The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix (1999)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Matrix (1999)

Aug 08 2023 | 00:06:52

Episode August 08, 2023 00:06:52

Show Notes

What is reality? Are you ready to find out?

Original Review:

Thomas Anderson is a computer programmer by day and a genius hacker by night. This dual life has led him towards a truth that he may not be ready to face. He's stumbled onto something and there are those out there who are determined to silence him. He'll quickly find himself relying solely on the help of a stranger. Soon Mr. Anderson will be given a choice by this stranger, a choice to follow him down the rabbit hole to fully realize what the world truly is, or to simply return to his day to day life. This choice, once made, cannot be undone. When Mr. Anderson (Neo) awakens, he'll find himself in a world that he doesn't recognize. Scared, confused, and angry he refuses to accept what is happening. Soon he's about to realize why he's here, why he was given the choice, and what needs to be done. You see, there are those that believe that he is the chosen one. The one who can save Zion and all of those who survive outside of the matrix in the reality of society. It's not without its difficulties though, there are those out there that are determined to stop him at any cost. Will Neo change the course of human history or is he merely just a man caught in a nightmare that he can't wake up from. This story challenges many ideas and could make many viewers uneasy. Is this science fiction or is there something more to it? If you could find out the truth, would you want to? So many questions, so few answers... What do you believe?


3809940TAA, 555 5069, a computer-generated dream world, agent smith, all I'm offering is the truth nothing more, as long as the matrix exists the human race will never be free, b 212 helicopter, being the one is just like being in love no one can tell you you're in love you just feel it through and through, blue pill - the story ends and you wake up in your bed believing whatever you want to believe, born into a prison that you cannot smell it taste or touch, buckle your seatbelt Dorothy cause Kansas is going bye bye, Call trans opt: received. 2-19-98 13:24:18 REC:Log>, Call trans opt: received. 9-18-99 14:32:21 REC:Log>, combat-training, control x, courier press volume 32 no 69, deja-vu, digital pimp, do not try to bend the spoon that's impossible instead only try to realize the truth what truth there is no spoon, dodge this, don't think you are know you are, drunken boxing, emergency stop level 41, fate it seems is not without a sense of irony, follow the white rabbit, genuine child of Zion, he told me I wasn't really looking for him I was looking for an answer, heart o' the city hotel room 303, how about I give you the finger and you give me my phone call, how do you define real, I can only show you the door you're the one that has to walk through it, I can't go back can I no but if you could would you really want to, if the employee has a problem the company has a problem, ju jitsu, kempo, knock knock neo, kung-fu, license plate AA034, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad, metacortex, morphes eludes police at Heathrow Airport, mulpha, Norwich, prime audio soup, red pill - you stay in wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes, residual self image, sentient programs, simulacra & simulation, tai kwan do, tastee wheat, tasty wheat, the construct, the human body generates more bio electricity than a 120 volt battery and over 25000 btu's of heat, the matrix cannot tell you who you are, the matrix has you, the Nebuchadnezzar / mark III no 11 / made in the USA near 2069, the oracle, the oracle told me I would fall in love with a dead man, the sound of inevitability, there's a difference between knowing the path and walking the path, Thomas A Anderson, trace program: running, wake up, Warning: carrier anomaly, welcome to the desert of the real, welcome to the real world, what good is a phone call if you're unable to speak, what is he doing he's beginning to believe, what is real, what's really going to bake your noodle, password: steak, white rabbit tattoo, you may have spent the last few years looking for me but I've spent my entire life looking for you

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of Movie Deputy Podcasts. If this is your first time here, welcome. I'm a movie critic that tries to make these reviews interesting by interrogating the movies for their plot and content. I don't focus on a lot of the gobbledy gook that Hollywood does, so if that's who you're looking for, this might not be the show for you. But if you're looking for a show that would kind of describe the movie to you in a little bit of synopsis, little bit of information on who the target audience is on age appropriateness, et cetera, and just kind of how it flows and if it's a decent story or not, then you have definitely found the right place with us here, <laugh>. So I hope you'll, if you're enjoying yourselves, I hope you'll be back. Speaker 0 00:00:43 And if you're a regular, like I said, as always, I thank you for coming back. I do want to say that I'm gonna have to start asking you guys for which ones I should review more often, because as you know, I have as many people know, there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of movie reviews on movie that I'm switching over to this podcast format. And due to the overwhelming response of the request for the Matrix series, I am going to be jumping in with the first matrix movie that came out in 1999. Gotta wonder, it's like, oh, this many requests for Matrix. Is there something going on in Hollywood that even, I don't know. Who knows? I'm not gonna even dare to speculate on that. But at the same time, these are a timeless, classic movies. And who knows, maybe some of my listeners have been listening for a while and they wanted my opinion on this series. Speaker 0 00:01:30 'cause this is, this is one of those series of movies that is either I love 'em or Hate 'em. They go so far outside of the scope of what we've typically known as reality. It doesn't. So in such a way that it makes you uncomfortable, and that's the whole point of these movies. So it kind of makes you wonder, are you ready to know? Are you ready to know what reality really is? And are you ready to find out? Or are these movies just a bunch of hooey? So <laugh>, I guess that's up to each individual opinion. I, for one, was fascinated by these. By the first time I watched them, I wasn't sucked into the whole thing of the illusion that we're just dead living in a dream. But that's kind of its own theory in and of itself that I will touch on a little bit more as I talk about these movies. Speaker 0 00:02:11 But I wanna jump right in, like I said, with this first matrix movie. I'm gonna start by reading what the original review was on movie, and then we're gonna talk a little more about the score and things like that. Though I will give you a hint, it did a lot better than you might think. And sorry about that. I just hit my microphone. Sorry about that sound. I said I wanna just kind of jump right in with that. You know me, don't do well, but the original review, Thomas Anderson is a computer programmer by day and a genius hacker. By night, this dual life has led him towards a truth that he may not be ready to face. He stumbled onto something, and there are those out there who are determined to silence him. He'll quickly fight himself, relying solely on the help of a stranger. Soon, Mr. Anderson will be given a choice by this stranger, a Speaker 1 00:02:58 Choice to follow him down a rabbit hole, to fully realize what the world truly is, or to simply return to his day-to-day life. This choice once made, cannot be undone. When Mr. Anderson, who we also know as Neo Awakens, he'll find himself in a world that he doesn't recognize, scared, confused, and angry. He refuses to accept what is happening soon. He's about to realize why he's here, why he was given the choice, and what needs to be done. You see, there are those that believe that he is the chosen one, the one that can save Zion, and all of those who survive outside of the Matrix in the reality of society. It's not without its difficulties, though. There are those out there that are determined to stop him at any cost. Will neo change the course of human history or is he merely just a man caught in a nightmare that he can't wake up from? Speaker 1 00:03:51 This story challenges many ideas and could make many viewers uneasy. Is this science fiction or is there something more to it? If you could find out the truth, would you want to, so many questions, so few answers. What do you believe? Now, as you know, I get a little bit philosophical with my reviews and if, like I said, if you're brand new, this is kind of the way I do my reviews is I tend to get a little bit philosophical and stuff like that, especially on the ones that were, were written out. The ones that are just more conversational that I have never gotten around to writing the reviews on. Uh, well, most of my reviews, I just kind of sit here and I'm just talk about the movies as if I was talking to my best friend sitting right here next to me, except it's mainly just me, <laugh> deputy's, a one person show, and I am that person. Speaker 1 00:04:38 So <laugh>, it says, but it's, it's an adventure. And something like this is just, I think, a good line in the movie. It says, buckle your seatbelt, Dorothy. 'cause Candace is going bye-bye, <laugh>. That's like a perfect description of this movie. And like, it's like I said, it really makes people uncomfortable because it dares to question the reality that we think we know. And is there something to it? Or like I said, or is it just a bunch of hooey? That's, that's the biggest thing is that's for you to decide. Thankfully, this wasn't the one and only movie. There was a, there was some other ones that made following this, and these are the ones that we're gonna be talking about the next couple days. So you're gonna get today, which is the Matrix, tomorrow is the Matrix we loaded, and then the following day is Matrix revolutions. Speaker 1 00:05:20 And then of course, the weekend, I'll be talking about the new movie, new movies. Again, you're probably dying. You're like, oh, what is the score? Well, as you know, typically if I give the score early on in the movie, it's a great score. If I give it later on in the movie, not so much, but I'm gonna mix it up for you today. I actually gave the Matrix a 6.5 on the deputy scale, so I bet that's higher than you were expecting. <laugh>, I couldn't resist. But I also gave this movie, I'm trying to remember what I gave this on the deputy scandal. Honestly, I'm having to refer back to the original review on that. I did give this a guilty rating, I thought I did, but I just was double checking that one thing. Nice about touch screens on Speaker 2 00:05:56 Computers. I can check that stuff without any of the loud click, click, click, click, click, click <laugh>. But like I said, it did give us a guilty rating and like I said, a 6.5 on the deputy scale, which for me is pretty good. <laugh>, I, like I said, I enjoyed this one. If you've never seen this, this is' a denture that you want to check out if this is one that you have seen. I'm just kind of curious to know what you think, what I think of it. So I am looking forward to bringing the rest of these movies to you in the order that they came out. Now, the new one, you are gonna have to wait till next week, matrix Resurrections, because I'm gonna have to do the new movies this weekend. So if you wanna know what I think of all the matrix movies, be sure to turn in this week, tune in this week. And of course, if you wanna know what I gave the new Matrix movie, that'll be our first one that we talk about next week. So be sure to come back and stay tuned the like, subscribe and share if you want more of me so <laugh> until later, I will talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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