Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Jul 07 2023 | 00:10:02

Episode July 07, 2023 00:10:02

Show Notes

Indy has taken us along on many of his adventures, but he's never gone further than he will go here. 



You got a lot of nice stuff other people's stuff,  Lance of longinus, 528079, wagtails ss 71442, antikythera, Lance of Christ, Archimedes dial, moon day,  Henry Walton Jones Jr, Marion Ravenwood,  going to the moon is like going to reno its the middle of nowhere and there's no blackjack,  you didn't win the war Hitler lost it, fissures in time, Helena shaw, con edison,  what's beyond space,  if the president objects to a few creases maybe he should find himself a new physicist,  sallah,  aziz Rahim, big Rahim, Jabari, wherever chance takes us,  proving it is what makes it science,  wombat,  Royal air maroc, pan American, hotel l'atlantiqye, see you in the past, Cafe Albert,  Jurgen voller Schmidt,  linear b libius square,  graphagos,  spains greatest frogman, August 20th 1969 & 1939, it's not so much what you believe it how hard you believe it,  polybius code scypher,  my machine lies with me,  tomb of Archimedes,  beneath one of nine,  muse of history and mathematics,  when you're in a tight spot dynamite, search where dionysus hears each whisper like a hurricane,  707983 Sr, Sr 14 19 81, ear of dionysus, 141981 Sr, cave od dionysus, nobody memorizes every page of their dead fathers notebooks for the money,  under the moonlight lies at her feet, Phoenix with propellers, Alexandrian coordinates,  fiat 238, ig yakj, continental drift,  yesterday belongs to us, siege of Syracuse, I ela3,

in memory of Michael DeBeer,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again made the deputy of Movie Deputy podcast bringing to you the last and final movie in the Indiana Jones theories at least to date. So today we're gonna be talking about Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny. Now, even that title sound is Deep, but as have a lot of his other titles. And this one, let's just say Indiana takes us further than he's ever gone before. And now you may be wondering what in the world is she even talking about? But honestly I was a little bit worried about this one. This is the first of the Indiana Jones movies where Spielberg was not really involved and a whole different director here. And of course Harrison Forward is much older. So it's like, okay, where, how much further can they go with the story? Where are they gonna go? Speaker 0 00:00:48 It's like, of course at the end of the kingdom of the Crestal School, we saw how things ended with him and Mary Maryanne. And so that, that you can kind of guess that that kind of carries over to this one. And let me just say, you're partly right. I, there's a big part of this that I can't give away too much on that cuz that's gonna be a major spoiler and I will not do that to you. But this one, he is just, he's trying to figure out where he fits in. I mean, the very first scene we see in the movie very first opening scene is you see this old man laying in bed just struggling to get outta bed and you instantly realize it's Indian. It's like a, a lot of years have passed in the whole thing since we've seen them last. Speaker 0 00:01:36 I mean the last setting for the last movie was in 1957 and this one is set in 1969. So as you can imagine, age has not been his friend. Things with Marion aren't quite what they seem at the end of the last movie. And there's a reason for that. The reason for that is a heartache that no one should ever have to experience. And again, I can't go into too much detail on that cuz that's kind of a major spoiler for the movie, but it has to do with their son and age and a horrible tragedy that happened. So I'll just kinda let that play out. But the whole scene of the world where, where everything that's kinda happening, and this one is everything that's happening in the beginning is taking place during the ticker tape parade of when our astronauts came back from the moon. Speaker 0 00:02:24 Now I am not one of these weird, okay, I don't know if I'm gonna get in trouble for calling 'em weird, but they're weird that, um, I'm not one of these people that doesn't believe we landed on the moon, we've been to the moon, we've been to outer space. It's like all this other stuff. And yes, our earth is round. So if I lose listeners because of that, so be it. But <laugh>, so in this one we're celebrating the astronauts return to Earth safe, safely. There's an old, there's somebody from Indy's past that I didn't even know existed, Basil's daughter and I guess she is Indiana's goddaughter, Speaker 1 00:02:59 Which like I said, that's never really been even mentioned or seen or any, there's been no connection to that in any of the other movies. So I'm just wondering why. But so I mean it kind of brings back basil to this one. And we see many other characters from the other movies in this one. So that's, that's kind of a, the key point in this. And it helps. He, they help Indy through the story. But so with the, with his goddaughter showing up, so she wants to try to help him find Arch committees dial, he has one piece of it because at the very beginning of the movie we see like a younger indie kind of, I'm sure it's CGI or whatever. Cause it's not actually old footage, it's the newer footage. But it shows how he obtained the first half of the dial of Destiny back in the day. Speaker 1 00:03:47 And it was back in the 1930s. And there's two important dates in this movie, 1939 and 1969. And they keep coming up throughout the movie, but so he's got the one piece of the dial, which he gives to his goddaughter and then they have to find the other piece of the dial. She knows where it's at and he knows how to get it. So they work together and they end up getting that and they put the dial together. But the thing is, the Nazis also want the dial and they want it for much darker reasons, much things that would go even beyond the darkness that happened during World War ii. It's hard to imagine it being much darker, but you know, what they kind of have planned is it goes a lot further than what you might think. And so it, it explains it, but it doesn't explain it. Speaker 1 00:04:32 And again, going into too much detail would, it would almost ruin it. And so I don't wanna do that, but so they get the dial, put it together, and they're with the Nazis and they're in this plane and they set something on the dial. And this is where the movie kind of gets maybe a little bit off course, but at the same time it's, it almost brings into it, it brings, okay, the last one we saw basically aliens in the Indiana Jones movie, this one, we're actually seeing them go through something in the sky. Something like what you would've seen in Stephen King's Langleys or the new TV show Manifest where they fly through the light in the sky and it takes 'em somewhere else. But where it takes them, like it's, like I said, Indiana Jones goes much further than he ever has before and I'm not gonna give away where they go, but he wants to stay there. Speaker 1 00:05:23 And thankfully the story doesn't necessarily follow that plan, but because it goes a little bit off of course of that, it ends up changing the future for everything. And it's not the, the whole point of like the butterfly effect of like changing something way back in history, like changing something modern days that has more to do with leaving history intact and making other minor changes so that that everything can move forward. And I just realized, I don't even know if that makes sense, sense, it made sense in my brain. I hope it made sense as I'm sharing it with you, there's some good laughs and everything to be had. There was one line in it, I couldn't help but laugh a little bit, but it's like when you're in a tight spot, dynamite <laugh>, I mean dynamite will honestly loosen anything up at any point if it's, I mean, a big explosion, I mean that's always gonna be more interesting de depending on how it's d done, depending on how it's done. Speaker 1 00:06:22 But like I said, as you can imagine, Indy's a lot older, everybody's a lot older, even the familiar faces a lot older, but it's been a long time. I love how they brought this full circle. There's, there's gonna be a lot of younger audiences that are not going to appreciate this movie unless they see the other ones because there's a lot of references in Dial of Destiny to the other four movies. So if you're familiar with the other four movies, you're going to enjoy Dial of Destiny a lot more than somebody who isn't in saying that, I also wanna bring up the thing though. The story is, is good throughout, you're probably wondering what I gave it on the deputy scale. On the deputy scale, I did give it a 6.5 now that puts it right in the dead center of the five obies, it puts it right in the middle. Speaker 1 00:07:06 Now that's not saying anything negative about the movie at all, it's just different from what you might expect from, I don't know, it's just parts of it. It, it feels clunky at times, but at the same time, the ending in this movie is my favorite ending by far of all five movies. This, this ending. I mean I, I was literally in tears and I'm not gonna say if they were Happy tears or Sad tears, but I was in tears at the end and I was just as like, why? How? Just so many different emotions, just <laugh> kind of just all just from, it's like I just, when I, my husband and I actually saw this movie together and he enjoyed it, but he, there was a few things that he, he said he's gonna have to watch it again, just kind it goes through things really fast at times. Speaker 1 00:07:59 But yeah, that was the first thing I said to him is this is my absolute favorite ending out of all the movies. And he said, you've gotta make sure and include that in your show. And I'm like, I'm going to, I'm definitely going to, it's like out of all five movies, the ending on this one just, it's just something special. So I mean if you, if you only go see it for one reason, go see it for that. This one is just, and I mean if you don't wanna spend the money, I mean honestly theaters are so expensive anymore. It's like take a price, just keep going higher. I'm sure this will be out on Redbox or Disney Plus or some other streaming service in the near future. Like I said, there is a lot of real history that is referenced in this movie. Whereas some of the other things that they've mentioned, I mean, okay, yeah the the we know the Grails Real, we know the Ark of the Covenant, things like that. Speaker 1 00:08:46 We know, I mean kind of everything going on with the Nazis, but some of the other stuff has all been exaggerated. The things that they're discussing and finding and talking about and experiencing in this movie are actual things from history. And so that kind of adds a whole different level. It's not to the point of being a documentary by any means. This is still a hundred percent Indiana Jones movie. Yeah, this one it, like I said, it goes in a different direction than what you'd think. It's a little bit disjointed at times, but a hundred percent still Indiana Jones, I hope that you have enjoyed me bringing the information on all five of these movies to you. Be sure to check out, uh, by kind of generalized synopsis of all five of these on our movie Deputy Channel. And I am having so much fun with these. Speaker 1 00:09:30 I can't wait to talk to you about the next movies. Oh, before I forget, there was a in none in none of the other movies, did it have like an in-memory of or anything like that at the end of the movies? At the end of this one? It did say in memory of Michael Debe. And again, I apologize if I mispronounced that, but I do, like I said, if they take the time to put that in there, I wanna take the time and mention it. But I hope you have enjoyed this. I hope you like and subscribe if you like what you hear and if not, ignore the off switches. But I'm having a lot of fun. I hope you are too and I hope you have a great day. Bye.

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