Leave the World Behind (2023)

Leave the World Behind (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Leave the World Behind (2023)

Jan 22 2024 | 00:12:18

Episode January 22, 2024 00:12:18

Show Notes

This story is a Netflix movie, it is more than it seems but is that a good thing or a bad thing... that's for you to decide


I fucking hate people, point comfort, leave the world behind, Charleston harbor, sag harbor, white Lion, Archie Sandford, Rose Sandford, Clay Sandford, Amanda Sandford, George scott, g.h. Scott, Ruth Scott, unrecognized emergency warning,  cyberattack across the country, hackers, if you're not paranoid by now it's probably too late, love you bug, the huxleys, Maya Scott, at200 flight number, Taney farms, 1619 MHz, death to America, for the lot, microwave radiation, Isolation / synchronized chaos / coup d'etat, friends final episode the last one, 

In memory of Patrick Shelby and Rocky Babcock,

We order that you pay attention to this brochure. We own the most dangerous and destructive bombs in the history (of the world). And we give you this frightening truth so you can contemplate it.

Part 1 the house
Part 2 the curve
Part 3 the noise
Part 4 the flood
Part 5 the last one

The transcription can be found below

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello, everybody, and welcome back. It's a both welcome back for you and a welcome back for me. As you can tell, my voice still is not where it needs to be. And what we're going to be talking about today is we're going to be talking about a movie and something besides a movie. And I actually picked this movie based purely on its title. This movie is titled leave the world behind, and you might already be familiar with it as it's a Netflix movie. But since I did my last episode on Wonka, I have wanted to leave the world behind. I cannot believe the sheer amount of vile, horrible, degrading, just nasty messages and stuff that I have gotten. [00:00:51] It's made me want to leave everything behind. Not my family, of course, but this has been really hard. And getting over this sickness and everything has been really hard. But seriously, if you don't like listening to me, if you don't like what I have to say, turn the friggin program off. I'm not going to try to put on errors for somebody, and I'm not going to try to be anything else. I'm not doing these episodes yet because talking, for me, is still quite a chore, as you could tell by my voice. And I wanted to come on here to talk about this one, but it's important to address this other stuff, too. [00:01:35] If you want to send me a message, and you would tell me it's like, how awful I sound, so be it. But when you tell me that I would literally be better off dead, that you'd rather just basically, it's not to the level of being threats, but some of the comments are so beyond vile of what these people are imagining happening to me or doing to me. Like I said, it's not quite to the level of threats on all of that, but it's enough that it is beyond disturbing. [00:02:14] I do apologize. I have no control over that at all. And you may be wondering, why is she even attempting, sorry. Beyond to do this with all of this? And why isn't she, like, editing some of this crap out? [00:02:30] I've always said I'm just me, and you're going to get me. You're going to get just basically me. [00:02:37] But getting back to this movie here a little bit, you may be wondering what this is. Well, leave the world behind. Like I said, it's been tempting for me, too, but leave the world, I always say. I'm not going to edit all this stuff out, so I've got to take a drink and before anybody assumes otherwise. See, that helps my voice a lot right there. [00:03:02] I'm drinking water. It's just basic water. Sweetened a little bit of the monk fruit stuff. It's all I'm drinking, so nothing harder than that. So forgive the pauses on. [00:03:15] Oh, that's refreshing. [00:03:17] It kind of settles the frog down just a little bit in my throat. As long as it doesn't start spasming, I'm good. [00:03:25] But this story is a Netflix movie. It's a little more than it seems, but that's not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing. This is supposed to be like a psychological type of thriller, and I don't know if it quite accomplishes what it's attempting to do. Before I get into the movie, though too much, you're probably wondering if it's guilty or innocent. And a whole thing on the deputy scale. I will tell you, I did give this movie a guilty rating, but you're going to have to wait till the score till the end. [00:04:00] An important thing that I've been trying to do in these movies is mentioning if there's a memorial or an in memory of or a loving memory of, and then the credits, which is easy for a lot of people to mess. It says, in memory of Patrick Shelby and Rocky Babcock. So hopefully I pronounced those properly. But in this story, it's broken apart into five parts. It's got the different chapters, it's got part one is the house, part two is the curve, part three is the noise, part four is the flood, and part five is aptly titled the last one. Now, you know me, no spoilers, so I'm not giving anything away on that. But what you have here is you have a couple with some kids and they live in the city and they're wanting to just get out of the city for the weekend. So they rent basically, like an Airbnb type thing with this house. And they get out there and things are going. Seem to be going great, at least on the surface. But then for their first night there, things start to go really weird because the homeowners show back up and they need a place to stay because some stuff's going on in the city. They ended up coming back home, and as you can imagine, that's more than a little bit awkward with everything kind of going on. And then all of a sudden, the phones don't work and there's this weird, like, radio frequency and nothing. They have no idea how to navigate because they're in an unfamiliar area and there's just a lot of really weird things going on with some deer. Their daughter is obsessed with a very popular television show. So that makes a big thing with all of this. And then the father and daughter, the homeowners that come home, his wife and her mom is overseas, and so they're wondering if she's going to be able to get home. And then just some unnatural disaster, things start happening. And it's really kind of twisted. It's not overly graphic or overly gory or anything like that, but there's just some really heavy, weird stuff going on. Things that have to do with microwave radiation, isolation, this whole thing. They actually use the term synchronized chaos. [00:06:27] And I think that's probably a really good way to put it. And another line in the movie that I just thought really fit this well is, if you're not paranoid by now, it's probably too late now. Okay? That can be said about a lot of things, including our current state of government and our world and everything that's going on with everything right now. And if you've listened to me for any length of time at all, you know my stance on that, that I am proudly a registered independent, but I would probably be a constitutionalist if that was offered in the state of Nebraska. But since that's not offered, I am a registered independent, but I am a constitutionalist at heart. So stories like this, I can see where they're trying to go. And there's a lot of hidden stuff that's going on. There's a lot of Easter eggs put in here, but there's also a lot of things that people are really reaching to try to see. There's some YouTube videos and stuff that like, oh, this is the secret meaning of all of these things in this movie. Sorry, I'm going to take another drink here. [00:07:33] But I just. Talking about the secret meanings of all of this stuff in the movies, and. I'm sorry, some of that stuff is like, oh, my word, you are reaching. It's like if you are looking so hard as to try to read numbers on a clock and think that they mean something in a particular scene, or who knows? You know what? Maybe they do. I don't know. Maybe I'm not putting enough into this. But ultimately, this one is definitely not a movie for everyone. [00:08:00] If you are into like, apocalyptic type stories that are just, I don't know, maybe missing something, you may really kind of enjoy what's playing out here. [00:08:12] If you're not, then I would definitely skip this one. [00:08:17] It seems like at least as a storyboard, it had potential. But how that played out onto the final product it leaves a lot to be desired. Now, I think it's important to mention and whether or not you're for or against it either way after this one. But it's like, you could probably figure out my stance on it. But the Obamas were some of the main producer director people on this, and that kind of gives you the direction that this does kind of go in a little bit on that. [00:08:50] So, as you can imagine, it's like they can't do something like this without putting just a little bit of that whole difficulty into it. The difficulty of man made difficulties. Not even wording that well at the moment. Sorry. [00:09:06] Hi, Zaza. One of my kitties is coming up. She's stepping all over my that she decided to walk all across my desk. And she's actually not feeling too good lately. We just took her to the vet a couple of days ago, and she has some heart problems that we weren't aware of. And she's almost ten years old, but she's our special little fuzzy baby, so she's our only long haired kitty. But, yeah, she's just got a special place in our hearts. Her name is Zarina. I call her Zaza. Or we call her Zaza. Yeah, she's our special little fussy. [00:09:42] There was my voice. [00:09:46] Know, since I started this thing of not really editing these videos, I don't have a filter. I mean, outside of. In front of my mic, I never have a filter. So that's about the only part I filter myself. I don't even edit that out because I'm careful not to use those words that I would have to filter out. Mind the story, leave the world behind. It has a lot of very vulgar language. There's a lot of f bombs and a lot of other things that people could take out of context, or even in context, that it might be a little much for some. [00:10:17] But, like, I mean, take that into account. The fact that the Obamas had a big part in making of this movie. And if that is going to either encourage you to watch something like this, or if it is going to entice you to stay far, far away, that's completely up to you. Now, you're probably wondering what I gave this on the deputy scale. Now, that's where I struggled with this a little bit. I'm like, okay, personally, I'm kind of leaning one way just a little bit, just based purely on the story, but staying completely true to the deputy scale on the whole thing as it plays out. Here I am giving leave the world behind. A 4.75 out of ten on the deputy scale. This was one of those movies that if you're not into stories like this, it would be very easy to be forgettable. And if you are into movies like this, there's still just something missing. Will there be something else after this? Will there be a continuation of the story? Will that add to it or take it away in all of this? [00:11:31] I'm honestly kind of curious to see if there will be more to this and if it's going to be better or worse. I'm having a hard time really picturing it going either direction just based off of what we had here. And mind you, okay, some of the things that they're proposing were at least intriguing. And if they get you thinking and get you googling things. But the thing is, is that what they want? Is that a conspiracy? There's so many different things, and I'm not going down that rabbit hole on that. [00:12:01] But I hope that you have enjoyed this, that I've tried to bring it to you. I am going to go take some more medication for my throat kick back and take it easy for a little bit. So until I can get back to you again, which I hope is soon. I will talk to you all later. Bye.

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