Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)

Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Guardians of the Galaxy (2015)

Jun 29 2023 | 00:09:02

Episode June 29, 2023 00:09:02

Show Notes

The first movie in the Guardians of the Galaxy MCU series takes you through the gamut of emotions and you follow along with their adventure. 



Earth, 1988, morag, ninja, turtle, the dark aster, kree, geyser, Xandar, orb, star, prince, lord, 89p13,personal, houseplant, Groot, rocket, arc, covenant, Maltese, falcon, sanctuary, thesaurus, literal, knowhere, bradley cooper rocket, horuz, I am groot, jemiah, korath, kraglin, kree, morag, mottled, sakaaran, stan lee, the dark aster, we are groot, xandarian, yusei, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello again everybody. I am so excited to be talking to you about the movies that we're gonna be covering over the next couple days. We're gonna actually be doing The Guardians of the Galaxy movies that have been going out. We've got the first one, we've got volume two, and then we've got volume three that just came out. And I am going to be bringing these two you one at a time over the next couple days, and I truly hope that you like and get something out of these reviews. If you haven't seen these movies yet, it'll kinda give you a little bit of a perspective. And if you have seen them, I would even appreciate knowing your perspective on these reviews. The thing that's gonna be a little bit different is a lot of the reviews you've heard me talking about on the podcast here have been just kind of off the cuff, just kind of my thoughts. Speaker 0 00:00:43 I take notes and stuff during the movie, but I just kind of go along with just my ideas as they kind of come into my head with that, with these ones. These are some of the more than 1800 reviews that are on movie that as they become podcasts, they will be disappearing from the website. And that's, it's a little bit bittersweet for me just because Deputy started just so it started as an idea and it's exploded into so much more, and I love it. But with these ones, what I'm actually gonna be doing is I'm actually gonna read you the reviews and on movie, I always promised they were, would be in 300 words or less with no spoilers ever. Now, if you've ever heard any of my reviews on here or any of my podcasts, you'll know how much I hate spoilers. Speaker 0 00:01:29 And even if it's gonna be something that's even hinting to a spoiler, I try to dance around it because I absolutely despise spoilers. And so I don't ever wanna do that to you. And so justs like, uh, it's like, how do I do this? And I read through these and I'm like, okay, do I just wanna read them as verbatim as I had them Do I wanna insert my own ideas as they go? And honestly, I don't know if there's a right or wrong answer to that, so just kind of, kind of jump in and you'll also notice something a little bit different on these. After I read you my reviews, I, at times in the past, I've been doing Deputy now for nine years, but I've invited people to sometimes go to the theater with me when I go, or to even to to screen a movie here with me at home when I screen it. Speaker 0 00:02:11 And then I, well, since I'm the deputy, I call them my posse on some of these, you'll, I'm gonna go ahead and read to you some of the Posse reviews as well. I only use the first names of the Posse members on that, but I think it kind of gives another little bit of a perspective on these movies. So we're gonna just go ahead and jump right in here with the First Guardians of the Galaxy movie, which actually came out in 2015. I was thinking just when I was looking at this earlier, I'm like, eight years, has it really been eight years? And yeah, I mean, this is now 2023 and I'm almost halfway done with that year. And a few days we're gonna be halfway done with 2023 already. And I don't know where time has gone seriously. And then just seeing the progression of these movies. I'm just really excited to bring these to you. So jumping right Speaker 1 00:02:58 In, I, I am going to start by reading you my review that is currently on movie of Guardians of the Galaxy. All you could want and so much more, that's what you get with the Marvel Hit Guardians of the Galaxy. 1988 is the backdrop for the beginning. Heartache is never easy, and getting abducted on top of it equals chaos. 26 years later, we see where the chaos has led. The innocent young boy is now an intergalactic fugitive on a quest to recover a rare artifact. He goes rogue and decides to take matters and into his own hands, he soon to realize that his hands can't grasp the gravity of the situation. As things get complicated, he meets some foes. Sometimes foes aren't always what they seem, though they aren't just after the artifact, but him as well. And fifth, the chaos. They all get caught. Speaker 1 00:03:51 The ingenuity of one of them will get them back on course as they're struggling to complete their own agendas. These five develop a comradery. Each is strong, but together they're stronger. As they face a foe that determines their fate, they stand resolved. In the end, each of them achieves a personal victory, even though that victory will come with a price, this story stays true to the comic. The story stays true to the comic. Where will that leave our heroes? Who will stand, who will fall? We do know the story does not end here. This first installment of the story will make you laugh, make you cry, and even make you look up at the night sky and wonder what will their next adventure be? Now like I said, I always strive to bring these to you in the 300 words or less, but I, it just, I always just kind of wondered, it's like grandma leaving too much out. Speaker 1 00:04:45 Like, uh, just on the part of it that I'm touching on is the heart back to the whole heartache is never easy and getting abducted on top of it. I mean, we see the star-Lord himself. I mean, he loses his mom in a very tragic situation and then he's literally abducted by aliens. And so he just, he's raised by these guys and he is trying to find his way and along the way, he meets just the rest of the characters. He meets Rocket, he meets tracks. And everybody else on that side of my brain is just completely blanking out. I can't believe I'm blanking out some of the character names on that. But I, I, even in my 300 words or less, I think I kind of wrapped up the story pretty well on that as occurred. I had a few flubs there, which I apologize, being somewhat dyslexic and then trying to read all this stuff. Speaker 1 00:05:30 Occasionally my brain goes tilt, like it'll pinball machine. I just kinda have to hit reset on that. So yeah, I'm a goofball. What can I say? <laugh>, I did give the Original Guardians of the Galaxy a 7.25 out of 10 on the deputy scale. And even though that there is some language and stuff involved in this movie, maybe not all the language is completely appropriate, but I did give it an innocent rating. It's just, it's, it's a fun loving adventure and it's literally a good one for basically all ages. Maybe some of the younger audiences may not understand, but I mean everybody else there is so much in this to love, even if you're not a big sci-fi fan, there's just something about this that kind of just draws you into it. Now, as I promised, I'm also gonna be bringing you the Posse reviews and I did have three different individuals do the kind of the reviewing of this one with me. Speaker 1 00:06:24 The first one is done by Jason. He wrote, guardians of the Galaxy was one of the most interesting movies I've ever seen. The fact that it has equal parts of sadness, funny, and action, there's not a whole lot of variety in movies these days and it shows even we use a comic based movie that isn't expected to have such a feeling that hits you the hardest. The sneak peek into the next movie in the series was nice because it tells you the story and adventures that will will go on and their stories will be told in great detail. Now, I thought that kind of wrapped up the story pretty well. And again, he kind of touched on some of the more emotional parts of the movie that I'm touched in. As as of course, with any Marvel movies, you've gotta sit not only through the credits but to the very end of the credits, cuz there's always extra scenes. Speaker 1 00:07:13 If this is one that you watch, but you didn't say through to the extra scenes. Right now this movie is available on Disney Plus. Again, I don't get anything for recommending that, but these are ones, especially if you're getting ready to see the new one, I definitely would recommend rewatching these. The second posse review I have is much shorter. This one was written by Jared. Jason actually didn't score it, but Ja, Jared gave it an eight out of 10. He wrote, I thought the movie was well crafted. The protagonists were well-written, the antagonist was bland. It did a good job show showing, not telling, very short, simple and to the point. Now, the third Posse member I had go along his name was Derek. He also did not score the movie, but this is what he wrote, the morally gray leads. He kept the story interesting and unpredictable, keeping it from becoming too formulaic with such a zany cast. Speaker 1 00:08:06 You'd think it was, you'd think it would make it hard to take a movie seriously, but it uses this to its advantage to catch you off guard with some surprisingly touching moments. Now, one thing that's universal across all of these, I have no influence over what some of my posse rights. I try to correct gramer errors if they're major. If not, it's like I just kind of leave 'em alone cause I don't wanna change the thoughts or ideas on any of that. And you'll also notice that I don't have paste reviews on the vast majority of my movies, but I, I'm sworn like this. I wanted to go ahead and share those with you as well. So I am hoping that, like I said, if this is one that you have seen that you maybe enjoy a different perspective on it or if this is one that you haven't seen yet, maybe this will entice you to maybe wanna watch it. Either way, I hope you have a great day. Please remember to like and subscribe for the latest movie Deputy Content and I will talk to you soon. Thanks. Bye.

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