Jules (2023)

Jules (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Jules (2023)

Aug 11 2023 | 00:10:40

Episode August 11, 2023 00:10:40

Show Notes

Wow, this definitely was not the story I was expecting. Come along as I interrogate this for everything it was and wasn't. 

Original Review:

This is it


Boonton Pennsylvania,  a great place to call home,  a great place to refer to as home, pickleball, ufo crashed at 12:52a, older food younger,  corrado's market, Milton what is this this is an alien from space I suppose, national security center,  Alleghany news 7, same sex relationship, grace chapel,  no sense in keeping going at something your not good at,  I'm not a lesbian but my girlfriend is t-shirt, I knew you were slipping but not that fast,  pride flag,  spuds MacKenzie t-shirt, Tim Robinson, Milton Robinson,  Denise Robinson, you gotta enjoy life not worry if away,  bn5 1010, love your mother earth t-shirt,  870 Elmore, Gary is Jules,  for my father Alan,  Sandy, Joyce, council people Wu Martinez Daniela Strauss Bouchard,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your friendly deputy and I hope for your favorite deputy of Movie Deputy Podcasts. And I've actually got a surprise for you today. If you caught my upcoming movies podcast yesterday, you know that one of the movies I was most looking forward to was that movie Jewels. Low and behold today I was looking at the movies that I was gonna watch downtown and Jules happened to be one of the ones playing. So of course I had to go see it and check it out. And this is gonna be me telling you a little bit more about the movie. Now, before I get too deep into this, I should let you know if this is definitely not the movie that I was expecting. It wasn't the the wholesome, sweet, lovable blah blah blah movie that I was really kind of hoping it was, it was sweet and innocent in its own way, but at the same time it's going to upset a lot of people. Speaker 0 00:00:52 And so just bear with me on that. I am gonna wait until the end of the story to share the score that I gave with you. I know sometimes I mix that up a little bit so you're not gonna know what to expect and I am gonna go ahead and give this a guilty rating, uh, that as I explained the review a little bit more, that'll make a lot more sense. Now with Jules, when the movie first starts, you see this older gentleman named Milton and he goes by Mil in the movie, but he is walking to his town council meeting and they just kind of announce all their just normal business and then they allow time for the general public to come up and speak. They have to limit their responses to no more than a minute and a half. So it seems pretty simple, but he stands up there and he basically say makes the same plea all the time. Speaker 0 00:01:34 He thinks that the town's slogan should be changed and he thinks there should be a crosswalk at a busy intersection. And then he just walks back home and he just kind of makes a habit of this. It's just always the same thing. His daughter's the local veterinarian in town and they kind of have a little bit of a strained relationship. He also has a son that we don't, we hear the son's voice at one point in the movie, but there's not a real relationship either. I'm assuming that the wife is gone, that she's died. It never really addresses that in the movie. So that's just kind of a blank spot on that. And make sure, I mean that the reason I'm referring to it is a blank, like a blank spot is, I'm gonna be referring to that a few times with this movie. And so, like I said, Milt just keeps doing this whole thing back and forth. Speaker 0 00:02:13 And then there's a couple women that stand up at the Town Town council meeting as well. And these women stand up and they're fully aware of what Milt does. And I wouldn't really call any of them friends. Both Sandy and Joyce kind of have their own like little things, just their own quirkiness bits and pieces to them. <laugh>, it's, yeah, it's just kind of a strange thing that's going on. But one day after Milton gets home and he's just kinda relaxing in bed at, I believe it was like 12:52 AM he hears a big crash outside his window and he looks outside to see a U F O and he is like, okay, now what do I do? Well, he goes to the next town council meeting and he's like, well, I think the town motto should be changed and I think there should be an, uh, crosswalk put at Speaker 1 00:02:58 This, this intersection. Oh, and U f O crashed in my backyard and everybody just kind of thinks he's joking. I mean, this dude is just, I would probably say he's maybe a little bit on the spectrum because he's, he gets so focused on the things that he's focused on that he can't really focus on other things around him. On top of that, it's also suspected that he's in the earliest stages of dementia or Alzheimer's. So that adds another complexity to the movie that doesn't really go anywhere. <laugh>, after he goes back home, he realizes a creature or a humanoid person had climbed outta the craft and is just laying on his patio while he calls 9 1 1 'cause he doesn't know what else to do. And 9 1 1 thinks it's a prank call because he's calling in and reporting, seeing an alien out of that crawled out of a U F O in his backyard. Speaker 1 00:03:43 So they don't take him seriously. And so he decides to just be nice and he goes outside and tries to tend to the alien a little bit with time. He actually befriends this alien sand. The whole thing with Sandy and Joyce kind of comes along where they end up coming over and trying to help him 'cause they think he's delusional about the whole U F O and then they find the alien. Now mind you, nothing I'm giving you here is spoilers. This is just kind of a generalization of the movie and you can even kind of pick this up from the trailers. So you, I haven't even told you anything you don't already know if you have watched the trailers for this movie <laugh>, but this is where it gets interesting, the Alien who they just kind of refer to as Jules, and then one of the ladies doesn't like that name, so she calls the the alien, Gary, it's you. Speaker 1 00:04:26 You can't tell if Jules what, like what gender Jules is. And I think that's intentional based on just kinda the whole Hollywood thing anymore. I think it's supposed to necess represent like quote unquote non-binary. And I'm gonna get into that a little bit more here in a minute. Again, again, that's another like blank spot in the movie and it's just, I'm like, what in the world are they doing? But so the movie just kind of revolves around how Mil takes care of this alien with the help of Sandy and Joyce. And the alien creature never says anything. Milt figures out that the alien likes a certain type of fruit and water. And that's pretty much about it. There's never really interaction other than seeing Alien eating and the alien just sitting. Well then something happens with one of the ladies. What the alien's capable of finally ends up come, I mean, a little bit more. Speaker 1 00:05:14 The abilities come off, come forth a little bit more and you kinda realize, okay, what this alien can do. And it's like, okay, should we be afraid? Should we not be afraid? I'm not gonna give that away 'cause it's not. That's, that would be a spoiler and you know, mean no spoilers, but ultimately that mean they end up being able to help the alien fix its ship. But throughout, throughout the whole thing, since Mil found the alien, the alien has been drawing milk pictures of cats. If you've listened to me very long at all, you know, I'm a cat mom, I have five fur babies, all kitty cats in this movie. I, I've gotta really make it a point right here to say that animal lovers are gonna be very upset with this part of this movie. It's not necessarily a spoiler, but I definitely need to give you a heads up on that because if you are a lover of cats, a lover of animals in general, this is really going to bother you because they actually, the alien needs seven cats for its ship and it needs seven dead cats. Speaker 1 00:06:08 And I won't go into any more detail on that, but it's just, it's, it's quite disturbing on some of that stuff. It's, I'm watching this and I'm just as like, my, my eyes were just like popping out of my head going, are they really doing this in a movie that is trying to appear so wholesome and sweet and they're doing this? It's like, what in the world? And the reason I'm referring to the alien is kind of a non-binary thing. 'cause they're not really identifying the sex of the alien in this sex as in gender, not sex as in like anything adult in the movie. And mighty there is some language in this movie, there's a couple F-bombs and a few other, uh, language issues with the movie that some people might not like, but one of the ladies brings over t-shirts for jewels to wear. Speaker 1 00:06:49 One of the t-shirts says, I'm not a lesbian, but my girlfriend is. And it's like going, what? And then in another scene, there's some other stuff going on and you can see a pride, fla pride flag hanging up. And then in another scene it's the alien is Jules is wearing a Love Your Mother Earth t-shirt. And so you can kind of see the subliminal stuff that this movie is trying to work into when the whole thing comes around and things kind of get to the point where Jules is able to take off in its ship. You're just kind of wondering, it's okay. Is that the end of the movie? No. And believe it or not, no, that's actually not the end of the movie and I won't give away the ending for you. Ultimately, there's really not much that's even told in this movie. You're, you've, you've sat here for an hour and a half watching this and you're go like going, what was the point of that? Speaker 1 00:07:32 Like what was the story? Like? What was the point of the whole story? It's like, was there a story to this or was this just kind of a, just a mashup of ideas of a bunch of people who didn't have any thoughts of what to do? So they put this together. There was actually a couple young ladies watching in the theater with me here tonight that was just even, they were like, it was a, basically a movie about nothing is probably about the best way to put it because I mean, you kind of expect so much more. There's been so many other movies like this that have been so kind of over the top and maybe a little bit too far over the top, but this one just was like, it fell short on every category on this one. Now if you're wondering about the score, yes, I am getting around to that. Speaker 1 00:08:12 Uh, I gave, I actually gave it a 4.75 out of 10. I really struggled. I wanted to maybe give it a five, but I just couldn't do it. This one honestly, is gonna be in the forgettable forgettable range because honestly, if somebody asks me about this one couple weeks from now, I'm not even sure if I'm even gonna remember watching it. There was just, there's just nothing memorable earth, nothing that stands out about this movie and nothing with any of the characters. It's like, it's got such an amazing cast of characters from my generation a little bit more on that. It's definitely not a movie that's aimed at like the newer generation. It's this, this one would not be a movie for typical college age kids. Not that it's inappropriate in any way. There are maybe two or three moments where it's, you're, it's actually worth chuckling at during the movie. Speaker 1 00:08:58 But even that's a stretch to say that there's just not much that's entertaining to this. And it's really hard to even say what the target audience is of this. Like I said, one of the primary characters is Ben Kingsley. We've know him well from a lot of the classic stuff that he's done over the years, but it's like why? It's like, okay, I understand he's been outta work for a while, but really this is what he comes back with. <laugh>, you're just kinda left going, huh? And so I, with the notes and everything that I took and with just kind of everything that's going on, it's just, it manages to kind of push the whole leftist same sex agenda kind of stuff with all of the stuff going on with that. And I don't, honestly, I don't care who you love, but it's like this stuff doesn't need to keep sh being shoved down our throats and here's this alien coming to earth who knows nothing about our planet and this is the stuff we're shoving down its throat. Speaker 1 00:09:48 I mean, come on, <laugh>. It's like, I hope if we do have first contact, which according to the White House we already have, but that's a whole other story. Yeah, this one is just not one that I could even recommend even at the, even at the least typically my watchable. But forgettable ones are ones that I'm glad I watched and honestly, I'm glad I watched this because I didn't wanna be wondering is was this a really good movie or was this not? And unfortunately I'm in the not category, so if you wanna take a chance on it, it's up to you. But honestly it's not worth the money. I would say if you really wanna watch, just wait till it comes out on DVD or Blu-ray. I couldn't go quite that low with the score, but yeah, it just, it just never really went anywhere. And I am sorry to leave you hanging like that, but make sure to stick around and come back tomorrow because we are gonna be talking about the last voyage of the Demeter, the new Dracula movie. So until then, I'll talk to you later. Bye-bye.

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