The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023)

The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Super Mario Bros Movie (2023)

Aug 21 2023 | 00:09:03

Episode August 21, 2023 00:09:03

Show Notes

Wowza it's Bowza... He's determined to take the princess (this time for good). Can Mario and Luigi save the day? Find out...

Original Review:

This is it


The king of the koopas, bowser, 9175550185, super Mario bros plumbing,  jump Mario / donkey Kong, green grocers, castle burger,  mushroom kingdom,  dark lands,  you just got luigid,  princess peach, super star, great Kong army,  jungle kingdom,  pain is the best teacher,  in an insane world it is the same who is called crazy,  there is no escape the only hope is the sweet release of death,  great and mighty cranky Kong, it is on like donkey Kong, that is how you princess,  love makes a guy come out of his shell, punch out pizzeria, disk kun, bonus scene in credits, 

In loving memory of Laurentiis de la Chapelle, bonus scene after credits, 

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Well hello everybody and welcome back. I will just so excited to bring you this movie on a Monday. I know Mondays are hard, but I'm gonna try to get you energized here. At least that's the goal. Hopefully you can maybe pick up on some of our background music to kind of catch what we're gonna be talking about today or at least I hope so. I had to look up the, the music here just to kind of go along 'cause I can't get into a movie like this one without at least having something of the audio and accompaniment with it. So I do hope that that's getting <laugh> picked up with this <laugh>. I'm having way too much fun with this. Can you tell, I actually did see this movie right after it came out and honestly I loved it personally and professionally. Honest Profe personally, I'd probably maybe given it a little bit of a higher score, but there were just a couple little minor details in the movie that I just couldn't overlook with, with such iconic characters. Speaker 0 00:00:56 And so I'm hoping that you're picking up, like I said on the audio on this, but we are actually talking about the Super Mario Brothers movie and I am, like I said, I had so much fun with this uh, the deputy scale. This one actually did get a 7.5 out of 10 on the deputy scale. And you're probably thinking, okay, this is a kids movie. It's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. This is not a movie that that came out and it was just for kids. This one, okay, it's for kids of all ages. Let's look at it that way. It's for kids but it's for kids of all ages. This one just does it all. I mean we see our favorite characters, we see Mario Luigi, we see the Princess, we see all the different little ducks and characters and the bombs and of course we see Bowser and his whole crew and everything. Speaker 0 00:01:46 And but guess what? We also get Donkey Kong and <laugh>. This pays homage to like every version of Mario that has ever come out. It also plays homage to every version of Donkey Kong that has ever come out. Now you're probably thinking, okay, how does that work? And now I'm talking like the original n e s, the super N e Ss, I'm talking the game cubes. I'm talking everything on up through today. And for all of these games, this the Tendo 64, it's like, I know I'm missing so many different platforms here, but I'm not here to talk to you just about the video games. This is a fun movie. If you've ever sat down and played these games and if you've ever sat down and just kind of got into the characters and just kind of fell in love with the story and got frustrated and just 'cause some of these levels were so hard to beat, even like with the occasional cheat things of going up and going through these other tunnels and jumping forward and warping forward into other worlds and <laugh> because that there, even from the early ones that there were these like little workarounds that were built into these games that made 'em so much fun. Speaker 0 00:02:49 And that's even worked into the movie and you're like, okay, how are they working all that in? But that's the great part. It's just, it's touching on all of this throughout. It Speaker 1 00:02:58 Even touches on the whole Mario Kart series. So it's not just the character video game part, it's the also the racing games. And like I said, you're, it's, you're playing a part of the whole story here. But what you have here is you have Mario and Luigi and they live in Brooklyn, Brooklyn, New York here, like in the the real world except, I mean it's in cartoon form and they used to work for this other plumber guy and they've gone off on their own and started their own plumbing business and unfortunately it's not going too great. And on one of their jobs that they get called to, they're invited, they're, they're have to go investigate in the sewers to try to figure out what's going on. Well, when they're in the sewers, they actually get warped through, through one of the tunnels into basically the Super Mario Brothers world. Speaker 1 00:03:45 And it's where Princess Peach and Bowser lives and they arrive and they're just, just like, what is this? And so Mario and Luigi unfortunately got separated on the way here and Mario gets to meet Princess Peach right away and she's actually teaching him how to use all the different power ups. Now again, we're touching on like all of these different power ups we're touching on like the little raccoon or bear suit, whatever it was. And you've got the flame throwing and you've got the the red mushroom and the blue mushroom and you've got all, like I said, it literally touches on everything. And this is so much fun. You can't tell I'm having fun with this at all. I don't know why it's taken me this long to bring this to you guys. I really don't. But it's like I was just kind of waiting for like a thing to just really excited and kinda bring that forth to you. Speaker 1 00:04:30 But in this one Bowser's coming to take Princess Peach, well the thing is, if you are, if you've been following social media at all since this movie came out, you have heard the song Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches. But the Jack Black song, I'm like, I don't worry. It's like, I know I'm horrible at that, but it's so much fun. Well the thing is Bowser is in love with peaches and he's determined to get her to marry him. And that's how, don't worry. And that's not a major spoiler. That's like in the song and that's in the previews and that's kind of been in this whole thing of this so far. But like I said, this is, it is such a fun movie because now not only Arm Mario and Luigi trying to figure out how to save the princess and how to get back home, but they're also learning how to like interact in the whole Mario world and like using all these different power ups and do all these different things. Speaker 1 00:05:19 And then Mario has to actually fight Donkey Kong. I mean, what, what a ma what a mix up that is like and you're just, you find yourself like rooting for these characters and you, and ultimately, you know how it's gonna end. I mean they're gonna save the princess. They always save the princess. That's just kind of been the whole point of the story. But that's not where the story ends here and I can't give too much away. But let's just say I think they took a, a little bit right out of the movie pixels that came out a while back and there's a little bit of something that happens between their, the Princess Peaches and Bowser's world and then the, the real world where Mario and Luigi come from. And so there's a little bit of crossover there. But like I said, I won't go into too much detail 'cause I don't wanna spoil any of that for you. Speaker 1 00:06:05 But it's, it's absolutely insane. It's so much fun If you, like I said, if you've ever been a fan of this story or these games, you have got to go see this. I don't think it's even playing in the theaters anymore, but I'm sure it's on like instant video. I think it's actually free on Peacock, so if you haven't downloaded Peacock yet, it is free to watch on there. But like I said, this is, it was just a lot of fun. The fact that they paid homage to literally every different part of the game and every different version of the game that you just can't help but fall in love with it <laugh>, at least if you're a video game fanatic. And yes, my son is a gamer and back in the day I kinda was too. It's like I was just determined to get through all of these. Speaker 1 00:06:48 And I will admit I used the warp tunnels. I've actually never beaten Super Mario Brothers the original all the way through without using the Warp tunnels. I will admit using the Warp tunnels, I have beat the game all the way through after probably hundreds of hours of playing. And I'm sure a lot of you can relate with me on that. But yet, n e s was just everything back in the day <laugh>. And it was just so much fun. But ultimately, like I said, this is one, it's, this one's definitely getting an innocent rating if you couldn't tell, this is a hundred percent innocent rating on this one. It it, it's no more intense than some of the levels of the video games. Like when they're, when they got those bullets and stuff, you gotta bounce on and get through all the ships and all of that. Speaker 1 00:07:36 So look, it even pays homage to those. I mean there's literally everything in this movie. So yeah, definitely take, take, take time out, make it a family night, sit down and then share some of these retro games with your kids, with your grandkids, introduce 'em to the, to what we grew up with. This is, it's just so much fun and this is a great way to even relate with some of the newer generations on some things because there's a lot of times that us older generations feel maybe a little bit disconnected from younger generations 50 'cause everything in the media and the tech world is so different than what we grew up with. And having a story such as this play out the way it does, it's a really good way to try to jump across generations there and reconnect if you maybe having some difficulties there. Speaker 1 00:08:23 Ultimately. I hope you have as much fun with this as I have. Again, I did give it a 7.5 out of 10 on the movie Deputy Scale and like I said, I just had so much fun with it. I hope you have had fun with this review. As always, I like to mention if there's any memorials in the credits and this one does say in Loving memory of Laurenti Dela Chappelle, forgive me if I mispronounced the name and also there is a bonus scene after the credits that is more than worth waiting for and hints that there could be more to this story. Fingers crossed and stay tuned because I have got some other news coming up in the next couple days. So then bye-bye.

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