Meg 2: The Trench (2023)

Meg 2: The Trench (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Meg 2: The Trench (2023)

Aug 04 2023 | 00:06:09

Episode August 04, 2023 00:06:09

Show Notes

As a sequel to the adrenaline filled Meg movie, this one definitely takes you on an adventure that you don't expect. 

Original Review:

This is it


Watson nautical,  blue, you love your job you never work a day in your life,  exo suit,x pletabdum, Hilary Driscoll, man is limited only by his imagination,  haiqi, thermocline, Jonas Taylor,  is the experiment do I taste good,  team shark, megs and humanity were never meant to mix,  jiuming, you're a snack, dragon traveling across the 4 seas, mana one, impossible just got possible,  this is some dumb ass shit mark my words,  don't get too used to it you're grounded for the rest of your life,  we do what's in front of us and then we do the next thing, making so much money that it ceases to have meaning,  there's a million scumbags in this world it's hard to keep track of one of them,  I even made poison tipped bullets just like jaws 2, fun island,  xu 018 helicopter, national guard lifeguard the coast guard send any you've got,  see you later chum, who says a 50 calibration is an impractical round,  the trench by Steve Allen,  jiuming Zhang, apex predator, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the much anticipated review of Meg to the trench. Now mind you, if you caught my review earlier in the week on the original Meg movie, or if you heard by upcoming movies podcast, which aired yesterday, you heard the excitement in my voice that was all about Meg to the trench as saying that I was excited was an understatement. All the previous looked fantastic. I absolutely loved the first one. Now, mind you, I'm harsh. It's like, even though I loved it, I did only give the original mag of 5.75 out of 10 on the deputy scale. 'cause as I always say, regardless of my personal opinion on a movie, I grade these movies based on the deputy scale which I created. And so, like I said, it didn't get the greatest score, but unfortunately this one even goes a little bit too far, even in the whole thing of just a sequel to the Booby. Speaker 0 00:00:57 I am gonna break protocol a little bit here. Normally, if a good's a great score, I start with the score. I start with the score. And if it gets kind of a bad score, I wait until the end to give you the score. I'm gonna go ahead and tell you the score. Now, number one, it is guilty. I did give this a guilty rating. Number two, I did only give Meg two a 3.25 on the deputy scale. It's definitely one of those ones that if you really wanna see it, save your money, wait till it's out on D V D, Blu-Ray Digital, one of those other platforms because this one you really don't wanna waste your money on. Now that being said, it's a typical sequel, but it's not <laugh> in kind of a really weird way. In this one, of course, we know from the first one that the megs live below this, the bottom of the ocean basically isn't the bottom of the ocean and the Megs live way below that. Speaker 0 00:01:44 So when we breach that and the megs can come up through that, then it kind of wreaks havoc. Well, we see here is, oh, before I even get into all of that, I gotta touch on this. In the first one it was a lit okay, a little bit. It was like a quite a bit of course, science-wise you're like going, oh, come on. And the sharks kept changing size throughout the movie, which was the hardest thing to focus on. And even all of that, the story was entertaining enough that, like I said, I did give it a 5.75 In this one, it's not so much that the sharks, the sharks are changing shape. It's the, the fact that the science is so far just over the top insane, just things that are just completely impossible and just over exaggerated and just, you can't help but focus on these details because in the first one, the, the original Meg, the megalodon was basically the star of the movie. Everything centered around the Meg and this one, it focuses on people that, that are involved. No, mind you, we do see some of the original cast members coming back and we don't see a few of the other ones because, oh, the, it's explained in the movie. I won't, I won't make that a spoiler by any means. And so, you know me no spoilers, but in this one, the, the mag is not the focus of the movie Speaker 1 00:02:58 Or the megs as I should say. 'cause in this one, they're hunting in packs. It's about a mining operation and it's, there's stuff that's against capitalism and all that and saying it. There's some eco stuff in this one. It's not full on woke, but it's definitely over the threshold of anything it should have been considering what it is. And so it just kinda leaves you wondering, you're like, okay, what in the world are they even doing? And like I said, some of the things going on with the science, I mean, they're at 25,000 feet below sea level and just some of the things that they're doing inside and outside of the subs, it's, you're, it is, you can't focus on the story. This stuff is just so outrageous and just over the top idiotic and it's just, it really kind of ruins it unfortunately. So this is unfortunately one of those movies that the best scenes in the movie are in the trailer. Speaker 1 00:03:49 It's one of those ones where they, it's they're where they played a big gotcha. Now, mind you, they even referenced Jaws two in this movie. And okay, jaws two was definitely not as good as Jaws one. Like I said, I still need to go back and review those. And <laugh> just the way this whole one plays out, it's like it, like I said, it focuses more on the people and like on the mining thing and on this other stuff's like the Sharks were almost an afterthought. At least that's the think it gave off. There were people literally getting up and walking out of the movie when I was in this one and I was just just like, okay, I've never walked out of a movie. It wasn't that bad to even make me consider walking out, but it's like I couldn't take it seriously with some of the stuff it was doing. Speaker 1 00:04:30 So I don't know if that helps you a little bit or not. Like I said, I was really looking forward to this, but I had, I had, I try not to set my hopes up too high on a movie, and unfortunately I set them up a little bit higher than what they should have. There's there, there are some hilarious moments in this. There's some laughable moments, there's, there is some entertainment to this one. It's just not enough to really maybe carry it further. There's hints that this one could maybe lead into something else because of one of the sharks that they've actually named H High-Key. And that one is, I can't even give away really what high-key really is without giving a spoiler. So I won't do that to you because there's, there's room to go to Meg three, but if they do do it that way, or if they do proceed with another movie, let's hope at least they'll try to get back on track with the whole idea that they were in the first one. Speaker 1 00:05:21 Because if you're gonna tell a story about a megalodon, the story needs to be about a megalodon <laugh>. So that would really help this really help in the whole situation. I hope that helps. Stay tuned tomorrow as we re are going to be reviewing the Hiding place of the story of Corey 10 Boom and Her family. Like I said, bear with us through all of this. Like I said, we're gonna bring you the highs and lows of everything in between. So I apologize in advance for this one just being what it ended up being. I had nothing to do with it, but I just was like, Ugh, <laugh>. But like I said, there's always highs and lows. This doesn't just happen to be on the lower end, which is disappointing. And so we'll just go from there and hopefully we'll get to some other good ones in the in the near future. Talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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