Snowpiercer (2014)

Snowpiercer (2014)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Snowpiercer (2014)

Aug 24 2023 | 00:07:43

Episode August 24, 2023 00:07:43

Show Notes

A train trip you never wanted and never will forget...

Original Review:

July 1st @ 0600 Global warming has gotten past a breaking point. A group of scientists creates a chemical that can reverse it by cooling the atmosphere. On this date, at this time... Life changes forever. CW7 (the chemical) gets released into the atmosphere and does its job... but it works too well. Our planet has been thrown into a worldwide winter. A visionary creates an ark that rides the rails. The only survivors in the WORLD are the lucky few who are able to get aboard. Wilford, the creator of the engine, the creator of the train... Has given all of these people a chance. The question is... Is it a chance? The train is like society, like government; only worse. Separations of class, of society. Clear lines separated by gates, metal gates that only open for an elite few. There are cars for everything aboard, from the basic to the luxury... Everyone is accommodated... Well almost everyone. The classes are First, Economy and Tail. The passengers in the Tail section survive on their blood, sweat, and tears. They form a society separate from the other classes. Their society is led by Gilliam. Gilliam knows what needs to be done and how to do them, but does he really know what is best. Gilliam has been grooming a likely successor. Curtis is reluctant but he is creative. His first act as the Tail leader is the Curtis Revolution. A violent bloody struggle for human rights. This Revolution was 18 years in the making and will forever change the lives of every person onboard. Life aboard changes, the world changes, everything. What does the future hold? Who will survive? Watch and see.


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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello again. It's me, your favorite deputy of movie Deputy Podcasts, bringing to you the latest and greatest interrogation of a movie from 2014. This is actually the year I started Movie Deputy, and so this is, I don't think this is one of the first ones I did, but this was definitely within the first range of time. I think within the first year, maybe a little bit over on that. But yeah, this one was just, this one is an adventure of sorts. Now, why did I wait so long to see this after I started Deputy? Well, our theater didn't get it right away. It was one of those ones that our theater, I'm not sure why, but we ended up getting a little bit later than other places. But it was definitely kind of an interesting movie. I mean, trains are kind of a part of our lives just in, well, my husband works in transportation, so we have to deal a lot with trains. Speaker 0 00:00:50 And so I wasn't sure what to expect with this movie. I knew it was about a train and it was about wintertime and a bunch of different people, but I really didn't have a clue on the story. And honestly, if you've never seen the movie, you might not know either. I do know that there's a TV show based off of this movie, though I have never even seen a single episode of it. Is this even based on a book? I, I got into a conversation with somebody on that and they thought it was based on a book. And I honestly don't know. I actually never read the books because it skews how I look at the movie. And I understand the people that do read the books that don't like the movies because they change 'em so much. And so that's why I try to stick entirely to movies. Speaker 0 00:01:28 So if this is based on a book, I apologize. Like I said, I don't ever read those. But like I said, the movie was interesting. I actually did give Snow Piercer a 6.0 out of 10 on the deputy scale. This one is definitely a guilty rating. The content and everything. And this is more than a little bit just, uh, I, I don't wanna say cringe worthy 'cause it's definitely not in that category, but it is just some of the topics discussed and some of the content of the movie are just gonna be a little much for some people. So let me get through the review that I had written and this on movie and then we'll talk about this a little bit more. July 1st at oh 600, global warming has gotten past a breaking point. A group of scientists creates a chemical that can reverse it by cooling the atmosphere on this date. At this time, life changes forever. CW seven, the chemical gets released into the atmosphere and does its job, but it works too well. Our planet has been thrown into a worldwide winter. A visionary creates an arc that rides the rails. Only the, the only survivors in the world are the lucky few who were able to get aboard. Wilford, the creator of the engine, the creator of the train has given all of these people a chance. The question is, is it a chance? The train is like society, like government Speaker 1 00:02:59 Only worse. Separations of class of society, clear lines separated by gates, metal gates that only open for an elite few. There are cars for everything aboard from the basic to the luxury. Everyone is accommodated. Well, almost everyone. The classes are first economy and tail. The passengers in the tail section survive on their blood, sweat and tears. They form a society separate from the other classes. The society is led by Gilliam. Gilliam knows what needs to be done and how to do it, but does he really know what's best? Gimm has been grooming a likely successor. Curtis is reluctant, but he is creative. His first act as the tail leader is the Curtis Revolution, A violent bloody struggle for human rights. This revolution was 18 years in the making and will forever change the lives of every person on board life aboard changes the world, changes everything. Speaker 1 00:04:03 What does the future hold? Who will survive? Watch and see. Now, of course, yes, this just sounds very ominous and seeing where the world is today from the view of 2014. In 2014, I didn't know. I mean, of course I knew the whole global warming, I mean gobbledygook on that. And it's just, I mean, they've been trying to scare us our entire lives. It's like, okay, it's gonna be the next ice age, global warming this, the ozone layer is gone, this is gone. Everybody's gonna die, blah, blah, blah things. I mean, they're all like, well believe the science, but the science changes every few years just to meet their agendas. And so I even caught that in the movie. It's like global warming, really <laugh>. But the rest of this, I didn't realize quite how woke of a movie that this was back then. I knew it was, I mean, a little bit intense, but I kind of pictured a lot of this as still being science fiction. Speaker 1 00:04:57 And of course the story is science fiction of course. But I mean seeing how the breakdown and the separation of everything because of so many of these uh, political groups that don't admit their political groups and all these activists and everything, they're the ones that are just tearing our society apart except, and here it everybody's on the train in real life. It's everything in society. And like I said, I didn't necessarily realize the wokeness of this movie back in 2014 because the term woke and the whole idea of it being to this level, well, honestly, it was not even comprehended, at least by the vast majority PE people back then. Okay, okay, maybe we're the minority. It seems like the vast majority believes in all this woke crap. But yeah, I'm not one of them. But even still, this is definitely an interesting movie. The, when I say that the people in the tail were surviving on blood, sweat, and tears, it's almost like a Soylent situation a little bit for the what their food product is. Speaker 1 00:05:56 And it's just you, you need to have a strong stomach for that scene in the movie. Let's just put it that way. But like I said, if you've been a fan of the series and you've never watched the movie, you might wanna check it out if you wanna watch the movie to see kind of maybe where this kind of woke revolution started. I'm not saying this is officially the start of it, but it, looking back, it definitely could be. So who knows on that for sure. But ultimately, like I said, I'm gonna be bringing you a wide variety of movies. Like I said, I actually did give this a, like I said, a six out of 10 because it really is told, well, I mean, I don't like the politics of a lot of the stuff looking back, but I mean, just the way that the story is told, it's entertaining, it's engaging. Speaker 1 00:06:38 There's kind of everything you want from a movie, even if you don't agree with the message. So that's kind of the hard part on that, but at least I'm trying to bring it to you and warn you about what it's about so that you can at least be aware before you start watching it. H how different is the TV show? That I don't know. Like I said, I've never watched it before. And like I said, if you're a fan, you might wanna go back and watch the movie, but if not, you're probably not missing too much. But again, we're starting our saw series tomorrow and we're gonna be doing every Thursday until we get done with all of the saw movies, the only one that's gonna be out of order, we'll be saw X 'cause I will be doing that the weekend that it comes out. So just be sure to stay tuned on all of this. Please like, subscribe and share to help all your friends and everybody experience these. I try to be just a little bit different than what, what Hollywood would bring you. I mean, I'm here, I'm located in the Midwest, and I just, I eat, sleep and breathe movies. And so I just wanna bring my passion about them to you. So I'm hoping that you are enjoying our movie Deputy podcast. And if you are, I hope you come back real soon to later. Bye-bye.

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