Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem (2023)

Aug 07 2023 | 00:07:28

Episode August 07, 2023 00:07:28

Show Notes

The boys are back and better than ever (well sort of)... hey, I can admit when I was wrong (wink)

Original Review:

This is it


Donny Raph Leo and Mikey, NYC sewer, Baxter stockman, anti mutant neutralizer, tcri, master splinter, gogurt, humans are the demon scum of the earth,  superfly, ratman, Kerry li's guide to self defense,  Ray, case 433c, the laird, turtle mutant karate teens,  April o'puke, pizza with bits of waffles on it,  Michael Angelo, Leo nardo, puke girl,  Leon ardo, Eastman high,  toupee Tom, normal nate, short Sharon,  bad Bernie,  cockroach surfing on a turd, forza horizon, ooze, wingnut bat, leatherhead alligator,  mondo gecko, quantum lanes, anti police,  acceptance will be ours, bebop warthog, rocksteady rhino,  Cynthia utrom, mega milker 2000, super duper fly,  scumbug, April O'Neil, Bryan Thompson, I will kick their butt and she will eat what's left, bonus scene in credits, genghis frog,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of Movie Deputy podcast, bringing to you another intriguing interrogation of the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Mayhem. Now, before I get too much into this one, I do wanna apologize for yesterday with some of my health issues, which I've been getting quite a few questions on lately. 'cause I haven't really gone into a whole lot of detail on that. But yesterday was just not a good day. I'm not trying to make excuses, I just, it was, it was a really hard day. And so I am gonna occasionally have days like that and I'm going to try to make them as few as possible, but they are going to happen. I will go into a little bit more detail on a future episode on the Mob Deputy channel that we have. 'cause that's where all of our bonus content is. Speaker 0 00:00:48 I don't wanna ever let you guys down either. And when you guys are sitting there waiting for a review and I'm, she was like, okay, I know she said she was gonna see teenage Mu turtle. So where's the review? Well, here it is. And that's why I'm here. I do wanna admit one thing right off the bat, <laugh>, I could easily admit when I'm wrong, and this is one of those ones that I was just, just like, oh my word, do they really need to do another teenage into Turtles movie? Does, does it really need another reboot? Like what all is going on with that? It's, there is literally no originality in Hollywood anymore, but that's no excuse. I mean no excuse for all of this. Anyway, but I thought, what a missed opportunity. Imagine if they were approaching this, this new movie as if it was the children of our four favorite turtles that could have opened up a whole new doorway to a whole new storyline. Speaker 0 00:01:35 But instead, this kind of goes way back to the beginning, back when the turtles were still turtles and kind of what a, everything that happened to them, their dad, master splinter and everything that goes along with that. And so, and okay, that's a teenage turtle storyline. Anyways, okay, we have a splinter and a shredder and then you have a warthog and a pig and all of these other characters that are all these other animals. And it's like, what? Why <laugh>? It's just one of those things that's just, that's on a whole other level. But in this one we actually see that the turtles find themselves in some ooze and they end up being saved by a rat. Oh, obviously they're quote unquote dad and he takes them under his wing and he raises them, but he raises them to be afraid of the, the big world afraid of humans because humans are the demons scum of the earth. Speaker 0 00:02:25 That's literally a quote from the movie, by the way. And along the way, he decides to teach them how to defend themselves. He needs to teach them self defense so they can survive living in the sewers and survive the city and kind of everything that goes along with that. But he has always taught them to fear humans. The thing is, as the turtles grow up, I mean we kind of know their personalities a little bit from the kind of the other storylines on the rest of the story of the turtles, that they have a natural curiosity and they end up meeting April and all of this stuff. But even prior to meeting April, the whole self-defense thing, I kind of think this is a cute little part of the movie, is it just very Speaker 1 00:02:58 Briefly touch touches on how they learn their self-defense. And it's like off of an old v h s tape titled Carrie Lee's Guide to Self-Defense. And my first thought that came to mind was the how to of kung Fu. Now, okay, before I get any hate on that comment, I am fully aware that this is not just traditional kung fu, it's a bunch of the different martial arts and things like that involved. But like I said, that quote just kinda came to my head. It's not in the movie, but it's just what I thought of when I saw it was the how to of kung fu. So <laugh>, as you know, I like to be silly with stuff like that, but the whole thing with the turtles, and they even say this is the whole thing of like acceptance will be ours. 'cause they are just determined to go out in the world and show people what they're, I mean that they wanna do good and that they wanna be good out there in the real world. Speaker 1 00:03:45 <laugh>, like I said, their, their whole thing is acceptance will be ours. My biggest critique with this entire movie, and well, I should probably explain the score I gave it, the score I did give this movie was a 5.75 out of 10, and I actually did give this an innocent rating. There's nothing in this that would be particularly a, I mean, inappropriate for kids in any way, shape or form. So I did give this an innocent rating. Even the fight scenes, they're, they're very vanilla on that. They're very mild, they're not, there's nothing gory, there's nothing like over the top, there's no like animated blood spattering. 'cause and that's another thing about this movie, it's not live action and it's not necessarily cartoon. It's like if you, if Claymation could meet animation and combine the two, it almost looks like Claymation, except it's not. It's just regular animation. Speaker 1 00:04:31 It's just made to look like that. But they actually did a really good job with it. So I was, I was a little concerned about that. Like I said, my biggest critique of this entire movie is in two different spots. There could have been a third one that, there's a third one that's just kind of teeter tottering on the edge a little bit is the movie is anti-police. And so that just as, as you know, that definitely rubs me the wrong way. And that's the only reason this movie did not get a higher score. Honestly, I was mid to upper sixes on this score wise on the deputy rating scale, not like personally. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the Turtles just in general. And the story, except for kind of explaining their origins didn't really go anywhere. And as you, if you're, like I said, if you're at all familiar with the turtles, you're familiar with Splinter. Speaker 1 00:05:15 And of course I mentioned Shredder. But the thing is shredder is nothing but a credit bonus scene in this one. So, you know, there's obviously gonna lead into something more with that. So it'll be interesting to see where they go from there. But like I said, they couldn't resist the anti-police jabs. And honestly, if you're not paying attention, you wouldn't even pick up on it. But the rest of the movie is wholesome, it's sweet, it's very anti-bullying, it's pro just being yourself. Their whole thing of the acceptance will be ours. But they, they refuse to be anything that they're not. They're refusing to be fake, they're refusing to be like anything that they're not. They just wanna be themselves and they wanna be accepted for it. And that message throughout the whole thing was Speaker 2 00:05:57 Probably the main reason worth watching this. Like I said, if you've ever been a fan of the Turtles, I would advise checking this out. Like I said, just be prepared that there is that anti-authority. Like I said, there's a couple points of that in the movie, but that's not the focus of the movie thankfully. So I mean, is this gonna lead to a whole new direction that the turtles are gonna go in? Maybe so, maybe, no, I'm not sure. I'm at least glad that they did this one. I know when I was talking, uh, about the, the, the trailer, when I was doing the upcoming movies podcast, I really did not have very high hopes. I was honestly going into this expecting it to be like a two or three. Like I said, it definitely came out of it a lot better than I was expecting it to be. Speaker 2 00:06:36 So be sure to catch me tomorrow for some more great movies. I haven't decided which ones I'm doing yet. I need to get caught up on a lot more of my older titles. So if you ever wanna suggest any or if you just wanna help me pick my order, feel free to go on social media hashtag Movie Deputy. And if I haven't already reminded you, which I don't think I have on this show, and honestly I hate the shows that just consistently go like, subscribe and share, but it's, I realize that's kind of what I've been doing and it's kind of cheesy. I wanna do something more original. So if you have any ideas for any way that I could be more original with that, I don't wanna just be just one of these podcasters that's just a broken record on stuff like that. I wanna be anything but that, that's why I created a deputy. I can't wait to have more adventures with you in the future. I hope you have a wonderful day and I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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