Rocketman (2019)

Rocketman (2019)
Movie Deputy REVIEWS
Rocketman (2019)

Aug 29 2023 | 00:06:19

Episode August 29, 2023 00:06:19

Show Notes

Elton John is one of the most acclaimed musicians in the world. Everyone has to start somewhere and that's where this story takes us.

Original Review:

How do you capture someone like Elton John on the big screen? He's larger than life in many ways but is his story too big for the big screen... We're about to find out. His life from an early age was difficult. His home life was far from ideal, his only want was acceptance and love. That only came from one person, but it wasn't the person that he needed it from. He would come to discover an astonishing ability and this one person that believed in him would help him to pursue his passion. As the years passed, he became a novelty act. Playing pubs and background for other musicians or just mindless entertainment. It never stopped him from reaching out to those in the industry though. One connection put him in touch with someone who would change his life. Together, they would compose and create his iconic songs. As amazing as his life was, he needed more. His addictions got to a point that they controlled his life, it was all behind the scenes though. Fans flocked to him to be entertained and he flocked to his addictions for the same reason. Life finally got to be too much and he hit a brick wall. At that point, he walked away from everything and reached out for help. That is where this movie begins and ends, one of the highest and lowest points in his life and career. The story that is presented here is not for the faint of heart, it's raw, it's real, it's life. Is it for everyone? No, but for the majority, it's a ride that must be experienced to be understood.

Be sure to stay into the credits for some incredible comparisons and insights into the life and career of Elton John.


18725f, b301 vur, Bernie taupin, bluesology, border song, creeper lounge, Dick James, don't break your neck sucking your own cock, Doug Weston's troubadour, Elton Hercules John, honky cat, I do not live my life in black and white, I have everything to keep something that u never even had in the first place, I have fucked everything that moves, I have taken every drug known to man, if you don't care about yourself how do you expect anyone else to, it's always important to rely on the kindness of strangers, my fingers couldn't work fast enough to keep up with my brain, real love's hard to come by so you find a way to cope without it, regency cafe, Reggie Dwight, Reginald Dwight, Richard Rick Williams, Rodney Jones, Royal Academy of music, tfn799, the American soul tour 1969 great Britain, xoe670, you gotta kill the person you are born to be in order to become the person you want to be, you just need to remember who you are and be okay with it

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 Hello everybody and welcome back to the movie Deputy podcast where we review movies by interrogating them for their plot and content. I am the deputy of movie Deputy podcasts here to bring you the unique perspectives that, oh, I am a little bit biased, but I think that only I can bring. I'm not saying I'm alone in my thought process, but I definitely have a lot of fun bringing these to you. And I do. So while I am half wrestling with my five cats, I've got all five of them here in the office with me. I just thought it would do something a little bit different, and so I'm having to wrangle them just a little bit here and there. Not strangle, wrangle <laugh>. I love all my babies. They range in age from three to nine. Two of them are the same age as they're litter mates, and the other three are just random kitties that we rescue. Speaker 0 00:00:55 They're all rescues. Rescue is my favorite breed. We have a couple of exotics, but they are some of our rescues. And like I said, rescue is in fact my favorite breed. But I am here today to talk to you about the Elton John movie that came out in 2019. Rocket Man. Now, if you have ever been a fan of Elton John's songs or Elton John's life or anything about him, this is gonna be a movie that you're gonna wanna see it divulges some of the dark sides to his life and some of the dark sides to this whole industry. And it just, I don't know, it kind of gets uncomfortable at times, but it does so in a way that makes you wanna keep coming back. No, nowhere in this movie is it Like we're, oh my gosh, I can't believe they showed that. No, that is, that is nowhere in this. Speaker 0 00:01:44 And okay, whether or not you agree with his lifestyle, that's, I mean, that's not even what this is even about. Obviously they touch on that in the movie, but ultimately this is about his life and his music. Now, he is one of the most iconic musicians in history. People from both sides can appreciate that. I mean, we know that all of, a lot of his connections and stuff on the left, but how many of you know that he was actually hired to play at Rush Limbaugh's wedding? Hmm, I bet that might've surprised you. And yes, in fact, he did play at Rush Limbaugh's wedding when Rush married Catherine. So just another little tidbit of information that's kind of a cool little point. No, obviously it's not mentioned in the movie, but <laugh> just kinda a cool little tidbit of information on that. But I wanna share with the original review that was on movie, how do you capture someone like Elton John on the big screen? Speaker 0 00:02:38 He's larger than life in many ways, but is his story too big for the big screen? We're about to find out. His life from an early age was difficult. His home life was far from ideal. His only want was acceptance and love. That only came from one person, but it wasn't the person that he needed it from. He would come to discover an astonishing ability, and this one person that believed in him would help him pursue his passion. As the years passed, he became a novelty act playing pubs and background for other musicians or just mindless entertainment. It never stopped him from reaching out to those in the industry. Though one connection put him in touch with someone who would change his life together. They would compose and create his iconic songs. As amazing as his life was, he needed more, his addictions got to a point that they controlled his life. Speaker 0 00:03:37 It was all behind the scenes though. Fans flocked him to be entertained, and he flocked to his addictions for the same reason. Life finally got to be too much, and he hit a brick wall. At that point, he walked away from everything and reached out for help. That's where the movie begins and ends, one of the highest and lowest points in his life and career. The story that is presented here is not for the faint of heart, it's raw, it's real, it's life. Is it for everyone? No, but for the majority, it's a ride that must be experienced to be understood. Be sure to stay into the credits for some incredible comparisons and insights into the life and career of Elton John. Like I said, if you've ever been a fan of his yesterday, today, tomorrow, and you have to come across this, this is one that you really should experience. Speaker 0 00:04:34 If you're not a big fan of his, you might not appreciate this movie as much, but there are, there's just a certain thing that's timeless about his music and timeless about him. And so I'm so glad that the studios jumped forward with this one and made this. Like I said, it's a bit of a fantasy. Not everything that happened on screen happened. I mean, it's Hollywood, it's, it was inspired by real life, inspired by Elton John. Obviously it's not Elton John on the screen, but <laugh>, hopefully you can recognize that. But like I said, I'm always having fun bringing these to you, and you're probably wondering what I did give Rocket Man on the deputy scale. Hmm. I gave it a 6.75. Now you're probably thinking, okay, why did she give it such a harsh rating? Well, it's 'cause some of the content and the way it's approached in the movie. And then there's just a couple things in the movie that just, I dunno, just there were, it's hard to explain. It didn't hurt the watchability or the enjoyment of the movie, but it knocked it down a couple pegs odd. Like I've always said, I'll never give a perfect score to a movie. And so there's some just little flaws, little continuity things that most people are not probably gonna catch. But I can't help but notice. And if you're curious, I actually did give this movie a guilty rating just because of some of Speaker 1 00:05:56 The, the content and everything that is addressed in the movie about not only the music, but his life as well. So I hope you have enjoyed this. Again, please like, subscribe and share, and be sure to come back for the next ones that we are going to have tomorrow, and oh, pretty much every day, <laugh>, I'm having so much fun. I hope you are too. But until later, bye-bye.

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