The NUN (2018)

The NUN (2018)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The NUN (2018)

Sep 06 2023 | 00:06:36

Episode September 06, 2023 00:06:36

Show Notes

What is the opposite of a miracle? You're about to find out

Original Review:

The Conjuring Universe has enlightened us on many different things through the eyes of the Warren's. When a dark spirit appeared in the form of a nun, it complicated matters even further for this paranormal team. This is the story of how the nun went from one with god to a demonic force.

The Abbey of St. Carta in Romania was once a peaceful and private sanctuary. Something happened there that opened up something darker than any had seen before. Upon letting this spirit loose, it became an around the clock vigil of prayer to keep those that still inhabited the abbey safe from what threatened them all. In an effort to find answers, the Vatican sent some familiar with the strange and unusual to look into what was happening. As soon as they arrived, they sensed that something was very wrong. They progressed and were determined to reveal the truth. Once they began to uncover what was really happening, it looked like they might have a chance at stopping it before it became unleashed on the world. The real question becomes... were they successful? What would happen if it were unleashed? So many questions, so few answers. This story precedes the conjuring universe and in doing so it exposes some things about what was happening beyond basic understanding. Unfortunately, it leaves the viewer with more questions than answers. It succeeds in jump scares but not much else.


3 stages of demonic possession: infestation oppression possession, 6 va 01lak, abbey of st carta / Romania, Anthony Burke, biertan Romania, finit hic deo, flnit hic deo, God ends here, here lies father Anthony Burke, Mary points the way, miracle hunting, only a true bride of Christ can wield something so sacred, perpetual adoration, st Vincent's hospital / London England, the bible is God's love letter to us, the black bear, The demon on your painting is real, the Duke of saint carta, the marquee of snakes, valak, what is the opposite of a miracle

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everyone and welcome back to the movie Deputy podcast. Today we are going to be bringing you the original movie The Nun, from 2018. Now why are, why am I bringing this to you now? Well, the nun too is gonna be coming out this weekend and I wanted to get ahead of it, but unfortunately with catching a equalizer, I'm also gonna be a little bit behind on my big Fat Greek wedding, getting the older versions of those up. So those will actually be going live next week. So that's actually not a mistake, it's just kind of with a whole rolling thing with trying to keep up with these. And then the fact that I kind of screwed up with equalizer, we will get back in sync here. So I, I'm apologizing for that right up front. Now I do wanna let you know, and don't worry, not a spoiler that the none actually ended up on my 10 worst movies from 2018. Speaker 0 00:00:55 So I honestly did not expect there ever to be a sequel on this one. It's just one of those movies that there's a lot of jump scares and there's, there's something to this, but it's just, it missed the mark when it was done. Now you may be thinking, okay, why am I even gonna bother listening to your review at this point? Well, there's still something to be said to the, with the review, and I actually know a lot of people that have absolutely loved this movie. They thought it was one of the best horror movies they ever saw, and I'm just kinda looking at them just kind of cockeyed going Hawaii <laugh> on the deputy scale, but none actually only got a 3.5 out of 10 on the deputy scale. And you're like, okay, is that really bad enough to end up on the 10 worst list? Speaker 0 00:01:40 And yeah, it really is <laugh>. So, and as you can imagine, this did also get a guilty rating from me on that, but I wanna share with you the original review and then we'll talk a little bit more about the movie. The original review is the Conjuring universe has enlightened us on many different things through the eyes of the Warrens. When a dark spirit appeared in the form of a nun, it complicated matters even further. For this paranormal team, this is the story of how the nun went from one with God to a demonic force. Now, I'm gonna kind of interrupt my own review there. This is a movie. If you are sensitive to religious type movies or you are easily spooked by them, this is definitely not a movie for you by any means. A lot of these movies are based on events that have happened to the Warrens and to people that they knew and interacted with. Speaker 0 00:02:36 Whether or not you believe this is a true story, that's completely up to you. There are definitely things that are strange and unnatural in the world. Now, the rest of the of you, the Abbey of St. Carta in Romania, was once a peaceful and private sanctuary. Something happened there that opened up something darker than any had ever seen before. Upon letting this spirit loose, it became an around the clock vigil of prayer to keep those that still inhabited the abbey safe from what threatened them all. In an effort to find answers, the Vatican sent some familiar, some familiar with the strange and unusual to look into what was happening. As soon as they arrived, they sensed that something was very wrong. They progressed and were determined to reveal the truth. Once they began to uncover what was really happening, it looked like they might have a chance at stopping it before it became unleashed on the world. Speaker 0 00:03:34 The real question becomes, were they successful? What would happen if it were unleashed? So many questions, so few answers. This story precedes the Conjuring universe, and in doing so, it exposes some things about what was happening beyond basic understanding. Unfortunately, it leaves the viewer with more questions than answers. It succeeds in jump scares, but not much else. Now, like I said, that re review kind of wraps up the movie. It kind of gives a little bit of a backstory of the movie. If you've ever been familiar with the Conjuring series or the Annabelle series, this is kind of all in that whole group. And even the La Chris of Lola is kind of wrapped up in all of that as well. But the nun precedes all of these other horror movies and it precedes all of the stories with the Warrens. And I don't know if you've ever really followed that a whole lot, but like I said, most of these movies are based at least loosely on actual events. Speaker 0 00:04:33 If you are into these type of stories and you wanna check this out, you're more than welcome. I mean, that's, you're free. But <laugh>, like I said, this one might leave you disappointing 'cause it definitely leaves you with more questions than answers. Now, is there a chance that this new one coming out this weekend can answer a lot of those questions? You know, it's always possible and who knows, it could end up getting a much better score. But the none, the original movie, it was really hard for me personally to sit through. Personally, I probably would've given it around a one. I mean, I just was like, I, I've never wanted to rewatch this movie at all and I'm pretty big into, as you know, my whole thing with like dark and spooky movies. But like I said, this one just really fell short. So like I said, if you are really creeped out by stuff like that and easily bothered by things like that, this is not what I would call a religious movie, but it has a religious tone to it just in the, the darker side of it. <laugh> not like the dark side Star Wars type stuff, but more of the darker side of stuff that goes along with religion. Now I also wanna touch on one other thing just really quick here before I let you go, is these ones are, they're really kinda set with the whole Catholic faith. But that doesn't mean that that's the only kind of people who are going to rejo this movie. Does this movie have an audience obviously, or they wouldn't have made a second. Is Speaker 1 00:05:56 This movie worth watching? Depends on what you like. Is this movie much more than just jump scares? Not really. So <laugh>, like I said, if you decide to see it, that's up to you. I hope at least try to help prepare you either way, just in case. So ultimately, let's wait and see what the NUN two has to offer. But like I said, who knows? I it's, I'm open to about anything at this point, <laugh>, so I can just say I can't imagine it getting much worse. So until later, I will talk to you soon. Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Thursday. Thursday and of course come back this weekend for our new release reviews. Talk to you later. Bye-bye.

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