if you haven't listened to the welcome to Movie Deputy podcast recently, a score of a four means watchable. Speaker 2 00:06:46 But forgettable though this movie was, is not particularly forgettable. It still technically falls within that line just because there's so much going on that distracts from the original story, which is why I ended up where I ended up on the score. But I hope this has helped you a little bit. Like I said, feel free to check out our new show over on our movie Deputy Channel called Controversies and the creation of Movie Deputy for a little bit more insight into this. But stay tuned for tomorrow for God's Not Dead Too, and I look forward to talking to you then. Bye-bye.

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