Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Jul 06 2023 | 00:09:14

Episode July 06, 2023 00:09:14

Show Notes

Indy takes this adventure someplace that it has never gone before... Beyond



Atomic Cafe, Nevada 1957, w-682, 1b7731 us army, Irina spalko, e mch 72, George Michaele, charles basil, Leipzig,  when the hysteria reaches academia its time to call it a career,  harold Oxley, mutt Williams,  Mitchell hedges skull, mesoamerican, akator, el Dorado,  Francisco de orellana, smog in the noggin, mary Williams,  New Britain transportation company Inc, Lt 2381, hargrove's normative culture model,  vere Gordon Childe, diffusionism, if you wanna be a good archeologist you gotta get out of the library,  Francisco de orellana,  koihoma, follow the lines in the earth only gods can read which lead to orellana's cradle guarded by the living dead,  Nazca lines, Pancho villa, victoriano Huerta, the gilded man, I am become death destroyer of worlds,  through eyes at last I saw in tears, you rotten russki son of a bitch, Marion Ravenwood,  to lay their just hands on that golden key that opes the palace of eternity,  through eyes at last I saw in tears here in deaths dream kingdom, abner Ravenwood,  three times it drops the way down,  the water sleeps until the great snake, kingdom of dreams,  Henry Jones iii, Colin Williams, øu 57, palace of eternity,  no more forever waiting,  belief dr Jones is a gift you have yet to receive,  interdimensional  beings, not into space into the space between spaces, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:15 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me, the Deputy of movie, deputy podcast, bringing to you an interest, interesting introspective of, of your reviews because I don't just look at the typical gobbledy gook that Hollywood looks at. I I don't focus on like all of the fancy stuff with how the movie was made. I focus on the story and I try to bring that to you in a relatable way that helps you decide if these are movies that you wanna see or not. And even if there are movies that you've seen sometimes, or I've been told that my reviews sometimes give people a different perspective and make 'em actually wanna go back and re-watch the movies, or they're like, oh, I never thought about that. And it just literally makes 'em look about the movies in a different way, both positively and negatively. Speaker 0 00:01:01 I've got gotten both feedbacks on that, so I kind of like that. I make people think, and maybe that's part of it. I used to post all the reviews on movie and 300 words less with dust spoilers. Uh, no, I still stay true to the no spoilers. Uh, these definitely are 300 words or less, but I do try to keep 'em in the five to 10 minute range. I, cause sometimes I go a little bit over, a little bit under, I'm usually in that range, um, the reviews. And so I hope that you'll sit with me today as I bring to you Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal School. If you're a regular listener, you'll no notice for the last couple days that we've been talking about the Indiana Jones movies and the orders that they were theatrically, theatrically relief, I always have a part time with that word. Speaker 0 00:01:44 So we're talking about Crystal School today, and then tomorrow we are going to be talking about Dial of Destiny. So if you wanna hear my thoughts on the other movies, feel free to check them out on our whatever form format you're listening on. That's all folks, except that's not all don't turned off yet. <laugh>, I just get tongue tied, twisted, and then I also stutter at times, so I apologize. But with Kingdom of Crystal School, I mean, we hadn't seen Indiana Jones for a while. We hadn't seen him since last crusade. One of the things that kind of addresses early on in this one is that he's lost some people Recently he's lost his dad and he's lost Marcus. And so early on we're gonna just kind of right away. I, those aren't spoilers. I mean, that's just kind of a giveaway that we're not gonna see them in this movie except for just photographs and reminiscing. Speaker 0 00:02:28 So that was just kind of, I mean, the last crusade was so good. It's like I did not know where they were gonna go with this one. And when you first see Crystal's skull, and then of course, you know, or if you've ever really studied them, it's like they're supposed to be alien and like this is like, not even anything with the movie here, but, so I really wasn't sure where they were gonna go with this. When I first watched it <laugh> and unfortunately this one, it goes kind of off the rails a little bit for typical Indiana Jones type movies. It's not completely off the rail Speaker 1 00:02:58 Off off the rails on that one, but the score that I did give, it did drop down to a 5.75 on the movie Deputy Scale. Now the scores on these different movies have ranged from 7.25 all the way down to 4.5. So this is by f this is not anywhere near the worst movie by any means, but it's, it is just different. It, it doesn't, it almost doesn't feel like an Indiana Jones movie at times. There's times it does, but it, I don't know. It's just the way it plays out. It, it, the whole thing is entertaining, don't get me wrong. It is very entertaining, but it just, its different. And d I'm just gonna kind of jump in with that. One of the first things that we see with Indy in this one is that he's suspected of having ties to the KGB and to some other stuff that's going on. Speaker 1 00:03:47 And so he gets fired from the university where he is, had tenure for all this time. And shortly after that, this kid named Mutt Williams looks him up and tracks him down and it's like, Hey, I'm looking for an old friend of yours named Ox. And so he's like, okay, I recognize that name, but what's going on? So he hooks up with this mutt kid and they end up going to different part of the world down to Peru to try to find ox and find, try to find clues that lead them to ox. And along the way they're gonna find they're gonna find a lot more than they bargained for on this journey. It just, it plays out kind of where they end up finding ox. And then the, the Russian agents are all over it and they're trying to get into Oxs brain because I guess ox stared into the crystal skull and it kind of turned his brain to mush. Speaker 1 00:04:32 And so they need an interpreter to try to access ox. So they have Indy steering into the crystal skull and his brain just goes a little bit haywire too. But then him and Ox are connected on a whole different level. It just, like I said, it just plays out a little weird. It's almost like they're possessed of sorts, but not, not really. I mean we're not talking like demon possession or anything like that. It's just the crystal skulls have had an effect on them. But while all this is going on with these crystal skulls and they're messing with their brains, a familiar face shows up Marian Ravenwood. And it is revealed that Marian is MU's mom. And when Indie and Marian find themselves in kind of a very stressful situation, Marian reveals to Indie that Mutt isn't Mutt, mutt is Henry Jones iii. So that this is actually in Indiana Jones's son that he never knew about. Speaker 1 00:05:26 And so that just kind of takes the, as you can imagine, it takes the story in a whole different direction. Cause it's like family reunion. Cause you've got Andy, you've got Marian, and now you've got, but who is his the different love interests? And I love one of the lines in this is when him and Marian first kind reconnect and stuff and she's like, well, I'd imagine there were others or other women. And he's like, yeah, but there was one problem with all of 'em. They weren't you. And this brings a smile to her face. And you know, at this point that he's very much still in love with her too. So along the way it kind of plays out to be a little bit of a romance and they're trying to track down the origins of this crystal skull and they end up in these ruins that just kind of take them down to this circle where they see all these beings made of crystal. Speaker 1 00:06:13 And there's just so much going on with this that you're, it's not to the point of being little green men, but it almost feels like it's to the point of being little green men. Only the movie kind of tries to explain that it's not, it has nothing to do with outer space. It has to do with the space between spaces. Now that seem a little bit confusing, but I think it's meaning like alternate realities or different dimensions is I think what it's trying to, I guess trying to explain or perceive with all of this. Is it kind of playing out Now mind you, it does end up making some sense. Some of the action scenes are just like, really, some of them are a little bit gory as you can imagine. This one also got a guilty rating on the movie Deputy and seeing an innocent and guilty thing on that. Speaker 1 00:06:59 Actually all of the Indiana Jones movies have gotten guilty ratings by me, just, I don't see anything wrong with younger audiences watching some of them with some supervision. I mean, I grew up with these before I was a, the technical, like 13 age of watching these. And I mean, I'm fine with that, but I know there's a lot of people who are more sensitive and some of the stuff is, I guess it's a little bit much for some people to watch. So I try to give that just to try to help protect some of my listening audience to try to help at least, at least so that you're prepared before you watch these. Like I said, this has to do with the whole naska lines and it's just, it kind of goes a bunch of different directions. And then at the very end, there's a reconnection between Indy and Marianne. Speaker 1 00:07:44 Even something extra special going on with mut that may feel like it wants to lead somewhere else. There's actually high hopes of that. So maybe we're, we'll be able to see more of that and dial up Destiny. I know the answers, but I'm not giving them away. I guess you're just gonna have to wait and see. If you haven't watched this one in a long time, might wanna rewatch it. Like I said, there's a lot of references in Dial of Destiny to the other four movies. So before you watch Dial of Destiny, I highly recommend watching the other ones or at least just refreshing, like even just going back and watching the trailers on them or something. Just to, to kind of help prepare your brain for where the next one's gonna take you. Because the next one you go, if you think you're on a journey with like the Last Crusade, I mean, it took us on such a great journey like Raider, like Raiders did too. Speaker 1 00:08:33 And then with Kingdom of Crystal Skull, I mean, we're literally going beyond our understanding with this one. And so where are we gonna go with the next one? It just waits to be seen. And so like I said, these are imaginative, they're fun movies. Be sure to check out our podcast that is going to be going up and, uh, on kind of our synopsis of all five of the movies. That one you can find on our, just our regular movie deputy channel. I'm just really looking forward to, I mean, just kinda sharing all of these with you guys. I'm hoping you're enjoying them too. Uh, if you haven't seen the movies, check 'em out. If you, if you have, I mean, I hope you enjoy the information I bring. I always welcome feedback, so if you like what you hear, please like and subscribe. And don't forget to turn on those notifications. If not, I mean, you know where the off button is. It's plain and simple. But I'm having a lot of fun bringing these to you. I'm hoping you're having a lot of fun listening to 'em, and I will talk to you soon. Bye.

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