The Meg (2018)

The Meg (2018)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Meg (2018)

Aug 01 2023 | 00:10:52

Episode August 01, 2023 00:10:52

Show Notes

Extinction just doesn't mean what it once did. To find out what I mean, watch this and see...

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Original Review:

Megalodon, a massive predator that is larger than any creature that has ever existed under the sea. It's a good thing that they're extinct... Or are they? An expedition to test a theory will expose the truth. Once they suspect what they have done, they know that they must stop it before it wreaks havoc upon the world. Stopping a creature such as this will be much harder than any of them anticipate. It soon becomes a battle against one another as one side wants to study it and others want to destroy it. It's not until the body count rises that they finally get on the same page... but is it too little too late. This then becomes a race to the end, one will win, will it be the creature thought to be extinct or man? With the help of some friends and some incredible firepower, man might actually have a chance. Once they achieve their objective, something else rears up and catches everyone by surprise. Maybe it wasn't the only (thought to be) extinct creature that rose to the surface... All I can say is hang on because this is one hell of a ride. It may sound cheesy and predictable but this movie is a true guilty pleasure. You just have to look past the science and some of the details. If you can look past that, this is one of the best shark movies since the original Jaws. This isn't supposed to be scientifically accurate or even something that could be educational. It's a fun, exciting, and entertaining movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Will you take a chance on it? You might be surprised if you do.


8 year olds hear everything, based on the book meg by Steve Alten, capt bubbles, Charlotte boat, doof doof, evolution submersible, fighting octopus handshake, I came here to celebrate with you and now I'm mourning with you, I'm not crazy I've just seen things no one else has, it's not about the people you lose it's about the people you save, it's not just about the ones you lose it's about the ones you save, Jonas Taylor, living fossil, Lori Taylor, man vs meg isn't a fight it's a slaughter, mana one research station, Megalodon movie, mirae asset, my dream is that meiying will grow up to be just like you, origin submersible, Pacific mermaid boat, Richard Byrd, Roger man to king, Sanya bay, sex food power and money, ssbn rogue, tell me this isn't the world's best I told you so, the wall in the water, we did what people always do discover then destroy, what is the name of the dog in the water? Pippin (real name Kelly), you may be a son out a bitch but you're sure as hell no coward, you meet candle era nice skull, zhang oceanic

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Well, hello and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy podcast bringing to you the surprise that I promised yesterday. What's the surprise? Well, I'm not gonna make you wait anymore. Today we are gonna be talking about the Meg, the Megalodon movie that came out in 2018 and why are we doing this? Because the Meg two comes out this week. I am so excited to see it now. Okay, these movies are corny, to say the least, but I mean the original Jaws back in the day, yes, I'm that old. I remember when Jaws was in the theater. It was just, it was way beyond what anybody could have even imagined was possible. The shark that they built for the original Jaws movie, they built that so much large, considerably larger than at that time, the longest shark that had ever been found. Speaker 0 00:00:49 So they thought they were just totally reaching out into science fiction, into something that would never happen or something that they would never find. And now here we are all these years later and they've actually found sharks bigger than the shark model that they used in the original jaws. Now the original jaws, I mean it's, they kind of set the bar, it set the bar really high for shark movies. Every shark movie that's been made since then has been compared to it. And I bring that up because this one is the, is Jaws for the new generation. It's even Jaws for it's, and even if you're a big fan of Jaws, there's just something about this movie because this one is about the megalodon. Now scientifically, realistically, we know that the megalodon existed. We, they have found these monster teeth that are just extraordinarily huge. Speaker 0 00:01:37 We don't, we can't even fathom. It's like, okay, is that as big as they really were or were they bigger? I mean, these sharks could literally, from the numbers and stuff that have been run purely off the size of the teeth that have been found, they could probably come close to biting a whale in half. Now picture this, I'm not, I'm not talking like your little orcas here. I'm talking about like a, like the size of the blue whales with the sperm whales. Picture a shark big enough to bite one of those in half. That's just, it's mind boggling. And like I said, this one is the meg, the one that came out in 2018. It is the jaws for the new generation. It could, it, it's things that stretching, science fiction way beyond what we can comprehend that sharks might be. And even though that we know the Megalodons once existed, are we really so sure that they're extinct? Speaker 0 00:02:24 I mean, there's been other creatures that science and society thought were extinct and it's been like, okay, they're being found in certain pockets of the world and there's so much at the oceans that we haven't even explored yet. We probably know more about space than we know about our own oceans. I mean there's been, I don't, it's somewhere between like two and 5% of our oceans is all that's ever really been explored. And then of course you have the things like the recent submarine disaster thing that happened. People have gone down to the bottom of challenger deep. That's the deepest spot in the ocean there. There haven't been very few, very many people that have done it, but it's, but it's been done. To think that that is deeper than known Everest is tall. I mean, just putting that in perspective in your mind is just, wow. Speaker 0 00:03:05 And that's the reason I'm kind of bringing this up is this one just really, it does, it goes places that you wouldn't expect it to go. And like I said, that's kind of what Jaws did back in the day. Jaws really contested the ideas of like they wanted to go over the top and build a shark way bigger than had ever been seen or ever been found. They were doing so based off of at that time teeth that had been found. So they were speculating roughly the size of these sharks that had long been extinct. And now they're finding even great whites that make the jaws shark look tiny. And it's, it's just mind boggling. But then we find these megalodon teeth and we know these sharks existed if they do still exist. I mean there's not gonna be a lot of 'em. I can't imagine. Speaker 0 00:03:47 I mean, we wouldn't have the sea life that we have, but the oceans are so full of science and so full of wonder. There's just so much to them and it's, it's just mind boggling and I love it. It's just, wow. And when I saw this one, okay, mind you, these are, this is not gonna be a movie to kind of write home about. These are not movies that you're just gonna go home and say, oh, I have to just share this with everybody. It's the best movie I've ever seen. No, it's cheesy, it's corny. I did actually only give the original Meg a five point a seven, five out of 10. So not a great score, but there's a reason for that. It's, it's not that I didn't enjoy the movie. This movie is fun and it's exciting and there's so much going on, but it's the fact that with there's, you can't really follow the science in this movie 'cause the si the, the same shark in different parts of the movie, it changes size and so it's, it's corny <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:04:37 It's just kinda silly. And there's, there's some lines in this one that it, it really kind of fits the whole thing. And one of the like big ones that kind of sticks with me is that I'm not crazy. I've just seen things that no one else has and I'm like, that's the definition of crazy <laugh>. Like I said, this one is corny. I kind of came home and I was like, eh, kind of a little bit on the movie, but at the same time I wanted to watch it again and I have since bought it on the digital copy and I've watched it over and I, we, I've probably watched this movie 10, 15 times since it came out and every time I watch it I find something else I like about it. Sandy. Yeah, it didn't get the greatest score but there is so much going on and the whole guilty and innocent rating. Speaker 0 00:05:19 'cause this one I struggle with. There's nothing really overly graphic or gory, but just because the intensity of some of the scenes, I'm going to go ahead and give this one a guilty rating. Now at that same thing, I would probably say this movie might be safe for eight and above age-wise, but just the youngest of audiences might not be okay. And since Innocent is everything 12 and below, I can't quite go a full innocent rating on that one. So I hope you understand what that, and I hope that kind of makes sense. And you may be asking, okay, but why did she only give this movie at 5.75? It's that it's still a good story, but there's a lot of flaws and the Speaker 1 00:05:56 More you watch it, the more it's easy to overlook those flaws. But at the same time, your brain just kind of gets stuck on the whole thing. The, the Jaws had a lot more continuity to it. The original Jaws, you know, I actually haven't even reviewed the original Jaws yet, so I actually need to go back and do that. Like seriously. But, and, and that would honestly be a higher score than what this would have. Like I said, there's, it's full of just goofiness. But I do wanna get back to the original review that I wrote back in 2018 before I get too much into this. 'cause here I am just kinda going on and on and on, but the original review, here's what I wrote and my 300 words or less. And of course no spoilers on there and on here, so no worries there. Speaker 1 00:06:34 But here it is megalodon a massive predator that is larger than any creature that has ever existed under the sea. It's a good thing that they're extinct or are they an expedition to test a theory will expose the truth. Once they suspect what they have done, they know they must stop it before it wreaks havoc upon the world. Stopping a creature such as this will be much harder than any of them anticipate. It soon becomes a battle against one another as one side wants to study it and the others want to destroy it. It's not until the body count rises that they finally get on the same page, but is it too little too late? This then becomes a race to the end one will win. Will it be the creature thought to be extinct or man with the help of some friends and some incredible firepower, man might actually have a chance once they achieve their objectives, something else rears up and catches everyone by surprise. Speaker 1 00:07:31 Maybe it wasn't the only extinct creature that rose to the surface. All I can say is, hang on, because this is one hell of a ride. It may sound cheesy and predictable, but this movie is a true guilty pleasure. You just have to look past the science and some of the supposed to be scientifically accurate or even something that could be education. I'm gonna read that part again. My brain was kind of <inaudible> dope. It says, if you can look past that, this is one of the best shark movies since the original Jaws. This isn't supposed to be scientifically accurate or even something that could be educational. It's fun, exciting, and entertaining, and it'll keep you on the edge of your seat. Will you take a chance on it? You just might be surprised if you do. Now, <laugh>, that's one thing I always try to do with my reviews is I tried to make 'em fun, interactive. Speaker 1 00:08:19 I wanted to like create an intrigue about the movie of sorts. And I really think this review did that. And like I said, the more I've watched this movie since then, it's just like I said, I've enjoyed it more and more every time I've watched it. And like I said, it's goofy, it's silly. If you're coming into this expecting to see something like you would see on Discovery Shark Week, you're gonna massively be disappointed. It is not as goofy or corny or just off the wall is the whole sharknato things. Those are just, don't even get me started on those. I've reviewed a few of those and I'm just like, oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But the Meg is just something, and I highly advise watching this one before you watch the new one. I actually have not seen the Meg, Meg two, the trench. Speaker 1 00:09:00 I am gonna be seeing it this weekend and I will have that review up this weekend for you. But with, because of the, there's a lot of details in this one of how the megs get up to the surface and just the little details that go along with that and like what works and what doesn't work with the Megs. And so it's gonna really be a necessity for what they're kind of playing into with the new movie. So I highly recommend watching this one. If you don't, I'm sure you'll still enjoy the Meg to the trench on that one. But you know, like I said, I'm really looking forward to this. I could not wait to share this one with you. And it was like a big surprise with the new movie coming out and everything. I know I typically do like back to back, especially if I'm doing ones that have more than one of the series, but I wanted to get this one up before this weekend. Speaker 1 00:09:41 I also wanna remind people to check out the show on our movie deputy channel that went live today. There's a bunch of announcements and everything that we're making over there, so be sure to check that out. I don't and don't want anybody to miss the announcements over there. But as always, if you're liking the content, please like, subscribe and share. It's like these, this is too much fun not to share. How can you not share it? It's like I'm having fun. I hope you're having fun with me. This is just a blast. And I love being able to share these reviews with you and Shareem with us. Share the thoughts and get the feedback. And coming up actually later. Oh, you know what, I'm gonna save that for the announcements program, so I won't give that away. But I am excited to bring to you some other movies between now and this weekend. Speaker 1 00:10:22 Until then, I hope you have fun. Hang 10 dudes, <laugh>. I know that's totally corny, but have a great time. Enjoy your week. It's a Monday after all, so, oh, I guess Tuesday. Sorry it's Tuesday. I'm getting totally mixed up on my days here. Monday was crazy and I think it's spilling over into Tuesday. But yeah, this is just gonna be, this is gonna be a fun week, so just hang with me. We're gonna have a lot of fun on our programs this week and I will talk to you again soon. So till then, guys, bye-bye.

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