Dune: Part One (2021)

Dune: Part One (2021)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Dune: Part One (2021)

Mar 01 2024 | 00:12:29

Episode March 01, 2024 00:12:29

Show Notes



Dreams are messages from the deep,  harkanins, aracis, spice harvesters,  imperial decree,  year 10191, caladan, Jesuit skills,  Shai hulud sand worm,  sacred hallucinogen, herald of the change,  Dreams make good stories but everything important happens while we're awake,  Duncan Idaho,  a great man doesn't seem to lead he is called to it and he answers,  the slow blade penetrates the shield,  giedi prime,  harkonnen, when is a gift not a gift,  to shower you scrub your ass with sand,  fremen, the shepherds tree, hunter seeker,  sardaukar, the desert takes the weak,  judge of the change, I respect the personal dignity of any man who respects mine,  selusa secundus, atreides, truthsayer, Mahdi, sand walk,  lisan al gain, sietch tabr,

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Well, hello, everybody, and welcome back. It is once again, me, your favorite deputy of movie deputy podcasts, and formerly of Moviedeppity.com. So if you are curious about some of our older reviews that we haven't quite switched over to podcast format yet, that is where you will find them. But of course, you can check out a lot of amazing podcasts right here on our channel, as well as we talk about all sorts of movies. Now, you're probably thinking, where has she been? She's kind of a little bit inconsistent here. As you can tell by my voice. I am feeling a lot better. But we had been dealing with a little bit of an emergency with one of my mascots. A couple of them, actually. One of our cats got involved in a little Ted fight. I guess it wasn't like a typical fight. They were wrestling and just one got a little out of control. And one of our newest additions to the family, Quincy, degloved the toe of one of my exotics. So after a bunch of treatments and things like that and medications, which involved actually an injury to me in the process, which affected my ability to talk for a while, because one time, when pinning him down to give him his medication, if you know anything about exotic caps, they do not like to be pinned down. But he spun around and he got me. So I have another permanent scar from my baby, but it affected my ability to speak for a while as it caught me in the face and affected how I was able to talk and move and stuff like that. Now, the one thing that did save us through all of this was our one fast cat wheel that we just absolutely love. And we're going to be adding another one to our home soon because as we have six of these fuzzy creatures running around, one wheel is not quite enough when there are multiple ones of them trying to get to it at the same time. [00:01:56] But you're probably wondering, it's like you said. Like I said, where have I been? Well, between taking care of Arie, aka Batero, and Quincy, of course, and then taking care of my own little injury in all of this, I probably should have gone to get some stitches, but I didn't get to the doctor till the next day, and then they were able to superglue it shut. Like I said, it is a pretty significant scar that goes from my bottom lip across kind of at angle down to the edge of my chin, and just another just beauty mark, as I want to call it. It didn't feel much like a beauty mark when it happened, but it's doing a lot better now. Now, you've probably been wondering, okay, you've been gone this long. What movie are you going to come back with? Well, there's so many I still needed to talk about the one that I promised you that I was going to have coming up. It's the movie Orion in the dark, and I'm going to be talking about that in one of our upcoming episodes. But today we are going to be talking about the 2021 dune as we have part two coming out this weekend. And actually part two will be out tomorrow. So you're going to get these two back to back. So I'm hoping that you're going to like my analysis of the first one and kind of going to go into a little bit of comparisons with the original, a little bit on that as well. Have I ever reviewed the original? No, but I've watched it many times. I do need to sit down and do a review of the original just because that is just kind of important with a movie such as this. Now everybody is just so enthralled with, of course, Zendaya and Timothy. I'm going to totally butcher his last name, but you know who I'm talking about on that. But it's like the whole movie. If you've never seen the original Dune movie in 1984 or you know nothing about this, it is a science fiction movie about a young boy who, or not really young, he's a young teen who has the gift of prophecy, and he keeps dreaming of a woman on Arrakis, and he is just enthralled with her. The thing is, on Arrakis, her and her people have been absolutely decimated by some of the people and some of the creatures there on the planet. And so their entire way of life is threatened. But he has this gift of prophecy, and he sees the way that he wants to help and how he wants to step into help. And in the first part of this movie, the part that came out in 2021, it kind of shows how he gets there and how he is trying to connect with her and everything that's going on because he's got unusual ties with his family and people he's loyal to, the same with her. And they have to find a way to work together. And they actually see each other more as enemies, but they find some common ground and they're kind of working together to try to put these pieces together. And it's done so beautifully. There's a lot of special effects and a lot of stuff going on. But there is so much deeper of a story here that is trying to be told. And this story does so much more than tell the story, than even what the original dune movie did, the one that came out in 1984, it was basically roughly the same story, but it wasn't. The final version of that story was so not what they had wanted to portray for the movie. And there's people that love that movie. And I've talked to people that have absolutely loved the 1984 version and absolutely hated the 2021 version and vice versa. There's people that couldn't stand the 1984 version that are absolutely addicted to it just based on what they got in the 2021 version. And now with part two coming out, I mean, the buz for this part two is probably more than they have seen in a very long time, at least for a story such as this. And there's people that are like, oh, I don't like Sci-Fi movies. [00:05:55] This is so much more than a typical Sci-Fi movie. [00:05:59] If you've ever liked the Star wars movies, I'm not saying there's any connection at all with the Star wars movies, but it has that feel, it has that flow, and it enthralls you into the story and that, I don't even think that's the right word, but you become enveloped into this as it's being told. And you have favorite characters, and you have characters that you're rooting for, characters that you're rooting against. It's a very immersive story that draws you into every part of it. And as you can't tell, I'm still not editing this. So it's like the whole, you're going to hear all that is unless I let an expletive go. But you're probably wondering what I gave the original one. [00:06:44] Okay, I'm not counting the original, like the 1984 version. And don't worry, I'm not even done talking about this yet, so don't worry. [00:06:51] But the 2021 Dune part one, I gave it a seven out of ten on the deputy scale. There were some things with it that were a bit hard to follow at times, not being familiar with the way that they addressed the story. And if you don't know anything about Dune, originally, the Dune story was a store. It was a set of six books. And so I think that's why they were so unhappy with the 84 version was it didn't follow any of the books. And if you've listened to me for very long at all, you know, I never, ever read the books. So there's nothing there but the way it ended back in the 1984 version was just so abrupt and it tried to cram too much into the story. And, okay, for me, it was a bit confusing. It was not a movie that I would ever consider, like one of my favorite movies by any means, on the original one. But when the 2021 came out, it was like, okay, do I really want to go see this? Of course. I'm a critic, so I have to. But there was just something special. It's like within the first few minutes, I'm like, okay, this has a whole different feel to it. And forget the comparison. But it's like I almost look at the 1984 version and it reminds me more of Mad Max than it does of the Dune story. I know that's a really weird comparison on that. But the 2021, it seems like they took the story and they just took it up to a whole new level. And in doing so, it opened the door for this part, too, because they approached it in such a way that it's like, okay, if that one had flopped, would this one have even come out? Good question. But the biggest question comes to be with this is, okay, now that we've had the first part of this in two parts, but I mean, we've had the first part of the Dune story, are they going to expand this into the stories that happened in the other books? Like I said, there were originally six books in these series. I've never read them, but I have friends that have. And the way that they talk about them and the way that they're so passionate about them, it's intriguing and it makes me want to know more and it makes me want to experience more with how that this is told. So, like I said, if you are into that whole type of just the in depth stories of the families and the drama, there's violence and there's all this other stuff. So I did give there with this one, the 2021 version, I did give this a guilty rating because there are some of the content that I would not consider age appropriate for the youngest audiences. Now, that doesn't mean that you can't sit there and watch it with your kids or vice or whatever, what you want to do with that. But I try to bring the information to you in a way that kind of helps you to understand it and to kind of create that curiosity and to create that. It's like, oh, this could really be something. Maybe I hadn't thought of that before. [00:09:50] That's my job, is to help bring this stuff to you. And so I hope I'm doing that well. And if not, then send me a message. Let me know. Let me know what you think. Because if I'm messing it up that much, please fill me in on that. Now, I also want to take just a moment here because you've already heard me mention one fast cat who is a huge part of our lives and a huge part of the deputy program. But I kind of wrote up just a little thing here and I'm going to go ahead and just read you the type copy that I put together. If you can catch on to what it means. I hope you do feel free to tag me on social media with the hashtag of what you think I am referring to, if you can figure it out. [00:10:38] So I'm just going to jump in with that just here real quick. So don't go away. I'm not done yet. I can't help but Snicker as I look upwards towards Mars and even further past the galaxy we call the Milky Way. I imagine the combos of ideas that stem from the simplest dove to the most complex of eclipses. Ultimately, it's about the M Ms moments and memories that carry us through. So in the end, be kind. It's a lifesaver. [00:11:12] Now, does that sound corny? Absolutely. But that's me. That's what you're going to get with movie deputy. And that's what you're going to get with me. I am movie deputy. What am I saying? I am the one, the only movie deputy. And so you're going to just kind of get a little bit of this with me. But I hope with the whole talking about the whole things with the prophecy and the families and kind of how everything is fitting together and these creatures and just everything else, there is so much to this dune story that is still waiting to be told. I hope if you have not yet experienced the 2021 version, that you access that on instant video or if you want to just go out and buy the dvd of it or however you want to experience that. And in just anticipation of this part two, I'm really looking forward to bringing this to you because I am actually hopeful that it will be equal to or greater than the first half of this. Now, saying that there are many times that things exceed my expectations and there are many times that they just completely fall way short. Which way will this be? You're going to have to come back tomorrow and find out. But until that, my lovelies, I will be back soon. Bye.

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