Hardcore Henry (2016)

Hardcore Henry (2016)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Hardcore Henry (2016)

Aug 22 2023 | 00:07:12

Episode August 22, 2023 00:07:12

Show Notes

An unconventional adventure through the eyes of the one experiencing it. I do NOT recommend for anyone who gets motion sickness. 

Original Review:

This is truly an unexpected gem in the midst of the chaos. Henry wakes up to find himself in danger, the only clue to who he is is his wife who he will do anything to save. Even though he finds himself in the center of the chaos, he will do whatever he can to stay alive. The real question is: Is he really alive? Part cyborg/part human, Henry finds himself searching for much more than the answer as to where his wife is. Through this journey he'll find that he'll have an unlikely ally, this ally isn't quite what you'd expect and when the answer to that is revealed, it will answer many of the questions along the way. I can't say I'd recommend this film if you're sensitive to motion sickness. It feels as if it's based off of a video game as the entire story is in a first person perspective. Any gamers out there that were fans of the game Thirteen (XIII) will find similarities in this that are more than a mere coincidence. The action is very fast paced, the story seems all over the place until the pieces start coming together and as in many video games, there isn't always the ending you imagine. Don't write this one off so quickly though as the originality and creativity involved attempts to bring "Call of duty" to the big screen. Did it succeed? Only you can decide that, but before you attempt it I highly recommend some Dramamine...


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 <silence> Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me, you're friendly and fabulous Deputy of Movie Deputy Podcasts. I'm sorry, you know, I'm just silly, so I just like to change it up a little bit, just here and there. And no, I am very, very much straight and heterosexual, married, all that I, I just like being silly, so don't turn it off just based on that. Please, please, please, please, please. But <laugh>, like I said, I'm a goofball, so you get me, you just, and you're gonna get all sorts of stuff over these next couple weeks and probably pretty much from here on out because, uh, the big announcement I've been talking about that I've been hinting to since last week is that, of course today is Tuesday, but every Thursday from here until we run out of them, we are gonna be featuring one of the SAW movies where, I don't know if you've been following along, but the new saw X movie is coming out, the theaters very at the end of September and we're actually gonna be going beyond that one. Speaker 0 00:00:58 So it's gonna take us more than a few weeks to get through all of these. But yes, every Thursday is gonna be one of the saw movies. So if you've ever been a fan of those or the whole jigsaw series, then that's, you definitely won't wanna miss those shows. And those are gonna be exclusively our Thursday episodes until we run out of them. So I'm kind of looking forward to that. But in the meantime, I'm gonna kind of mix things up for you a little bit. We're gonna jump in with a movie from, I believe it was 2016 here. Yeah, 2016. And it was called Hardcore Henry. Now, before you even get that thought in your brain, I'm gonna squash it. This has nothing to do with what you're free and first goes to, if I say the word hardcore has nothing to do with that, this is actually just like a very action filled like Ethan Hawk, like James Bond, just one of those just very intense, fast paced action movies. Speaker 0 00:01:52 And I do like to warn people right ahead that this is not an action movie that you would ever wanna see if you were sensitive to motion sickness. The entire story is from a first person perspective, and imagine he's got a GoPro attached to his head, and so you're literally doing all the motions. He's doing literally everything and <laugh>, okay, I don't get easily motion sick. And even I was slightly nauseous after watching this. This is just one of those ones. I honestly have not watched it since 2016, but it just kind of stuck with me. This is one of those ones when I need a little bit of a laugh. I just think about, 'cause there was a line, and I've used this line so many times since I saw the movie, but it's that a grenade day keeps the enemy at bay. No, I'm sorry. That's funny. Thinking of like the whole Apple Day Dr. Tel thing, but picturing that, yeah, a Grenada Day keeps the enemy at bay. Well, yeah, it most certainly would. And his biggest thing in this movie, and he says it a couple times, is that vengeance is my business and business is fine, <laugh>. It's like I said, it's just one of those ones that you're just Speaker 1 00:02:58 Really kind of playing along with. And there's another quote I'll share with you after I read you my original review. This is the original view that was up on movie deputy.com. And I, I think you're gonna get a kick out of this. This is truly an unexpected gem. In the midst of the chaos, Henry wakes up to find himself in danger. The only clue to who he is is his wife, who he will do anything to save, even though he finds himself in the center of the chaos, he will do whatever he can to stay alive. The real question is he really alive, part cyborg, part human Henry finds himself searching for much more than the ans than the answer as to where his wife is. Through this journey, he'll find that he'll have an unlikely ally. This ally isn't quite what you'd expect. And when the answer to that is revealed, it will answer many of the questions along the way. Speaker 1 00:03:52 I can't say I'd recommend this film if you're sensitive to motion sickness, it feels as if it's based off of a video game, as the entire story is in the first person perspective. Any gamers out there that were fans of the game 13 will find similarities in this that are more than mere coincidence. The action is very fast paced. The story seems all over the place until all of the pieces start coming together. And as in many video games, there isn't always the ending that you imagine. Don't write this one off so quickly though, as the originality and creativity involved attempts to bring Call of Duty to the big screen, did it succeed? Only you can decide that, but before you attempt it, I highly recommend some Dramamine. Now, <laugh>, obviously this is not an actual movie based on Call of Duty and I, I'm not getting anything for mentioning Dramamine or any of this other stuff either. Speaker 1 00:04:47 So, but that was just, like I said, that was my original review that I had written on this, and there really kind of sums up the whole story in a nutshell, without course, without spoilers. And like I said, it's just a fun action packed adventure that will surely leave you nauseous, but you'll still want to maybe watch it again even after that. Like I said, it's gonna stick with you for a long time, but the quote I was gonna say I was gonna share after the review is he asks this guy, are you just gonna lay there and swallow that blood in your mouth or are you going to stand up and spill theirs? No, I don't know about you, but I can relate just like, hmm, <laugh>. Like, am I going to just sit here and take it? Or am I gonna stand up and go, Hmm, fight back? Well, <laugh>, if I was more physically able, I would probably do a lot more fighting back. Maybe not necessarily in the physical form, but I figured I could at least come on here and share my fun and crazy versions of these along the way. Now I do wanna go ahead and mention, I did give this movie a 7.25 out of 10, and you're probably thinking that's pretty high for a story like this, but it Speaker 2 00:05:56 So fits and if you couldn't gather based on the review and some of the quotes, this did receive a guilty rating on the deputy scale. So yeah, this one is definitely guilty, definitely not for young reviewers at all. Like I said, it has nothing to do with the quote unquote hardcore that you might first think of when you hear the title, but it's definitely an intense movie. And the credits at the end, it does say it does have a dedication. It says, dedicated to the loving memory of Tatiana Ru Skova. Again, forgive me if I butchered the name on that, but I do like to mention those when they have those listed. But I have a lot of fun bringing in movies like this, like, so I have actually reviewed officially over 1900 movies since I started Movie Deputy in 2014. So we're gonna have a lot of shows to catch up on. So bear with me tomorrow. We are going to be doing kind of a fun one too. It's, it's not really funny movie, but it's, it's a, it's a fun one to experience, but it's not a funny movie. It's called Snow Piercer, but that's the one we're gonna be talking about tomorrow. And I'm not talking about the TV show, I'm talking about the original movie on that. So stay tuned. I hope you're having a lot of fun. I know I am and have a great day and I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye-bye.

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