The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

The Matrix Revolutions (2003)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

Aug 10 2023 | 00:06:05

Episode August 10, 2023 00:06:05

Show Notes

We've seen what can happen when those who are willing to fight, do... Now what?

Original Review:

Though Zion is finally free, the war is far from over. As the chosen one, Neo is about to face some truths that are impossible to grasp. What he must do and how it must be done have never before been attempted. What is it that he faces? The Matrix itself! You see, the matrix isn't just a thing. It has developed a consciousness and is determined to survive and keep things as they are. Approaching it and confronting it have never been done before. Now Neo faces the journey of it head on. Though he won't be alone, he'll face challenges that he couldn't have imagined. As the journey breaks him down, something keeps him going. When he finally arrives, he will be missing something but that won't stop him from attempting the impossible. What will happen in this final showdown? Will humanity finally see the truth? Will humanity remain in the matrix? Is there a happy medium between the two absolutes? So much is about to be revealed... It will certainly not be what you expect but the revelations at the conclusion will blow your mind. Are you prepared?


blind messiah, captain mifune, chasing you it's like chasing a ghost, city rail loop, cookies need love like everything does, everything that has a beginning has an end, I believed, I choose to, I only ask to say what I've come to say after that do what you want and I won't try and stop you, if I'm not me then who am I, if it's our time to die it's our time all I ask is if we have to give these bastards our lives we give them hell before we do, jacking in, jittery as a June bug, knuckle up, love - it is a human emotion no it is a word, Merovingian, Mobil ave, no one can see beyond a choice they don't understand, not impossible inevitable, stellma subway station, tastee wheat subway ad, temet nosce, temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose, the filmmakers wish to thank our family our friends and our fans whose love and support made the impossible possible, the _ does not forget and the does not forgive, the last exile, the purpose of life is to end, the trainman,, there is no escaping the nature of the universe, vagaries of perception, vdt / Virtual Delirium Tremens / vdt's, where some see coincidence I see consequence / where others see chance I see cost, you keep loading I'll keep shooting

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello and welcome back. It is once again me your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the third and maybe final, which of course we know it's not the final, but at the time we thought it was the Final Matrix movie, the Matrix Revolutions. Now, I don't know why they decided to do this. Both the Matrix re loaded and the Matrix Revolutions came out in the same year. They both came out in 2003. I surprisingly have talked to a few people about that in the last couple days and they actually weren't aware that these both came out the same year. And so I was just, just like, if you don't normally see movies that have multiple parts come out in the same year, and so, oh, not that even this one had multiple parts. This is just a continuation of the story <laugh> and almost kind of a wrap up of the story in, in a way. Speaker 0 00:00:43 So we're gonna kinda get into that too. Before we jump too far into it, I'm gonna let you know I did definitely give this one a guilty rating of the three of 'em. This probably deserves the most guilty rating just because of some of the content in it. And then I actually gave this one a 5.75 out of 10. So it did go a quarter point higher than what we did with Matrix. We loaded, but we're still a little ways away from the original matrix as we gave the original matrix a 6.5, the matrix, we loaded a 5.5 and the Matrix revolutions, this one that we're talking about to today, a 5.75. Now if you've watched this one, you may understand those scores a little bit more. If you're ever curious about the scores, please feel free to check out the About Me page on movie or just check out our welcome to Movie Deputy podcast on our movie Deputy Channel. Speaker 0 00:01:34 They're kind of going into a little bit more explanation on some of that, but that's not what I'm trying to focus on here. I'm trying to focus on the movie <laugh>. I'm so sorry that yesterday I was tripping over my tongue so badly. It is just, it's like it sometimes my tongue, it doesn't matter. Doesn't matter how much I, doesn't matter how much sleep I get or anything, just some days I wake up and my tongue is just like, I have no idea what's going on with it. It's like my brain and tongue are not connected some days <laugh>, but I think we all have those from time to time. But this one, again, there's, there's quotes in this one that are very intriguing, let's put it that way. And some of the, the biggest quotes on this, and I'm gonna be getting to the review again here shortly, is one of the biggest things in this movie is, if not me, then who am I? Speaker 0 00:02:21 And Neo asks this to somebody very important to him 'cause he knows what must be done, but he also knows the difficulty of that decision. Also there some other important quotes are where some coincidence I see consequence where others see chance, I see cost. Again, very memorable quotes and there's one more that I'll touch on at the end, but I wanna read you my review first, the original review, this is the one that was on movie And of course no spoilers ever. You don't ever have to worry about spoilers. It's me, <laugh>. But with the Matrix revolutions though, Zion is finally free. The war is far from over as Speaker 1 00:02:58 The chosen one. Neo is about to face some truths that are impossible to grasp. What he must do now and how it must be done have never been attempted. What is it that he faces? The matrix itself, you see, the matrix isn't just a thing, it has developed a consciousness and it is determined to survive and keep things as they are approaching it and confronting it have never been done before. Now Neil faces the journey head on, though he won't be alone, he'll face challenges that he couldn't have imagined. As the journey breaks him down, something keeps him going. When he finally arrives, he will be missing something. But that won't stop him from attempting the impossible. What will happen in this final showdown? Will humanity finally see the truth? Will he humanity remain in the matrix? Is there a happy medium between the two absolutes? Speaker 1 00:03:58 So much is about to be revealed. It will certainly not be what you expect, but the revelations at the conclusion will blow your mind. Are you prepared? Now this final quote that I've been telling you that I was going to reference, it's a hard one to face, but it's a truth in the matrix and in reality, but it is the purpose of life is to end. It's, that sounds so sad and so depressing, but there's so much truth to it. I mean, in this world of AI and everything that we're getting in nowadays, that kind of challenge, that challenges that whole idea to a whole new level. But in reality, what is the purpose to life? It's like we're always looking for the meaning of life. Is that it? Who knows? I know I'm getting kind of deep and philosophical on you. Again, sorry, it's just my personality. Speaker 1 00:04:44 But again, I did give them matrix revolutions, a 5.7, five out of 10 and a guilty rating. Like I said, this one could probably got the most guilty rating. I mean, not that I have different levels of the guilty rating, but this one, some of the scenes in this one are, are gonna be a little much even for like the young younger teen crowds and things like that. And who knows, it may be some much for some adults too. It's not, it's not that it's full on gory or anything like that. It's just some of this, some of it is a bit intense for a younger viewer. So I just like to give people at least a little bit of a heads up on that. Now as we know, 'cause we are now living in the year 2023 that this was not the end of the Matrix movies. Speaker 1 00:05:22 But considering that, that we're gonna be talking about the Matrix resurrected and and Matrix next week, it should be interesting. But be sure to tune in tomorrow Saturday and hopefully Sunday too. The, for the new movies that are coming out this weekend, I'm not sure which ones they're gonna be yet. So you're gonna have to hang on and be sure to check out our upcoming movies episode. We just brought those back last week and so we've got a new one up today. So you'll definitely want to check that out. I'm always excited to talk to you about the new movies that are upcoming and I try to bring a little bit of humor to it too until we talk again. I don't know which ones I'm gonna be seeing tomorrow night for sure. So we'll just have to wait and see which ones I review. <laugh>, it's gonna be a lot of fun. So I will talk to you guys later. Bye-bye.

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