The Flash (2023)

The Flash (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Flash (2023)

Jul 09 2023 | 00:07:55

Episode July 09, 2023 00:07:55

Show Notes

Movie Deputy's take on this movie is more than a bit off of the norm. I invite you to listen and make up your own mind. 



Barry Allen,  pb&brhc on a roll,  filbys,  janitor of the justice league, baby shower, watts industries,  baby in microwave, I know sex exists I've just never experienced it, focus your motion, it's not about what I believe it's about what the truth is,  iron heights penitentiary,  Iris west,  central city,  Gotham,  these scars that we have make us who we are,  Uber exec, nora Allen,  i love you I love you too I love you more I loved you first,  chronobowl, speed force, general zod, zods world engine,  Victor stone,  Arthur curry,  Thomas curry, Eric Stolz is Marty mcfly, cc016, retrocausal, 12805 Clark Kent's in the US,  this rips dick, holy funyuns, Cara, it beeves,  super mermaid,  you wanna get nuts lets get nuts, not every problem has a solution,  I've lived more than you can dream, time is inconsequential,  Nicholas cage superman,  the tomatoes moved to the top shelf and therefore uncooked the spaghetti,  let it go this too shall pass,  Kara zorel, George Clooney batman, bonus scene after credits

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again your friendly deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts bringing you yet another, uh, let's say interesting movie review. I am actually excited to talk to you today about The Flash. Now I know this movie has been getting a lot of heat for just <laugh> almost, pretty much everything that actually makes it watchable cuz I don't think really people are taking the whole thing into account. Now mind you, the Flash played by Ezra Miller is, I mean, his character is about as dull as dishwater, so it's really hard to connect with him. I'm gonna kind of get a little bit more personal on this one because the first time I actually connected with this character was in the 2021 version of Justice League done by Zack Snyder. Mind you, it's a four hour movie, but Justice League was so-so, and Zack Sti be, that's all <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:00:53 I can't talk today. Zack Snyder's Justice League, even though it's four hours long, it's so much better than just the regular Justice League that came out in the theaters. And in that there's a scene where, uh, where the Flash basically saves his future girlfriend person and there's a song that plays in the background by Rose Bet it's called Song to the Siren. When I heard that song, it I, I immediately brought, it, brought back like an olfactory memory of sorts. We're listening to that song. I have no idea why. I have no idea what it is about that, but there was just something special about that. And honestly, I've listened to that song on a repeat so many times. But this, I'm not here to review the song, I'm just kind of touching base with the fact or the point of where I first kind of connected with this character. Speaker 0 00:01:39 So Flash gets his own movie and of course there's not enough. I mean, like I said, this character is with the equivalent of old dishwater. So they couldn't make a movie with just him. It just was not gonna work. And so they kind of combine a bunch of different storylines. Now, in the original storyline of his life, his mom dies tragically in his youth. So he finds a way through some friends of his that are inventing some stuff that he found a way that he can actually go fast enough that he can go backwards in time. And he thinks that if he goes backwards in time, he can fix it. And of course it compares everything to like the Butterfly Effect and just kind of the whole thing of you changed one thing in the past and it just snowballs things to the future. And he has no idea <laugh> to the level that that's actually gonna play out in all of this. Speaker 0 00:02:27 He goes back and he makes changes. And don't worry, none of these are spoilers. I'm not giving away any spoilers on this, but I mean, he runs into an alternate reality where there is a different Marty McFly in Back to the Future. He runs into a world where there's no Aquaman. He runs into Worlds where he sees literally every single Superman that has ever been played. I mean, we even see like Christopher Reeves and stuff again, it's like literally every su every single Superman that has that. There has been the same thing with Batman. Every single Batman except the Robert Pattinson one, I'm gonna come back to that Speaker 1 00:02:58 In a minute. Oh, kind of along the whole way he kind of realizes how much of a mess he's making everything. And he realizes that not every problem has a solution. And that ultimately that the scars that we have make us who we are. Now, I wish I could take credit for both of those lines. Those are two quotes from the movie <laugh> Sound very similar to stuff that I would typically say though, so it does kind of play into the whole thing on that. But the part that makes this movie the most watchable and I mean I was just giddy when I saw this one, is, okay, I'm a traditionalist. Not in everything but in in a lot of things. For me, for me personally, my favorite Batman has always been Michael Keaton. Back to the beginning of that is, okay, you gotta give Adam West Credit too. Speaker 1 00:03:44 I mean, he was the original, but movie wise my favorite Batman, even with the clunky bat suit, he was always my favorite Batman. And honestly, even though the story is about Flash or Barry Allen as he is always, as he is also known, but that story is not necessarily completely about him. The story ends up a lot about Batman. And so we see what Michael Keaton's life has become since he stopped being Batman <laugh>. And he actually has to get back into character to kinda help set things back on the right path. But it's not ever that simple. So this is just, it's an exciting adventure. There's a lot of surprises that you just don't expect. It's <laugh>. I was just really amazed at how much I really like this movie and I'm honestly really hoping that Zack Snyder does another extended version of this where we get to see more of the storylines, uh, of the different realities that he goes back into. Speaker 1 00:04:44 And there's a major, kind of a pretty major twist at the end. And of course I'm not gonna give that away, but it's definitely worth waiting for kind of in almost Marvel fashion. Now, this is a DC character. There is a bonus scene after the credits, so it's definitely one that you're gonna wanna stick around for if you watch this in the theater or if you rent it at home or whatever platform you're watching this on, like I said, stay through the credits cuz there's a scene that is worth waiting for. Ultimately, you're probably wondering what I gave this movie on the deputy scale, no, like as a co can, I'm comparing a character to dishwater and then I'm also talking about my literal favorite Batman. Personally, I probably would've given this a little bit of a higher score because the whole, with all the Batmans, all the Supermans, even the, the thing with Christopher Reeb. Speaker 1 00:05:30 But every, I was like instantly like mid sevens, maybe upper sevens on this right after I watched it. And the more I kind of di that, that's, that's a big reason that I do not score movies literally right off the bat, right as soon as I watch 'em, because I usually go back through my notes and I kind of dissect the movie as I go through and just kind of maybe pick it apart a little bit more. And so the score that I ended up with on this one is a 6.75 out of 10, which is still a pretty great score considering the main character of the movie isn't the main part of the movie, which is probably the strangest part to come to realism with on that. But like I said, this one is so worth the weight, but Tarro, please don't do that. Speaker 1 00:06:10 Sorry, <laugh> as usual, I've got my kitties in here with me and one of them is being very mischievous at the moment, so I just had to get on him for a second. But this one is definitely, it deserves a lot more credit than it's been getting. It's pretty much from everybody else, and I think people really need to maybe just go back and have it another chance because it's kind of easy to mess. There's so many east eggs in this and so many different directions that they can go from here forward. I'm just like, wow, with what they're doing with this. And I'm also wondering, okay, with that twist, I, like I said, I can't give it away, but it's like, okay, is everything going to resolve itself and is in a way, like I said, that's doesn't give anything away, and that's probably more confusing than anything. Speaker 1 00:06:53 But trust me, this one is a lot more worth watching than you'd think on the whole guilty and innocent on this part. There's a little bit of language in this, but even with that, I think I'm gonna go ahead and give this an innocent on the guilty and innocent thing because like I said, there's a little bit of language, but it's not overdone. So with that, I, like I said, I just was really excited to bring this review to you. It's just this movie is just getting butchered out there by other critics and this other just people watching it. I'm like, okay, are you literally just watching the same movie I just watched? Because I'm seeing people's descriptions, I'm reading people's descriptions on the movies and just was like, it doesn't even seem like we even watched the same movie. But then again, I pay attention to a lot more of the details that people can very easily miss unless they've gone back and watched a movie a bunch of different times. But ultimately, I hope this helps. I hope this makes you actually want to give this movie a chance. And like I said, let's really hope the Zack Snyder takes this a step further. So until next time, bye-bye.

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