90 Minutes in Heaven (2015)

90 Minutes in Heaven (2015)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
90 Minutes in Heaven (2015)

Nov 07 2023 | 00:07:43

Episode November 07, 2023 00:07:43

Show Notes

A miraculous story of survival in the truest sense. 

Original Review:

You can have faith without hope but you can't have hope without faith. One man is about to learn this the hard way. Don thinks he knows where he stands in life. He's a successful pastor, husband, and father... his life is exactly how he pictured it. All that is about to change, on his way home from a conference... An accident changes his life forever. He is pronounced dead at the scene and is just waiting to be transferred to the morgue. That is until another local pastor comes across the scene (not knowing who was involved) and wanted to know if he could pray for the victims. Whilst praying for Don, something happened. Don was alive! What he had experienced though would change his life and his world. He had been in Heaven, surrounded by loved ones and completely at peace... So why was he brought back? That's something he'll have to learn as he goes through an excruciating recovery process. His body has been destroyed, he has lost his will to live and he is truly lost. Most of these stories spend more time preaching about how faith should be approached or what should / should not be done. This one is different. We get to see this man, go through the unthinkable, a devastating injury that has changed him physically and emotionally. Through this journey, we are able to see the high and low points in his life. With that, we also see what it takes to bring him back to the husband and father that his family needs him to be. He'll never be the same man that he was but he just might be something greater. This incredible story is based on an actual experience. Watch and Feel... It's worth it.


181 555 beau, 35fn6y license plate, aaron webb, anita onarecker, ashley bratcher, barry wilson, based on a true story, bobby batson, bruce-taylor, butterfly-the-dog, cara-mantella, catherine-carlen, cecil-beaumont, chris-piper, christian-conference, cliff-mcardle, cynthia-barrett, david-clyde-carr, david-gentiles, deena-beasley, dick-onarecker, don-piper, dr-greider, dr-houchins, dwight-yoakam, east-texas-ambulance, elizabeth-hunter, er-resident-doctor, eva-piper, faith-2, fixator-sick-to-toilet-seat, fred-dalton-thompson, garrett-able, gene-hartline, geoffrey-d-williams, geordie-white, gianna-simone, greatest-family-reunion-of-all, gregory-alan-williams, harrison-powell, hattie-mann, heaven-is-real, hermann-er, houston-herman-hospital, how-great-thou-art-or-i-believe-in-a-great-god, hudson-meek, huntsville-i-45, huntsville-memorial-hospital, i-have-chosen-not-to-be-bitter-but-better, if-god-brings-you-to-it-he-will-bring-you-through-it, iliserov-device, its-not-something-you-can-talk-about-to-explain-the-pain, j-b-perkins, james-nass, james-vines, jason-kennedy, jasper-polish, jay-b-perkins, jody-thompson, joe-kulbreth, joe-piper, jv-thomas, kate-bosworth, kathy-payne, kelly-sturniolo, lawyer-beaumont, livingston-hwy, lynn-cole, mark-oliver, marshall-bell, marty-stonerock, matt-cornwell, matthew-bauman, michael-crider, michael-harding, michael-polish, michael-w-smith, mike-wood, ms-glenda, nicholas-pryor, nicole-piper, ninety-minutes-in-heaven, don-piper, people-are-gods-hands-to-meet-your-needs-and-prayers, prayer-vigil, principal-mary-nell, rachel-jeanette, rhoda-griffis, rick-miller, rob-demery, sallye mcdougald hooks, shane jackson, subregation-rights, susan-long, suzan-maulden, tang-nguyen, the-dawn-patrol, the-don-patrol, the-fixator, tom-key, trevor-allen-martin, trinity-pine, tyler-case, vanessa-cloke, what-a-friend-we-have-in-jesus, what-kind-of-cookies-do-you-bake-when-you-dont-have-any-money-shortbread, wing-liu, you-can-have-hope-without-faith-but-you-cant-have-faith-without-hope, you-prayed-im-here

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello, everybody, and welcome back. I hope you are thoroughly enjoying these reviews that are maybe a little bit different from the perspective of movie Deputy reviews, where I alone am the movie Deputy one. I guess I could call it, say, a one man show, but in this case, it's a one woman show. Now, that has nothing to do with feminism or anything like that. It's like I just I think that whole thing is I don't want to get into that with here on this one because this is too important of a movie to talk about. If you caught yesterday's program, you know, the movie that we are going to talk about today is 90 Minutes in Heaven. Now, why are we talking about this movie today? Well, it's because his story was involved in the movie After Death, and the way that the story is portrayed in After Death and the way that the story is portrayed here are almost two different stories. Now, how is that? Well, I want to get maybe a little bit more into that. Now, I will say, originally I gave 90 Minutes in Heaven an innocent rating, and I also gave it an 8.25 out of ten on the Deputy scale. Now, you can imagine how good I thought this movie was to give it that kind of a ranking. And I honestly remember I walked out of this movie in tears. I think everybody that was in there walked out of this movie in tears. There was just something about how powerful this all comes across with that. Now, I've mentioned that the movie is about Don Piper, and like I said, this one goes a little bit more in depth into the story. But after you see After Heaven and you've seen this and depends on which order you watch them in, your feelings on one or the other may change. Now, I'm not going to change the original score that I gave this on Deputy, but I will say, had I seen after death before I saw this one, I definitely would not have given it as high of a score as what I did just because of the way that it's portrayed that it happened and the way that it happened. [00:02:17] There's enough discrepancies in it that okay, like I said, I understand it's Hollywood, and Hollywood's going to do what Hollywood does, and they're going to emphasize different parts of this movie to aim at different audiences. And honestly, you can see that they definitely did that after seeing the After Death movie. Now, like I said, I try not to let that influence me a whole lot. And like I said, I'm not going to change the score that I gave this originally because at the time, it fits. And honestly, if you just see this movie alone and you never see After Death, you will understand the ranking that I give it if you see it with the other one, or if you have ever even read his book 90 Minutes in Heaven, then you may have some different feelings on one such as that. But I want to share with you the original review that was posted on Moviedepity.com back in 2015. [00:03:12] You can have faith without hope, but you can't have hope without faith. One man is about to learn this the hard way. Don thinks he knows where he stands in life. [00:03:25] He's a successful pastor, husband and father. His life is exactly how he pictured it. All that is about to change. On his way home from a conference, an accident changes his life forever. He is pronounced dead at the scene and is just waiting to be transferred to the morgue. That is until another local pastor comes by the scene, not knowing who was involved. And he wanted to know if he could pray for the victims. Whilst praying for Don, something happened. Don was alive. What he had experienced, though, would change his life and the world. He had been in heaven, surrounded by loved ones and completely at peace. So why was he brought back? That's something he'll have to learn as he goes through an excruciating recovery process. His body has been destroyed. He has lost his will to live and is truly lost. Most of these stories spend time preaching about how faith should be approached or what should and should not be done. This one's different. We get to see this man go through the unthinkable, a devastating injury that has changed him physically and emotionally. Through this journey, though, we are able to see the high and low points in his life. With that, we also see what it takes to bring him back to the husband and father that his family needs him to be. He'll never be the same man that he was, but he just might be something greater. This incredible story is based on actual experience. [00:05:19] Watch it and feel it. It's worth it. [00:05:24] Like I said, this is the original review that I had posted up on Moviedeppity.com and as you probably know, the reviews are slowly disappearing from Movie Deputy as I am moving forward with the podcast process and getting them all switched over. But especially with the big part of this after death movie being about Don's story, I had to share this with you as well. [00:05:47] If you have never had a chance to see this, I do stand by the score that I gave it. But like I said, you just be prepared that Hollywood did what Hollywood does. Now does that take away and ruin the movie? Not at all. Not at all. But it does put a little bit of a different perspective on it. So I just like people to be prepared. I like people to at least know what they're getting into or going into before they sit down and watch whatever movie it is they're going to watch. And you know me, I will never spoil it for you, but I hope I bring you enough information so that you can make up your own mind. Did this help you? I hope so. Is it going to change your life? Probably not. But these stories of these near death experiences have changed a lot of lives. His story, I'm sure, has changed some people's lives. And a lot of the stories shared in after death have continued to do so. So I hope that you'll at least find some inspiration somewhere along this story, because it's not just one part of a simple story. It's multiple parts to a complex story that I don't know if we'll ever fully have the answers to. It's like we have answers, but there's still far more questions than answers out there. [00:07:09] I hope this has at least helped. Like I said, I hope it's helped you a little bit. I know I'm price only like a minor bird. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Not intentionally, though. If you are enjoying Movie Deputy reviews, please, like, share and subscribe or any of the three. It's like any of those three I am happy with, and I am looking forward to coming back and talking to you soon. I'm actually going to be bringing some different, newer movies as of the next couple of days, so I hope you're going to come along for the ride because it's going to get interesting. Bye.

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