Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] Hello once again and welcome back to Movie Deputy Reviews where we are interrogating yet another movie for its plot and its content and the one we're talking about today. Though the plot may not be original, some of the content, surprisingly, is. I will say that the movie we are talking about today has a guilty rating. Not to the point of being like, over the top, but definitely intense enough with some scenes that might be a little much for the youngest viewer if this is your first time here. Welcome to Movie Deputy Reviews and if you are one of our loyal listeners, of course. Welcome back.
[00:00:40] This is fun. This is just a little bit crazy, a little bit mixed up and it's a lot of me. So you get a lot of the Movie Deputy here.
[00:00:51] Is that a good thing or a bad thing? I personally think it's a good thing and I hope you do too. Hopefully I leave you with a smile on your face.
[00:00:59] At least that's the goal. That's the goal. Now, I will say that the one we're talking about today is better than the one from yesterday. So if you have not had a chance to check that one out, go back and check that out. It's maybe not the movie that you'd expect, but yeah, let's. Yeah, that one speaks for itself. I'll just say that that one speaks for itself. Now, today, the movie that we are talking about is Elevation. Now you may be going, what? Never heard of that? Well, it was a bit of an more indie title with some B list actors and I always say I review them all. A list, B list and no list.
[00:01:36] So if you have not heard of this one yet, if you are a fan of A Quiet Place or if you are a fan of like the purge type movies, this is going to be something you might enjoy because it's being done by the same creators of those movies. And in doing so, it's kind of a different type of a survival movie. It's humans against aliens. It's basically that we are no longer the apex predator on the planet. I mean, how many times have we heard that? We've got the Jurassic park things, we get the Quiet Place movies, we've got all of these, and all of them men should make it a point to mention that we are no longer the apex predator. Well, I still think we have a few legs up on some of these creatures, even when they have more legs than us.
[00:02:21] But in this one, this, basically these creatures come to Earth and they just decimate all these areas. And so this movie, it's set in the Upper Part of the Rocky Mountains. Because for some reason, the only way to survive around these creatures is to stay above 8,000ft elevation.
[00:02:40] That's kind of the whole thing in the movie elevation. But with that, it's like, okay, so they can. Castle people were able to survive. They were able to get above that, but there were a lot of people who couldn't. I mean, we know how much of the country is below 8,000ft, and everybody's going to be able to get to safety in that scenario. And that's kind of how this plays out. There are these communities that are above 8,000ft that stay in contact with one another, and something comes up that there's a medical need that requires them to go below the line. And how that plays out may not be what you expect.
[00:03:15] There's a couple lines in the movie that are somewhat memorable, at least to me.
[00:03:21] There was. Anger is a terrible thing to waste. And, you know, I. I could use that in my real life. That anger is a terrible thing to waste because I get pissed off. Now, you're not going to hear the big bad words from me, but it's like, yeah, I do. I get really pissed off at life, and I get really pissed off at stupid people. And I, for one, believe the stupidity should hurt. So, you know, what if these aliens were just targeting stupidity? Okay, maybe I've been guilty of being stupid a few times in my life, too. I think we all. But yes, stupidity should hurt. But back to the movie review is these creatures, they attack us, and there doesn't seem to be anything that we can use against them. We shoot them, they don't die. We try to blow them up, they don't die. They're almost invincible. Or are they? That's what we have to find out in this movie. And that's how it plays out. Now, are they able to find the answer before it's too late, or is there something more to this? This is one that, if you decide to rent it on an instant video or digital copy anything like that, or even the dvd, you've got to sit through the credits. If you make it all the way through the movie, don't turn it off as soon as the credits start, because there is a bonus scene in the credits that lets us think that this is not the last that we're going to be seeing of these creatures that they call reapers. You think predators kill to eat, but these reapers, these creatures in this movie, they kill just to kill. And why is that? Is that is something that is explained not as thoroughly as you'd like. I mean, there's somewhat of an explanation as to why they're doing this, and it doesn't. I don't know, it just didn't feel like enough of an explanation to completely satisfy the viewer on something like this. And so, as you can imagine, some of these scenes like that are a little bit intense. Nothing like over the top. Okay. The Purge movies, like I compared it to that, those are kind of over the top. This one plays out a lot more like Quiet Place. Except in Quiet Place, it's like if they. If you make any noise, they're attracted to you. In this one, if you are below 8,000ft elevation, then they're going to come and get you. How they do that, I can't tell you that. That'd be a spoiler. I won't tell you that. I'm not going to spoil that for you. So, like I said, if this is one that you've heard about and you've been wanting to check out, this hopefully will help you make up your mind if this is one that you actually want to do or not. Now, you're probably curious about the score I'm giving this one. I am giving elevation a 5.75 out of 10 on the Deputy scale. Not a great score, but it's also not the worst either. After all, remember, on the Deputy scale, even a 4 out of 10 is watchable but forgettable. So being that it's a 5.75. Zarina, come here. You could probably hear Zaza in the background. She is now, my shows are not complete unless they have one of the kitty interruptions. So it's just part of life. But like I said, I hope that this helps you if this is one that you were trying to decide if you wanted to see or not. Again, maybe not the safest for the youngest of viewers, but it's definitely targeting the audience. Like I said, if you were a fan of Quiet Place, there will definitely be parts of this that you will definitely see. Kind of on the same mindset, just kind of the way it plays out is missing something kinda. But is it enough to be entertaining? Absolutely. So, as always, I will be back soon and I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll be back. Bye.