Dune: Part Two (2024)

Dune: Part Two (2024)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Dune: Part Two (2024)

Mar 02 2024 | 00:15:38

Episode March 02, 2024 00:15:38

Show Notes

We finally get to see part two of this harrowing story. The choices on the line are between love and loyalty. Will there be a winner in a game with such high stakes? Listen along and find out (no spoilers).


Power over spice is power over all,  calculus of power,  arrakeen, lisan al gaib, Jamis, never give your water away not even for the dead,  holy poison worm piss, Mahdi, kwisach hadrich, stilgar, fremen, fredaykin. Usul, wadib, seehya, Shai hulud, palanquin, repression only makes religion flourish,  prophets get stronger when they die,  atomic arsenal,  muah dib, now that you can see our past you can see your future,  desert spring tears, Vladimir harkonnen, sardaukar, may thy knife chip and shatter, fundamentalist, Filmed in Abu Dhabi, filled in the kingdom of Jordan, for our dear friend Chas Smith,

Star wars
Neverending story


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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello again and welcome back to another fabulous episode of movie Deputy Reviews where we are bringing you the highly anticipated highly with high expectations. Sorry, I'm having to interrupt one of my kitties here who is trying to chew on stuff on my desk. So forgive the noise. Stormy is being kind of a pain. So forgive the, the mess there of sound, but I am here to talk to you about Dune two now. Okay. I did not get the screener ahead of time. Is Warner Brothers mad at me? I don't know. Is legendary mad at me again? I don't know. But I did not get the screener. So I had to wait and see this in the theater like everyone else. [00:00:46] But you know what that was? There's something. Okay, I've got a home theater and I can like, watching them here at home is awesome. But of course, I'm a movie critic. I have to have a theater. But watching it in the theater, in the ultra screen with Dolby atmos sound and like umpteen gazillion speakers all around you and you can feel it. Like you can feel all of this. And before I get too deep into this, I have gotten so much feedback. Okay, my bad. Dune did not come out in 1978. Dune came out in 1984. So I have to correct that. The original movie, because I said 1978 on my last program, or I said it somewhere and people had a fit. I didn't even bother to count how many messages I had just regarding that in my personal movie [email protected]. Inbox. And so that was like going, yeah, I'm going to address that. Yeah, I goofed up. Okay, the original book, the first Dune book came out in 1965. And, okay, I'm going to really probably piss off a lot of my listeners, but I'm going to address something that is not really addressed anywhere. And I haven't even heard it addressed anywhere conversationally on social media, anywhere on this. And you want me to get to talking about Dune, too. And trust me, I'm going to. I'm not just skipping by that, but if Dune hadn't been written in 1965, would Star wars have been written and made into the movies in the late 70s? [00:02:22] There are so many go betweens between these two movies. And we know what we ended up with with the original dune. And I still need to go back and review that. So I know I'm getting feedback on that, too. It's like, well, we don't even know what you thought of the original movie. You're just going to have to wait. I will get around to it. I'm one person and I'm not going to make excuses. It's like, I will get around to it. I can't give you an exact date, but I will do it. [00:02:50] And like I said, there are just so many crossovers. And then again, with these movies being remade with the part one in 2021 and the part two that just came out yesterday, I'm just like, wow. And I can't help but notice the go betweens and the workarounds and bringing the original story to life for the new generation. It's like you see there have been influences by so many of the major movie chains we see. There's definitely influences from Star wars going on, and the sandworms. Okay, tremors, did they get the idea originally from the Dune stories? I don't know, but there's definitely feelings of that incorporated into the new movie. We're also seeing loose tie ins to the Matrix and also the never ending story. Now, you might be wondering like, okay, how are all these tying in? But you really have to watch it to find out. You know me. No spoilers on any of this. But it is often referred to that one of the characters is often referred to as quote unquote, the one. Does that sound familiar? I mean, come on. And then a lot of the things that are happening, like I said, there's just so many tie ins from all of these stories. And Dune stands alone as its own story. [00:04:07] But like I said, you can't help but find some comparisons in there. And I would love some feedback on what you think of what tie ins do you see that I'm not catching and why? What do you notice? I know what I'm noticing, and I can't tell you guys a lot of the specific things that I am noticing because that would be spoilers. And you know me, I will never do that. [00:04:32] It's just like, wow, so many of this. And then I could not help but notice. And I know the original movie even touched on this a little bit were the religious implications in these stories. And they are quite heavy. Now, I'm not just talking about the religion of everything going on in Arrakis and all of this other stuff and the House of Areides and all of these. I'm not talking about their own religions on their own worlds. It's like, it's tying back into religions that we have in very almost like right along the line. It's like if you could slice a knife right down the line of particular religions, and I'm not going to name which ones but there are just certain things in the movie. And you're like, okay, that's where they got that from. Or that's where they got that from. Or that's where they got that from. I couldn't help but notice a lot of this stuff as it's being told now. Like I said before, I get into the story a whole lot. There's one part of this movie, and when I went to see this, I sat in a theater. There was 194 seats in the theater that I went in the screen that I went to to see this in. Every seat was sold out. Every single seat was sold out. I will also say this. Don't plan on eating or drinking a whole lot during this movie, or especially beforehand. Because, though this movie is like 2 hours and 46 minutes long, you don't want to have to get up to go pee. Because if you miss anything, mind you, there's like little tiny areas of filler stuff or stuff that doesn't seem like it makes a difference. But then as the story goes on, if you miss a single piece of that, you're going to be lost. [00:06:18] You're going to be like, okay, what did I miss and why? This doesn't make any sense. Whereas if you are there for the whole thing, a lot more of it's going to make sense. Now, if you have not seen part one yet, please go watch part one before you watch this, because there are a lot of references to what happened in part one that are happening here. Again, I'm not going to give those away because I don't want to spoil it for anybody. And I hate spoilers. You'll never get those from me. I mean, under any circumstances. Quincy, stop. Quincy. Quincy. [00:06:52] Quincy. No. I am so sorry, guys. Quincy. [00:06:58] No, you guys have heard me in the past. It's like these guys are part of my life. The only thing that saves my sanity is my one fast cat wheel. Our one fast cat wheel. I've got all three boys in my studio in here with me tonight, and they are being a little bit more rambunctious than normal. Quincy is trying to climb some of my shelves, and he about knocked some of my stuff down, so I had to kind of get after him a little bit there. But I'm going to get back to the movie here. Like I said, it ties into all this. But there is one thing I'm going to go ahead and tell you about. And don't worry, it's not a spoiler, but it's just one thing. [00:07:37] I just could not get over it. I started chuckling, and it was almost like a uniform version of chuckling throughout this whole thing of this happening that basically, in order for a certain person to obtain a certain level of knowledge, they have to drink the water of life. [00:08:03] Now, like I said, it's going to sound like a spoiler, but this really is not a spoiler. The water of life is also referred to as holy poison. I will not give the reason why for that, because it's a lot more complicated than it sounds, but this blue liquid that they call the water of life is worm piss. [00:08:24] Now, I'm not being grotesque. I'm not being anything. That is literally what it's called. It's worm pea. [00:08:32] I don't care how bad I want information. I am not drinking worm pea. No, I eat a lot of exotic foods. I enjoy things like, I eat sashimi and of all different kinds, and I love just things like octopus, alligator, ostrich, elk. [00:08:53] I like a lot of different and more exotic type foods. [00:08:57] Worms are not on the menu. Now, mind you, I know worms are high in protein and they're nutritious, but these giant sandworms, I just cannot picture that. And the fact that their worm pea is this holy elixir of life, and you're just going, no, that is just a big, fat no. [00:09:20] Okay, we're going to kind of get back to the story a little bit here. I'm kind of going off on a whole tangent here, so forgive me on that, but this one really does pick up almost right where the other one lays off. There's not a big gap in between. [00:09:34] There is a quote unquote hidden character that we hear from quite a bit in this that we only saw briefly mentioned at the end of the first one. And this hidden character plays quite a large role. You're going to have to wait and see to find out exactly what I'm referring to that, but this is really who's going to be in charge. It's a battle of power, but it doesn't seem like it's a battle of power. [00:10:03] Ultimately, it's going to come down to lover loyalty, and that is not necessarily as simple as it seems. [00:10:11] I mean, of course, we have everybody and everything that's going on from the first movie, and I'm trying to figure out how to word some of this stuff, so I don't give anything away. [00:10:21] One of the characters that we know well, Chani, her name also means desert spring. We learned that in this one, and that is important because of one particular scene that, of course, I will not give away. But just that reference to Quincy, come on. [00:10:41] I'm so sorry. He is a kitten and he is just absolutely full of this. It. The whole thing is about Spice. I didn't really touch on that last time. Spice is to this world, almost like what petroleum or oil is to ours. [00:10:58] Everything runs on it and everything's made of it, and it just kind of controls everything. And so it's easy to kind of see how everybody gets caught up in this. [00:11:09] So you have the people that live in the desert, and then you have the people that live in the southern regions that are quote unquote uninhabitable. But to understand that more, I can hint at a lot of this stuff for you. But you know me, no spoilers. And sometimes that's hard when I'm trying to describe stuff so that I don't accidentally give a spoiler. And living in this desert climate, water is such a commodity, water is such a thick of value, that it is just almost held above all else. And then there's certain persons that are held above all else, almost like the versions of their messiah or their leader or their high council. However you want to put that. There's some terms in the movie that I can't quite completely give away because then I'm going to give away who and what their positions are in these positions. But I will say, like I said, it ties into Star wars, tremors, never ending story, even the matrix. [00:12:11] There's enough of a story. It stands on its own, but there's also just enough to it that it's like you can't help but notice the tie in. Like I said, I've never even noticed this even mentioned from anybody else. So if you like this, if you agree with me, share it. If not, share it, too. [00:12:31] I appreciate all the feedback and everything on this, but how does this end? [00:12:38] Don't worry, it's not going to be a spoiler. This does kind of end in kind of a pivotal point that I can only hope that they're going to be following the books as the story continues. Because after Dune, the next one is Dune Messiah, and that's kind of where it feels like this one is playing into that. Now, who is that messiah that I speak of that you're going to have to watch the movie and find out, because that would be a pretty major spoiler if you really want to find out. It wouldn't be too hard to find online, but you're not going to find it here. You're probably wondering what I gave this movie, as I haven't mentioned it yet. Well, just because of some of the stuff that goes on, I am giving Dune part two, as I did with part one, a guilty rating. But the score, Dune part one, I gave it a seven out of ten on the deputy scale. Dune part two, though, very good. There were some things that I just could not overlook, but it didn't really affect it very much. I gave Dune part two a 6.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. So if this is one that you've really been wanting to go see, go see it. I mean, it is definitely worth it. If this is one that you don't want to pay the just enormous prices at the theater and you want to wait till it's onto instant video, that's fine, too. But like I said, if before you watch this, if you have not rewatched Dune part one in a while, go back and rewatch that one, because there's so many references to it that if it's not fresh in your brain, you may be wondering, what are they talking about? And so, like I said, I do think that's an important thing to mention in this. But this story holds up. And where this leads us, it's like you're at the highest high. You're cheering, you're laughing, you're almost crying. It's like you're feeling. [00:14:33] I wouldn't say jump scares, but there's some jump points in this moment that you're just caught off guard. You're like. [00:14:39] Because you didn't expect it. And like I said, they're not scares by any means. It's just the unexpected and it's exciting. And at the end, when the credits were rolling, there were people applauding. There was probably, I'd probably say 20% to 30% of the audience that was applauding. I was not with that. It's very good. And I cannot wait to see where this goes from here. But I hope that this helps you at least a little bit. I've been trying to remind myself not to remind you to do the most obvious things. [00:15:11] If you like this content, and I will continue to try to be careful on that. So I don't say it a whole lot, but I'm hoping you're enjoying this. Please go out, check out this movie. Let me know what you think. I always love the feedback back. And until next time, I hope you actually enjoy Monday's episode. It's like that one's. I've kind of got something special planned for that one. So I'm hoping you have fun with it. But until later. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.

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