Corner Office (2023)

Corner Office (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Corner Office (2023)

Aug 20 2023 | 00:06:40

Episode August 20, 2023 00:06:40

Show Notes

When Orson starts a new job, it's everything he hoped it wasn't. When he finally finds someplace that feels right... well, let's just say it's beyond complicated.

Original Review:

This is it


I chose to see the light,  the authority Inc, 55 min of concentrated work followed by a 5 min break, Shannon, Carol, rakesh, Mitchell,  Chelsea's drawing, Orson, try to think about the floor,  Andrew,  a smile disarms your opponent and makes them doubt their own enmity, passive participant,  we would have been able to increase the bounce of my trampoline so to speak,  case 1842, case 1199, case 1636, knowing when to keep your mouth shut is an art, Alyssa, revision 16-c, excellence is a habit,  1647 employees in the bldg, Mr goring, Meredith,  money isn't everything, Lindenwood park,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Oh, hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your friendly and favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you another movie interrogation as I dig deep into the plot and the content to bring you something you might not expect. And that's what I'm actually gonna do here today with Corner Office. Now needless to say, as you can tell, the movies this week have been, let's just say disappointing across the board at least so far. I will say that this movie we're gonna be talking about today did get a 6.25 on the deputy scale. So for the ones coming out this weekend, it's at least the highest rated score so far of just this weekend's movie. You're probably wondering, okay, what movie is it? Well, we are gonna be talking about the movie Corner Office. Now, if you caught my upcoming movie podcast a couple days ago, you know that I was actually looking forward to this one, and thankfully it was available to watch on video on demand. Speaker 0 00:00:57 And so when I jumped into this, it definitely, I had, I had kind of had an idea of what I was expecting it to be, and I really try not to go into it with that preconceived notion. But on a story such as this that, that everything just kind of looked interesting. It almost looked like a new type of idea as it played out. It wasn't necessarily as much of a new idea as I had hoped. The trailer was actually a little bit misleading to the story, but I'm gonna go ahead and get into that a little bit more as I talk about that. Now, in this story, the main character is called Orson. And this one, I will warn people right ahead, right, right ahead of the game. This movie is not gonna be for everyone. There's nothing grotesque, there's nothing inappropriate, there's no language issues there. Speaker 0 00:01:43 It's just a, I almost wanna say a boring story, except it's not boring. It, it just, it feels like it's boring as it plays out, but it's not. And I know that sounds very confusing, but this one, Orson is the main character and he's going into this brand new job. So day one at this new job, I'm trying to remember the, I made a note of the name of the company on here. It's called The Authority Inc. And then there's a big clock on the hole. But everything, and I do mean everything in this office is gray, different shades of gray, but everything is gray. It just is almost very disorganized and organized at the same time. We're watching this play out his first day here and how he's interacting with the coworkers and wouldn't first start watching the movie. You actually just were watching him park in the parking lot and walk in. The thing is, as this whole story is playing out, he's, he himself is narrating the whole story as it goes. So he's telling you what he's thinking, the, the whole thought process behind what he's doing, and the entire thing is a narration, and it's a very intellectual narration. And so if you're not into the more intellectual type stories that are really almost dividing in their audience, I definitely would honestly would not recommend this even with the score that I gave it. Speaker 1 00:02:58 This one, honestly, I'm gonna give it an innocent rating just because there's nothing inappropriate for younger viewers. There's not a, I can't think of a single child that I know that would sit down and it's like I said, it's, it's almost dull in the way it plays out. But the way that Orson is narrating this, the coroner office that he finds, how this all plays out, I can't tell you the real twist about this corner office because that would be a major spoiler to this movie. But you really, like I said, have to be into intellectual stories to get anything out of this. And honestly, I'm usually not into the more intellectual type of stories. This one, Whitney's will like walking into the office on the beginning of day one. He's like, a lot of people choose to see like the doomy, gloomy darkness. That's not an exact quote, but he said he chooses to see the light. Speaker 1 00:03:47 Now, I am not saying that Orson is any sort of optimist by any means. It's, he doesn't look at things like glass half full, if anything, he's an eternal pessimist of sorts. So that, that kind of is a little bit of a play on that, that he is, but he isn't. There's one of the things that he ends up doing in the movie that ends up kind of changing something for this company as a whole. The quote just really kind of just, I mean, it, it was a, an awesome quote, and I'm gonna share that with you here. It says, A smile disarms your opponent and makes them doubt their own enmity. So that's number one. And number two, we would've been able to increase the bounce of my trampoline, so to speak. And that's kind of how he talks in the movie, is it's almost like similes and metaphors and just plays on words. Speaker 1 00:04:33 And he's very anal and just very like mentally focused. I honestly think he's very likely on the spectrum. He's O C D on many different things. And like I said, this is just, this is one of those movies that leaves you thinking long after it was done playing. It's like, I couldn't stop thinking about this one there. There's another part, and I, there's another quote in this, and it's one that I actually wanna start making a habit of. It says, excellence is a habit. And a very famous radio personality used to use the term excellence in broadcasting. So I like this quote of excellence is a habit because I think that's a habit that we all should be into. It doesn't mean we're not gonna have bad days. It doesn't mean we're not gonna have off days. Who knows, maybe somewhere in our inner monologues we're narrating our lives as if Orson is, and I, for one, I'm neurodivergent. Speaker 1 00:05:23 I know that I am very high functioning on the spectrum and everything like that. So it's like I don't take, I'm not taking that personally. And there's a lot of people who use an R word when referring to anybody on the spectrum, and I don't like that word, so I will not be using that. But there's people that would probably even call Orson that they're not saying that word at any point in this movie, but I could see how people could think that if they were not necessarily, like I said, looking for the intellectual type story that this is. So if you are into that type of story, you will really get a lot out of this if you are not into that type. I, like I said, I would avoid this, like I said, even with the rating I gave it. So I am actually looking forward, I've been getting a lot of requests lately about the Super Mario Brothers movie, and I did actually did review that when it first came out, or I like, like made my notes and everything, so I went to see it and took all my notes. I didn't actually do the review of it yet, but that's the one we're gonna be talking about tomorrow. So please bear with me. I enjoy bringing all the different types of movies to you, so you're gonna get the silly, the funny, the goofy, the serious, and just pretty much everything in between. Because I always say I try to review everything, A-list, B list, and no list, but I'm only one person, so I try to do what I can. But until tomorrow, stay tuned. Bye-bye.

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