The Inventor (2023)

The Inventor (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Inventor (2023)

Sep 16 2023 | 00:09:25

Episode September 16, 2023 00:09:25

Show Notes

Leonardo da Vinci was a brilliant man that was often misunderstood... This adaptation of this part of his life is not the kids' movie that it appears, and it is more enlightening than it seems. 

Original Review:

This is it


Leonardo da Vinci, Rome 1516, nothing to fear in truth and knowledge,  a well spent day brings a happy sleep,  the outside often hides what's inside,  war council,  ingeniarius,  clockwork Lion, king Frances the 1st, Leonardo de Florentine, people of accomplishment rarely sit back and let things happen rather they go down and make things happen,  the minds eye the window to the soul,  ideal city,  faith doesn't make things easy faith makes things possible,  those who see those who see what they are shown and those who cannot see, bouncing sheep bladder balls, secret of the soul,  artistic and scientific renewal,  a life well spent is long, Marguerite de Navarre (sister), Louise de savoy (mother), king Francis, pope Leo x, Francesco melzi, Giuliano de medici, boccador, Pierre nepvue, skeleton fight need I say more - Leonardo da Vinci, Jason and the argonauts was animated by Ray harryhausen, you telling jim to get rid of that stupid beginning and getting on with it - a good lesson for any writer,  flight brought to us by the Wright Brothers, thanks Leo for the inspiration - Wilbur Wright, the shepherds song by Matt berry, Mona Lisa pt 1 by Stephen fry and sequoia christobal Mandel, Leonardos new home - worship song by Stephen fry, from this tiny seed by daisy ridley and sequoia christobal Mandel, an ideal society by daisy ridley, kings by wellington community choir, Mona Lisa from this tiny seed pt 2 by Stephen fry and sequoia christobal Mandel, en garde pretz allez by Marion coitillard, song of the stars by sequoia christobal Mandel, stone in a river by elodie Collins and Kat white, Antonio de beatis, cardinal of aragon, special thanks to Ross Murray and cartoon saloon nora gerry paul and tomm, as well as the great Federico fiecconi, in memory of Riccardo Trigoni, un ringrazlamento speciale a friends of museo Galileo Florence for their support, no puppets were harmed in the making of this film, Juliano de medici (misspelled),

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Why Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite and friendly deputy of Movie Deputy Podcasts, and I am excited to bring this one to you today. If you caught our upcoming movies episode, you've probably caught that. I was really looking forward to a couple of movies coming out this weekend. One was the H one was a haunting in Venice, and of course I reviewed that one yesterday. One of the other ones I was really looking forward to and hoping I was gonna be able to find it. Well, I didn't have to look too far because our local theater got it in. It did only play during matinee hours, so I had to mix up my schedule a little bit on that. But I got to see the inventor, the Stop Motion animation movie about Leonardo da Vinci. If you wanna know a little bit more about that, feel free to go back and check out our upcoming movies podcast, or just take, uh, <laugh>, take a moment and follow along as we are gonna sit here and talk about it. Speaker 0 00:01:00 Now, if this is your first time to movie Deputy, we do not have spoilers. I hate spoilers. You will rarely, if ever find me even referencing anything even close to a spoiler. <laugh>, my reviews all used to be up on movie, but due to some health issues and just some other stuff, I'm switching over to an entirely podcast format. So in the reviews, everything was limited to 300 words or less. This one, not so much. These would actually be pretty short if they were only 300 words long <laugh>. But, so I'm really excited. I go, I look at reviews a little bit differently. I am a constitutionalist and I also describe myself as a constitutional conservative. And so I try to come at movies from that perspective. I judge movies based on the deputy rating scale, which I created. It's unlike anything that you've ever seen before. Speaker 0 00:01:57 We have a 10 star system. No movie will ever get a zero and no movie will ever get a 10. You might think, okay, why do you have a 10 star system then? Well, and, and no, I'm not getting off track. I'm gonna be talking about this movie, but I'd just like to explain a little bit of this to people. It's like I said, it's an interesting thing. You can find the full breakdown of our deputy rating system on movie, under the About Me page has all of that on there. I'm just really excited for this. You may be wondering, okay, if you're excited for it, what did you give it? This, this is where it gets a little bit challenging. Personally, my score would be a lot different than it would be professionally on the deputy scale. I gave this movie a 6.5 out of 10. Now, I went back and forth on this a lot. 'cause on a personal level, the, um, eh, that's <laugh>, that's where I struggle. I was honestly low fives, maybe even fours personally, because it wasn't quite what I was Speaker 1 00:02:58 Expecting. I knew this was not a stop motion movie that was aimed at kids. This is not a kids animation movie. It, I thought maybe just the story would be too advanced for some children. But it wasn't just that. There were some really intense parts of this story that would almost be scary for young children and, and not in a horror type way or anything like that, but it was to, to represent evil or to represent Satan, basically in this, and it's not a religious movie in any way, shape, or form, but Faith did play a part in Leonardo da Vinci's life, and it played a big part. And so obviously that comes out in this movie. And one of the biggest things in this whole story is about the secret of the soul. Now, we've been talking about soul of s other movies and stuff that we've been seeing lately, but this one, it kind of follows in that whole thing because it looks that, it looks at the whole thing that what we see is not always what we really see because what's on the outside hides what's on the inside. Speaker 1 00:04:08 Leonardo understood this, like very few people did. I mean, this is like back in the early 15 hundreds. So back then science was almost thought as like heretic and witchcraft. He was one of the first scientists that openly embraced autopsies to try to open up people and learn what they were made of, and learned kind of what made us tick. I mean, obviously we're not clockwork, but you know what I mean. And so a lot of his inventions kind of went around that and went around. It's like, okay, what is possible? There are three types of people in the world that he determined, and it's, there's people who see things. There's people who s who are see what they are shown. And then there's the people who don't see. Now, I'm not talking about the sighted and the blind and all of this stuff. I'm talking about what people see right in front of them. Speaker 1 00:05:03 'cause there's people that can see what's right in front of 'em. There's people that have to be shown what's right in front of 'em, even if it's right in front of them. And then there's people, even if it's right in front of 'em, they, they, it's like the whole thing. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. It's like the same thing as if you're trying to explain common sense to people who don't get anything with common sense, but <laugh>, this whole movie is just kind of alone, this whole thing. And so Leonardo is, he's taking a lot of heat from the Pope. Back in the day, it was Pope Leo the 10th, the whole, he was just seen as being a heretic to the church and just the, the Pope need, wanted to silence everything that DaVinci was doing. Speaker 1 00:05:44 He Da Vinci had a chance to go help the, the king and the king had this grand idea for this grand statue and to build this big castle, but Leonardo had plans to build the ideal city. And so a lot of that there, I mean it, okay, it's, it's, it's a story. It's made up. But there, there's pieces of this story that are based in fact, and a, the big part of it was Da Vinci's passion for what he was doing there, the whole thing that there is absolutely nothing to fear in truth and knowledge. He didn't think that there could be anything wrong with gaining knowledge and learning things. And you know, if that was all this movie was about, it would've gotten a lot bigger, score a lot higher. But <laugh>, it's Hollywood. Unfortunately, they did find a way to work a few things into this movie that didn't belong. Speaker 1 00:06:40 You can kind of guess where I'm going with this. It, the whole, the movie itself was as a whole, it was not woke, but there were comments. There were about four or five different things in the, the movie, honestly, I don't even wanna repeat them. It's not that they were vulgar or, or anything like that, but it takes away from the whole idea of this story about Da Vinci if, I mean, even the Simpsons have made <laugh>. They did a whole show where Homer looked up to Da Vinci and he was looking at all these different inventions and stuff that Da Vinci did. And so he was trying to go through and invent something. The whole idea of Leonardo adventure, I mean, it's been picked up and done by Futurama and all these different programs have done things about his great accomplishments, but we don't really understand why he did these things. Speaker 1 00:07:25 We don't really understand what he was searching for. And this gives us a little bit more of a glimpse into him. Now, is it a hundred percent accurate? It's Hollywood. I mean, if you're, if you're wanting something that is a hundred percent accurate to history, find a true historian, documentary documentarian, I, that's not even a word, but that just really focuses on the facts and figures of everything that's going on. And not just mathematics, but just with everything. And that's, it takes a special type of person to be the type of person that can see these things. I go back to the three types of people, the ones that can see these things without being shown are the, the true, uh, just, uh, what's the word I'm looking for? But they are the, they're visionaries. That's the word I'm looking for. They're the true visionaries. Speaker 1 00:08:17 And if we follow that, it's gonna lead us so many places in life. So if you take one thing away from this movie is that if you, like I said, if you've ever been a fan of these types of ideas, come and check this out. Like I said, this is not a movie for young children. I'm actually giving it a guilty rating. I had not touched on that yet. Yes, this movie, the Inventor is definitely getting a guilty rating, like I said, just because the, the depth of some of the content in it is just a little bit too much for the youngest audience. I hope I have at least created some curiosity for you that might maybe entice you to at least wanna check this out. You never know. If not so be it, but it's just, it is what it is. Just plain and simple. Um, I haven't decided the movie I am going to do tomorrow yet. I've got a couple different ones on my mind for that, but I of course will not leave you hanging. Uh, so be sure to come back tomorrow for another new movie review. And of course, I will be back every day to bring you new ones. But until then, I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye.

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