The Equalizer 2 (2018)

The Equalizer 2 (2018)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Equalizer 2 (2018)

Sep 05 2023 | 00:06:05

Episode September 05, 2023 00:06:05

Show Notes

He's back... no, he's not a poltergeist, but he likely is at least someone's worst nightmare. Join me as I interrogate this 2nd installment. 

Original Review:

He's back, his job is far from over and he is here to level the playing field. How can he though, considering he's a dead man? Well, that's the easy part, he has friends in high/low places that help him to achieve his goal whilst staying hidden. That's how they know how to hurt him, find the one(s) that he's the closest to and hurt them to hurt him. They took it one step too far this time and he must seek justice, even if that means that he must make himself known to do so. Just when he thinks he has it figured out, another person has become part of the mix. Now he is fighting not only for himself but for tomorrow. A tomorrow for him and this other individual. With the stakes being higher than ever before, he must do things that he never even imagined. All in the effort to keep justice blind. In order to do so, sometimes she needs a helping hand. Understanding where he came from and where he is now is crucial to understanding the plot here. Is this the end? Or with the new information and new individuals, is this just the beginning? Hang on to find out...


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Well hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the in-depth interrogation of the equalizer two. Now, if, if you caught yesterday's program, you know I was bringing you the first equalizer movie because I did kind of goof and I should have got these out last week ahead of equalizer three. I did kind of comment and hint a little bit that equalizer three was maybe not what I was expecting, but that doesn't mean it's either a good or a bad thing. You're gonna have to go check out the review if you wanna know what I really thought of it. And yes, today is definitely going better. Usually Tuesdays start off on a better thing than Mondays. I don't know what it is about Mondays. Most Mondays are just fine for me. It's like I rarely have one of those Mondays, but yesterday was just one of those days and so as you can see, I made it through and here I am. Speaker 0 00:00:57 I am excited to bring you this review. I do wanna say that the second installment in the Equalizer movies, <laugh>, this is another one that Rose isn't exactly what I was expecting. I actually did give the equalizer two, a 5.75 out of 10 on the deputy scale. And you might have noticed that that's a whole three quarters of a point below the first one. And there is a reason for that. As always. I did give this a guilty rating because of the, this, the, basically the subject and tone of the movie. It's a little intense for younger viewers. Also the language and this one is a bit more, if you're sensitive to strong language or like bad words and things like that, these might, these movies might be a little bit much for you, especially with <laugh>. The fact that he has no filter, which I can appreciate because when I'm not sitting here in front of my microphone, I rarely, if ever have a filter as well, but I have to kind of watch my language because I don't want my shows pulled. Speaker 0 00:02:00 So I want these to be available for everybody so that people don't have to rush and go cover your ears. No, it's like, so I truly try to watch my language on here so that I can talk to everybody. I don't expect everybody to agree with me. As I always say, if you like what you're hearing, like subscribe and share and if not, you know where the off button is. It's plain and simple <laugh>. So, and you may be wondering, why do I tell people that? Well, like I said, I don't expect everybody to agree with me. I have a unique take on movies and I try to bring that to you in kind of a unique way. Yeah, this one just kinda, I don't know, it lost a little bit of the oomph from what the first one was. And so whether or not that's a good thing, I guess we're gonna find out. But I wanna share with you the review that was on movie He's back, his job is far from over and he is here to level the playing field. How can he though, considering he's a Speaker 1 00:02:58 Dead man? Well, <laugh>, that's the easy part. He has friends in high and low places that help him to achieve his goal while staying hidden. That's how they know to hurt him. They find the ones that he's the closest to and hurt them to hurt him. They took it one step too far this time and he must seek justice even if that means he must make himself known to do so. Just when he thinks he has it figured out, another person has become part of the mix. Now he's fighting, fighting not only for him himself, but for tomorrow. A tomorrow. Never even imagined all of the effort to keep justice blind in order to do so. Sometimes she needs a helping hand. Understanding where he came from and where he is now is crucial to understanding the plot here. Is this the end or with new information and new individuals? Speaker 1 00:03:55 Is this just the beginning? Hang on to find out. Now, like I said, this one, it kind of goes a little bit of a different direction. There's a lot more people here than just like what we've seen in the past with him. There's, there's some good one-liners in this movie and there's some other ones that just kind of make you scratch your head. One of the ones that just kinda made me scratch my head a little bit is I said there's no good and bad people anymore. No enemies. Just unfortunate. I, I'm sorry. There are, yeah, there are definitely good and bad people in the world. So yeah, some of that stuff I just could not kinda get past. But there's other common, there's other liners in the, in this story that it takes talent to make money. It takes brains to keep it. I mean, that's honestly a great quote. Speaker 1 00:04:45 There's another one that really kind of fits people a little bit too close to home sometimes for some of us. But it said one day you're an asset and the next day you are a F word afterthought. So yeah, I mean, like I said, some of these quotes just really hit home the, there's a lot of the F word, there's a lot of the N word in this story. Some of the things that just kind of go off track don't necessarily feel like they're part of the story. Maybe some stuff that should have ended up on the cutting room floor during editing. But overall, I mean, it still has good flow, but as we know, this wasn't the end of the equalizer series. It kind of led that those gonna be more. And this third movie does kind of answer some of those questions. I won't tell you which ones, but you're just gonna have to kind of find out for yourself. Speaker 1 00:05:32 But I hope that this has helped you at least a little bit. Like I said, this one does kind of go in a little bit different direction, so it's maybe not what you'd expect coming right off that first one, but it does lead well into the third. So I hope that you're enjoying these. I'm hoping this is helping you at least a little bit. And I haven't figured out the movie I'm gonna be talking to you about tomorrow yet. I'm gonna have to figure that one out because I know which one Thursday is gonna be, but we, I still gotta figure it out for tomorrow. So until then, be sure to come back and find out. I'll talk to you later. Bye.

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