The Boys In The Boat (2023)

The Boys In The Boat (2023)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
The Boys In The Boat (2023)

Feb 03 2024 | 00:11:41

Episode February 03, 2024 00:11:41

Show Notes

I was not expecting this story to hit like it did. Just another sports movie with a little heart... right? it was about so much more than you'd think. Not only did it dare to step outside of itself, it did so in a touching and heartwarming way while maintaining its integrity to the sport itself. 


Daniel James brown,  engineering design process,  joe rantz, joyce rindorf, asuw shell house,  most difficult team sport in the world,  Royal brawn, conny boat,  technique is more important than power, pacific coast regatta,  husky clipper,  spirit of '28, don Hume, kids back east are in boats before they're in shoes,  penny teria, Hazel ulbrickson, Al ulbrickson, steam locomotive 6233, Poughkeepsie regatta,  bosporous, husky gold 1936,

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Hello, everybody, and welcome back. As you can hear, I have gotten the majority of my voice back. If I use it too much, it does start to go away. And I still am dealing with some coughing fits, but I am trying my best to be back. The fatigue is still knocking me on my rear end pretty good. But I am here to talk to you about some or one of the movies I'm going to be talking about. And until I kind of get back up to speed, I'm going to be doing these shows on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. So you're going to get four shows a week until I kind of get back up to myself. And that is starting with today's show, with today being Saturday, February 3. Wow. Can't believe we're in February already. I'm not even sure where January went. Quinn, as usual, my kitties are in the office with me and my studio office, the room where I get everything done. [00:00:59] Got to be careful. I don't want to make myself laugh, but that still makes me choke pretty good. But if you are, just come. If you randomly came across us and you have no idea who I am. Hi, I'm the deputy of movie deputy podcast, formerly known as Not the whole, like, Prince type thing where he turned himself into a symbol and that kind of whole thing. I mean, there was a meaning for it, but not quite like that. But operated pretty well for about eight years. And deputy will be ten in April. Yes, ten years old. Wow. [00:01:37] Think of all the traffic we've had on the website and all the listens that we've had to these shows so far. You may be wondering, like I said, if you're new, you may be wondering why I'm doing this. Well, first of all, I absolutely despise the woke version of Hollywood. But more than that, I hate spoilers. And if you've read basically any review from basically anybody, I'm not saying, like, everybody out there, but there is a large portion out there. They give too much away. And by the time you're done listening or reading those reviews, you're like, why do I even want to bother seeing this movie? Quincy, stop it. Come here. [00:02:15] I do have six kitty cats. For those that have heard me mention that in the past, they get free roam of my office as well as the rest of the house, obviously. And yes, I work from home, so I occasionally have interruptions of the four legged kind of the little fuzzy kind, the little sweet, lovable kind. And I'm going to be talking about that a little bit more. [00:02:41] As we dig a little bit deeper into this show, you might be wondering, what movie am I going to be talking about today? Well, today I'm going to be talking about the movie the boys in the boat. [00:02:52] If you saw any of the previews. If the name doesn't ring a bell, it's the movie about the rowing team that ended up going on to the Olympics. And don't worry, no spoilers. They're nothing even close to that. But this movie technically focuses on Daniel Brown. He is just this. [00:03:11] He does so much to try to bring this story to life. And he's the author that originally created this. The athlete that this movie is about. His name is Joe Rantz. And this is in the time of the depression. He had a difficult thing with his parents. And so he wasn't sure how he was going to afford to be able to go to school. And the opportunity came up that it's like, if you qualified for this team, not only did you get school paid for, but you got room and board paid for as well. Quincy, stop it. Come here. He is just being a little pill tonight or this morning. My days run together. So, yeah, like I said, the whole thing is about how he does that and the life that he makes for himself. But in the very beginning of the movie, you should see an older gentleman and a young boy rowing the boat. And you're like, okay, how does this fit into the story that's being told? You're going to want to stick around at the end of the movie and into the credits for a little bit more of an explanation on that. Don't worry, I'm not going to give it away. [00:04:14] But Joe really, he worked hard with the team. The thing is, with these rowing teams, it's a team of eight that's in the boat. Pardon me, I've got to take a drink here for a second. And you know me, I don't over edit these programs anymore. [00:04:29] Sorry about that. [00:04:31] But this team, they have to be in perfect sync with one another. [00:04:38] It's such an elegant sport, such an elegant movement, but there is so much technicality to it and there's so much difficulty to what they're doing. If you ever watch that episode of the amazing race where they had to just do a single person rowing of these type of boats down this length and they had to do it in a set period of time, I mean, that's a perfect example of how difficult this is and how difficult this was for them back then. Because if you're in a boat by yourself, you can control your movements. But if you're in a boat with seven other people and you're all rowing at the same time, imagine having to get that precision down. Exactly. And if you're not into sports movies, you are still going to enjoy this movie because there is so much heart and there's so much story to what is happening here. [00:05:26] I just got so caught up in that I am giving the boys in the boat an innocent rating on the deputy scale, which means basically safe for all ages. There was nothing really inappropriate at any point in this movie. And honestly, there was really only one mistake that just, okay, I am married to somebody who works in the transportation industry, and when you hear the mistake I'm about to talk about, you'll understand why this has just bugged my brain so much. And you'll probably be able to figure out what industry in the transportation world that he works in. [00:06:04] But in this movie, they get on board a train and they get ready to go to travel across the pond over to Germany, where the Olympics are, because the team qualifies for the Olympics. Again, no spoilers. It has even this information in the trailer. So, like I said, you don't ever have to worry about spoilers with me. [00:06:21] But as they're getting on this train, I happened to notice the steam locomotive number, or steam train, as some might more recognize that, but the steam locomotive number was 6233. And so I'm like, I've never heard my husband mention this one before, or I've never read about this one before. So after the movie was done, I go home and I look it up. [00:06:45] The movie kind of takes place in the Seattle. It takes place in Washington primarily, except, of course, the Olympics, which are in Germany. But the steam locomotive 6233 was only ever operated in Europe. So they're not exactly going to be able to get on the train from their hometown and go to where they fly across the pond. If this train only ever operated in Europe, that one just. [00:07:16] I mean, come on. We have so many steam powered locomotives. I mean, so many of them have been discontinued, but there are so many that have been restored and that do these excursions and stuff around the country. It's like, couldn't they have really used one of these? I mean, they could have used the big boy, which is a 4014. They could have used the 844. They could have used so many different ones. Instead, they choose to do one that had only ever operated in Europe, and they made it look like it was happening in Washington. [00:07:46] I'm just as like, honestly. Okay, if that's the only thing I can complain about about this entire movie, you know, it's not too bad. [00:07:56] Gotta be careful. Gonna make myself cough again. Like I said, my voice still isn't the greatest yet, but I'm getting there. And it's just stories like this just make my heart happy. Now, you found out that I gave it an innocent rating on the deputy scale, but what did I give it score wise? Well, this one might surprise you. The boys in the boat got an eight out of ten on the deputy scale. You did hear that, right? An eight out of ten. And especially sports movies. I mean, so many of them get caught up in the sport and don't really tell much of a story. Or vice versa, where they get caught up in the story and end up neglecting the sport, which ends up being the main topic of the movie. And those ones I'm honestly really harsh on. But this is not the only sport movie that has ever made it into that high score range. And feel free to check out for a few more of those other ones that are in the sport category. [00:08:52] But I'm going to leave you on that, at least for the movie part. Now, as you've heard me talk about my kitties, we love our kitties and we have six fuzzy ones, if you hadn't caught that earlier. And that includes a few exotic ones as well. I don't go into a whole lot of detail on that, but as you can imagine, with a house full of kitties, we've got to have a way to keep them from going absolutely stir crazy. And I honestly have to thank one particular company for that. And it is specifically called one fast cat. They have these wheels and they are like these 4ft in diameter wheels and it comes with this base and it's really easy to set up in all of this. But it has been such a godsend for our family. Our cats or some of our cats. Not all of them. We've got a few that won't really get on it and run much, but they get on it and they just run and run and run and run, run. Picture a giant hamster wheel, but for kitty cats and one fast cat has them on sale right now. I don't know how long the sale is going to be going on for. I don't have any special movie deputy promo codes or anything as we are currently, or I'm reaching out to them now to try to see if we can do something like that, but I have to thank one fast cap very specifically for this wheel because the invention of it and the creation of it, the production of it, everything has just been superb with this and so I just can't say enough good things about it. If you're interested, just simply Google one fast cat and you will easily find their products. Like I said, they are on sale right now, so I'm not sure how long that's going on, but if you have cats that are stir crazy and you want to find an option for them, check them out. So like I said, I just want to start giving them a shout out because I just think it's awesome. And like I said, as you know me, I love my kitties and so if I have something that I find that my kitties absolutely love that I can share with other people, I want to share that. And there's no special links to click on, nothing like that. It's just my love for these products. [00:11:00] So I will be back again soon to tell you about some more movies that I've seen recently. Some good, some maybe not so much, but I guess you're going to have to wait and find out. Again, make sure to keep up with our new schedule. Again, I apologize that I've been sick for so long as I am basically a one person show. It is me, myself, and I. I guess it's like three people, but I'm not a multiple personality, so you know what I mean. [00:11:29] But like I said, we are going to be Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, starting with today being Saturday. So come back Monday and I will talk to you soon. Bye.

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