Strays (2023)

Strays (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Strays (2023)

Aug 19 2023 | 00:05:50

Episode August 19, 2023 00:05:50

Show Notes

A story about dogs from their perspective. NOT a movie for children of any age...

Original Review:

This is it


Leary, sometimes I wish I was a penis,  fetch and find,  deeeez license plate,  oakwood, the best relationships are the hard ones,  real love is never easy,  tongue fucking a dead squirrel,  dumbass shit bucket, Reggie, bug, poodor, a buffet for your tiny dog dick, I can do anything,  eat his fucking face off shit it out and eat it again,  penis sneezes,  grub time, I have to show all my tits, pff's peeff's, Maggie,  hunt hunter,  big dick energy, I'm pretty sure that I'm not quite sure that I'm sure of,  squirrel threesome, Riley Anderson,  lta 665, do you want to stay here and die or poop your brains out and live,  willy, bonus scene in credits, dr hagen,

Rule #1 You want something you pee on it
Rule #2 You can f***/hump whatever you want
Rule #3 You are on your own / you are not alone

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello once again and welcome back. This is once again your favorite and friendly and funny and <laugh>. Who knows what else? Deputy, A movie deputy podcast. I am in a weird mood today, so bear with me and trust me, it helps to have this mood when we're gonna be talking about movies like the one we're gonna be talking about today. You're probably wondering, okay, which one are we talking about today? Well, today we're gonna be talking about the movie Strays. Now, I need to emphasize this movie is about dogs and it looks like it's gonna be a cute kid's movie, and it is anything, but this is absolutely not a kid's movie. I mean, in my daily life, away from movie Deputy and away just from everything else, I tend to curse like Monty Python and this movie even put me to Shame with the amount of F-bombs and just some of the other terminology used throughout this movie and the very adult references throughout this movie that are made <laugh>. Speaker 0 00:00:55 Now, I have no problem with a movie being offensive. I mean, heck, I gave Deadpool an eight outta 10 back in the day, and so it's like, I can appreciate movies that when they're supposed to be raunchy, I can appreciate that. But this movie, it's made to look like just a cute kids movie, and it is anything. But again, you're probably wondering this score, like I said, I'm getting better about bringing it to you in the beginning of the movie, but though I, I'm gonna tell you what the score is, I want you to stick around and actually listen to the review because this, it's not as cut and dry as it just as it seems as like a vulgar dog movie. It's not just that cut and dry. This one, I actually gave a 5.25 out of 10 on the deputy scale. I really ha it's like part of me wanted to give it a low six. Speaker 0 00:01:42 Personally, I've probably given it maybe a 6.25 or a 6.5 just because of how much I was laughing throughout this whole movie. Now mind you, I have kind of one of those twists and senses of humor and I can appreciate raunchy comedy. This one is kind of even a step above the normal raun level that I would be expecting on this. This little dog just absolutely loves his, his owner in this one and the dog whose name is Reggie. And this owner guy is just an absolute, um, trying to think how I can put this without my show being censored. He's a jerk. Let's just put it that way. He's a real jerk and he's actually way worse than that. But I don't want my show to get pulled for language, so I'm trying to, and I'm also trying to keep it family friendly. This owner, Reggie's owner keeps taking him like way far away and like dumping him. Speaker 0 00:02:30 And then Reggie keeps finding his way back home. And Mindy, this owner guy is just an absolute, um, that's one way to put it would be poop stain <laugh>. If you could, Ima uh, like use a different word for that, but you could imagine where I'm going with that. He's a drug user and he is just a low life and he keeps trying to dump Reggie and he drives three hours away to dump Reggie and Reggie still manages to find his way back home. And this is kind of that journey. It's almost feels like a raunchy homeward bound at times because you've got these four dogs Speaker 1 00:02:58 That are all kind of helping each other and some of them have owners, some do not. Hence the term strays as the title of the movie. Ultimately, Reggie wants to go home because he wants to bite his owners. I can't really tell you which body part, but Reggie wants to cause permanent damage. And there's, there's just some really unusual references in this movie to things like that. And also, I mean, almost everybody's familiar with the whole term of bff best friends forever. The mo, the term that these dogs all kind of coined for each other at one point in the movie is that they're PFFs. Now, you'll have to watch the movie to understand that reference, but PFFs will be stuck in your head for a long time after you watch this. Now, <laugh>, this one is just, oh, how do I, or do I even just kinda begin to explain the story, but it's, it tries to be so wholesome and the dogs end up doing some good, but <laugh> the language and just the interaction of these dogs all the way through this whole story. Speaker 1 00:03:56 There are multiple laugh out loud moments. Like I was laughing so hard, I was crying at times. Now you really have, like I said, you have to really appreciate the raun in comedy to even understand a story like this. And if you don't, this is, this is one that you'll probably get up and walk out of. There were about maybe a third of the audience that I didn't realize what kind of movie they were coming into tonight and they got up and walked out, or last night, I apologize. So they, they really didn't know what to expect with this. And then once it started, they were like, what in the world are we watching <laugh>? Like I said, it is completely off the wall. There's a, like I said, more adult references than I can even care to admit all of this. Like I said, there's, there's so much I wanna tell you, but I don't wanna give away the spoilers 'cause even like a lot of the little details are spoilers, uh, <laugh> that I think one of the cute lines in the movie, they'll kind of give you an idea of kind of where it goes is it says, do you wanna stay here and die or poop your brains out and live? Speaker 1 00:04:54 No <laugh> that, that'll definitely puts a strange visual in your mind, but that definitely fits this movie. If, like I said, if you are into this type of comedy, I'm sure you'll appreciate this single movie. Probably used the F-bomb more than I've ever heard used in a movie at any point in my life, and that includes Deadpool, believe it or not. But like I said, I really struggled to maybe give it anything higher than that. If this is something that you appreciate and you wanna go check this out, like I said, you will laugh until you cry. If this is not your cup of tea, please skip it. Like I said, please don't let children go see this one. This is not at all appropriate for a younger age at all. Obviously I'm giving this a guilty, guilty rating on the deputy scale on that. But I hope this has helped you out a little bit and stay tuned because I haven't decided which one we're gonna be talking about tomorrow yet. So I guess that'll be a surprise. Hang on and I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye.

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