The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023)

The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Last Voyage of the Demeter (2023)

Aug 12 2023 | 00:09:11

Episode August 12, 2023 00:09:11

Show Notes

Many know the story of Dracula, but many don't know the story of the Demeter and how the stories are connected. This is that story. 

Original Review:

This is it


Demeter, Dracula, based on the captains log from the novel Dracula, 1897 50 wooden creates from Romania to England,  Whitby England,  this log is a record and a warning,  Viana Bulgaria, what did a sailor ever learn from a book, good luck may you see the end of your journey, huckleberry huck the dog, that's the thing about progress it cares not for joy not even the captains, the more I see the less it makes sense, nosferatu, cape of matapan, hrani, a boat without rats such a thing is against nature, I can hear everything the sea the wind the blood pumping in your veins, Satan's black blood pumping through his veins,  we have found where the devil sleeps, we no longer plot our course the devil below does and we all go where he will lead us,  the ship the living part is the crew on board and their stories everything else is timber and nails,  he comes to me he whispers to me behind my own eyes, let them know I was true to my trust,  I do not fear you,  colfax abbey,

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back. It is once again me your friendly and fun deputy of movie Deputy podcasts. I am just kind of in a goofy mood today, so bear with me on that just a little bit. But today we are going to be talking to about the last voyage of the demeanor. It is based off of a single chapter of the Captain's log from Brand Stoker's Classic nine eight, sorry, 1897 novel of Dracula. Now this is not the Dracula story that you remember. This is not the typical bite their throats turn them into vampires, humanoid and ti bat back and forth, just kind of either the serious or the funny. This is neither of those. This movie actually is a little bit darker than you might expect and I think it's only fair to warn people that this movie is a much more gory like in as in realistic gory than just like Hollywood, gory. Speaker 0 00:01:01 I mean this almost looks like it could be like real everything happening except of course it's Hollywood so it's not real. But there are some scenes that let's just say this is definitely not be a date movie. This is one that you don't want to eat dinner right before you watch it if you've got a sensitive stomach. And also there is a one particular scene in this movie that if you are partial to animals there is something very negative that happens to a certain animal in this movie and it's as it's a pet, it's just kind of overly graphic. So if you are sensitive to that, this is also another movie to skip. So I just kind of wanna touch on those. This one also did get a <laugh>, I should say I'm teetering to guilty and like very guilty. This one would definitely not be just typical guilty of 13 and above. Speaker 0 00:01:47 I would probably say at least 16 and above for this movie because the Dracula that we see in this movie isn't necessarily the like, like I said, it's not the Dracula that you're gonna think of. The Dracula that you have here is much more of like along the lines of the Nosferatu, the gargoyle type Dracula that is just more monstrous than humanoid. And so again, that's just one thing that people should be aware of prior to watching this. If you're curious on the score I gave it, I am actually gonna maybe surprise you a little bit with that one. I actually did give this movie a 6.75 on the deputy scale. Personally, my personal feelings would probably be pretty good, maybe a 6.5. So maybe just a little bit less personally. Yeah, this one just it, it goes a dark thing with kind of the whole journey with this. Speaker 0 00:02:34 Now we know that the title of the movie is The Last Voyage of the Demeanor and the demeanor is a vessel that is sailing from Romania to England as it's originating in Romania. It's getting loaded with these 50 boxes of cargo for this like mysterious person. And in port when it's being loaded up, there's some of the shipmates and stuff that see the logo on the box and it's a logo of a dragon and pretty much the entire crew is like, uh, Uhuh, we're not doing this. No, we're getting off of here. You are on your own. You are figuring this out all by yourself. Obviously I'm being a little bit dramatic on that, but basically the entire crew steps off the boat and they're like, yeah, we are not participating in this. We are not stepping foot on that ship. And so they the basically the captain is left scrambling at the last minute to find a crew. Speaker 0 00:03:20 But the thing is that's not the very beginning of the movie and the very beginning of the movie is it opens in a very foreboding way. And like I said, I really can't tell you the details on that or like I said, it would be a pretty big spoiler. So we're just gonna jump right into where're they're loading the ship because if I tell you at the beginning, it's gonna ruin the ending. And so I can't really do that to you. As you know how much I hate spoilers, <laugh>, that's why on this one they do end up getting a getting on board and setting sale. It quickly comes to pass after an accident that happened in Port that they're hauling a lot more than they had bargained for with this cargo and everything. The captain has his young son on board, this is gonna be his last, the captain's last voyage. Speaker 0 00:04:00 And he has let his first officer know that he's gonna be taking over the captainship after once they arrive in England. And so that's kind of going on. They end up finding a stowaway on board that's kind of not necessarily a stowaway in the traditional sense, but she ends up kind of putting some pieces together as to ex exactly what it is that they're hauling from Romania to England. She's fully aware of the extent of this creature that they have on board that we know is Dracula. But like I said, it's not the the typical one throughout this voyage. I mean the days seem pretty uneventful. They have a kind of a universal way of re getting a hold of each other on board the ship because if you're gonna yell and you've got the ocean winds and things like that, you're not gonna be heard very well. Speaker 0 00:04:42 But what they do to communicate with each other is they knock like that and it resonates through the ship. And so that's just gonna thing the universal, the knock knock with that. You kind of quickly pick up on the whole thing that when you hear the knock that means something's wrong and it's kind of very foreboding and kind of everything that goes along with that as the voyage goes on. Like I said, something ominous is happening every night and the crew doesn't quickly fit like pick up on what it is that's going on, but once they do, they realize that they must put a put a stop to it and they absolutely must stop him before he reaches England because if they let, they let this monster loose on land only, imagine what it could do. And so they think they're doing everything that they need to to stop it. Speaker 0 00:05:32 But what they don't realize is that it can, I mean it can fly and so that's like the whole, it doesn't necessarily transform from a bat into like the humanoid and back this monster creature nosferatu type, gargoyle ish thing. It's, it has, I mean the wings don't just like, it doesn't transform back and forth. It constantly has the wings, but they don't realize it that it's wings right ahead. Uh, like I said, it turns a couple of the sailors and stuff on board. They deal with this. And that's the animal thing I mentioned earlier is actually the d the the young, the captain's son's dog on board is one of the victims of this creature. Like guess like I was describing earlier, the the gore is very like realistic gore. It's not like typical Hollywood Gore. I mean this looks whoever, whoever did the special effects on this one, I normally don't focus on like those kind of details, but whoever did that did an amazing job because the detail on this is just over the top. Speaker 0 00:06:29 Now, I don't know if I would easily recommend this movie to a lot of people just because like I said, as the voyage goes on, ominous things are happening and by the time that the very beginning of the movie that I can't give away happens, it's too late <laugh>, there's, like I said, there's a lot of details there at the beginning of the movie and it kind of picks up as the movie carries on and all up to the end, but at the same time, at the end it's leading into something else. It's like this, this story is wrapping up but stormy stop it. Sorry, getting after one of my kitties here <laugh>. But as this story is wrapping up, it's also leading into another story and so I'm anxious to see where they go with the next one with this. Are they also gonna base like the sequel to this off of another chapter of brand Stoker's Dracula? Speaker 0 00:07:18 Are they gonna take creative license with that as well and just kinda see how that goes. Like I said, I if I, like I said, if I were to tell the ending it would give away or if I were to tell you the beginning, it would give away the ending and though you might already suspect what's gonna happen with that, you definitely don't expect the to the level that you experience this. Now the reason I say that this would not be a good date movie or anything or and don't eat is when I saw this in the theater, there were a couple people in the same screening that I was in that uh, tossed their cookies would probably be a polite way to say that. <laugh>, like I said, it is very graphic, it is very gory, but it is, it is so well told. Speaker 0 00:07:56 If you've ever been a fan of the Dracula series or type of series stories, this isn't a series, but any of the type of Dracula stories, gargoyle stories, anything about Nosferatu, anything along those lines, this is gonna definitely be one that you're gonna wanna check out. If you've never been a fan of those kind of movies or if you are not up for the level of violence that's gonna be going on here, I would definitely sit this one out. But that's about, I mean, like I said, I can't, I have a really hard time recommending this if you're not a fan of those genres, but if you are a fan of those genres, this will be a favorite movie for a lot of people. It's just not gonna appeal to everyone. That's one of the reasons I maybe didn't give it a little bit of a higher score is as well as it was told, it just was so violent and so graphic that it very much limited its own audience. So not quite like Halloween type horror, but just monstrous type horror. So I hope that helps Speaker 1 00:08:55 Stick around because we are gonna be talking tomorrow about the new movie Grand Tomo and I'm so excited to talk to you about that one. So I hope you stick around and like subscribe and share and of course I will be back tomorrow to tell you about that one. Bye-bye.

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