The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)

Aug 09 2023 | 00:06:13

Episode August 09, 2023 00:06:13

Show Notes

The choice has been made, now we see the consequences of the choice... Hang on...

Original Review:

Neo has cemented a place in history. He must now lead a revolution. Zion is the only city that survives outside of the matrix. It is the last hope of society surviving on its own. As Morpheus, Trinity, Neo, and the rest of the Nautilus crew fight for a future, there are those fighting equally as hard to stop them. Those trying to stop them are the "Mr. Smith" factors that can assume any one at any time in order to infiltrate and eliminate. Even those free from the matrix aren't free from the threats of the Smith's. Whilst the Nautilus is in Zion, the crew will campaign for those to fight alongside them. When the stakes are higher than ever before, you'd think there would be many stepping up to fight. In reality though, Zion may be mighty but those who reside there want to preserve their lives as they are. A select few step up for the fight and together, they take on the threats whole heartedly. As the fight drags on, Zion faces its greatest threat. Just when all hope seems to be lost, the impossible becomes the reality. Though many will be lost along the way, this is a story of trials and triumph. It feels a bit separated from the original Matrix story but as you follow it through, it will make more sense. Though there are many seemingly huge plot holes in this adventure, if you watch the Animatrix, all of those will be answered to satisfaction. Matrix fans will once again be transported to a reality they may not be ready to face... How about you?


314 seconds, a harmony of mathematical precision, A sentinel for every man woman and child in zion, brothers: tank / dozer / link, captain niobe, chateau haut brion 1959, choice is an illusion between those with power and those without, commander lock, compelled to stay compelled to disobey, door made of light, gnosis, hope it is the quintessential human delusion simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness, I believe our survival depends on more than how many ships we have, I can't lose you, I do not believe it to be a matter of hope it is simply a matter of time, I envy you but such a thing is not meant to last, I have dreamed a dream but now that dream has gone from me, I made a promise and some promises can't be unmade, I protect that which matters most, I stand here without fear because I remember I remember that I am here no because of the path that lies before me but because of the path that lies behind me, icarus, it's like wiping your ass with silk, Jason lock, let us shake this cave let us tremble these walls, logos, Merovingian, Nebuchadnezzar, nobody cares how it works as long as it works, oh god smith will suffice, one Adam 12, programs hacking programs, rtf control, shut your hole before I put you in one, the keymaker, the power to give life and the power to end it,, this is Zion and we are not afraid, to-be-concluded, vigilant, we can never see past the choices we don't understand, we did only what we're meant to do, we're all here to do what we're all here to do, what is control, you donot truly know someone until you fight them, you see he set me free, Zion control

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 I am back and no, this is not a reference to Poltergeist, it's just, once again, me your favorite deputy of Movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the second matrix Vivy. The Matrix Reloaded came out in 2003, and if you caught yesterday's show, I was talking a little bit about how I had reached out to you guys, my audience, and asked you to look at the movies that I had reviewed on movie and to see which ones that you wanted me to turn into the podcast formats next. And the overwhelming response was to do the Matrix series. So that is what I'm doing. I have a lot of fun with movies that I have a lot of fun bringing them to you. So I want to thank you for coming back. If you are brand new to this podcast, welcome. I hope you enjoy yourself. Speaker 0 00:00:43 I look at movies a little bit differently from that, that you might find elsewhere, but I do so in a way that I think is both fun and fascinating, and I hope you do too. Stay weird. Like I said, jumping in with the Matrix Reloaded, I did give the Matrix Reloaded a 5.5 on the deputy scale and gave it a guilty rating, which definitely, which means it's safe for 13 and above. Obviously safe for younger audiences depending on parental involvement or maybe older audiences depending on parental involvement. It's just complete, this is just a recommendation on my part is all, but you're probably wondering, okay, why did the score drop an entire point? I gave the first matrix a 6.5, and I gave Matrix Reloaded only at 5.5. It's because the Matrix, when it jumps into the whole thing of jumping into what quote unquote reality is, there's a lot going on at the story. Speaker 0 00:01:31 The Matrix reloaded, it's focusing more on the story that's going, what is what's happening in Zion? It's a little bit more of a love story between Neil and his love interest. I don't wanna give that away if you're not aware, <laugh>, just how some of the crew and everything reacts. It's not so much as an adventure, it's more of just a drama of sorts. And so that is actually why the score dropped. There's also a lot more flaws in this one that, like I said, most people probably wouldn't catch, but I've just got one of those brains that I can't look past a lot of that stuff. So it can be annoying and it can be great all at the same time. I think a couple of the important points in this movie, and there're points that apply to real life too, and that's, there're movies like that that kinda cross that boundary and where they have things that that can apply to real life when the movie has nothing to do with real life or who knows, maybe it does, is that choice is and illusion between those of power and those without. Speaker 0 00:02:27 Now I, I'm not meaning that from a political standpoint at all. It's just there's a, there's a lot of power to that statement. And if you think about it, the choice is an illusion between those with power and those without. And like I said, not saying anything at all about politics. It's just, I mean, that could make a difference in the home and the community and in your city. Doesn't matter where you're at. That the choice basically is an illusion no matter what we, how, how we wanna look at it. Sorry, I'm just getting tongue. I'm twist tripping over my own words today. It's j I just woke up up and I'm just kind of going ever since <laugh>. And then another great quote in the movie, and I'm gonna be getting to my review here very shortly, is we can never see past the choices. Speaker 0 00:03:09 We don't understand that also can very much apply to life. And so there's so many of these quotes that a lot of people don't think about. It's like they'll hear the quote in a movie, but until they like really dissect it and they'll take it apart and look at these individual quotes about how they apply in the movie, but also how they apply in real life. I can almost guarantee the next time you watch this movie and you hear those quotes, it's gonna mean something different. I don't know, there's just something about that. But onto the original review that was on Movie, deputy is Neo has cemented a place in history. He must now lead a revolution. Zion is the only city that survived outside the Matrix. It is the last hopeless society surviving on its own as Morpheus Trinity Neo and the rest of the Nautilus crew fight for the future. Speaker 0 00:03:54 There are those fighting equally hard to to stop them. Those trying to stop them are the Mr. Smith factors that can assume anyone at any time in order to infiltrate and eliminate. Even those free from the Matrix aren't free from the threats of the Smiths. Whilst Nautilus is in Zion, the crew will campaign for those to fight alongside them when the stakes are higher than ever before, you'd think there would be many stepping up to fight. In reality, though Zion may be mighty, but those who reside there want to preserve their lives as they are a select few step up for the fight. And together they take on the threats wholeheartedly. As the fight drags on Zion faces its greatest threat. Just when all hope seems to be lost, the impossible becomes the reality, though many will be lost along the way. This is a story of trials and triumph. Speaker 0 00:04:45 It feels a bit separated from the original Matrix story, but as you follow it through, it makes a lot more sense. Though there are many seemingly huge plot holes in this adventure. If you watch the Anna Matrixx, all of those will be answered. Dissatisfaction Matrix fans will once again be transported to a reality that they might not be ready to face. How about you? Now, you may be wondering what the Anima is if you've never heard of it. It's actually an animated movie that kind of fills in a lot of the gaps of what's happening in the Matrix Reloaded. I will get around to actually doing that podcast next week because though I have seen the Anima, I need to go back through and review it, which means I haven't taken my notes and everything on it, and I wanna bring to you bring it to you as thoroughly as possible. Of course, without any spoilers. Like if you've been around with me for a while, you know, I hate spoilers. If you're brand new, this is your introduction, yet you'll never find spoilers on movie Deputy, there's, it is just something about those <laugh>. So it's a lot of fun. But I have a lot of fun bringing these movies to you. Again, I did give this movie a 5.5 and a guilty rating. Speaker 1 00:05:57 I hope that you have enjoyed this. I hope that maybe some of these quotes might help you, maybe watch it a little bit differently next time you do, and if so, I'd love to know about it. So until tomorrow when we are going to be talking about the Matrix Revolutions. Till then, bye.

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